Sheet - 2

Through Music

Bam! There hasn’t even any word spoken up by Seohyun, but the whole class was flabbergasted by the coming of a student frontally to the class. Now, everyone spare a glance at him who breathe heavily, try to gain his sanity back.


That fringe-haired guy rose his head up, “I’m sorry for being late, sir”


Aish, that guy seem really stayed up the whole night again” Shinhye murmured at the back, and mentally face-palmed her face who seems get used by that guy habit.


“Alright, Jung Yonghwa again. It’s your third times being late for my class. Who else want to join him? Anyone?” The lectured turned his body and reached for an absent book.


Yonghwa, the name of that late-coming guy who now proceed the way in with the left energy he has and try hard begged at the lecturer.


“Sir, I’m so sorry, sir. Please don’t subtract my score, sir. I promise I won’t be late anymore. Really”


“No-no-no. Its already your third times and no more tolerance. Its my rule!”


Yonghwa still try hard begged at the lecturer who nonchalantly wrote down his name on his note book which filled with some name of bad student in this college.

Unknowingly, Seohyun now left abandoned in front of the class, stunned, seeing that guy named Yonghwa who completely try his best to melt the lecturer’s heart and forgive him by not write his name on there.


After his long struggle, apparently it ended nothing. He faintly turned his body and startled at the existence of a girl who stand right in front of him which seemed new to him in this university. Seohyun quickly flashed a polite smile and bowed as if greeted him and slowly took a few step back due to their face gap which is like only inches apart.


He smiled and bowed her back in a dash too then as he hold his surprised expression that time. ‘W-who is this girl?’


“Aigoo~ Joohyun-ssi, sorry-sorry, I almost forgot you are still standing there. Well then, you may continue the introduction later as the time being. Now, you may seat on..”

The lecturer eyeing the whole class, look for any empty seat for her. “Ah, there! The one which on the back of the corner” and finally pointed at an only empty seat in this class. Yonghwa who proceed the way to his seat faintly got startled, as which seat was pointed on because apparently he also seat on the back. He gaped widely.


‘AAAHHH! Please, don’t that seat, sir. Why am I so unfortunate today?’


It was not his seat that was pointed just now, but his next seat precisely. Yup, it has been his dominance seat since first, where he usually put all of his unknown heavy stuffs there, made his own seat stay roomy and comfortable. Even that seat gap is stayed the same as usual, so stuck together with his.


Yonghwa who reached his seat first collapsed in a split second faintly bewailing his bad fate this morning, followed by Seohyun who’s officially the owner of the seat from now on.


Pat-pat. Someone patted at him in pity from the front. “Haha, what a bad luck you have this morning, chingu. Chukkae~”


“Yeah-yeah, whatever you say” He retorted indifferently with a pitiful look and buried himself. He gave up, nothing he could do anyway, even he completely ignore that transfer student who is now seat next to him.


Yeah, he was too exhausted this morning. His eyes felt so heavy after doing his secret hobby the whole night, nonstop. And in a few seconds later, he fell asleep and enjoying his comfortable nap.




When the break time came, Seohyun stepped out from the class and pick out a pamflet which turned out to be the mathematic club’s from the bag. She checked for the club’s location and contact person again to make sure. But then someone patted her shoulder, made her turned.


“Are you looking for the math’s club location?” Asked the girl who apparently is her classmate, the one who sit in front of her precisely. She flashed a very friendly smile at her.


“Ah, yes” Seohyun a bit stuttered by the girl sudden appearance, but she still managed to smiled her back nicely.


“Let me show you the way then” She offered and then shared a hand at her “By the way, I’m Im Yoona”


She welcomed her hand warmly “I’m Seo Joohyun”.


Then Yoona lead the way to there and dropped her right in front of the club’s room. Seohyun entered the room right away and told the members inside that she wants to join the club. One of the member who’s apparently in charge of the vice-leader handed her the registeration form to fill while she make a phone with the leader ask to come over.


Several minutes later, someone entered the room and everyone inside welcomed him respectfully. She really bet that he’s the leader then. That tall guy come closer to her who’s just now being interviewed. Seohyun and that vice-leader stood up in instant.


“So, are you the one who’s apply to join the club?” He asked, in a very friendly way. She can clearly seen in this gap that this guy has a round eyes.


Seohyun said yes while the vice-leader inform him that she’s a new transfer student from abroad and hand him over her college record from the 1st year of college, also some of her certificates of achievement as a proof in hope to make it easier for her join this club.


“Hmm, you have a good enough record” He muttered between his nod with eyes didn’t leaving the papers, while the girl in front of him was mentally frowned, like really.


‘Didn’t he just said, ‘good enough’? My 1st year record, good ‘enough’? With those sparkling numbers, ‘good enough’?! Okay, what kind of guy is he?’


