Episode 18: Jealousy



With a bag of coffee in one hand and Choeun’s hand in another, Taekwoon walked into the studio silently. He had instructed the child to keep quiet before he entered because he wanted to give a certain person a surprise. Of course, Choeun followed his every word and was quiet during the whole journey of going past multiple obstacles (i.e. boxes, cables, tables, and people) until they reached their destination – Jimin’s changing room.

The young woman was scheduled to film the music video of K.Will’s new song along with a fellow idol – BAP’s Himchan. The two was to play a couple deeply in love, but due to certain circumstances was forced to break up. Although the plot of the music video was typical and common, the two actors were determined to do their very best in filming this short drama clip.

Taekwoon settled Choeun down on the chair and placed the bag of coffee on the table. He nodded to the staff as a greeting, but was too afraid to speak up, just in case Jimin was able to spot him among the sea of people behind the cameras. He turned to Choeun and handed her a colouring book, along with some colouring pencils to keep her occupied for a short while.

“Appa will be back soon, okay?” Taekwoon said quietly. “We’ll give umma a surprise so why don’t you colour in a picture for her?”

Choeun blinked her round eyes at her appa and nodded. Even though she wasn’t too keen on speaking, just like a certain someone, she was definitely keen on adding colours to pictures. She gave Taekwoon a smile and started on her masterpiece almost immediately. Taekwoon patted her head before heading out the changing room, though he made sure the staff would take good care of the child in his absence.

He tried his best to cover his presence by hiding behind the staff members and other pieces of equipment scattered across the studio. He made his way towards the main camera and managed to find the perfect hiding place where he was able to watch the filming clearly.

Standing behind a tall metallic frame that was possibly used for a gate of some sort, he watched the scene that was taking place. Unknowingly, his fists clenched.

In front of the cameras, Jimin and Himchan were embracing each other, both of their faces painted with blissful smiles. They gave off the aura that they were happily and deeply in love. They stayed in that position for a few more moments before the director instructed them to move into another position. However, this particular pose did not please Taekwoon one bit.

This time, Jimin and Himchan was standing very close to each other, with their faces only centimetres apart. Himchan was cupping Jimin’s cheeks and leaned in slightly, as if he was going to kiss her at any moment. The director shouted for more intimacy until Himchan’s lips were hovering over Jimin’s.

“CUT!” shouted the director right before any contact was made between the two actors’ lips. “Good work! We’ll film the next scene after lunch!”

It didn’t take more than a second for Jimin and Himchan to break apart. Although they were well acquainted as colleagues and friends, being in such positions wasn’t exactly comfortable. Even though they were trying to be as professional as possible, the awkwardness was still existent.

“Good work!” Himchan grinned at Jimin. Now that they were given their personal space again, they had no problem being good friends again.

“Right back at ya!” Jimin poked him in the arm before heading over to her dressing room.

Taekwoon realised that he should have made his way back inside the dressing room, ready to surprise her, and panicked. His plan might not work if Jimin entered the room before him. He bit his lips and tried to think of a solution to the situation. Just at that moment, the director walked passed him and Taekwoon didn’t think before grabbing the older male’s arm and stopping him.

“Uhm…” Taekwoon looked at the surprised man. “Can you please stall Jimin-ssi for a second?”

The director was a smart man and instantly understood what the idol had meant. He nodded and sent a wink to Taekwoon, which was excessively weird in the singer’s opinion, and gave him a thumbs-up before turning away and calling Jimin’s name in his very loud voice.

“Jimin-ssi!” the director yelled, getting the said girl’s attention. “Can I please have a second?”

Using that opportunity to slip away, Taekwoon smoothly slipped away from behind the metal frame and took a small detour around various sizes of cardboard boxes to avoid his wife seeing him in the shadows.

After tripping and almost falling a couple of times, Taekwoon made his way back into the dressing room and picked up Choeun from her seat, shocking the poor child out of her wits. She was still holding her colouring pencils when Taekwoon placed her on top of a box that was placed behind the curtains. He quickly went back to the table and took anything that was related to the young girl and shoved them in the bag he had brought with him. In one smooth motion, he was able to hide behind the curtains, along with his bag and Choeun, right before Jimin walked into the room.

“Good work!” her stylist smiled at her as she sat down on the chair. She started to take the pins out from her hair when she noticed the bag of coffee on the table. She gave her stylist a questioning look.

“It was here when I came back to the room.” the older lady lied smoothly. “Pretty sure it’s your fans though, I saw a couple of them lurking outside the building.”

Jimin happily took out a cup from the bag and sipped on the drink while tweeting a quick thanks to her fans, not knowing that her fans had nothing to do with the drink she was gulping down to drench her thirst.

