A New Beginning

In Real Life

POV — Tiffany

I woke up to the sound of Prince's loud and agitated barks. I shifted on the couch, groaning frustratedly as I tried to find a more comfortable position.

"Be quiet, Prince," I mumbled. "You're going to make my head explode."

"What in the world..." I heard a different voice coming from the front door. "What the hell? TIFF?!"

If my eyes were open, I would've rolled them. With difficulty, I sat up and lazily opened my sore eyes, and Sunny's blurred image appeared in front of me.

"Hi, Sunshine." I smiled sloppily.

"What the heck are you doing here, Tiff?!" Sunny cried out.

"Ugh," I grumbled as I placed a palm on my forehead and closed my eyes once again. "Please don't scream. My head hurts. Shouldn't I be the one making that question?"

"I'm here for Prince. I come here every day to check on him and make sure everything's in its proper place, remember? You asked me to do that before you left."

"Yeah, but... in the morning...? Isn't it too early? Come later, let me sleep now." My body hit the couch once again as I finished speaking.

"It's 3 in the afternoon, Tiff."



There was silence for a few seconds, which made me think Sunny was gone and I was just dreaming. However, footsteps approached and soon after I felt Sunny's hand pull my shoulder, jolting my body to the other side and making me eye the shorter woman in annoyance.

"Would you care to explain what is that empty bottle of whiskey doing laying on the rug?" Sunny asked sternly, her hand pointing to the said object.

I looked at it for a moment then lazily gazed back at Sunny. "It's an empty bottle of whiskey laying on the rug."

"You--" Sunny approached me, bringing her face close to mine and sniffed. "Ugh, Tiffany! I can smell the alcohol even with your mouth closed! Why did you drink?"

"It was just a few shots," I tried to reason, although I knew I was lying. I had indeed drank the whole bottle.

"I know you, and 'just a few shots' don't do that to you. You're hung-over, aren't you?" she insisted.

"Ugh, Sun, whatever," I croaked. "Stop scolding me. I'm not a teenager. And I feel dizzy, I'm practically seeing you double. You have no idea what kind of hell it is to be scolded by two of you."

"I'm not scolding you," Sunny shook her head and said as she picked up the cushions lying on the floor, "I'm taking care of you." She looked at me worriedly. "I don't want you to start drinking like you told me you used to a few years ago."

"I won't."

"Fine. Would you mind explaining me why you drank yourself to sleep, and most importantly, why the are you here now?"

"Actually, yes." I placed one of the cushions on my face. "I don't want to talk. I want to sleep."

"God, Tiffany! How old are you?" Sunny cried. I felt the cushion be yanked away and before I could protest, Sunny was grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

She was quite strong for someone her size.

"What now?" I asked, annoyedly. 

"Go take a bath. Brush your teeth. I'll find something sweet for you to eat and then you're going to talk. You don't even need to tell me it's something to do with Taeyeon, though, because that's quite obvious. But you're talking either way. Don't test me, Tiffany," Sunny glared at me as she rapidly made her way upstairs to my room and dragged me along.

"Seriously? What are you now? My babysitter?"

"No, Tiffany. I'm your best friend. I don't only work for you, you're not only a boss to me. I care about you and I love you like my sister, you drunk pinhead. And because of that, I'm willing to protect you and take care of you, even if that means forcefully giving you a reality check. I don't care if you get pissed off. Do I look like I'm scared of you?" she looked at me nonchalantly. "Get your together, you look awful. NOW," she finished, sternly, as she pulled me into the bathroom and left right after, closing the door behind her and leaving me alone. 

I sighed, giving in.






"For Pete's sake, Tiff, you're making me anxious!" Sunny exclaimed as I kept crying incessantly.

"And she hasn't even called, you know?!" I cried out, stuffing my mouth with another chocolate from the chocolate box Sunny had found in the house. "By now she already knows I've left! And she hasn't even bothered to call me! What if she doesn't want to see me again? What if it's over, Sunny? It can't be over! I can't go on without her, I seriously can't!"

"Whoa, there. Slow down, Tiff." Sunny eyed me worriedly before she sat down on the bed I was lying on. "You can't go on without her? Tiff, you've been dating this woman for only a month. And it hasn't been even a whole year since you've met her. Aren't you taking this too far?"

"I'm not." I sniffed. "I can't."


"I'm being very serious here, Sunny!" I swatted. "I don't know what would become of me if I lost Taeyeon! I can't lose Taeyeon!" I finished with difficulty as I almost choke on my own tears.

