Episode 6: Does it matter?





Jimin struggled as she tried to open the door with her hands full. She had just been dropped off by her manager and she had to carry multiple shopping bags into the house and of course, opening the front door was the first stage in the obstacle course.

Once she heard the lock click, she used her elbow to press down on the handle and leaned her thin body on the door so that her weight could push the wooden door open. Though she barely landed inside the house with both feet on the ground, she made it in without a scratch nonetheless.

She proudly wobbled into the living room and dumped her bags on the floor immediately. She then went onto moving the coffee table elsewhere so that she could comfortably sort out whatever was in those bags in front of the sofa (and the camera as well).

One after one, Jimin pulled out different items from her bags and set them on the sofa behind her. After some time, the sofa was filled with miscellaneous things that were all paired up – they were couple items. These things ranged from phone cases and key chains to beanies and scarves.

Just as Jimin was about to try the scarf on, despite the weather being awfully hot in the middle of the summer, the front door beeped and a figure was seen at the entrance of the living room. Jimin turned around and greeted the person with a wide smile.

“Hey!” she waved at the person, as the latter placed the set of keys on the top of the drawers.

“What are those?” he asked, obviously surprised to see so many foreign items on their sofa.

“Ah, these?” Jimin looked at the items briefly before turning back to her husband. “I bought some of them but most of them were given by fans.

“Really?” his eyes widened. He was genuinely shocked to see the amount of things their fans had given them already and by the looks of it, it didn’t seem like it was going to end at all.

Taekwoon made his way to the sofa and stood next to Jimin, who was still fiddling with the scarf that she was about to put on. Taekwoon ran his fingers on the soft wool of the scarf and gave Jimin a questioning look.

“Are you really going to try it on?” he asked. “It’s the middle of the summer.”

Jimin laughed. “I know!” she replied. “But I still want to try it on! I mean, these were given to us by the fans, right? It’s only natural to try them on!”

Taekwoon shook his head disapprovingly. Though her mind set was right for an idol, it doesn’t take away the fact that she was going to put a scarf on in the middle of summer. But what could he have done to stop her? He had spent enough time with her to know what kind of person she is and that she would never give something up unless she tried it before.

He stood up slowly and grabbed the air-con remote from the small basket on the coffee table that was now a few feet away from its original position. He turned the air-con on and fiddled with the remote until he got the desired room temperature.

Taekwoon turned back to his wife to see that she was happily wrapped in a scarf that covered almost half of her face. His eyes travelled to her hands that were holding onto his scarf that was a set with hers. He had already knew what she was thinking when she turned and grinned at him. Without any words, he made his way back to her and bent down slightly. Jimin’s grin widened as she saw her husband’s gesture and she instantly wrapped his scarf around him in the same way as she did hers. Taekwoon stood back up straight when he felt Jimin’s hands were off him. He could already feel the sweat making its way through his skin.

“We look great!” Jimin grinned and Taekwoon rolled his eyes discretely.

“How do you know?” he asked. “You haven’t even seen yourself.”

Now it was Jimin’s turn to roll her eyes. Lately, Taekwoon have been very playful with her, always playing on her words and turning them against her. Not that she didn’t like it, in fact, she loved how he was open with her. He wasn’t the same reserved person that didn’t speak much, like in the first episode, and instead, he spoke more with her and now it wasn’t just her that had to initiate a conversation.

“I just know, okay?” Jimin replied. “You turned the air-con on?”

“I wasn’t going to die from overheating.” he shrugged and Jimin laughed.

“You’re not going to die.” she said. “The worst that can happen is you fainting.” she laughed again.

Taekwoon narrowed his eyes at her and he moved his hand to gently knock on her head. Though it didn’t hurt at all, Jimin yelped and took the opportunity to whack his arm in a force ten times as big as his.

As her husband rubbed his arms, Jimin took her scarf off, helping Taekwoon afterwards as well. She felt bad for making him wear the scarf – she could see the beads of sweat forming on the back of his neck. She plucked a couple of tissues from the tissue holder and dabbed them on his neck, wiping the sweat off and hoping that it would help him cool off. She purposely made his stand where the air-con was blowing and hoped that her actions weren’t too obvious, even though Taekwoon had saw through her long ago.

“So, what are we going to do today?” Taekwoon asked, acting like he didn’t notice anything at all.

“I don’t know.” Jimin answered. “I was going to sort these things out before doing something else.” she said, referring to the items they received from their fans.

