Chapter 12

Our Twisted Love
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Aisha sat around the computer flipping through all the information that had been gathered. She had done some hard core research on all the gang members K had told them about. It was possible that they had been there but after hacking into the camera's mainframe from where the girl had been taken, it didn't look like any girls were with the SHINee men.


Scarlett and the other girls came walking into her temporary office.


"Anything new?" Evangeline asked, propping her feet up on the side of Aisha's desk.


Aisha moved her bangs from her face in frustration. "No. I see six people but none look like there might have been a girl. I only see men."


"So what do you think? Those boys are playing us?" Samantha asked, blowing a piece of hair out of her face.


"It is possible...but sitting here wondering isn't going to give us the answer." Evangeline sighed.


"Do you think Danny would know anything?" Scarlett asked suddenly.


The five girls glanced at each other then at Scarlett's royal blue phone on her hip. Scarlett picked up her phone and punched in the U.S's code and Danny's number.


"Hello?" A Boston accent sounded through the phone after four rings.


"Danny? It's Scarlett. I need to ask you something."


"What is it?" He asked hesitantly.


Scarlett stopped to think about her question before answering. "Have you heard anything from Tori lately?"


The girls heard him sigh through the phone. "Did Tori put you up to this? God does she not understand we're over. Look, I don't have time for this. So whatever Tori asked you to do forget it. I'm not playing her stupid game."


Evangeline snatched the phone out out Scarlett's hand. "Listen here douche bag. Tori didn't put us up to anything. You wanna fricken know why!? Because while we were off trying to help her forget about a of a boyfriend like you she got taken away when some idiots let bulls out. NOW ARE YOU GOING TO HELP US OR NOT!" Evangeline said threateningly throughout the phone.


Silence crackled over the phone in front of Evangeline's face.


"What do you want to know?" He said, finally ending the silence.


Scarlett took the phone back. "When was the last time you had seen Tori?"


"The day she found me and Traci together."


"So four months ago." Sage interjected. The girls couldn't believe that Victoria had been missing for two months now.


"Yeah. I guess." He said.


Scarlett clenched her jaw shut, Evangeline had a muscle jumping in her eyebrow, Samantha closed her fist until it became a white ball, Sage and Aisha narrowed their eyes at his answer.


Ignoring his 'I guess' part of the comment,Scarlett went on asking questions through clenched teeth. "What about heard from her. Phone calls, texts, emails, skype?"


"I already told you. I haven't seen her since she found me with Traci." He answered annoyed.


"And I'm trying to find my best friend so shut up and answer my questions." Scarlett snapped. "So you haven't seen her and heard from her at all, correct?"


"No I have not." Danny answered, exasperation clear in his voice.


"What about any of your friends?" Samantha asked, finally saying something.


"No." He said quickly.


Samantha raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow to the others. "You answered a little quick there Danny. Anything you need to tell us?" Sage questioned.


"No." He repeated again.


The girls shook their heads at each other. They didn't believe him. "None of your friends have seen or heard from Tori in the last four months?" Evangeline asked, suspiciously.


"None." He answered quickly again.


"Really...because the sound of your voice says otherwise." Aisha said, coldly.


"If you're suggesting that I have anything to hide then you are deeply mistaken." Danny said frostily, hanging up.


Scarlett snapped her phone shut. Face tight with tension. "He's hiding something."


"Aisha." Evangeline said.


"Already on it." Aisha responded, fingers flying over the keyboard.


A picture of a shaggy dark haired boy with baby blue eyes popped up. "Daniel Michael Wellington: twenty-three ‘years old. Born March twenty-fifth, nineteen ninety one at eleven fifty P.M at Massachusetts General Hospital. Parents are still alive. His father got promoted and had to move down south to Arkansas when he was seventeen. Graduated from Little Rock and is still currently enrolled in Arkansas Tech University until he graduates in two years.” Aisha continued to scan through his file. She would occasionally making a grunting sound.


“We know that he meet Tori in the middle of her freshmen year in college. He was twenty-one and her eighteen.” Sage said, with her finger pressed to her lips in concentration.


“No real trouble with the police besides some speeding tickets, two DUI’s when he was eighteen and nineteen.” Aisha suddenly said. She made an ‘oh hoho’ sound. “Looks like our friend here got caught for possession and selling of .”


Evangeline snapped her fingers in triumph. “So we don’t know all of his friends.”


Scarlett lended over Aisha’s shoulder. “When did this happen? How long ago?”


“A year before he met Tori.” Aisha answered.


Sage leaned her against the edge of Aisha’s desk. “Why? You think that maybe that had something to do with Tori going missing?”


“If you think about it it does make sense. Boy gets caught, stops long enough for the popo to stop looking after him, meets Tori two years, doesn’t want to lose her so quits selling because he doesn’t what her caught up in it, men get mad and take Tori as revenge.” Samantha reasoned.


“Two years after he says he quits they wait to take her and after he cheats on her?” Aisha threw out.


“They wanted to be sure? I don’t know man.” Samantha said, throwing her hands in the air.


“He’s not telling us something and now that we know some of his past we may know why." Sage said, staring at his file.


“This isn’t a fairy tale with a happy ending. That whole idea of him quitting for her seems like total BS. There’s more to this story that we aren’t seeing.” Aisha said, angrily.


“You’re right; this isn’t a fairy tale with a happy ending because happy endings don’t exist.” Evangeline said.


A couple of the M and K boys came over later that day. Chen went and sat beside Samantha, trying to annoy her. Kris and Suho started to have a what looked like a small argument with their hands flying to emphasize the point.


“What’s up with the love-birds over there?” Scarlett asked, nodding her chin up at the direction the arguing males were at.


“Lover’s quarrel.” Baekhyun snickered.


Scarlett tried to suppress the grin that was forming on her lips. Baekhyun started to poke her sides playfully, which ended with her scream-shout for him to stop. She e

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Kate here~ OTL will be subscibers only. There has been news going around of plagiarism and we are stingy old ladies who don't want our stories stolen.


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OMG, amazing!