Chapter 15

Our Twisted Love
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Chapter 15

"So...are you sure these people will help us?" Scar asked, eyeballing the men smoking on the corner. The boys nodded.

"Yeah...they know a lot of information about the mafia...I'm surprised they're not dead yet." Baekhyun assured her.

"All you need to say is the code word." Chen said.

"What was that again?" Sam asked.

"Josimhada." Tao said. "Korean for: beware."

"Kay. Got it." Scar said. The girls approached the hostile-looking men while the three boys stayed back acting as bodyguards.

"So, we've heard you guys have some interesting information for us." Sam said to the men. The tallest man put out his cigarette and looked lazily at the two.

"Don't you have something better to do besides talk to random strangers about supposed 'information'?" He asked. The girls noted that his English was actually really good.

"Josimhada." Scar said. That time all three men turned their attention to them.

"You know the passcode. Who else came with you?" The second man said. He looked over the girls' heads and saw Baekhyun, Chen, and Tao in the shadows. They raised their brows as the three boys nodded in unison at them.

"Just three allies. Now see here, for the past two months or so we've been searching for a friend and we have enough evidence to prove that she was taken by the mafia. Not just the mafia, but a specific gang the mafia owns. Exo. Where did they take her and why?" Sam said bluntly. The third guy chuckled.

"What makes you think we're going to spill all of that information out to two random Americans?"

"We're not just two random Americans." Scar said, jaw clenched. "We've happened to have been here for a while and know quite a bit about how things are done here. So...are you going to help us or not?"

The girls didn't notice their accomplices coming closer to them and making silent motions.

"Fine. If your friend was taken by Exo, she was most likely taken to Hong Kong. That's the Big Man's power house. ion is pretty high right now up there and the customers want a bit of more...variety. Or she could've been taken to Shanghai. Both places are very likely." The third man said.

"As for Exo...they like to be individuals. Each person has a specific thing they do, and they seldom meet up. Most of the time they communicate through electronics that's impossible to hack into. They're impossible to track..." The second man said.

"And why did they take her? Sorry, can't answer that. The boss doesn't have to have a reason to really take anyone. If it gives him more power, than he does it. So, good luck finding your friend. You're going to need it." The first man concluded.

"Is that all you needed?" The third man asked.

"Yeah...that'll do just fine." Scar said, and turned to leave. Sam stared at the men, intimidating them slightly, before leaving too.

"Did you get what you wanted?" Chen asked as they walked past them.

"We got two locations to scope out and the nature of that stupid Exo gang. We could take them out." Sam said, putting her hands in her pockets. The boys rolled their eyes.

"I don't think you get it when you're told not to mess with them. Seriously. You think you guys are so big and bad because more and more gangs are hearing about you. But that doesn't mean you're strong enough to take down Exo yet." Tao said coldly as they slid into the galaxy car.

"Sorry, but even if the cost was to burn a city down to get our Tori back, trust us, we'd do it." Scar said just as coldly. Sam started up the car and began to drive back to their safe house where their girls would be waiting for the news.



"And short...Tori is either in Hong Kong or Shanghai. And Exo could easily be targeted if Aisha finds the right transmission." Scarlett concluded. The boys had stood a little ways away so the girls could plot their next move.

"Sounds good to me. We're going to have to pack up and move out." Evangeline said, taking charge. The girls began to plan all at once what they should do to get to those two places, but to Aisha, something wasn't adding up. Aisha held up her hand to show she wanted to speak.

"What is it?" Samantha asked.

"Some of that information doesn't make sense." She stated. "For one: we know that the men that took Tori was a group of six. And they all knew why would six men that spoke in Korean take Tori to two heavily populated Chinese places? We don't know if they know Chinese. If they did they might have spoken in it even for a moment if they were trying to get in touch with whoever they were shipping her to in China."

"True..." Sage said. "I was wondering about that too."

"And the security cameras. There were six men speaking in Korean too, when we investigated the other abduction? I can't help but think that if Exo took our girl and the other one, they wouldn't do it one person by one person...they'd do it in like a sort of wolf pack. And if that's Exo who took the random girl, we know that there are six members." Aisha elaborated.

"So...those men gave us wrong information...well...let's have a little chat with our friends here." Samantha said, shooting dagger eyes at the three boys that led them there.

Evangeline strutted up to Kris. “So we’ve reevaluated the info those boys gave us and it doesn’t add up.”

Kris blinked. Tao slit his eyes. “Are you accus

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Kate here~ OTL will be subscibers only. There has been news going around of plagiarism and we are stingy old ladies who don't want our stories stolen.


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OMG, amazing!