“Something’s missing.” Taekwoon said as he observed the pile of goods on the sofa.

“What is?” Jimin asked, now also looking at the gifts. Deep inside her, she knew what was missing but she didn’t have the guts to say it aloud. She hoped with her fingers crossed that her husband would be able to read her and know what was truly missing for her.

“Couple rings.” Taekwoon said quietly and Jimin’s eyes widened.

He knows. Jimin thought. He really knows! She couldn’t help but be ecstatic. She couldn’t believe that Taekwoon was able to pick that up. She didn’t care whether he was able to read her thoughts or that he just judged from the pile of things but the fact that he knew a couple ring was missing made her heart beat in an erratic rhythm.

Taekwoon had seen the excitement in her eyes when he turned to face her. At the mention of couple rings, Jimin’s eyes lit up. He knew she had a romantic mind and that she believed in fate and destiny and therefore, something important like a symbol of love cannot be left out, be it real or not.

“Let’s go.” Taekwoon said, breaking Jimin off from her chain of thoughts.

“Go where?” she asked confusingly.

“To buy what’s missing.” he said.

Jimin’s brows knitted before a light bulb moment happened. She gasped and her eyes widened.

“Really?” her voice came out a pitch higher than usual due to her happiness.

Instead of verbally answering her, Taekwoon went behind her and held onto her shoulders to push her towards the door, despite her wanting to gather her things beforehand.

“You don’t need anything.” he said.

“What? But I need-“

“Just go?” Taekwoon pleaded. In his opinion, she didn’t need anything when she was with him and he hoped that she had noticed that by now.

Jimin couldn’t do anything but comply with her husband. Though she was a little annoyed that she didn’t have the chance to gather her things, the excitement of getting the “missing object” overtook the negative feelings.



“They’re going to buy rings!” Nayoung yelled loudly inside the studio. She too, couldn’t hold her excitement for the upcoming event.

“It’s about time they get a ring!” Danny commented. “Did they not realise that they got married without a ring?”

“Though I must say I’m surprised that it was Leo-ssi who said that.” Misun said. “I would have thought that Jimin-ssi would be the one to bring it up.”

“Maybe she had always wanted a ring but never said it.” Jongmin gave his input to the conversation. “Maybe she was waiting for Leo-ssi to do something about it first.”



“I knew something was missing since the first day.” Jimin said to the camera. “But I just could pick out what it was until now.”

“Did you really not know?” the PD asked, still a little doubtful since females are the type to dwell on these things for the longest of time.

“Ok, fine.” Jimin sighed. “I did find it weird that we didn’t have a ring but I really didn’t think much of it!”



“My members asked me about it at home.” Taekwoon confessed.

“So does that mean you didn’t have any idea about it yourself?” the PD questioned out of his and the audience’s interest.

“I did.” the minimal-speech Taekwoon appeared again.

“So was it your members’ idea to buy a ring or was it your own idea?” the PD pressed on, not wanting to miss out a single chance to squeeze some information out from the idol.

But to the PD’s disappointment, the only thing Taekwoon did was not giving him an answer to the question. The younger male only shrugged in response.



“Oh~ he’s a cold city man!” Jongmin whistled.

“A man with few words like him is charismatic.” Nayoung nodded.

“Lady-killer type?” Danny asked.

“Absolutely!” the two females replied simultaneously.



Passer-by’s stared at the couple as they entered the busy mall. Jimin mentally asked Taekwoon why he chose the busiest one out of all others they could have visited instead.

“Are we being stared at because of the cameras or because they know us?” Jimin whispered to Taekwoon, who was walking closely beside her.

He shrugged. “It could be both.” he said and Jimin groaned. That answer was no help at all. She still was feel self-conscious in front of the mass public. Out of all malls there are out there, he had to choose this one.

“Where are we going?” Jimin asked, curious of where her husband was leading her. Even though he wasn’t holding her hand or anything like that, she knew he wanted her to follow her through his gestures and the way he walked. She knew him that much to know what he wanted.

“Patience.” he said briefly, half-ignoring her question. His wife frowned in response.

Jimin observed her surroundings as she and Taekwoon went further into the shopping mall. They had passed the shops that the general public would shop from, she had noticed, but Taekwoon didn’t seem like he was going to stop any time soon. Jimin’s head was clouded with even more confusion as the couple turned a corner. In front of them were high end shops that lined on both sides of the mall, all large and grand. Jimin tugged on the end of Taekwoon’s top, getting his attention.

