Episode 12: Incoming!



Taekwoon positioned himself comfortably on the chair as the cameraman adjusted the camera angle. When the signal was given, the PD started his usual task.

“How do you feel about Choeun joining the two of you?” the older man asked.

“We’ve been waiting for her.” Taekwoon replied in his usual uninterested tone, though many could see the sparks in his eyes – he was very excited to finally see the little girl after so long.

The next question was asked. “Do you think you're ready to take care of the child?” 

The interviewee blinked. “I’ll try my best.”

“Are you going to stay quiet around the child as well?” the PD questioned with a hint of teasing in his voice.

“Jimin-ssi will be there to do the talking.” Taekwoon answered after thinking for a few moments.

The answer cracked the staff up. They were expecting the male idol to say something along the line of ‘I’ll try to talk more’ or ‘I’ll say more things’, but the fact that he had already planned for Jimin to do the talking showed that he had no intention of changing the way he was for the sake of the little girl. Though this was made clear through Taekwoon’s answer, everyone knew that the outcome would be different – Taekwoon will change for the toddler.



“How are you going to cope with having Choeun around?” It was Jimin’s turn to be interviewed and this was the first thing that she was asked to answer.

“I honestly don’t know.” Jimin laughed nervously. “Yes, I’m excited for her arrival but in reality, I have never taken care of a child before so I don’t have any first-hand experience.”

“Do you think Leo-ssi will do a good job to fill in what you lack?”

“Absolutely!” Jimin nodded enthusiastically. “I saw the way he acted with Choeun on the first filming session and I knew then that he will be a good carer.”

“Are you disappointed that your ‘alone time’ with Leo-ssi is over so soon?” the PD smirked a little.

Jimin stared blankly at the camera. A few seconds later, she gave the PD a playful look and answered, “Maybe…”



A little girl of around four years old entered the house by herself after being let in by the kind adults outside the building. She was carrying a small backpack, which she discarded as soon as she reached the living room. She spotted a very comfy looking couch and was determined to place her bottom on the soft cushions there. After using a lot of effort and energy, the small girl succeeded in climbing onto the couch. She smiled in victory.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out the apart from the toddler herself, there was no one else in the house. And because of that, the girl didn’t even bother to call out to anyone. Instead, she opened her backpack, revealing an assortment of toys inside. She didn’t even realise that half an hour had already passed as she was so absorbed into playing with the objects in hand.

For some reason, the child decided to jump off the couch and stood on her two feet – maybe she was bored from playing with the same things over and over again. Her large glossy eyes roamed the living area, taking in every single bit of detail she could take in. As she saw nothing worth her time, other than her already-played-with toys, she trotted off towards the dining area, which was right beside the kitchen. And as expected, there was nothing special, so she simply just moved on – what a cool child.

She arrived in front of the short corridor, which led to three different rooms. As much as she wanted to explore beyond the closed doors, her height did not allow her to reach the door knob and twist it. Being the cool child she was, she returned to the living room and continued to play with her toys.

Thank goodness that her new ‘parents’ were considerate enough before her arrival. The couple had thought that it would be best to move all dangerous items to higher places where the small toddler wouldn’t be able to reach and hurt herself – they had spent a good couple of hours in doing so. Even if they didn’t do that, there were enough cameras around the house to monitor the girl’s movements and should she be in any form of danger, a herd of adults would rush to her rescue.

The lock on the front door beeped, indicating that someone had unlocked it. The curious child dropped her toys instantly and turned her head to the direction of the noise. Suddenly, two people, one male and one female, walked in while talking to each other. Once the older female saw the child on the couch by herself, she gasped and dropped everything she had in her hands to rush over. The male followed suit almost immediately.

“Oh my gosh!” Jimin squealed. “W-why?”

“When did you arrive?” Taekwoon asked in his soft and comforting voice. It was obvious that the small girl was drawn to his man already as her eyes were already fixated on him.

“Aigoo, I’m so sorry!” Jimin apologised. “I’m so sorry that you came in when no one was in the house!”

Jimin shot the camera a glare, directing at the PD who was monitoring them. Although the couple knew that Choeun was coming today, they were not told when she would arrive. Therefore, the couple assumed that the child would be there later, giving them plenty of time to do a final check around the house.

However, this was not the way this programme was made. They should have already known that this show was full of surprises and untold things – they should have seen this coming.

Whilst the adults were fussing around and making sure that everything was fine for the small girl, Choeun blinked at her new parents. Though she had some fragments of memories of meeting these two, her little brain did not succeed in helping her to remember who they were exactly.

Jimin caught a glance of Choeun’s confused eyes. Being the smart girl she was, she caught onto what the young girl was thinking.

With a kind and gentle smile, Jimin reproached Choeun.

“Hi, I’m Jimin. Do you remember me?” Jimin asked. “We met back in summer.” she added, in the hopes of triggering the child’s memories.

Taekwoon followed suit. “Hey,” he said softly with a small wave. “I’m Leo.”

