Crimson [JungLi]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


Even in her final moments, all she could think of were mere two things; flowing jet black hair, and the color crimson.





Word count:

556 words

Published on:

June 5th, 2016


I know, I know. I'm sorry, I've been feeling so lethargic lately it's not even funny anymore. I'm trying, but this writer's block just... kinda stuck.

Warning beforehand: if you think this is based on the legendary 'Descendant of the Sun', you think wrong. I haven't even watched the goddamn KDrama for God's sake.



She rested her back onto the bare concrete of a wall, away from the blasts of gunpowder, of the rattling noise of the machine guns, of the brutal reality that happened all around. She huffed heavily, rapidly, gritting her teeth occasionally as she tried—futilely—to lessen the pain on her abdomen. She had been shot, three times as she faintly remembered, afar from the basecamp, and with the way things are she would be the least of the medic’s worries, that’s for sure. Painful, saddening facts notwithstanding, she rarely socialized with the other soldiers, too. It would be a wonder if anyone even remember her at all.

The pain intensified with each ragged breaths she took, and soon her eyelids began to feel heavy. Sights fuzzier within seconds, she willed herself to stay conscious for at least another ten minutes, though it was by no means possible. She was losing herself quickly.

She remembered what they said about dying. There was this one belief that in your final moments, your memories from the beginning of time would flash themselves, like movies being played in fast forward. What a stupid belief, she had thought to herself, and yet deep down she believed it. She needed to believe in something lest she would lose the sliver of humanity she had left as a soldier. That was what she thought.

Her consciousness wavered as she thought of her life deeply. Suddenly, her entire life flashed through her, just like how they said it would be like. Except it wasn’t as simple as that, and she frowned. She thought her memories would be about her family, her sister, her friends…

Instead, it was about mere two things.

The first was a flowing jet black hair, waving along the direction of the wind. Silky and smooth, it weaved gently, elegantly, as she found herself within peace for once, pain gone and soul freed.

The second one was the color crimson.

She remembered it extremely vividly, those crimson lips that would curve into a lopsided smile. Those crimson lips that would be bitten shyly when their owner got embarrassed. Those crimson lips.

She sighed quietly. When she thought her final moments would be filled with the thoughts of loved ones, she had instead thought of that one person. That one person that mattered to her, but didn’t think of her as such even for just one bit. That one person that was her first and last love.

She smiled gently. She entered the warzone with the thought of dying, hoping that when she did, she would stop thinking about her.

Instead, her final moments was all about her, that eye smiling girl that used to be her entire world.

She closed her eyes and let herself rest for one final time.


“Hey, I found someone!”

“Is he alive?!”

“Uh, it’s a she, sir, and no she isn’t.”

“Sigh, another fallen one… When will this war end?”


“Take her names and dog tags. We need to let her family know of her heroic deeds.”

“Yes, sir!”

He carefully took of the dead soldier’s tags and scanned it briefly before tucking it inside his pocket. As his superior left, he took off his hat and put it in front of his chest.

“Goodbye, Private Krystal Jung Soojung. You will forever be missed.”

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!