"Tiff, honestly..." Sunny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to keep calm, "Honestly, you're not like that. This is not you, I think it's probably the alcohol wearing off. Calm down, okay? It's not that big of a deal--"

"OF COURSE IT IS!" I shrieked, crying harder. "I--" I halted my own speech as I heard the sound of my phone ringing and vibrating somewhere on the bed among the sheets. I immediately sat up and started to pat around the bed looking for it, hopeful it was Taeyeon calling me. But, much to my dismay, the ID read 'Mr. Cox.' More tears began to fall and I growled loudly in anger.

"Pick it up for me, it's Martin," I said, tossing the device to Sunny. "I'm in no condition to talk to anyone right now."

I felt Sunny's concerned eyes fall on me once again as she took my phone and slid her finger on its screen to pick up the call.

"Yes?" There was a pause before she continued talking. "Yes, she's already in Los Angeles. Tomorrow in the afternoon it is. Around this time? Okay. We'll be there, Mr. Cox. Thank you."

She ended the call and looked at me again, giving me a small smile. "Cox wants to see you in the old set tomorrow afternoon. He said around 3 or 4p.m. He says he needs to meet with you personally."

"I'm so stupid," I muttered, trying to stop crying. "I should've stayed with her. I shouldn't be here."

"Actually, yes and no," Sunny said, adjusting herself on my bed and placing my phone on the nightstand. "Yes, you are stupid. But not only you. She is too. Both of you messed up, you know. This ridiculous first fight ensued from the lack of communication between the two of you. I agree that Taeyeon overreacted and that she could've handled the news in a more polite and mature way, but you shouldn't have told the man the two of you would be back to the U.S. to re-shoot the movie. You shouldn't have spoken for her."

"It wasn't my intention to speak for her! I said that because I wanted to finish the conversation with Martin soon so that Taeyeon and I could discuss it between ourselves and tell him later if our decision were different. But as soon as we ended the call, Taeyeon freaked out and started to argue with me. Before I knew, we were already fighting and I couldn't even manage to tell her that. It all happened too fast." I wiped the tears away as I began to slowly stop crying. 

Sunny sighed. "I'm sorry, Tiff."

"Yeah. So am I."

There was a brief silence between us.

"I miss her, Sunny. And I feel bad. I didn't even say goodbye. I didn't--"

"Stop blaming yourself. Stop feeling bad. Both of you are to blame here, you're both wrong, so don't take it all out on yourself, okay? Things will get better soon. She's probably in the same situation as you are, really."

"I know, I know. I just... I just really want to be with her again. I want to make up. It's lonely without her."

"Can I ask you a question to be honest with you?" Sunny eyed me. "Completely honest?"

I nodded.

"Don't you think you're getting too attached too soon?"

I looked up, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... Realistically speaking, you two haven't been together for that long. Neither as friends nor as lovers. It's your first time and, honestly, it's a minor problem, but you're so-- you're such a wreck because of it, Tiff. It has been a day since you've seen her for the last time and you're talking as if she were, I don't know, traveling to Mars or something. I'm just worried."

"About what?"

"Uh, you? I'm worried about you. I'm worried this mad love won't be good for you. You're too early into your relationship... What if it doesn't work out? I'm afraid you'll get hurt. Worse, I'm terrified of how you may react if you two break up. So, I'll ask again: don't you think you're getting too attached too soon?"

"I... I..." I tried to speak, but didn't know what to say. 

Maybe Sunny was right. Maybe I was getting to attached too soon. But it's not like I didn't have my reasons. Taeyeon was everything I had ever dreamt of having in my life. In such a short period of time, she had done so much for me, she had done things I had never seen anyone else do for me. Not even my family. And, yeah, it's true, we hadn't been together for that long, but regardless, I already knew everything I needed to know about us, about my feelings... Even about what to expect from our relationship, considering our personalities. About Taeyeon herself, too. And I was willing to take her as she was, with all her flaws, all her downsides. 

"Maybe," I replied. 


"And I don't care."

Sunny sighed defeatedly, lying her back on one of my pillows.









"I really, really, REALLY don't want to do this. Really," I complained as Sunny parked the car. "I rue the moment I booked my ticket back to Los Angeles."

"Well, I'm afraid there's no backing up now," Sunny responded, turning off the engine and looking at me. "I won't tell you to cheer up. I wouldn't cheer up if I were in your shoes. But you've committed yourself to this now, Tiff. And you're not the kind of person who breaks a promise."

