Notice Me Sunbaenim! [TzuMo]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


Tzuyu really just wants to be noticed by that one sunbaenim she has this huge crush on. Oh, and probably gets invited to the prom night too.


main!TzuMo, side!NaPink


fluff, comedy? (I at comedy k fight me)

Word count:

1000 words (whoops)

Published on:

July 27th, 2016


Holy I'm starting to be a TWICE trash ... but but Momo is perfection and so is Tzuyu and Dahyun and Sana and everyone :" I'll just join the ONCE community quietly then... also IOI is gold like how did Pledis gain the jewel that is Zhou Jieqiong :""

And Takeru-senpai is bae like how to find this handsome masterpiece irl :"(



“Tzuyu! Tzuyu!” A cheerful voice boomed throughout the hallway. The called girl looked up from her phone and mentally groaned. Does Jieqiong eat megaphone for breakfast every morning or something?

“What is it?” she asked as soon as Jieqiong plopped her onto the empty seat in front of the taller girl. This better be good or else—

“I got invited by Nayoung-sunbae to be her date for the prom night!” the beagle-like girl beamed happily, her expression as if she was at cloud nine, “she finally notices me! Goodness, what should I wear next Saturday?? Should I be conservative? No no, I should go for the kill and wore that backless red dress Eunwoo lent me last month—OWW! Why did you kick me in the shin?!”

“You’re too loud, and speaks too fast, and just being way too annoying in general,” Tzuyu glared daggers on her suddenly shrinking friend, “and you know, wearing provocative dress will only make you look like a desperate hoe.”

Jieqiong looked comically offended, “HEY! I’ll have you know Eunwoo’s dress doesn’t look like what you think it looks like! And speaking of which, what are you playing—damn, that game again?!”

The Chou huffed, “what’s wrong with you and everyone else?! This game is the savior of all us poor, lonely souls!”

“Except one, those virtual senpais of yours don’t exist in real life and two, you’re not straight,” Jieqiong deadpanned.

“Well, I don’t have to be straight to gush over my Takeru-senpai! And since no one asked me to be their date for the prom night, I’ll just drown in my extremely glorified, exaggerated lonesomeness on that day.”

The Zhou sobbed, “Why are you so hopeless.”

“I know,” Tzuyu wept along, “I really, really wish she would be like your Nayoung-sunbae. You know, knowing that I exist...”

“My whole soul is praying for you, Chou.”

“And my whole existence is jealous of you, Zhou,” the taller girl slammed her face onto the table, “funny how we have near identical surnames but polar opposites luck.”


Tzuyu didn’t remember what she eat for breakfast, or what she normally eat in general, but surely they must had been blessed with lucks because she a.k.a that one sunbaenim the Taiwanese has this massive crush on suddenly stopped her in front of the school gates, moments before Tzuyu hopped onto the bus.

“Excuse me!” the beautiful sunbaenim called out, running as fast as she could and ignoring the grunts of protests those other students she bumped onto let out (Tzuyu counted at least three people falling with a loud thud. Wow sunbaenim sure is strong). “You there, please wait!”

Is this it?! Is this the moment when sunbaenim finally notice me?! Tzuyu dramatically narrated, palms sweating and eyes darting everywhere but the direction of her approaching sunbaenim. She couldn’t believe her eyes, couldn’t believe this was happening, couldn’t believe that—

The super loud honk of the bus startled the poor girl so badly she fell down, and when she looked up her gaze locked not with her darling sunbaenim but rather with the annoyed, grumpy, wrinkly old bus driver who looked like his wife had kicked him out of the bed for months now.

“Are you gonna get in or what, young lady?!” he angrily grumbled, his fat fingers drumming against the steer, “we can’t wait all day!”

“I’m sorry sir, but she won’t be getting in,” a cute, soothing voice answered in the young girl’s stead. Tzuyu looked towards its source and found that the voice belonged to her ultimate crush, the school’s dancing queen and heartthrob, the Hirai Momo. Her heart was about to burst.

Mr. Grumpy Pants scowled, closed the bus doors, and soon he drove towards the horizon. Tzuyu didn’t mind that she missed her bus home. She could just take the next bus, but this moment she must not miss. She had been breathing for this freaking moment, goodness!


“Hello,” Momo started off, her smile laced with nervousness, and still panting hard after running, “I’m sorry for stopping you like that.”

“I-I-It’s okay, Momo-sunbaenim,” Tzuyu fumbled with her words, but oh how glad she was that she didn’t stutter as badly as she originally thought.

“Oh, you know my name! No need for introduction then, since I also know your name. You’re Chou Tzuyu, right?” the older girl relaxed visibly, and Tzuyu internally sobbed because HIRAI MOMO KNOWS MY NAME DAYUMMM ANGELS IN HEAVEN I’M COMING

Momo apparently didn’t notice how emotional Tzuyu was (probably because the girl was wearing her best poker face right now) and continued, “I was wondering if you’re free on Saturday, next week?”

Saturday. Next week. That could only mean one thing, and that one thing she’s going to shove to Jieqiong’s pretty beagle-like face tomorrow just you wait.

“Y-Yes, I am...”

Momo smiled so brightly Tzuyu thought her soul was being cleansed and purified and— “YAASS!—Err, I mean, cool. T-then, c-can I ask you to-to, err…”

Don’t tell me dON’T TELL ME—

“T-To be my date for the prom n-n-night?!”

BOOM! Tzuyu imploded, but still functioned properly… probably.

“OF COURSE!—Uhh, I was… I mean, I’ll gladly be your date, Momo-sunbaenim.”

The brunette didn’t say anything in response, but Tzuyu decided her pumping her fists into the empty air excitedly was as good as any.

“Okay! So, I’ll see you on Saturday?” Momo grinned sheepishly and all the black-green haired girl wanted was to kiss her and claim her entire being.

“O-Of course, Momo-sunbaenim—”

“You don’t have to be so formal,” the older girl smiled, “just call me Momo, or Momo-sunbae if you’re still uncomfortable,” she added.

“O-Okay, Momo-sunbae…”

The smile adorning Momo’s face became wider and Tzuyu found herself melting, “Okay, see you tomorrow then, Tzuyu-chan! Oh God, look at the time! Minari’s going to kill me…”

Tzuyu stared on as Momo’s retreating figure disappeared and let out a huge squeal.

Sorry, senpais, but sunbaenim has finally notice me. My life is complete.

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!