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” she asked, brows knitted together. “We’ve passed so many shops on the way already.”

“Trust me.” he said. “I know the way.”

As much as Jimin wanted to melt at his words, the situation was not for her to daydream about her husband. She had to know where they were going. On the other hand, Taekwoon knew of his wife’s personality. He knew the she wouldn’t stop bothering him unless he gives her the answer she was looking for.

Instead of asking more questions, Jimin stared hard at her husband, ignoring the awfully dreamy words he said just seconds ago. Taekwoon shook his head and sighed. There was only one thing that he could do.

Bravely, he took her hand and pulled her along with him, resuming their walk from earlier. Jimin’s eyes widened as she stared at their intertwined hands. She eyes then travelled up his body and landed on his back.

What would it be like to hug him from the back? She asked herself. But as soon as she realised what she was thinking about, she shook her head violently to empty those thoughts out of her mind. And unknowingly, her eyes were set on the back of his head. She could just about see his side profile and no matter how long or how many times she looked at him, she just couldn’t get enough of it. His facial features were just so unique that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. His features are fierce yet gentle at the same time and the way he looked at people gave off a mysterious aura. Though many would be scared away by him, Jimin only found him more and more interesting and intriguing. She had to know this man inside out, she was determined to do that.

In a blink of an eye, the couple stopped. Although Jimin was taken aback from the sudden halt, she remained calm and collected, much like how her husband had been all the time. She found her eyes looking at the logo of the shop in the wall. She gasped.

“Are you sure we’re at the right place?” she asked, hoping that Taekwoon would turn around that tell that everything was a joke because this shop was certainly not a joke.

Taekwoon turned to his surprised wife and nodded. “Why? Is there a problem with this shop?”

Jimin blinked. “W-well, the shop itself doesn’t have any problems but…”

“But?” he raised a brow, not really able to follow what the girl was saying.

“I mean… this is Cartier.” she stressed on the brand name.

“And there’s a problem with Cartier?” he asked even though he had a rough idea why she was making a fuss over this.

“Are you crazy?” Jimin hissed. “This is the Cartier! Why are we here?”

“I thought you wanted to buy a ring.” Taekwoon answered in his usually calm tone, which stressed Jimin out at this moment because he didn’t seem like he understood what she was trying to say.

Jimin groaned at her husband. “But we don’t need something this expensive!” Jimin stomped her feet lightly.

“But you might want something once you see their products.” Taekwoon said, using the same tone as her. “Come on, it’s fine. We’re only going to have a look, ok?”

She stared at her husband doubtfully. A look, he said. She wondered if she would be able to walk out of that shop in normal condition after seeing their products. Cartier was known to have the most extravagant and elegant jewellery. But most of all, their wedding bands were the dreams of brides and bride-to-be’s. Jimin bit her lips as Taekwoon dragged her inside.

Jimin’s eyes widened for the nth time of the day at the interior of the shop. The walls were white but decorated with many things: mirrors, crystals, diamonds and all other equally as shiny objects. Jimin couldn’t help but wonder how much all these things had cost to make.

Before she could let go of Taekwoon’s hand and wander off by herself, the latter tightened his grip on her and pulled her along with him, towards a saleslady that was standing behind a counter, smiling ever so sweetly.

“Hello and welcome to Cartier.” she greeted. “How may I help you?”

“I think there’s something reserved for Jung Taekwoon.” he said and Jimin gasped.

So he had planned this all along!

The saleslady nodded and smiled again. “I’ll bring the items out right away. Please have a seat.”

Taekwoon looked over at his wife to find that was dropped open and she stared at him with an utterly shocked expression. He knew that she wanted to ask him questions but he just shrugged at her. He spotted a few seats in front of a nearby counter and led Jimin to them, sitting her down on one of the seats, while settling on one next to hers.


“Here are the items you have asked for.” the same saleslady was in front of her with a small tray in her hands.

There was a black velvet box on top of the tray. The box itself was enough to make Jimin swoon at its beauty – it was hard to imagine what kind of reaction the girl would give once she saw the items inside.

“Thank you.” Taekwoon nodded at the woman, signalling her to showcase the items before them.

The woman let the tray down gently on the glass surface of the countertop and while wearing a pair of white gloves, she undid the ribbon that was tied around the velvet box. Once the ribbon was taken off, the woman gently lifted a flap and the box opened with its four surrounding sides falling on the tray. In the centre of the box sat two simple, yet breath-taking bands.

