Chapter 28

Our Twisted Love
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They ran down the streets of Seoul, slightly thankful that the sun was beginning to set. Nebula didn't ask any questions on where they were going, but it wouldn't hurt to know. Lay scooped Victoria up and carried her on his back, clearly picking up that she shouldn't be running. Aisha kept her fingers interlocked with Sehun's securely, wishing that she hadn't been so stubborn with her feelings for him. They could've had more moments together instead of more or less facing certain death. The fact that his leg had been stabbed worried her even more, her calculating brain thinking about all the possible outcomes that could happen if he didn't get it treated. This was a time she wished she didn't know so much.


"Wait a minute, didn't you say that Fa Chi's power house is in Hong Kong?" Samantha asked as they ran/staggered along.


"Yeah...about that..." Xiumin began.


"That was a lie. It's actually here, in Seoul." D.O said as they turned a corner. "And we're running straight towards it."


"Seriously!?!? Why did you lie to us again?!?" Evangeline said, clearly exasperated.


"Old habits die hard, sweetheart." Chanyeol spoke up. They turned three more corners and slowly came to a stop in front of a prison.


"We're here." Kris said, regaining breath. The rest of the members gasped for air and stayed in the shadows. Aisha noticed the security cameras swarming the area, and actually found the irony of such a badass man residing in a castle-like prison funny.


"Okay, how do we get in?" Scarlett asked, looking at the men patrolling the area. Tao cocked an eyebrow at her.


"You're not going in."


"What? Why not?!" Evangeline, Samantha and Scarlett exclaimed.


"Because this is a fight specifically between us and Fa Chi. We got ourselves into this mess; we need to get ourselves out." Luhan said. He saw the worry fill Sage's eyes.


"I guess that means you're going in there..." She said softly. Luhan swallowed hard but didn't respond.


"Who else is going in?" Aisha asked, catching on to what the boys were saying. They looked at one another, the amount of sacrifice hanging in the air.


"I'll stay." Lay said, cradling a still traumatized Victoria.


"We will too." Kai and Xiumin said at the same time.


"I'll go in." Tao said, loading his gun. Kris nodded, silently confirming that he was going to take down Fa Chi.


"Me too." D.O confirmed out loud.


"Wait...before any of you decide who's going in...why did this to me? Why was I taken?" Victoria asked.


Suho in a deep breath. "I'm staying since Kris is going. And well...Danny told Fa Chi that you were causing trouble in the mafia. There had been a couple of drug raids where some mastermind was stealing the mafia's supplies. Danny convinced Fa Chi it was you causing all the trouble and so once he told us that you were headed off to Venice, we took off and got you."


"Well, Danny must've been really good with bull." Samantha said with malice.


Suho agreed. "We realized that it wasn't her when the drugs kept disappearing. We then found out it was the pesky independent BTS gang. By then we had just discovered that we were wrong and officially wanted to help out, but we had to keep following orders."


Victoria gulped and made eye contact with Tao. "Thank you, for shooting him." Tears pricked the corners of her eyes anyway. Tao nodded solemnly.


"I'll be going with the group." Chanyeol said.


"We'll stay here." Chen said, looping an arm around Baekhyun. "Try to ease the tension."


Sage and Aisha recognized then that Sehun and Luhan were going into that dreaded building to face the king himself. Sage's eyes began to water. She wrapped her arms around his frame tightly. “I don’t want you to go.”


“I know, but I need to. It’s the only way we can get out of the mafia. I don’t want to live like this anymore.” Luhan said, squeezing her back just as tightly. She could hear his heart fluttering fast.


“There’s not another way?” She asked, tears falling. He shook his head sadly.


“Don’t’s going to be okay, Sage.” He said, wiping the tears from her face.


" Please." She pleaded. The others turned away to give them some sort of privacy.


"I will." Luhan said, kissing her lips softly. "I'll always come back to you."


Sehun began to join the group that was about to leave but Aisha tugged him back. "I can't let you go in there." She stated bluntly. He saw the fear in her eyes for the first time.


"Aisha, I have to," he explained gently. "He's my uncle. I have to finish this."


"I know you do. But you're injured." She protested, gripping his hands even tighter.


"I'll be fine, trust me." Sehun insisted. Aisha shook her head, galaxy hair flying about. He could see her biting down on her lower lip, fighting back anxiety.


“I can’t let you...all those security cameras and men walking around. It’s a suicide mission.”




“Let me at least come with you-”


He cut her off. “No. I can’t risk you getting hurt.”


"I just..." She squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm always caught between saying too much or too little. Please, please, please be careful."


Without thinking he cupped her face and kissed her quickly, earning surprised gasps from the group. "I will, Aisha. Be brave."


Her eyes were widened in shock at that swift action while Chen and Baekhyun couldn't resist the urge to whistle at the most inappropriate of times. "We will be back, I promise." he stated. She swallowed hard and nodded.


Nebula and half of Exo stayed behind and watched the group come together. Evangeline took her cousin into her arms as Sage began to cry. Samantha went over to Aisha and saw a tear escape her eye as she watched Sehun disappear as well as the other half of Exo went into the shadows and to the ominous building.


“Is it clear?” Luhan asked, slinking back into the shadows as another mafia member walked by.


Tao slowly crept fo

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Kate here~ OTL will be subscibers only. There has been news going around of plagiarism and we are stingy old ladies who don't want our stories stolen.


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OMG, amazing!