My Turn to Leave

I'm Sorry I Left

1 Month Later

Krystal ran into the restaurant she worked in. Ye-jin had woken up late and Krystal barely made it to her kindergarden on time. 

"Jung Soojung, you're late. Again." her boss angrily said. 

"I'm so sorry! It won't happen again." Krystal said.

"You've said that for the past 2 weeks. A young girl like you doesn't have any excuse to come late to a 10:00 shift." 

Krystal couldn't say anything. Her boss walked away shaking her head. She quickly tossed an apron on and began serving food to the customers. This restaurant was where most companies held meetings and made negotiations with each other. Seafood and steak never ran out here. This was the highest paying job Krystal could get with the amount of education she had. But it wasn't enough for her and Ye-jin so she had to work several part tike jobs as well throughout the week. She carried out two platters full of lobster and pasta. But, she nearly dropped them when she saw the person at the table she had to give them to. 


She cleared and hurried over before her boss yelled at her for being slow. Kai was with another person, a girl and he quickly glanced at Krystal before he realized it was her. 

"Here is your food. Enjoy." she said before turning around. 

"Wait, you forgot our drinks though." the girl said. 

Krystal bit her lip and turned around. Kai's eyes widened. "K-Krystal?! What are you doing here?!" 

People stared at them. Krystal clenched her fists. The girl looked at both of them. "Do you two know each other?" 



They said at the same time. Krystal shook her head. "I'll go get your drinks. Sorry for the mistake."

The girl smiled. "It's okay, no problem. Take your time."

Krystal grabbed the drinks and set them down on the table. Kai cleared his throat. "Can I have a word with you Krystal?" 


"Can I speak to you in private?"

"Well, I'm afraid I can't right now." with that, she turned around. 

Kai couldn't eat properly because he was only looking at Krystal even though he was meeting his future wife. 

"How do you know her?" she asked. 

"Oh...we're college classmates." 

"Just that?"


"Ok. Then how about we talk about us now then?"

"Yeah, sure I guess." 

For the next hour they talked and Kai wasn't even listening. What the heck was Krystal doing here? Serving? When it was time to leave, the girl he met said she would take the bus but kissed him on the cheek before doing so. Krystal scoffed at the sight. How unlucky could she be? Kai continued to just sit and stare at her, until it was closing time. What the heck was he doing here? It was Krystal's turn to lock up. 

"Its closing time now sir." she said to him.


"Yes sir." 

"Krystal." he said softly

"Don't call my name like that please." 

"What the heck is going on here? I mean what are you doing here?" 

"I'm working or at least trying to. It's time to lock up now though." 

"Fine but I'm waiting outside." 

She shook her head as she turned to lock the restaurant up. Just as he had said, he was waiting outside.

"What is it that you're so curious about? You think you can just talk to me and recognize me after what you did? I cannot believe the gut you have to talk to Ye-jin. Its absolutely ridiculous. And Ye-jin just keeps asking and talking about other girls who have dads. And look at her dad. He ran off." she said.

"So...she is mine." 

"Then what? Did you think she wasn't?"

He didn't answer. 

"Look, I don't know what you're thinking Kai. But you seem fine now, I mean you always were. It looks like you're getting married soon too. And I am fine with Ye-jin. So I'm begging you, even if you see me or Ye-jin, anywhere, do not speak to us. Don't even look at us. Please." 

He didn't answer again. Krystal ran her fingers through her hair. "I take it that you understand."

And with that, she left. Just like he did 5 years ago.


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Chapter 22: Update veryy soon pls author nim!! I cant decide whom should krystal end up with!! Aahhh!! What the best for her lahhh!♥♥♥
IntanMasduqi #2
I hope the ending was myunstal huhuhu~~
Chapter 22: Myungstal.. Pls give us some myungstal even if u hv already decided to end up kaistal
mwohae #4
Chapter 22: myungstal pls krystal had suffered a lot in the past bc of kai let myungsoo and krystal end up together;;
kamleon #5
Chapter 22: omg what happend._.
krystal be strong! and kai where are you pffft--
miggy_ss #6
myafilip #7
Kaistal pleaseeeee
Chapter 22: Kaistal pls :) There romance is the best!