Jimin couldn’t control her emotions as she looked from the pair of rings to her husband. Tears were welling up in her eyes and she placed her hand over to stop herself from sobbing. At the sight of this, Taekwoon softened. He knew women liked surprises and he knew his wife loved them. Though he was sure that she would be ecstatic to receiving something like this but he wasn’t expecting her to be crying over it.

The saleslady carefully took the small ring holder for the rings and set it on the tray as well. She looked at Taekwoon before moving away to give the couple more privacy, even though there were cameras all around them.

Seeing that Jimin was still eyeing the rings, Taekwoon nudged her.

“Go on,” he told her. “Take a look. If they’re not to your liking then we can always exchange for another pair.”

Hesitantly, Jimin picked up the smaller ring with trembling hands. The platinum hoop was decorated with three small diamonds, all with a fair amount of space between them. Though the ring was simple, the meaning behind it was huge. Even though it wasn’t the typical massive-diamond-ring, Jimin felt that this was more than enough for her, for them.

She looked over at the other ring. It was a few sizes bigger than the smaller one and the band was slightly wider. Instead of having three diamonds embedded on the band, it had one in the centre, big enough to be seen at a distance. Something clicked inside her brain and she knew this was Taekwoon’s ring.

Jimin looked back at her husband, who had a gentle look on his face. He wasn’t frowning but nor was he smiling. If others who didn’t know him well, they would have thought that his mood was bad but Jimin knew. She knew what that look meant and she was thankful.

“Why…?” she asked, holding her tears back. “You really didn’t have to…”

“It’s the least I can do for you.” he replied. “You know, you’ve taken care of everything inside the house and nearly outside the house as well… you should really leave something for me to do.”

Jimin blinked at his words. As far as she was concerned, she was told that wives should be staying at home and doing chores around the house, even though she didn’t agree with that herself. But despite her different beliefs, she stuck with the tradition because she had no idea how others would view her. Not that she was afraid of negative comments from the public, she was afraid that Taekwoon would see her differently, in a bad way.

She quickly placed the ring on the tray again and hid her face with both of her hands. Though Taekwoon wanted to tell her to show her face, he knew better than to disturb a woman’s emotional episode. He saw the way her shoulders shook slightly and he hoped that she wasn’t crying. He would feel terrible for making her cry, even if it was for happy reasons. A girl’s tears were forever his weakness in life.

“Hey…” Taekwoon called out softly, patting Jimin’s shoulder. “You okay?”

Jimin wiped her face with her palm before looking back up at her other half. She blinked a few times to clear her eyes and once she saw Taekwoon’s face clearly, she gave him a small smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” she answered. “Sorry, it was just so sudden.”

Taekwoon softened. “You know, if you don’t like the design, we can always exchange them for another pair.”

Jimin shook her head. “No, these are perfect.” she said with a blissful smile on her face. “Thank you.”

Her husband’s face lit up with a smile. She was so sincere when she thanked him and that made him think he wasn’t doing enough for her, even though Jimin would definitely disagree with that statement.

As there were still tears in Jimin’s eyes, Taekwoon reached forward and used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were falling onto her cheeks. Jimin’s face flushed at the skin contact. Her body sat frozen until Taekwoon removed his hand. However, upon the detachment, Jimin felt as if something was missing from her. The warmth from his hand was enough to make winter warm for her, despite being in the middle of summer right now. She had missed that warmth almost immediately after he pulled away.

Without a word, Taekwoon took the smaller ring in one hand and held Jimin’s hand in another. The latter blinked at his actions but his position was enough to let her know what he was planning to do. Jimin bit her lower lip to stop herself from smiling too much.

Slowly but surely, Taekwoon slipped the ring onto the ring finger of Jimin’s left hand. He smiled when the ring fitted onto her perfectly, as if it was made to be worn by her. Before looking back up at her, Taekwoon took a few seconds to admire her left hand, which was now adored with a simple, yet beautiful wedding ring. He lifted his head and faced his bride with a proud smile on his face. He felt like he had the whole world in his hand at that moment and nothing was going to take it away from him, as cheesy as it sounds.

On the other hand, Jimin’s face was completely red. She had started to blush when her hand was held by Taekwoon but the second she realised what he was going to do with the ring and her hand, the blood rushed up her face faster than usual and even fanning herself wouldn’t do anything to bring the colour away. Despite the redness of her cheeks, her smile was wide. It was the first she had worn a ring on that ring finger and she felt like that particular ring was made for her finger. The fact that the silver complimented her pale skin and the way the ring was just the right size for her made her believe that this was meant to be.