I sighed, half angrily and half desperately. "This is going to be a nightmare."

"Maybe not."

"Half a year shooting the same movie I shot with Taeyeon with an entirely different actress? Kissing an entirely different woman repeatedly?" I stared at Sunny before nodding. "A nightmare."

Sunny smiled sadly. "I'm sorry."

"You should be." I put my shades on. My eyes were puffy from all the crying from the previous afternoon--and night, for I had cried inconspicuously as Sunny slept beside me. I didn't bother to put makeup on, people would notice the sore eyelids any way. "Let's go."



I entered the set with a heavy heart. My mind was a mess, torn between recalling every memory I shared with Taeyeon in that place and envisioning how it would be now, without her. I wanted to run away, I wanted to lock myself inside the house or maybe fly back to Korea to pounce on Taeyeon's arms and tell her I won't do that anymore, but Sunny was painfully right. I couldn't back out.

"Tiffany!" I heard voice's Martin, and soon witnessed the man come to me hurriedly. "I'm so glad you're here, oh God. And I'm sorry for the mess, but it's crazy around here. We're working on improving the set and gathering the crew again, there's so much to do. I just spoke to the writer and, let me tell you, the woman is driving me insane. She now isn't sure whether she's modifying the script or not, and she doesn't want us to start re-filming unless she makes up her mind," the man rambled, massaging his temples.

I smiled weakly and adjusted my sunglasses on my face . "It's fine. Um..." I began, but hesitated a little, "Mr. Cox, I don't mean to be impolite, but if everything's still so messy, why did you need me here? Oh, and about Taeyeon--"

"Oh! Right, right. I'm sorry," he smiled embarrassedly and took me by the arm, leading the way and taking me away from Sunny, who just stood there eyeing us. "I, yeah, I know about Taeyeon. So I needed you here because I think you need to meet your new partner, right? I mean, since Taeyeon and you met in advance... I think it's just fair to do that again now."

"Ah," I gulped and inhaled deeply as I tried to put on my best smile, "right."

Martin nodded. "She's in the makeup room," he said as we reached a door. "I have to go back to taking care of a few things, so, good luck. You'll like her, trust me. She's a great one."

I concurred, and watched as the man walked away. I was, however, extremely confused. Hadn't he said he would give up on the movie if Taeyeon and I weren't in it? How come he was so chill and eager to have me meet my new co-star now?

"I guess desperate times require desperate measures," I thought out loud to myself.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to keep myself calm and get over the fact that that was really happening and that I would spend months shooting a movie I was supposed to shoot with Taeyeon with a different actress. I pushed the door open and entered the room almost silently, and my eyes fell on a blonde figure sitting on a black swivel chair that had its back facing the door. I closed the latter behind me as gently as I had opened it, and took one deep breath before proceeding.

"Hi," I called, hoping to get the woman's attention and make her face me. "I'm Tiffany. I, uh... It looks like we'll be working together now, so--"

"Yeah, it looks like," the woman interrupted me, and my whole body froze as soon as that voice reached my ears.

I watched as the chair rotated, almost painfully slowly, and the person sitting on it smiled at me as she continued, "How do you like that?"









A/N: DUN DUN DUN DUN~~!!! xD Hope you've enjoyed this one too! Thanks for all the nice comments on the previous chapter. I was insecure when I published it, but thanks to you, now I feel proud of writing it. :) Please don't forget to comment!! 

Shall I torture you a little and wait a few days before I publish the next chapter...? Hehehe. >:D

P.s: pardon me if you find any mistakes. I didn't have time to proofread this... >.< I'll check it later and fix the mistakes, if there's any! 

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Chapter 30: Reread the story because i miss taeny and you. Where are you? I'm still waiting for the update...
aerolcaroline #2
Chapter 30: Comeback? Author? :(
Grimmer #3
Chapter 30: I love this story so muchh! I hope you won’t abandon this masterpiece authorssi :(
arainuno #4
I can’t move on
Gaejihyo815 #5
Chapter 30: It’s such a good story, really hope we can have an ending to it !
Chapter 30: I love this story so much
selenaia #7
awee i want to read this badly but im afraid it will leave me hanging. i hope the author is doing good, and hopefully will update soon
It's been years but I'm still waiting for this story's update :(
The story's too good. I hope you're doing well, authornim.
Chapter 30: Updateeee pleaseeee
LKLsoccer #10
Chapter 30: Am I the only one who wants to watch this movie? Cause it looks REALLY good