A couple of minutes passed and she had to change her makeup for the next scene. As instructed by her stylist, she closed her eyes in order to have her makeup removed and reapplied. However, she was not aware that it was all just an excuse for her to be unaware of the things happening behind her back.

Taekwoon picked up Choeun in his arms properly this time, and walked out from behind the curtains upon the stylist’s cue. Seeing that Jimin had her eyes firmly shut, he placed Choeun down on the couch and went to stand in front of his wife. The stylist handed him some wet facial wipes and he took them thankfully before she made her way out of the room to give the family of three some privacy. Carefully and slowly, he wiped the makeup off from Jimin’s face.

Sensing that something was different about the way her makeup was getting removed, Jimin opened her eyes at the moment when the wipe was not in contact with her skin. She gasped at the sight of her husband half-sitting on the table with a facial wipe in his hand and small smile on his face.


Taekwoon tilted his chin upwards to direct Jimin’s attention to behind her and she turned around slowly as she kept her eyes on her husband. Once her eyes laid on the small girl on the couch, she stood up quickly and rushed to Choeun, giving the child a tight hug (which the latter didn’t mind so much anymore).

“Wha- why?” she couldn’t hide her surprise.

“Why not?” Taekwoon shrugged, smiling a little. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

A wave of memories sent Jimin into a fit of giggles. Just imaging the way a grown man like Taekwoon trying to dodge and hide his way around the studio was enough to make tears come out from the corner of Jimin’s eyes.

“It wasn’t that hard.” Taekwoon said. He had a pretty good estimate of what Jimin was thinking about, however Jimin’s non-stop giggles told him that she knew exactly what she had to go through. “It was a little hard.”

His quiet confession made Jimin laugh even more. Choeun, who was peacefully sitting in Jimin’s lap, began giggling as well. Even though she wasn’t quite sure of what her umma thought was so funny, she started giggling simply because the giggles were contagious.

Taekwoon looked at the two young ladies in front of him and shook his head in defeat. There was no way he could win again the two of them – he could hardly handle one of them when they were giggly, let alone the both of them combined. But it was moments like this that he really treasured the time they spent together, giggling about nothing in particular, since the two girls seemed to have strayed from the original point at some point during their giggling fit. Moments like this were precious, he thought, and he really did save each and every second in his heart.

After regaining her composure, Jimin looked at Taekwoon. He was sipping on a cup of coffee that she recognised as hers, but didn’t say anything because her heart was pounding, a lot. For a minute she forgot about what she was going to say and focused on how Taekwoon was leaning on the table, sipping her coffee and looked so breathtakingly handsome. It wasn’t a mystery why so many girls fawned over him.

“So did you watch the filming?” Jimin asked, trying to change the topic so her head wouldn’t be thinking about too many things in one go.

Taekwoon nodded as he watched how Choeun wiggled her way of Jimin’s laps and waddled to gather her colouring pencils and book. The small child stopped in front of Taekwoon and gave him pleading eyes, in the hope of being lifted up to the chair again so she could resume her colouring session, as well as giving her parents some time to talk. Taekwoon placed the coffee on the table and effortlessly placed the girl on the chair and adjusted her so that she was able to reach the table in a comfortable position. He then turned his attention back to his wife, who was watching him with gentle eyes.

“How did you think about it?” Jimin asked. “Do you think I did well?”

Taekwoon blinked. Yes, she did well, but no, he didn’t like it. It wasn’t her acting that he didn’t like, it was the scene that she had to do that he didn’t like, not in the slightest. Seeing his wife with another man so close together made his heart clench in pain. It was supposed to be him instead of Himchan. But of course, he wouldn’t tell her that. Instead, he walked over to her and patted her on the head.

“You did well.” he said in his ever so gentle voice. As much as he wanted to ruffle her hair, he stopped himself because he didn’t want her to spend extra time fixing her hair because of him. “You did very well.”

Jimin beamed at the compliment. The way he patted her head was so affectionate, and although it made her feel like a child again, she loved the action very much – it was like a way of confirming that her hard work has not gone to waste. She was about to pull him down to sit beside her on the couch when someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Jimin announced in a loud voice, making sure the person on the other side of the door was able to hear her.

The door creaked opened and a familiar face appeared through the gap. It was Himchan.

“Lunch is ready.” Himchan informed. His eyes laid on the other male that was in the room and grinned. “Taekwoonie!”

Seeing Himchan’s face instantly reminded Taekwoon of the scene from earlier and how close they were. He felt some heat rising inside him but knew better than to take it out on Himchan – after all, Himchan was only doing his job like Jimin was. He tried his best to be natural and in a situation like this, his natural poker-face came into perfect use.

“Himchan-ssi.” Taekwoon nodded at the said man in acknowledgement.