Seeing the other ring sitting on its holder, Jimin knew exactly what to do. Carefully, she picked up the larger version of her ring with one hand and her husband’s hand in another, just like what Taekwoon did moments before.

She looked up at his face to see that he had a small blush on his cheeks as well – which was a rare sight and she wished she had her camera with her at that moment. She squeezed his hand and brought his attention on her instead of the wall behind her. She gave him an encouraging smile before slipping on the platinum ring onto his left ring finger in the same manner as him. She pushed the ring gently until it wrapped around his finger comfortably and securely. Before she could pull her hand away from his, she felt him holding onto her hand, tightening his grip and not letting her go.

Jimin looked up at her husband and the both shared the same emotion before breaking into a laugh. They shook their heads at each other before standing up from their seats. After thanking the shop staff and leaving the shopping mall, they made their way back to their car.

“You know, we’re supposed to exchange rings somewhere else, not inside the shop.” Jimin said with a chuckle.

Taekwoon glanced at her, giving her and a slight squeeze. “Does it matter?”

Jimin looked at her husband and then at their intertwined hands. “No.” she replied.

The location didn’t matter to her as long as it was with him.



“I can’t believe he did that!” Nayoung squealed inside the studio. After watching the whole scene in front of them, the whole studio fell into squeals and chuckles – they were truly happy for the couple.

“He really doesn’t seem like the type to plan these things.” Danny said, stopping the squealing all at once.

“But surprises like this really kills the ladies.” Misun replied. “If my husband plans something like this for me once in a while, I will remain his wife forever.”

“Are you saying that you’ll divorce him?” Nayoung asked with her eyes widened.

“She won’t divorce him.” Jongmin said. “She’ll die without her husband despite all these things she says.”

Misun laughed nervously at Jongmin’s words. She wanted to change the subject quickly at moment. “This guy is so unpredictable!”



“How do you feel?” the PD asked.

“Surprised. “ Jimin answered. “I never thought he would do something like this. I have come to know that he is someone who does small things for someone else behind their backs but I would have never though he would do something like this for me.”

“Are you disappointed that you didn’t get to choose the ring?” the PD chuckled, knowing that most brides would kill their husbands if they didn’t have a choice in the wedding bands.

“Not at all!” she replied, surprising the majority of the staff. “I don’t think I can ever be disappointed! I mean, just look at this thing!” she held her hand up for the camera to see. “It’s totally my style!”

The PD smirked as he thought of a cheeky remark. “Do you mean the ring is your style or Leo-ssi is your style?” The staff members laughed as Jimin lowered her head in embarrassment.



“Did you choose the ring yourself?” the PD asked when it was Taekwoon’s turn to be interviewed.

Being the man with few words, except for when he was around his wife, Taekwoon only nodded at the camera.

Not being surprised by the interviewee’s response, the PD pressed on. “Did you personally go to the store?”

“I went on the internet first and then I went to the store.” he replied dryly.

“Is there a particular reason why you chose that design?”

Taekwoon shrugged. “I just thought it suited her.”



 Oh god, this has to be the longest chapter I’ve ever written in my entire life! I’m sorry if you found it boring because of the length but I really didn’t know where I’d cut it if I were to have it in two different chapters!

Jung Taekwoon kills me, I’m not even kidding. Like what the hell? I don’t want to die like this!

Anyway, please subscribe if you haven’t already done so and please, please, please don’t be silent readers! Your comments mean a lot to me and just by reading them, I get inspiration and motivation to write!


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Omonaaa~ Taekwoon and Jimin is shooooo cute!
Chapter 24: Wahh! So good! Taek oppa is really adorable in this fic! It would be great if taek tells jimin he liles her or vice versa. I'll paciently wait for updates! Author-nim Fighting!
sazuka #3
Chapter 24: I love your story author nim~ and I'm still waiting for ur updates^^ Don't give up :D Fighting^^
clouds930428 #4
Chapter 24: the amount of the food in this chapter makes me hungry
Chapter 24: Why did you mark this story as completed?
loveUkai #6
Chapter 23: ❤ finally ~~~

Thank you for updating ,, keep it up "fighting"
foreverlovingkris #7
Chapter 22: This story is cute!^^♡♡
Yes!! Updated! Thanks authornim
789ten #9