“Well then, let me see your ability directly, shall we?” He paused for a moment “And oh, I almost forgot. I’m Cho Kyuhyun, in charge of the leader here”


She greeted him back and heading to another room in the club to had a test which lead by him. ‘Fighting!’




“So, how was your first day college? All is well, right? Your eomma called me this afternoon asking about you, since she said that she can’t reach your phone” Jihyo asked her right away when she return home, look pretty exhausted.


Seohyun rubbed her bare neck, “Ah yeah, I was left the phone in my room this morning. But everything was good. I’ll tell eomma after this”


Then she proceed the way to her room and threw her body on the bed, eyes travelled on the ceiling randomly. She breathe out remembering the moment this afternoon. She did managed to pass the test easily. But she admit that the questions Kyuhyun gave wasn’t that easy, so that guy must be a clever one, no wonder saying her amazing record just a ‘good enough’ one.


“Seohyun, grab some meal here. You must be hungry, right” Her imo exclaimed from the kitchen.


“Ne, I wanna take a shower first but”


Seohyun got up and reach the closet to fetch some clothes. But her eyes caught something other than her cloth. The previous blue handkerchief, made her somehow reminded back that memory again. She caressed it softly and flipped to another side. And an old-inked inscribed word shown up there.


‘ LJH ’


Wonder what that means. A code? A name? Or just a random thing which got no meaning. But that three alphabet has been haunted her all this time in curious, since that’s the only thing which written there. But again, she put back in the handkerchief to the closet, unsolved.




It has been around a week already for Seohyun spent the days on her new college. Everything went well as she expected. Her mood, her study, her club, everything but one thing remain, she has not found any close friend yet up until now. But it didn’t mean that she failed in socialize or got no friend, just that she has not found the closest one to be hang around.

And today, she ended up spending her break time at the college library, since there’s an assignment from the club to do.


Pat! Someone patted Seohyun who busy looking for a book, made her turned quickly.

That girl spread a hand up playfully at her, “Hi!”




“Eyy, don’t call me Yoona-ssi anymore, please. We’re a classmate, you can lower the honorific, Seohyun”


She startled at the call just up, “S-seohyun?”


Yoona nodded, “I think it’s a cute call. Can I call you that name then?”


“Well, actually almost all of my close friends call me that name. It surprised me you also call me that way just up”


“Jinjja? I’m an expert then. And so, it means a yes, right?” She smiled generously.

“Anyway, how was yesterday, the math’s club. Did you made it?”


“Ah, ne. Gratefully I made it”


Yoona clapped her hand spontaneously as parted in amazed, thought she’s indeed a brainy. It’s not an easy one to pass the test there, but she made it right in her first day transferred here. Daebak!


The girls were continue chattering freely, talked many things from the college’s stuff until the personal one. Can’t believe Yoona could match her that well and that fast. She’s an easygoing and very talkative type of person, while Seohyun isn’t a the type who make a first chat. So, she felt grateful meeting this kind of friend.


The time apparently has passed by so long, made the girls shocked when eyes checked at the clock hang on the wall. They have late around 5 minutes for the next class, so they packed up all the stuffs and race to the class as soon as possible. Yoona showed her the shortcut way there since she knew better about this college. But she admit that she just figured the way out recently, because it’s a pretty empty corridor here, no wonder its a hidden one.


But then, Thump! She stunned all of sudden made her stop from  running. Something caught her ears. Thump! It come again and yes, she’s certain about what she heard just up. A guitar string noise that sounds familiar with her. She listen to it well as she start to look where did it come from. But someone grabbed her arm fast, made her a bit startled.


“Seohyun! What are you doing? Come on, we might late for the class” Yoona whined and wriggle her body as she pulled Seohyun hard.


“W-wait a second, please. I need to find where does that guitar noise come from”


“What’s with that? A guitar noise? Are you daydreaming now? There’s no way someone play a guitar in this college. Come on, hurry, we already late 6 minutes by now!” She pulled her harder.


Seohyun gave up as the noise also dissapeared. She tilted her head, ‘Am I really day dreaming? B-but I really heard it just now’. Then she decided to leave the place and run to her class again, further. Though, that noise still flying around her head.


Creak.. Someone opened a door that apparently around the location Seohyun was.

A fringe guy peek to the left and right sneakily. ‘No one? But I heard a noisy voice of girls just up’ He shrugged his shoulder, ‘Nah, maybe I just misheard it’.


Bzzz-bzzz. His phone buzzing on his pocket, it’s a text that come up. He go check it nonchalantly.


‘From : Shinhye


Yah, Yonghwa! Where are you now?? Are you going to skip the class again? Come here asap if you don’t want your eomma to know it, arrasseo!’