Automatically, Choeun lifted her arms and stuck them in front of Taekwoon, signalling him to pick her up in his arms. Taekwoon spent a split second to realise what he was being asked to do and as soon as he knew, he gently lifted the young female in his arms. He let out a quiet chuckle when Choeun wrapped her short arms around his neck, securing herself in his arms. All this while, Choeun's eyes did not leave Taekwoon at all – somehow, she was so attached to this man already, even though it was only a few seconds ago when she remember who he was.

As the adults stood up from their squatting position, Jimin laughed. Taekwoon looked at her in confusion.

“Look at the two of you.” she said. “You two look like you’ve known each other for ages. She’s already sticking to you like glue! And yet, she’s totally not interest in me.”

Taekwoon’s lips curved upwards. Oh dear, now he had to take care of two children.

“Are you jealous?” he asked, his smile not leaving his face.

Jimin looked at Taekwoon and made a ‘tsk’ sound before rolling her eyes and turn to go into the kitchen with the groceries they bought before coming in.

Taekwoon laughed. With the small child in his arms, who was still looking at him the majority of the time, he followed his wife into the kitchen.

“Your umma is so childish.” Taekwoon emphasised on the word ‘umma’ so that Jimin knew exactly who he was talking about. Seeing that she paid no attention to what he was saying to Choeun, Taekwoon playfully continued. “Maybe you are more mature than your umma.”

This time, Jimin spun around and glared at her husband, causing the latter to laugh at her reaction.  And as the two adults were throwing each other glances and somehow communicating through their eyes, Choeun sat comfortably in Taekwoon’s arms – and she was clearly puzzled.

After giving Taekwoon on final hateful glare, Jimin placed everything down and stood next to him, though her attention was solely on Choeun.

“Why don’t we go and have a look at your room?” she asked the small girl.

At the mention of the words ‘your room’, Choeun's ears perked up like a puppy and she looked very excited. Taekwoon chuckled at the reaction of his daughter in his arms. He looked at Jimin, wanting to say something, but before he could do so, his wife had already turned her back to him and walked towards the bedrooms.

It looked like Taekwoon would have a very hard time trying to please both females in the family.

The family of three stopped in front of Choeun’s room. The door was still shut and Jimin placed her hand on the handle. She looked at Choeun and grinned before twisting the door knob to finally open the door that Choeun failed to do so earlier.

As soon as the interior of the room was revealed, Choeun whined and Taekwoon knew precisely what she wanted. He squatted down to an appropriate level and let his daughter go.

Jimin laughed at the sight of her daughter running inside the room in her baby steps. Her small hands would touch everything that was within reach and her eyes were never fixed at the same place – she was looking everywhere and touching everything in the pink room.

Once stood up, Taekwoon smiled at the scene in front of him. He leaned down to Jimin’s level and placed his chin on her shoulder, gently whispering to her.

“She’s just like you.” he said softly, sending shivers down his wife’s spine. Though he thought that he would be pushed away because of what he said earlier, Jimin didn’t move an inch. He smiled and continued to speak to her quietly. “Like mother like daughter, the two of you are so giddy when you're seeing new things.”

Jimin turned and narrowed her eyes at her husband. Though it was clear that she was no longer angry with him – she was never angry to begin with, she sent him a couple of evils, to which Taekwoon responded with an innocent shrug.



“Aigoo~ it looks like this family is a success!” Misun cooed. She was so touched by the way in which the family of three interacted with each other. Though Choeun was still unfamiliar with her new parents, the couple was going strong, which was always a good place to start for a family.

Nayoung squealed. “Just look at them! They really look like a family!”

“It’s funny how Choeun just stuck with Leo-ssi.” Jongmin said. “I mean, normally, people will tend to stay away from the quiet ones.”

Nayoung raised her brows. “I don’t see anyone going near you.”

“What do you mean?” Jongmin frowned, clearly not understanding the sentence.

“Do we have to explain?” Danny asked, as if he was trying to get Jongmin to confess that it was joke that he didn’t understand what Nayoung said. However, Jongmin nodded his head as a response to Danny’s question. The latter rolled his eyes – he should have known that Jongmin was hopeless with things like this. Danny took a breath and started to explain to Jongmin. “Basically, you said that people tend to stay away from the quiet ones but even though you're loud, no one goes near you, get it?”

“Ahhh!” Jongmin let out an elongated sound. “That was an insult?”

The whole studio groaned.



My chapters are getting shorter??? OTL

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Omonaaa~ Taekwoon and Jimin is shooooo cute!
Chapter 24: Wahh! So good! Taek oppa is really adorable in this fic! It would be great if taek tells jimin he liles her or vice versa. I'll paciently wait for updates! Author-nim Fighting!
sazuka #3
Chapter 24: I love your story author nim~ and I'm still waiting for ur updates^^ Don't give up :D Fighting^^
clouds930428 #4
Chapter 24: the amount of the food in this chapter makes me hungry
Chapter 24: Why did you mark this story as completed?
loveUkai #6
Chapter 23: ❤ finally ~~~

Thank you for updating ,, keep it up "fighting"
foreverlovingkris #7
Chapter 22: This story is cute!^^♡♡
Yes!! Updated! Thanks authornim
789ten #9