Honey [MiMo]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


Momo can never get enough of this taste; of this heavenly honey-like taste of Mina’s blood.


main!MiMo, side!SaTzu



Word count:

2152 words

Published on:

July 31st, 2016


vampire!Momo because this is necessary and Momo please just drink my blood. So many feels after HTS holy

MiMo is my favorite Momo pairing along with TzuMo and probably DahMo too omg I need to stop pairing Momo with everyone

Also this is really long bear with me pls :"



It has been awhile since the last time Momo sees the full moon, basking itself in ethereal, silvery light, illuminating the bustling night city of Seoul.

She her lips, cleaning them of what little stain remains from her drinking session. She glances back at the rigid, dead man slumped against the wall. His blood tastes like muddy soil, but it was at least enough to quenches her thirst. In all her fifty years roaming the streets of Seoul, she has never found someone whose blood actually satisfy her; after twenty five years, she found it easier to just drink whatever was in front of her.

“There you are,” Momo looks up and finds her blood sister, Sana, flying around in her bat form. Black haze covers the little creature of the night before it dissipates, revealing a blonde girl wearing casual clothes under a black robe. “I’ve been looking for you,” she says, glancing over Momo’s shoulder, “and ew, you are as gross as ever.”

“I was thirsty okay? And unfortunately for me and him, he was the only one around,” the brunette scowls.

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I need your help, Momo.”

Momo bitterly sneers, “If this involves your human girlfriend I’m gonna you dry.”

“No you won’t, you love me too much to do that,” Sana smirks, annoying the hell out of her best friend.

“So it really involves your girlfriend huh? What was her name again? Tzu… Tzu—”

“Tzuyu, Chou Tzuyu. When will you ever remember her name? It’s been two years goddamnit,” the blonde exasperatedly says. Her friend simply rolls her eyes, it’s not her fault Sana’s human mate has such a difficult-to-pronounce name (she forgets it already. Stupid brain).

“So what’s the deal with your girl?”

“You forget her name again don’t you? Anyway we’re going on a date soon and Tzuyu—please just try to remember holy —‘s roommate suddenly falls ill. She tells her to go but my girlfriend keeps insisting that she’ll stay unless someone else takes care of her.”

Momo groans, “So now you want me to babysit some sick human teenager? Are you ing kidding me?”

“Oh come on, Momo! You haven’t pay off your debt anyway.”

“Debt? What debt?!”

“You know, that one time when I bought you some jokbal.”

The brunette grits her teeth. Even though human foods gave her stomachache, she must admits jokbal actually tastes nice. Not that she wants to eat it ever again though.

“Okay, fine! Just this once.”

“YESSS! I love you so much my cute vampire!” Sana tries to glomp Momo but the latter dodges in last second, causing Sana to crash onto the ground, “HEY!”

The brunette vampire sighs, “let’s just go already so I can get this over with as soon as possible.”

The blonde glares daggers at her blood sister, “fine. Just please don’t her blood. She has one of the sweetest-smelling blood I’ve ever known, but none of them knows I’m a vampire.”

Momo looks intrigued for once.


“So, can I really entrust her with taking care of my roommate?” Sana’s girlfriend—Tzuyu, was it?—asks the blonde, giving Momo a very judging look. It’s been hundreds of years since the last time a mere human actually unnerves Momo just by staring.

“Momoring here has taken care of so many sick people in the past. Obviously she’s more than qualified for the job,” Sana tries to reassure her girlfriend, slightly snickering, “right, Momoring?”

Momo is about to answer her with some sarcastic remarks when her senses are suddenly invaded by a very sweet, very heavenly scent in the surrounding air. Her words are caught in as becomes dry, longing desperately to have a taste of this Holy Grail of blood.


“Ah! Ah, yeah, what? Oh, right… yeah, well… yeah,” Momo blabbers, “so like, can you two just go and have fun already? I got this under control, yeah.”

Sana and Tzuyu look at each other, confused, before Sana finally says, “Well, okay. Just don’t forget what you have to do, Momo.”

