Of Library and Korean History [SeSom]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


Exams are in five days and the only thing Somi has done about it is sitting in the library doing nothing but staring at that cute librarian.


main!SeSom, side!DoDaeng


fluff, some slice of life

Word count:

955 words

Published on:

July 30th, 2016


Some SeSom shippers request, well, SeSom, so here it is.

BTW I just can’t get into Gx9 I wonder why, I love Sejeong tho.

And also I feel sorry for Doyeon in the prev chap so she's here for that reason kkk ily Doyeonnie :"



Somi knows she’s done for when exams are in five days and the only thing she’s done about it is sitting in the library doing nothing but staring at that cute librarian reading thick- books behind the counter without a care of the world.

“Guys,” she absentmindedly whispers to her two best friends who are trying to solve a calculus question together, “do you know who that librarian is? The one sitting behind the counter?”

Doyeon glances up from her notebook and nods, “that’s Sejeong-sunbae. Senior, class 3-A.”

“What’s with Sejeong-sunbae?” Yoojung asks, eyes still glued to her paper which is almost completely filled with numbers and symbols.

“She’s so cute,” Somi sighs dreamily, “hey, does she have a boyfriend already? Or a girlfriend, maybe?”

“Uhh, no. Not that I can remember,” the shortest of the three shakes her head, “but yeaah, I don’t think you have a chance with her.”

“That hurts my pride so much,” the Jeon clutches her chest, “why are you doing this to me? I thought we’re soulmates, Yoojung.”

“Hey, back off you bastard,” Doyeon glares at her friend, “Yoojung’s mine.”

“Gee, possessive much?” Somi pouts, “Yoojung, control your girlfriend please.”

Yoojung creases her eyebrows and strikes off some wrong equations, “Doyeon, babe, let’s just focus on these goddamned calculus problems and ignore that idiot, okay?”

The Kim smirks, “right, can’t risk getting an E because of Jeon Somi’s nonexistent love life.”

“You two are the worst,” the youngest pretends to cry, “why am I friends with you guys?”

“Because you don’t have a life,” Yoojung sticks out her tongue playfully, “and here’s an advice so you can finally have a life: Sejeong-sunbae likes her girlfriend smart, so work on that… idiot.”

The competitive flame in Somi lit up instantly, “oh, fine. Let me show you just what I, Jeon Somi, am capable of.”


Three days later, all Somi wants is to just give the up.

Slamming her head onto the Korean History books in front of her, the girl internally sobs at the fact that none of this Jeolla Dynasty things have entered her brain for the past five hours since she entered the library.

She is about to give up and go home when a soothing, beautiful voice enters her auditory sense, “hey there.”

Somi glances up lazily and the first thing she sees is Sejeong, smiling ever-so-sweetly at her with that pretty eye-smile of hers.

The younger shoots her head almost immediately, “h-h-h-hello, s-s-s-sunbaenim.”

Okay, this is definitely not how Somi imagined her first actual meeting with her newfound crush would be like. Not when she’s lamenting the fact that she’s so ed up when it comes to Korean History.

Sejeong’s sweet, sweet smile never leaves her face as she takes a seat in front of Somi, who melts internally, “is that Korean History you’re reading?”

“H-H-H-Huh? I-I mean, y-yes, yes it is.”

“Do you need help? You looked like the world is about to end just now.”

Somi wants to punch her five-minutes-ago self in the face for looking like an idiot in front of the cute and definitely smart librarian.

“W-Won’t it be too much of a trouble to you, sunbaenim?”

“Nonsense. I love helping people learn,” the older girl chuckles, “oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kim Sejeong, class 3-A, assistant librarian.”

“J-Jeon Somi, class 1-B, err… just your everyday normal student.”

Sejeong giggles at the last bit and all Somi wants is to record that pleasant sound and make it her alarm ringtone.

“You’re so cute, Somi,” the senior smiles sweetly, “okay, so where are you having problems with?”

You. You are the problem for my heart, Sejeong-sunbae, is what Somi wants to say but she opts instead to points at a random Jeolla Dynasty question.


“ing , Jeon. How did you score higher overall than me?!” Yoojung gapes in disbelief.

Somi smirks, “yeah, who’s the idiot now, Choi?”

“Well, looks like you owe me that brand new sports bra, Yoojung,” Doyeon sighs, but she looks so pleased and happy Somi is almost fooled, “and congrats, Somi. Looks like you might have a chance with Sejeong-sunbae after all.”

“Ha! Well, to be honest, why else do you think I manage to score this high overall?”

DoDaeng gasps, “For real?!”

The youngest of the three laughs heartily, “It’s not like what you guys think. I don’t even have her number yet. The only thing we did was studying on Korean History together.”

“Tsk, never mind then.”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”


Somi doesn’t have any more reason to be in the library now that exam’s over, but her feet still somehow bring her there, to her usual seat.

There’s a book on the table, the same Korean History book Somi read when she first talked to the assistant librarian. The Jeon looks at the counter and finds no one there.

She is about to return the book back to its shelf when something catches her eyes. There’s a cute bookmark poking out from the book, with ‘To Somi’ written on it.

The young student curiously opens the book on that page and finds a piece of paper inside with cursive writings on it.


Hey, cutie, congrats for scoring high on your exams. I was thinking if you want to come with me to this newly opened café on Saturday? My treat :)

– Sejeong.

P.S: I overheard you this morning. Since you’re such a cutie, here’s my number xxxxxx


Somi looks up, towards the counter, and finds Sejeong there now, looking at her with that beautiful eye-smile and giving her the ‘call me’ gesture.

Welp, she thinks, if it’s like this, I don’t mind sitting in the library all day.

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!