A Long Night [JungLi]

blue_periwinkle's Dumpster of Drabbles and Oneshots [UPDATED ft. NAPINK:)]


Sulli is going to leave tomorrow for a while to pursue her education and Krystal doesn’t want her last night with her to pass by so quickly.




sad, slight!angst

Word count:

655 words

Published on:

August 6th, 2014



A blonde girl sighed as her chocolate orbs stared at the beautifully glowing moon. She had always been in love with the moonlight, it was only a reflection of the sun, but you could see it with eyes. It was never too bright, just enough to make your eyes relax and your soul calm. But for her, tonight was not the same. The moon looked too dim for her gloomy soul and too small for her clouded mind.

She glanced towards her back via the window, and she saw the door leading to the room’s bathroom was still closed, the sound of flowing water echoed in her ears like a sort of background music, and the only other source of light was the seeping glow from the gap between the door and its frame, illuminating the dark room with a vertical line of light.

With each passing seconds, the girl’s mind became even more crowded with anxiety and uneasiness. She wished the night wouldn’t pass by so quickly, she wished the clock, no scratch that, the time would stop tickling, and most importantly, she wished the only other person in the room wouldn’t leave her tomorrow.

The door swung open, revealing a tall figure clad only in her towel that barely covered her assets. Due to the completely dark room and the bathrooms light, she to the anxious girl was a silhouette of beauty, a living portrait to be admired. She stood still, watching as the figure gracefully walked to the double-sized bed and removed the wet cloth from her still slightly watery body, and the blonde could trace the outline of the girl’s curvy body even in the dark, like her eyes was a pair of magnets that were pulled in by a bigger, stronger magnet that was the other girl.

“Soojung?” the taller girl’s melodious voice broke the silence, “what’s wrong?”

“… nothing,” Krystal answered, “you look beautiful, Ssul.”

Even in the dimly lit room she could see the other girl’s face reddened, “ah, thank you…” the latter said barely above a whisper, “you too.”

“Sulli,” the blonde called, “will you leave in the morning…?”

The girl named Sulli smiled sadly, “I’m afraid so…”

“Don’t leave,” Krystal said brokenly, “don’t leave me alone…”

“Jjung, you… you’re not going to be alone. There’s Amber-hyung, Vic-umma, Luna-unnie-”

“But they’re not you,” the blonde’s eyes glistened with fresh tears, “they’re not my girlfriend.”

The tall girl’s eyes softened and she pulled her lover into a hug, “don’t cry baby,” she whispered on the girl’s ear, “I don’t like seeing you cry.”

“T-Then, d-don’t leave me, Ssul…” Krystal croaked, her voice husky and broken and almost inaudible, “p-please…”

And the sight wrenched Sulli’s heart. Hard. But she knew she couldn’t comply. She had to leave. Krystal was important to her, far more than her education. But it was her dying mother’s last wish before she passed on to see her daughter attending college and she loved her mother dearly as well. She had no choice.

“… I can’t Soojung…” she said, her cheeks stained with her own tears, “I can’t stay now… but I promise you… I’ll be back before you know it… I’ll return to your arms before you even realize I was gone.”

Krystal buried her face into her girlfriend’s porcelain-like neck and whispered, “p-promise?”

The brunette smiled gently, “Promise.”

“Then, Ssul…” the blonde pulled away slightly to meet Sulli’s, “can you do me… one last favor before you leave?”

Sulli wondered what the favor was but nodded nonetheless, “… what is it, baby?”

“P-Please…” the Jung’s face blushed some shades of red, “m-make love t-to me…”

The taller girl’s heart almost stopped beating. She was surprised, but she smiled, “… are you sure, baby?”

Krystal had never been so sure in her life before, and Sulli caught on to it, “… okay.”

And it was finally a long night for both of them.

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Chapter 12: , doyeon got stuck in one sided love
Chapter 12: OUCH holy doyeon's heart must have been crushed. sigh doky never gets a happy ending on any stories up here i figured hahahahah
soneorblink #3
Chapter 16: your napink was really cute omg I LOVE NAPINK
Chapter 16: haha omg nice :DDD napink~~~ that was cute tysm for updating~
Chapter 16: Bruhhhh you got this funny and cute at the same time demm i feel bad not even finished writing mine anytime soon *hiding* ;3; thanks for the napink supply here ohohoho
Chapter 15: awww that's just too cute <3 tysm for writing this~
Chapter 13: haha omg 2eun <3 tzuyu got noticed by momo XD dodaeng <3 sesom <3 and mimo lord <3 tysm so much for writing all these!
Chapter 13: Ow, thank you author for this one. Its kinda cliff hanger it makes me curious what will happen to them. I wonder if this shot will have a part two. *crossfinger* hahahaha. Thanks you again author-nim. SeSom is totally cute together.
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 14: Vampire momo!!! Cool and... sweet!!!
My mimo feeling!! Love this!