“Yeah, sure,” the brunette absentmindedly nods. However, just as SaTzu are about to leave the premises, Momo finally says, snarkily, “just please control your hormones and practice safe , kiddos!”



Momo locks the front door soon after and follows the sweet scent to one of the closed doors. She looks at the wooden nameplate hanging on it. ‘Myoui Mina’, it says, written in cursive Kanji.

Even though she’s nearly losing her sanity at the heavenly scent, Momo still has enough self-control to knock on the door. One knock, two knocks, and finally a voice answers from behind the door.

“Who is it?”

It sounds so muffled and quiet and weak it was almost inaudible, but Momo with her sharp hearing is more than capable of catching onto it, onto the melodious voice that captivates her. She zones out for a bit before answering.

“Uh… I’m Sana’s friend.”

It’s silent on the other side for a bit, “Sana…?”

“You know, err… Tzuyu’s girlfriend?”

“Oh,” the voice quiets down briefly again before answering, “Come in. The door’s not locked.”

Momo opens the door slowly, carefully, and her first impression of the room is that it’s dark. The lights are turned off and the curtains are closed, leaving little to no illumination. She looks at the single-sized bed on the upper right corner of the room, a girl occupying it. Her face is obscured by the darkness.

Now that she’s in the room, Momo can feel her sanity slipping because the sweet scent attacks her mercilessly, and she groans inwardly at the fact that she cannot see the girl.

“Can I—Can I open the curtains?” Momo carefully asks.

“The curtains?” the girl asks.

“Well, uh… I’m not good with LED lights, and it’s so dark in here.”

The sick girl giggles good-heartedly, “okay.”

Momo wastes no time sliding the goddamned curtain open, and oh boy does she regrets it immediately. The silver shine of the moon seeps into the room and illuminates the girl’s face, revealing an otherworldly beauty of a girl with skin as pale as snow and hair color as red as oxidized blood (vampire analogy, really). Her cheeks is flushed with sickness but it only makes her cuter in Momo’s eyes, and suddenly breathing becomes hard for the brunette as she stands still, like a statue, in front of the girl who she knows will be the death of her one of these days.

“Uh,” the ethereal beauty starts, uncertainty clear in her voice, “is… is there something on my face?”

The vampire doesn’t know if she’s seeing things but does this girl’s cheeks reddened even more just now?

“O-Oh, n-no,” Momo finds it weird that she actually loses her confidence for the first time since she turned into a vampire, “no, your face is just… just a bit red.”

She decides to omit ‘beautiful’ in the last second.

“…Okay,” the redhead smiles, and it looks so graceful, so elegant, so breathtaking. “What’s your name?” she asks.

“I… I’m Momo. Hirai Momo.”

“Oh, are you from Japan, too?” Momo sees a smile tugging on the sick girl’s lips.

“Y-Yeah,” except Momo hasn’t return there again since like centuries ago.

The girl looks so genuinely happy to meet a fellow Japanese that she finally shows Momo a wide gummy smile, and the brunette feels all blood inside her rise to her cheeks because it looks so beautiful and so cute and so beautiful (did she say it twice?) and Momo doesn’t think she can hold back anymore, but she tries to manage, barely.

“So, your name is…?” Momo asks, but she knows it’s just dumb question because she has seen it before entering the room, really.

“… Didn’t you see the nameplate on the floor?” the girl carefully questions, trying not to sound condescending but Momo knows it’s supposed to be ‘are you blind’.

“Uh… I-I have a… short-term memory,” the vampire scratches her nape. Well, it’s not entirely a lie, as much as she hates to admit it.

The pale-skinned girl giggles. “Okay then. Hi, Momo. I’m Myoui Mina, you can call me Mina for short,” she smiles and extends her right arm.

Momo hesitantly takes it and feels the warmth surging onto her, the kind of warmth she hasn’t felt in centuries. She still doesn’t really like humans, but she feels she can get used to this warm feeling.

