The First Touch

'M' - the mysterious guy

Woooooooooho. I'm so exited for this one. I feel like I'm finally going somewhere with this story.

Remember to comment what you think about this chapter, I just can't wait for the responses.

Here you go:



(Taemin's POV. Film set.)

Okay, let’s find him.

There was nobody on the stage itself so they weren’t filming in the moment. I overheard two girls talking about a lunch break.

Oh, so they’re having a break.

There became less and less people as they stormed out to a side corridor and out of the set. Following the flow, I found myself in an over agglomerated dining hall. Long tables were scattered at the end of the hall decorated with white duvets and orchid flowers in some matching expensive vases. There was served all kinds of food, from steaks to seafood. The delicious smell filled my nose, and my stomach groaned at once.

This looks really yummy! I’m so hungry…’ my stomach groaned.

I shushed it, telling it we didn’t have time to eat now.

I sneaked behind the cue at the tables, not making eye contact with anyone.

I reasoned myself with the thought: that he’s an actor and he needs to eat as well so what other place could be better in the hunt of finding him?

I decided to sit down, finding a spot where I would be able to search for him.

The hall was so overcrowded it was hard to see any space left out that was not occupied. At my table some businessmen sat and discussed very loudly, one of them with dark slick hair combed backwards, and had an ID card which hung over his shirt’s pocket. It read:

Mr. Namguhng


Seoul Film Production

My eyes widened instantly when I understood who he was: he is manager for Minho. I sunk a bit on the chair my eyes pinned to the man. Mr. Namguhng gave me a suspicious look, eyeing me behind his cup which he sipped to. Smoothly running my eyes over the room, the last attempted search for Minho before I left this hall. Not here… I sneaked out and walked back to the corridor.

Somehow on my way to the set I got lost. I had followed the long corridor and found myself standing at the end of it. There were three doors along the wall, the two first were locked and the last one had a huge metal star hanging on it. What was the meaning of that? I wondered.

Pushing the door handle down, I checked the room for people.

No one was there.

It was a small room; there was a mirror that filled the entire wall with a makeup table along it. The mirror was framed with light balls all around. There was a petite changing room, with a pink curtain at the entrance. Right beside it stood a clothes rail with multiple outfits. I reached out to see what clothes there hung but when my fingers a white shirt, there were footsteps nearing the door. I stopped abruptly and panicked at sounds coming closer towards me. Automatically my legs ran behind the clothes rail just before someone came in. I pulled my knees up to my chest and tried to see who it was. It became harder as the person switched the light off.

I could hear the persons’ breathing, which became heavier as the seconds passed.

What the hell is happening?

“Come on, Minho. You’ll like it!” a seductively whisper came from a shadow.

Minho!?My eyes not able to see the slightest in the dark, I still had no idea who these people were.

If Minho is here then who’s the other person?I could only make out Minho leaning against the wall.

“No, you heard what I said. I like someone else.” The other person responded. This was a guy his voice, so very familiar, I could easily guess who it belonged to. Anytime. The only voice that made my heart skip a beat, then beating without control. It really is him.

“Will this change your mind?” the other person stepped forward so I could see the silhouette of a girl with long hair. She neared his neck and made little kisses all the way down to the collar bone. Minho shuddered at the touch.

“See, you like it! Now, tell me if that someone does this to you~” She placed her palm on his chest.

Nothing made sense anymore.

I felt numb while I sat there and spied on them, her kissing him.

Minho tried to break away from the showering kisses she made all over his neck area.

“Can you please just…Stop! STOP TOUCHING ME!” He yelled at her, pushed her hand away from pulling the hem of his t-shirt up.

I didn’t believe my eyes. Who was this girl touching Minho? And how can I get out of here? I no longer wanted to watch how this was going to end. It tore me apart inside. A tear rolled down my cold cheek, without making any noise I cried, soundlessly. The room filled with silence for some time until the girl stormed out the door slamming it right behind her.

It was only the two of them now. Minho turned the light on and placed himself on the tiled floor. I wanted to reach out to him the moment I saw his expression. His face looked full of dread and sorrow.

You don’t deserve it, hyung. You have done nothing but helped me and been caring towards me. Seeing you like this breaks my heart.

Who was that girl? What a . She needs to get a lesson from someone! It was like she thought she owned Minho and could do whatever pleased her.. It boiled inside me again.

The position on the floor hurt my back. But of course I couldn’t come out from my hiding place and let him know that I had been watching him the whole time. So, I let myself sunk down to the floor, thinking I would just wait for him to leave.

Suddenly I heard someone sobbing. My head turned towards Minho, but I couldn’t see him properly because of the clothes that were in the way of the view. Slowly I pulled the clothes to the side, but just as I did that, the whole rail of clothes felt over me.

Oh, . .

Just my luck, huh?!

Minho at the other side of wall frowned and stared shockingly at the movement. Tears streamed down his flushed cheeks as he glared at me.

“Taemin! Is it you?” he asked nearing me the last, tears still rolling down from his cheeks ending at his jaw.


Uh, nooo. It’s just some stalker guy spying on you. Keke! Eh..

“I..uh…Yeah it’s me. I’m so-sorry. I’m not a…eh… crazy stalker, or anything like that..” I mumbled and started to panic when I saw his not-so-convinced face expression.

He lifted an eyebrow at me.

“Of course you’re not a stalker. You were just spying on me, right?” He said, his voice not hiding one pit sarcasm in it.

“Nonono. Listen. I…” I tried, Minho looking at me expectantly. “I wanted to see you again.”

He looked surprised at me, his frog eyes widen at my words.

What did I just say?That did not come out right.

“No, you don’t understand! I meant that” – he shushed me, his finger gently leaning on my lips.

“It’s okay Taemin. You don’t have to explain.”

My eyes locked with his. His touch on my lips felt so hot as if it burned and made me feel all dizzy.

Minho removed his finger, and with his muscular arms  he threw the clothes of rail to the side. Then brought his attention back to me.

He tucked a lock of hair back behind my ear, and I felt the blood spill hot up into my face, making me turn tomato-red, and the hair on my neck stood up.

The pounding of blood through my skin became louder. I prayed for him not to be able to tell how nervous I was with him being so close to me. The heat ran up and down my skin, the blood rushed faster inside my veins as he slowly leaned in. The distance between us slowly closing, I felt myself slowly leaning forward, meeting him halfway, from lying down to a semi-upright sitting position. He raised my face bringing his own lips down to meet mine, and gently them. My eyes widen as I finally realized that... We were kissing.




Bonjour guys! I haven't proofread the last part. So sorry if you find any that needs to be corrected. I'm going to do that later.


SO OMG! THEY KISSED. Did you expect that, huh? Did you like it, huh? *girly scream*

HAHA. Please tell me. This is my fav chapter because I finally get to write about them kissing.


I need your opinion, so please comment.

And thank you again for everything <3




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ilabya11 #1
strawberrystarheart #2
ShaSha #3
Chapter 12: Soo cute >_< <3
Woah! DANISH! I'm gonna read this~~
): well that was bull
Well, that's an ending. HAHA.

I hate You now. I liked this story!! DX
elisaexplosive #8
I miss this story :(<br />
SuperVelma #9
Ohhhhhh yeah. Please update!!!!!!!
kyaaa, they finally kissed >_< I'm so happy :B they are so cute ^^