Not So Bad [NaPink]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


She isn’t sure if she did okay-ish or made a gigantic fool out of herself.


main!NaPink, mentioned!SeSom



Word count:

1790 words

Published on:

September 2nd, 2016

A/N: at last something NaPink :") they're so cute together like srsly :")

This is set in the same universe as Notice Me Sunbaenim! and Of Library and Korean History. The order of events are:

OLaKH -> NSB -> NMS!

Anyway, enjoyyyyy~

EDIT: Just wanna add that if you're looking for TWICE oneshots, I move the rest of them to my other oneshot collections. Do subscribe to that one! :)



*thoughts are in bold*


If only Jieqiong knew how boring being an assistant librarian is, she most definitely wouldn’t bother filling in the forms last month, eyes glimmering at the thought of extra cash for her window shopping habit. Bad, bad habit. She could’ve spend more time with Tzuyu if not for the fact that her shift starts as soon as her lunch break starts and ends as soon as the bell rings again. At least she goes home on time.

“Regretting it now?” Sejeong, her senior assistant librarian who has been doing this since her freshman days (why in the world would anyone actually take this completely unnecessary part-time job for three years in a row?) asks, amusement thick in her teasing smile.

The Chinese girl looks around, afraid that the head librarian (whose glare looks like it could kill someone standing. Seriously, Ms. Seo is a serial killer in disguise) could hear them. She lets out a relieved sigh when it looks like no one else is around the counter, “well, perhaps… slightly. Just slightly.”

The senior giggles and it sounds very pleasant, “who are you trying to fool? I bet you’re doing this because they pay you generously and you’re loving those extra cash.”

“Argh, you got me, sunbae,” Jieqiong pouts, the sight almost no different to seeing a sad puppy, “but it’s really slow in here! I mean, there’s almost no activity that watching the clock ticking is actually a fun thing!”

Sejeong laughs lightly, “oh come on, it’s not as bad as you make it sounds—Oh, hi Heehyun,” she greets a long black-haired girl who just appears at the counter out of thin air.

“Hi, Sejeong,” the tomboyish girl pops her gum, “Hi, Jieqiong.”

“Hello, Heehyun-sunbae,” the Zhou beams. Ki Heehyun is one of the most popular girls in their all-girl school simply for her oppa-like attitude and laidback nature. Jieqiong doesn’t really remember how it all started but they’re quite friendly with each other. “What brings you here today? I never peg you as the reading type of girl.”

Heehyun doesn’t answer. Instead, she half-turns around and calls out teasingly, “Hey, stone! Stop pretending to read a random book and bring your here!”

She didn’t see her before, but there’s a tall, slender woman with long brown locks reading a book (pretending, actually—the cover shows it is being held upside down) behind Heehyun, and Jieqiong’s breath hitches slightly, because this beautiful girl is Im freaking Nayoung, the most famous senior in the entire town (along with Hirai Momo, but Tzuyu will kill her if she dares to fangirl over the dancing machine).

Nayoung stares at her loud friend with a disapproving look—or is it? Her gaze is so… neutral, almost devoid of any emotions—, but complies nonetheless, putting the book back into the rack and calmly walks towards the three of them.

“So, I’m sure the two of you knows my ‘friend’ here,” the girl-crush Heehyun grins, “this is Im Nayoung—don’t get her mixed up with Kim Nayoung—and she has been wanting to meet Ji—I mean, to the two of you, yeah.”

Sejeong raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn’t press further. “Well, I’ll be. I thought you’d know me by now, Im, because we are, like, in the same class,” she sends the two girls—Heehyun, mostly—a teasing, lopsided smile.

“… *cough* anyway,” the black-haired senior drawls, “how about you, Jieqiong? Don’t wanna introduce yourself?”

Are you kidding? The Zhou thinks, passing up on this beautiful opportunity to talk to Im Nayoung? Over my dead body.

So she manages to introduce herself, but it feels like a blur and passing wind, because she isn’t sure if she did okay-ish or made a gigantic fool out of herself by stuttering messily and accidentally knocking a load of thick- books down the counter. She sure hope it’s the former, but judging from Heehyun’s mad cackle, Nayoung’s unmoving expression, and Sejeong’s dirty look shot directly into her heart, maybe it’s the latter after all.


“I have been hearing talks about you lately,” Tzuyu says as soon as she makes herself comfortable on her seat, directly in front of Jieqiong. Today is one of those rare days when she is allowed to actually eat lunch in the cafeteria, and she was so happy she kissed Ms. Seo’s hand before sprinting out of the library. As much as she loves the company of Sejeong, she still prefers the loud, hustling bustling of the school canteen.

“What kind of talks?” the older girl asks, sipping on her oolong tea.

“Stuffs like how you humiliated yourself in front of Im Nayoung-sunbaenim.”

Jieqiong nearly chokes on her tea. Nearly, because she hasn’t full-blown chug down the entire glass yet, still testing the temperature. “In my defense,” she speaks up after a few seconds of recomposing herself, “I was—uh, I was…”

Tzuyu waits patiently, because she’s just that patient (or maybe because she’s thinking of some sarcastic rebuttals), but that’s exactly why the pink-haired girl fails to put up a good counter. “Tell you what, I hate you so much right now,” she says, defeated.