“Wow,” Mina breathes, “your hand is so cold. Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?”

“Well, are you?” the brunette smiles.

The other girl’s eyes widen a bit before she mimics Momo’s smile, “oh, you’re right—”

She doesn’t get to finish her words before she coughs a huge one, “o-oh, I’m sorry,” she croaks, “I’ve been holding that one for a bit.”

“Why would you hold your coughs?” Momo finds it silly, but not so much anymore when Mina answers,

“Because you were so beautiful I literally just forgot about everything else.”


It seems like it wasn’t intentional, because Mina’s eyes widen in horror at her words and she quickly, frantically, mutters an apology, “Oh… Oh my God, sorry! I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry oh my—mmph…!”


The vampire doesn’t know what came over her either, but she finds herself crashing her lips onto the other girl’s, and it tastes every bit as Mina’s sweet scent; delicious and heavenly.

Momo feels addicted to the taste already, but she knows when to hold back still, when to hold back because tastes like this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and Momo thinks she likes Mina even when they have just met like five minutes ago and she may have royally ed her chances up because Mina doesn’t move an inch, doesn’t dance her lips along with Momo’s, and she knows she has to pull away and apologizes and digs herself a hole and disappear from Mother Earth—

Suddenly, Mina presses her lips even more into Momo’s and she grips onto the brunette’s shoulders like a lifeline, and Momo thinks she finally finds her someone like Sana finds hers—

A tang of liquid suddenly enters Momo’s slightly parted mouth and it tastes like honey mixed with iron and the vampire finds her self-control deteriorating rapidly, and she knows she’s screwed. Mina winced in pain and pulls away from Momo, and the latter can see that the redhead’s lips are bleeding, and she lost it. Her pupils turn into slits and from black to yellow, and her fangs lengthen and—

‘No, Momo!’ her sanity screams inside her head, ‘don’t kill her!’

She freezes, fighting her inner vampire because she really cannot lose Mina, not when she finally finds someone worth living for after all these centuries. She shudders violently, hugging her shoulders in an attempt to push her vampire self away, but she knows it’s futile…

Until Mina, finally snapping out of her surprised daze, surges forward and hugs Momo, hugs Momo tightly and securely like no other.

“Fight it, Momo,” she whispers, “you can do it. Fight your desire.”

And she does, she feels her self-control returning slowly but surely. Momo slumps her exhausted body onto the edge of the bed, feeling too tired to move.

“Are you okay, Momo?” Mina leans over her, already wiping the blood off her lips.

“I… Y-Yeah, I’m okay now…” she looks away in shame, unable to meet Mina in the eyes, “I-I’m terribly sorry…”

The human girl coughs sickly before asking, in her ever-so-quiet, velvety voice, “are you… are you a vampire too?”

Momo flinches but doesn’t turn her head, “… yeah.”

“Momo, look at me.”

The brunette does as she is told, and her eyes meets Mina’s dark orbs.

“Tzuyu may not know, but I know Sana’s a vampire,” the sick girl smiles, “I know vampires exist, I even have a vampire friend. She says my blood has a very sweet-scent, which is a rare thing, but her girlfriend has even sweeter blood.”

Momo gapes in disbelief, “so you—”

“I don’t mind you drinking my blood,” Mina smiles shyly, adorably, “but I have two conditions.”

“What… what are they?”

“One, please don’t me dry. I still want to live,” the redhead giggles, “and two, take me on a date first.”

Momo grins widely, “Well, before that, I have to make you healthy again first.”

“Oh,” Mina looks genuinely intrigued, “how are you going to do that?”

“Pardon me,” Momo moves her face over Mina’s collarbones, “vampires usually just the infected blood off sick bodies.”

She lightly sinks her fangs on the smooth, pale skin of Mina’s, and lets the blood flow before it gently, carefully, and even though it’s infected blood, Momo can never get enough of this taste; of this heavenly honey-like taste of Mina’s blood.

“Feeling better now, princess?”

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!