Chapter 6

Our Twisted Love
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Kris's eyes widened and he quickly looked back at s, who were also gaping in shock. They stood, still in complete bewilderment, as the girls walked in. All of the members were floored by how uniformed how they looked now. All but Sage had tight black skinny jeans. They all wore black boots with various heel length and black leather jackets. Eva's shirt was girly, but at the same time badass. Scar's high heels could kill and her shirt had a studded skull. Aisha's boots were high and her button up was tight and had purple plaid print. Sage's normal black jeans and combat boots made a statement despite the simplicity of her blue tank. Eva's boots clinked from the buckles on her high heeled boots as she walked in.


"How did you-" Kris stammered. Eva notched an eyebrow, noticing that he had small tattoos on both arms near the shoulder.


Aisha smirked, "Cameras. You guys are sloppy."


Chen smacked a hand against his forehead while Luhan groaned with annoyance.


"I knew we were forgetting something." Tao muttered in Chinese. Sage and Aisha raised their brows.


"Boy, don't you know by now that we know what you're saying?" Sage said, letting her sass flair. Tao rolled his eyes.


"Anyway. We want to know, why did you leave Beijing?" Eva began grilling them for details.


Kris sighed. "That street fight was too close for comfort, so we packed up."


"And forgot your cameras." Aisha added, still smiling mischievously.


"Yes, yes we forgot the cameras. We know...we know..." Luhan said.


The boys all had the same thoughts running through their heads: 1. The girls are better than they thought, 2. They need to stop being so clumsy, it could cost them dearly, and 3. They needed backup. Kris looked at s, hoping that some of them had some sort of cover story to tell the girls.


"So, have you and your little members acquired a safe house now?" Luhan asked nonchalantly.


"Hotel room fees were getting expensive. So yeah, we do." Eva said, crossing her arms. "What does it matter to you that we have one?"


Lay smirked. "You girls are feisty. It's amusing." Tao looked over at Kris, who had his hand near his cell phone. Tao got the message, keep them talking.


"So you tracked us all the way down here, why?" Chen asked.


"We needed to know if you guys knew any place for us to stay, but we got that covered already." Sam said, looking at her nails with boredom. "We also wanted to know which gangs started the street fight so we could keep an eye out for them."


"Well...each gang in Beijing has their own specific gun they like to use." Tao said, thinking fast. Scar turned, interested.


"Oh really?" She questioned. Tao nodded.


"Oh yeah, you'll need to distinguish the sounds in order to figure the gangs." He turned to one of the guns on one of the many shelves. The girls stood back, giving their full attention on the rough-yet-attractive male as he loaded a gun and fired at the target on the other side of the room. He nodded twice, a code for Kris to go and make a call.


He stepped outside, unnoticed by the girls, and pressed a number. He waited for the person to pick up, hearing the gunshots from inside the safe house.


"Yes, what do you want, Wu YiFan?" a gruff voice said.


"Sir, it's those girls. They found us. The brainiac of the group bypassed all of our security systems." he answered.


"Dammit. Work harder, keep them close to you. I'll be sending the rest of the boys your way." The gruff voice said.


"But sir, aren't they doing a job for you in Korea?" Kris asked slowly.


"They're wrapping up right now. Until then, keep them busy." The man said.


"Will do, sir." Kris said. The line went dead. He put up his phone and made his way back inside. He was greeted by a burst of laughter. Laughter?


"Oh my gosh, Chen, are you serious?" Eva said, holding her sides.


"Yeah, ask any of them!" He said with a chuckle. "And then...right when this 'totally bang-able' girl finished giving Kris a ...her wig fell off. The dude was a drag queen!"


"Did you have to tell that story?" Kris asked with a groan, matching the rest of s expressions of exasperation from Chen's embarrassing story.


"Well, of course! Embarrassing stories always break the ice." He said. The girls looked at Kris, and then started laughing all over again. He made a note to throttle Chen later. Of all the embarrassing stories, he told Kris's.


"So, Kris, did you like finding out the 'totally bang-able girl' was actually a boy?" Aisha asked, eyes glittering.


Yep, I'm throttling Chen.


"Chen, I'm going to kill you." He said firmly.


"I'd like to see you try." Chen laughed.


"Now, tell us a funny story." Lay said, making his way to a couch. The group followed and sat down with him, except for Kris and Aisha who decided to stand.


"Well, there is this one..." Aisha grinned.


The boys turned to look at her, listening to the brunette.


"So, a month or two ago, we were in Italy, and our friend Tori decided it would be wise to talk to an attractive Italian. Naturally she doesn't know a of Italian, so I taught her how to introduce herself, how to ask if he was single, and that he was cute... Everything was going smoothly until she messed up on the third sentence...instead of saying he was cute, she said he smelled like her dead grandma..."


The boys howled with laughter.


"So, where is Tori?" Chen asked, catching his breath. Scar looked away suddenly.


"We don't know...." She s

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Kate here~ OTL will be subscibers only. There has been news going around of plagiarism and we are stingy old ladies who don't want our stories stolen.


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OMG, amazing!