Himchan walked into the room and put his arm around Taekwoon’s shoulder, even though the latter was a couple of centimetres taller than him. “Eyyy, why are you being so distant, we’re friends aren’t we?”

Just as the words left Himchan’s mouth, he suddenly got the idea why Taekwoon was acting like this. Himchan knew Taekwoon was the quiet type, but he has seen the way Taekwoon was with friends, so Himchan was certain that something was up – and he might just know exactly what was up. A cheeky grin appeared on his face as the gears in his head turned.

“Anyway, lunch is served.” Himchan said. “You might want to hurry up if you still want your portion. There are a lot of hungry people out there.”

Jimin laughed and stood up from her seat. “Will do, thanks for telling us.”

“No problem, anything for the lady.” Himchan winked at Jimin and made sure that Taekwoon was able to catch that excessively done action. He released his arm from around Taekwoon and gave it a small massage before turning in his heels to leave the room. “I’ll see you outside."

Taekwoon’s expression was unreadable. He had his blank face on and it was impossible for anyone to try and decipher what he was thinking about. However, Jimin didn’t seem to mind it up and went to Choeun to take her outside.

“Oppa, come on!” she called her husband with a smile.

Momentarily, Taekwoon forgot that Himchan even existed and nodded at Jimin with a smile of his and joined her in walking out of the room to where the cart of food was placed on the other side of the studio. He greeted several people on the way but also made sure that Choeun wasn’t feeling anxious with the large number of people around. Surprisingly, Choeun was being very quiet and obedient and listened very well to what her parents told her to do. Taekwoon was proud of his daughter and didn’t even try to hide it.



Lunch was quite eventful for the couple as they were given some time to be completely alone. Just as they sat down at their table with their food, Himchan strolled over and played a little with Choeun before whisking her away to his table since the little girl liked him a lot. It was unusual for Choeun to be this attached to someone she met for the first time and she didn’t make a fuss when Himchan lifted her up and took her away, in fact she was pretty content being in the arms of another handsome male apart from her appa.

Although the couple was a little nervous about Himchan taking Choeun at first, but when they saw how comfortable Choeun was with Himchan, they felt like they could count on him for a little while, though Taekwoon found another reason to send Himchan a couple of glares every now and then.

The couple was given some time alone and they were able to converse freely on their own. They talked about various things, from their schedules to their bandmates (in Taekwoon’s case, of course). To them, it felt like a date that they had secretly missed. They missed spending time alone like this. It wasn’t that they disliked Choeun’s presence – they loved her to bits, but it was at times like this that they felt the butterflies and the skips of their heartbeats.

Lunch was over too quickly, in the couple’s opinions – they would love to spend more time together. But sadly, work was work, and Jimin had to get ready for filming again. They cleaned up the used utensils and takeaway boxes and Choeun was handed back to them from Himchan, since he had to get ready too. Although the child looked a little disappointed to be separated from her new oppa, Taekwoon explained to her that Himchan had to work, just like how umma needed to.

Taekwoon took Choeun back to the dressing room. Seeing how the child looked sleepy, he placed her on the couch and draped a blanket over her. Within minutes, Choeun was fast asleep. As much as Taekwoon wanted to watch the filming, he couldn’t leave Choeun alone in the room. And well, there was another reason, but he convinced himself that Choeun was the real reason.



Taekwoon settled down in the usual seat for the interview as the camera zoomed in on him. The PD took his place next to the camera and started asking the questions.

“How did you feel watching Jimin-ssi and Himchan-ssi film?”

Taekwoon’s jaws tightened a little. “Seeing her with another man made me a little uncomfortable.” No further explanation was needed from him for everyone to understand what he felt.

“Any thoughts at the time?” the PD asked.

“I wanted to rip Himchan-ssi away from her.” Taekwoon replied, gaining a few oohs and ahhs from the female staff.

“What about the time when Himchan-ssi took Choeun to his table?”

Taekwoon didn’t even think before answering the question.

“I wanted to rip Himchan-ssi away from her.”



Jimin started giggling as soon as she sat down on the chair. She knew what they were going to ask and thinking about the day’s event was making her giddy. She took a dep breath and prepared herself.

“Did you know how Leo-ssi felt during the filming?” the read the question off his cue card.

Jimin chuckled and nodded. “Yep, it was really obvious.”

Her answer surprised the staff members. They weren’t surprised at the fact that Taekwoon was jealous, but they were surprised at the fact that she knew he was jealous. If Taekwoon didn’t admit it himself, indirectly, they wouldn’t have known just by looking at his expressions. Well then again, if anyone from the crew could read him, it would be Jimin no doubt.

The PD continued. “How come you didn’t do anything to reassure him?”

“I wanted to a little.” she replied with a grin. “He and Choeun always gang up on me together so I thought I’d give him a little payback.”