“Same goes to you,” the taller girl takes a piece of French fries and plops it into .

“No way, you can’t hate me as much as I hate myself.”

“Wow, is it really that bad? I mean, I totally get why you’d actually be a spluttering abomination in front of Im Nayoung-sunbaenim, but you don’t have to think s about yourself.”

Jieqiong huffs indignantly, “But it’s hard not to! Why don’t you try and imagine making a huge fool out of yourself in front of your precious Momo-sunbae and her clique of friends.”

Tzuyu mulls it over before shuddering, “you’re right. It’s terrifying.”

Jieqiong wants to sob.


And sob she does, when Ms. Seo tells her to take the after-school shifts without Sejeong, because Sejeong was being a good assistant librarian and didn’t take the lunch break offer (but seriously?! It was freaking offered to her. Who in their right mind would pass on taking such golden opportunity—wait, Sejeong would…). But then again, the Chinese thinks it’s just because Sejeong is going on a date with that freshman… what was her name again? Somi?

“It’s only for one hour,” Ms. Seo smiles gently, and it only makes Jieqiong sob even more, “It’s much quieter around this time of the day. There’s only a few senior-year students around the school now, so it won’t be lonely around at least.”

But that’s exactly the problem. She can’t possibly be inside a building as the youngest student, surrounded by seniors all over the place. She’d freak out! In fact, she’s already freaking out!

“We’ll pay you extra. How does that sound?”

The worries inside her head dissipate immediately. Oh, the things she’d do for extra cash.


Jieqiong glances at the clock sitting on the counter. 17.15, it reads.

The shift started at 17.00, so only fifteen minutes have passed since then, and the Chinese girl pouts. Time really moves ever-so-slowly when you’re bored. She tries to kill her boredom by skimming through a few thick novels that most likely belongs to Sejeong, but they don’t interest her enough to keep going and she drops them after what seems like minutes of mindless skimming.

She looks at the time. 17.16, it reads.

“What in the—” she blurts out in disbelief. She is sure she read through them books for at least five minutes. The universe must love to torture her.

The pink-haired girl slouches back and closes her eyes in defeat when a quiet, sweet voice pierces through her ears, “Hello.”

Her eyes shot open faster than Heehyun rapping nonsensical lyrics, and the first thing she sees is Im Nayoung, staring down at her with her legendary indecipherable expression that nails her the nickname ‘Stone Buddha’, and Jieqiong melts into a puddle of feelings.

“H-Hi, sunbae,” she tries to sound casual (the keyword here is tries), “w-what are you doing h-here?”

Something flickers in Nayoung’s dark brown orbs, “… Just want to borrow this book,” she murmurs before handing the younger girl a book.

Jieqiong takes the book and reads the title. Learning Chinese for Dummies. “You’re learning Chinese, sunbae?” she can’t help the surprise in her voice.

“Well, yeah…” Nayoung shifts nervously, “Figures it will be important in the future.”

The Zhou can’t help but find the sight adorably cute, “okay… well, the deadline for return is in two weeks, sunbae,” she says, giving the book back with a smile.

Nayoung nods before coughing slightly, clearing , “so, I was… wondering about something.”


“Heehyun said you… have a crush on me,” her expression still doesn’t change, while Jieqiong pales at this. She remembers telling Heehyun during one of their sleepovers. She blames truth or dare and Jung Chaeyeon.

“U-Uh, I—”

“I think…” Nayoung cuts her, “… I think… well, I think you’re cute.”

Jieqiong stops instantly, almost not believing her ears.

“When I first saw you behind the library counter, I got really flustered. I have been wanting to talk to you for a while now, but I… well, I chickened out before I could do it. It wasn’t until yesterday that I manage to properly meet you,” Nayoung’s face is red and she keeps looking everywhere but at the younger girl. Jieqiong thinks this side of Nayoung is an extremely rare occurrence, rarer than UFO appearances, and she is loving it so far.

“Sunbae, my introduction yesterday was a complete disaster. I’m actually surprised you still talk to me despite that,” the younger girl frowns, “and you—you think I’m cute?”

The Im smiles, and God it’s so dazzling. Now Jieqiong wonders why this beautiful senior in front of her wears her stony expression all the time when she could pull off this mesmerizing sight.

“Your introduction yesterday makes you even more endearing,” the taller girl answers, making the assistant librarian blushes madly, “So… uh, I know it’s only been officially a day since we formally meet each other but…

I like you, Zhou Jieqiong, and I hope you’ll be my girlfriend.”

No words can describe how happy the Chinese beagle is at that moment, so she lunges forward (tiptoeing in the process) and kisses Nayoung on the lips, pouring all of her feelings into it. Nayoung smiles into the kiss and wraps her slender arms around Jieqiong’s waist, pulling her closer gently.

As they part, desperate for air, Nayoung whispers, “for our first date, how about… the prom night?”

“Sounds perfect,” Jieqiong beams at her now-girlfriend before clashing their lips passionately again.

She thinks being assistant librarian isn’t so bad of a job after all.

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!