Shaking Off

My Foxy Girlfriend [HIATUS]

Chapter 7 - Shaking Off

Haewon pouted when Youngmin doesn't allow her to go back to his apartment.

"Waeyo.. Pul-lease?" Haewon said with aegyo.

Youngmin suddenly had a bright idea.

"Why not.. I bring you out to play!" Youngmin suggested, having a wicked plan in his mind.

I shall leave her alone later on. Ah-ha! That's how I can get off from this annoying brat!

"Okay! I love to play! Where are we going?" Haewon asked excitedly.

"Cruise!" Youngmin said, knowing that it is a good way to run off from Haewon.

"Cruise?" Haewon repeated and turned pale instantly.

"Yea, waeyo?" Youngmin asked.

"Is it something that is big and float on the water?"


"Please, not there." Haewon pleaded.

"It's fun. Let's go." Youngmin said, determined to left her on the cruise alone.

Haewon reluctantly agreed and follow Youngmin to the cruise.

~At the cruise~

"Haewon, stay here for a while. I'll be right back." Youngmin said urgently.

He ran off by himself and left Haewon on the cruise. She is afraid of the seawater as she can't swim. Without Youngmin by her side, she felt even more insecure. She counted the minutes ticking by. Youngmin is still not back. A thought dawned on her.

He dumped me. I haven been duped! He doesn't want me. Youngmin doesn't want Haewon anymore..

Haewon started to cry as she wandered around the cruise, desperately finding Youngmin. Youngmin, on the other hand, had ran off from the cruise. Suddenly, he felt a little pain at his heart.

What is happening to me? Aish, this is painful.

Suddenly, it started to rain.


Author Note : Sorry for the short chapter eh. Will promise to do a longer one ^^

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awwww. so cute and funny! XD
onesweetdelightlater #2
hahaha aw. update soon!
scoobie #3
Update soon!!
ooo~~no update?so sad~~
Haha. He made up a name
TeenzgurLvampire18 #7
Update soon!
omo your story is just like my girlfriend is a gumiho...hehe update soon! :))
Woah.. Update soon
The master O.O