Chapter 2

Heaven's Angel ((hiatus))


Chapter 2

you POV:

We both stopped running and decided to just talk in a small coffee shop, not too far from the mail box. I sat down on a table near the window and he sat across from me, still unsure about his name at this time. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing on it.

Lots of mail has come, letters for parents from their children, a husband who lost his wife, a letter from a dead friend, a mom who lost her daughter or a lover who lost his lover. He read from a white piece of paper, when he finished looking at it he faced me.

Because people who are left behind believe there is a Heaven. He placed the paper under his neck and looked out the window.

But one of the letters is seriously wicked, he faced me again with a disappointed look covering his face.

He shook his head, If that person who normal, he or she wouldn’t write that. He quoted from the letter “You’re so bad, how can you go without me” but this sounded a little like your letter.

“People like you should die.” He got closer to my face which caused me to look back down.

She sends foul, abusive words to Heaven…. What do you think I should do with her?

I held my coffee up into my hands feeling the warmth making my body unfreeze, due to the cold. I laughed trying not to admit that it was actually my letter.

She’s so narrow-minded! I said.

You sent that letter, he pointed out.

I froze and swallowed my coffee, making a sound. I laughed again, placing my coffee back down on the table.

Come on, who says that? I smiled. I went back to my writing, but once again he came closer and looked down so he could see my eyes.

Today you had the same envelope, the picture with the red cherries. As soon as he said that I stopped writing.

Because of your spiteful mind and you’re rude, I,  as a ghost, had to actually come down and talk to you about that letter.

I looked into his eyes angry.

You think I’m so much trouble that a ghost has to talk to me? To tell you the truth, I wanted to put a bomb inside that letter.  I wanted to send a bomb to Heaven! I wanted to ahhh…. So when he opens the letter, BOOM!

I slapped the table as I said BOOM!

From across the table he looked at me blankly. And he placed his hands together.

But he’s already dead, there is no point in doing that. He stated the obvious to me.

I just gave up, having a fight with this guy is just pointless. The waitress came up, dressed in black and white clothes holding the coffee mug, as soon as she was about to leave I grabbed her arm still looking across to him.


There, that coffee over there, is it floating? I asked now looking at her.

From your view, do I look as if I’m a crazy person who is talking to myself and ordering two coffees?

I pointed to her, now I twilled in the air around my head.

He just sat there, looking at his coffee cup.

Excuse me? The waitress said.

Is there…. A person there? I pointed to him

There is, the waitress said.

He just looked at me, with that amazing face truly made by god. It is true art, wait a second what am I thinking? I stood up.

I whispered in the waitresses ear, that guy there says he’s an angel or a ghost. What do you think I should do? I looked up to her.

He smiled at the waitress. But then she whispered into my ear, he’s cute but he must be insane. Just don’t talk to him and leave him alone.

I smiled and the waitress and myself nodded to each other. She left back to her work.

I kept on laughing, wiping my eyes.

Ha Ha ha ha ha, I looked back at him.

You know, I heard every bit of that.

So what are you exactly?  I yelled.

Yah, wait I know to prove to everyone that you are Heaven’s postman, you walk from here to there around the mailbox right?

He looked back down to the mail, it’s a part- time job.

Part-time job? I said confused.

He looked up again. For example,  delivering letters to heaven. He faced me with wide, open eyes.

So are you possibly insane, I said with hands in my hair.

No, No he said back.

I rubbed my face with my hands.

I’m just helping people who have lost their loved ones.

So what is that? Tell me more.

He asked for me to come closer and our faces were inches away.

There’s no more because it’s a secret, he looked at me for a second and said nothing.

I looked at him irritated with his answer. I let my head fall on the table.

Unless you’re going to help, then I’ll think about telling you. I’ll think about it.

What, I quickly got back up to look at him.

If you can, let’s do it together. I’ll give you a pay of $20 an hour. He placed two fingers in front of my face, making me crossed eyed.


Yeah he smiled. Looking more magnificent then before.

I smiled.

No, I said.


As I ride my bike down the streets, peddling down all the old roads, taking in the views I pass an Art factory which there appeared to be a sign with

“ Alibi Art Factory

Staff needed

Highly skilled."

 I took the piece of paper down the fence, got off my bike and started to head in the door. I walked up the small amount of stairs, seeing a man grabbing some food.

Excuse me, what kind of factory is this? I said to him

He just walked inside, telling me to walk in. The man told me about some things he made and what he did and then pointed to a sign that had pricing for different signs. It said:

"Bar sounds $30

sounds $18

Market sounds $7"

The list went on, which covered a great amount of room on the wall.

It’s to cheat, that’s what this place does, the man said.

But how much is the pay for highly skilled workers? I asked and needed to know. The man said down and asked.

You’re not a worker.

I left not really getting an answer and I got back on my bike and rode to the mail box, seeing him again and today I must ask his name.

Yo! I surprised him

Yo, he replied getting the letters out of the mail box.

Did you come to send those evil letters again?

No, I don’t send them again more, I picked up a toy from under the mail box.

He looked over the mail box and to me. So did to decide to work with me? He smiled

Ha ha, no way. I came to bribe you, how about $50 for the pay.

He looked at me, not with a reassuring face. “ I cannot forgive you….”

“ You told me you like me”

“ Was that all A lie”

“ I stoked your face” I shook the toy in the air.

So are you writing lyrics for a song?

You already forgot what you wrote then?

I turned around. You foul guy, I said angrily, facing him now.

You can’t threaten me, or I’ll post these letters on the internet.

NO! I snapped, it was quiet for a moment before he said something.

What’s your name by the way?

Why should I tell you? I said still upset.

Just tell me, he said getting closer.

Its… it’s  you

See it wasn’t that hard, I’m Jaejoong nice to finally know your name he smiled.

So I'm really sorry this update took so long, school has been a real . But I'm now on my two weeks break, so I shall have faster chapter's updated. I'm so sorry and I do wish that you will all enjoy it. Btw who watched Protect The Boss?- Nik

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bloom12 #1
Chapter 13: Please tell us who is the Schuler at least please I want to now so badly if you are not going to finish the storie but if you are then don't tell us thank you though it was a nices a story so far
LalaLucky #2
Wow, I'm a character in this story?
bloom12 #3
Chapter 12: Don't stop continue please its so good poor jae :( who is this schuler I want to know? It's very goodi love it <3
my username is lovechocolate XD
Pls update soon.....I can't waiting for next chapter....
Honest opinion:- I think it's good that you are writing based on a movie. Which means JJ fans don't need much introduction. However, right now your story reads like a book version of the movie. What would make it intriguing if you were to write scenarios that is NOT in the movie. Get the readers imagination going. The storyline can be the same but subtle twists in the plot will make it so much more interesting.<br />
<br />
Also, I think you should just stick to normal font for better readability. Honestly, I kinda skimmed through the chapters only as the fonts were distracting.<br />
<br />
But there's plenty of potential in this story and I hope you continue to write
I like your story! Please keep writing it!!!!
mareta #8
Because I like Jaejoong very much I feel so happy to see there my name written.. Haha The story make my feel so sad, because it's like I involved in it...
<br />
'What’s your name by the way?<br />
<br />
Why should I tell you? I said still upset.<br />
<br />
Just tell me, he said getting closer.<br />
<br />
Its… it’s  Puddie88'<br />
<br />
my name omg, hahahahahaha ;"D