“Aiish, this girl” He hissed and put his phone back to the original place. He packed up his guitar set and reach for the class immediately. Leaving his guitar there.


As he reach the class door, he peeked in and saw the lecturer seemed busy checking up his bag for something. He took a deep breathe and open the door slowly, think it’s a lucky chance for him to sneakily enter the room, since the lecture had his back on the door.


Everyone now stare at him who stepped in slowly, try not to create any sound, even a breathe. He hold his breathe, made a ballon of his mouth.


Shinhye glare at him and mouthed, ‘Yah! Micheosseo?!’


And Yonghwa gesture her back as if saying ‘Sshh! Be quite’


Everyone burst a pretty big giggle at his act, made the lecture turned at them. Yonghwa shocked and pinned himself to the wall in a dash. Still hold his breathe.


“What are you laughing at?” Said the lecturer in a stern look, “Get focus on the task!”

Then he checking up on his bag again. Everyone back to focus on their task while Yonghwa continue on his sneaky pace.


“Are you crazy? You might caught by the lecture!” Shinhye whispered that pretty much yelled at him as he reach his seat on the back, just as usual.


“But, luckily I didn’t” He answered confidently, as if it’s not a big thing for him. Shinhye shook her head and rolled her eyes then turned her focus on the task again.


“Hey, what was the task he gave?” Yonghwa patted on her shoulder. She swatted his hand, “Go find it yourself!” He hissed then. He took a peek around, and ended eyeing at someone who is the nearest to him.


He waved at Seohyun, made her turned face him straight. “What was the task he gave? I just come in so I have no idea” He whispered.


Seohyun checking up her table that scattered with stuffs. But then she handed him a sheet of paper. “Here, take it” She whispered back. Yonghwa grabbed it and see some questions on the sheet. He gulped. But then he mouthed and pointed at her ‘How about you?’.


Seohyun reach a book of hers and lift it which face him, “I’m already copied them all”

Yonghwa nodded right away, made an ‘O’ on his lips.


When he was about to do the task, the lecture shouted “Jung Yonghwa!”

He startled, extremely startled and answer him in no time as he face down and raise his hand up, “I haven’t finish it, sir! I’m sorry, please give me time and I..”


“What are you talking about? I’m doing the absent now” The lecture cut his words in confusion. Everyone can’t hold their giggle, so does Seohyun while Yonghwa stunned motionless at it.


‘This guy, jinjja..’




The day after, Seohyun back to the previous place she heard that familiar guitar’s sound, at the same time. She’s indeed curious about it that she confident about her ears heard it true. She’s alone now in order to found out the culprit properly.


She stand still, close her eyes try to heard any sound that might appear.

Thump! Her eyes opened widely. Yes, that sound come out again. It’s echoing slowly through these walls. So she follow the bounce of the sounds in focus.

And finally, she stopped in front of a door that the noise sounds come out from it.

She swallowed the saliva, and open the door slowly as he already collect lots of effort to do it.


She peeked in and saw a glasses guy is sitting there alone, made the guitar’s sound he played echoing beautifully in this empty room. She amazed by it in instant as her lips slightly parted. There something that come up on her mind in a dash, ‘Is that.. The guy I met in that rainy day?’


Suddenly, that two-tone haired guy sensed a presence of Seohyun. He turned his face at her. She gasped, but another thing came across her mind, ‘T-that fringe and the hair color..!’


“Uhm, excuse me. Who are you?”


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Apuichaa #1
Chapter 19: Really good..Tq~
ela2807 #2
Chapter 19: wahhh so beautiful. thank you authornim.
wussa8 #3
Chapter 19: kyaa cute. thanks for the update. love it
ela2807 #4
Chapter 18: Huwaaaaaa,.,thank youuuuu...
adina1602 #5
Chapter 17: Welcome back author-nim.. Miss you.. I need to read back the whole chapter to get the feeling back.. Anyway its a good chapter.. Gonna wait for next update.. Fighting...
chino29 #6
Chapter 16: wow a very sweet confesion ^_^
i'm afraid she would remain being selfless, i'm glad she wasn't
i like yonghwa's determination to say it all and not letting go
P.S. your author note make me looking forward another twist in the story
Chapter 16: yay finally they made up!! :)
tipani22 #8
Chapter 16: Yay Yonghwa and Seohyun made up and hoping Min Ho doesnt loose his memory due to the accident. Shin Hye you know your love for Yonghwa is one sided, you really need to get a life or give someone else a chance to heal that broken heart of yours. Thanks for Updating.
Chapter 15: why?!?!?! please update again~~~...anyway #5yearswithyongseo :D
please update~^^...seriously i hate kyuhyun and shinhye -_-