“Does this mean you get jealous when he gives Choeun the attention?” the older male pressed on.

The girl looked taken aback at the question – she probably didn’t see it coming. But she should have expected it since the PD was being greedier with ratings of the show.

“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s jealousy…” Jimin trailed off. “It’s more like… uhm… well, I don’t know!”



“I felt like I was going to die!” Himchan exclaimed. He was invited to do a short interview with the PD about his experience during the filming. “Don’t get me wrong – I liked filming with Jimin-ssi, I mean she’s a really good actor and she’s really professional, but seriously, like I swear someone was pointing a laser at the back of my head every three seconds. I thought I was going to end up with holes in my head at the end of the shooting.”

“Would you consider filming with Jimin-ssi again?” asked the PD.

“I don’t think I want to have anything to do with married women ever again.”



“Let’s welcome our guest MC, BAP’s Himchan-ssi!” Misun announced in the studio. On cue, everyone clapped and greeted the said man, though they were discretely laughing at his misfortune.

“Hello everyone, I’m BAP’s visual, Kim Himchan!” he bowed and waved at the camera. Getting straight down to the point, Misun asked how Himchan felt.

“I honestly felt like it was going to die!” Himchan said dramatically.

Jongmin laughed and spoke next. “Did you enjoy the filming though?”

“Well, Jimin-ssi is very pretty.” Himchan answered while sitting up straight.

“Himchan-ssi, you might want to watch your back after this episode airs.” Nayoung joked, causing Himchan to wipe his sweat while the whole studio laughed at him more.



The shooting of the music video ended with no obstacles, and Taekwoon was driving Jimin and Choeun back home. Bless Choeun, the child was still sleeping when they wrapped up, so she ended up continuing sleeping in her car seat at the backseat. It was in the evening and Jimin considered cooking something for Taekwoon as a repayment of making him feel jealous (he had figured out that she was acting as if she didn’t know he was jealous a little while back).

The drive was mostly quiet save from Jimin’s giggles and her small comments about Taekwoon’s jealousy. Taekwoon continued driving in silent (and maybe sulked a little), making Jimin think that she had made him upset, resulting in her shutting . Now it was Taekwoon’s turn to feel bad. He wasn’t feeling that sulky – he just wanted to pay a prank on her for acting like she didn’t know about his jealousy.

In the end, Jimin couldn’t take the silence and turned in her seat to face Taekwoon, who was facing the front (obviously). She raised her fists next to her face and puffed up her cheeks in an attempt to act cutely. She made a couple of cutesy noises and even poked Taekwoon’s arm a couple of times to get his attention.

As much as Taekwoon should be focusing on the road and not his wife, he couldn’t help but steal a couple of glances at her. He tried his uttermost to not smile but he was weak against her and his lips involuntarily curved upwards. He quickly replaced the tiny smile with his poker-face but it was too late – Jimin had caught it with her sharp eyes. She grinned and it fuelled her to keep on teasing him.

Taekwoon grabbed her hand with his free hand, since the car was automatic, and pinned it down to her lap, while intertwining their fingers together (as romantic as this is, and I hate to interrupt this moment, please keep both hands on the wheel when driving!). He quickly hushed her with the excuse that Choeun was sleeping at the back, but both he and Jimin knew that it was just him trying to stop her teasing. For the sake of ending this in a good way, Jimin stopped the teasing but instead she smiled.

Until they reached the house, their hands never left each other’s.



You guys have the permission to slap me. I have failed you guys so much. I don't even know how I can make it up to all of you lovely readers that have stuck with me all this time. Honestly, at some point, I had lost all the motivation and inspiration for this story, that was why it took me so long to write a chapter. I know that's a really pathetic excuse but I hope you guys can understand me.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! I know it's really long, but I really wanted to make up for the months I haven't updated at all!

Please do leave a comment to tell me your thoughts! You can also comment on some things that you want to see in the story and I'll try my very best to fulfill all your wishes!

Love you all~ ♥

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Omonaaa~ Taekwoon and Jimin is shooooo cute!
Chapter 24: Wahh! So good! Taek oppa is really adorable in this fic! It would be great if taek tells jimin he liles her or vice versa. I'll paciently wait for updates! Author-nim Fighting!
sazuka #3
Chapter 24: I love your story author nim~ and I'm still waiting for ur updates^^ Don't give up :D Fighting^^
clouds930428 #4
Chapter 24: the amount of the food in this chapter makes me hungry
Chapter 24: Why did you mark this story as completed?
loveUkai #6
Chapter 23: ❤ finally ~~~

Thank you for updating ,, keep it up "fighting"
foreverlovingkris #7
Chapter 22: This story is cute!^^♡♡
Yes!! Updated! Thanks authornim
789ten #9