
In Real Life
POV — Tiffany
Taeyeon and I borrowed Hayeon's laptop and made our way up to Taeyeon's room not long after I told her about Martin's call.
We sat on Taeyeon's bed and opened the laptop, placing it carefully on the mattress and adjusting its screen. I texted Martin saying we were available and only waiting for him. It barely took him two minutes to add us on Skype and initiate the call that we willingly, yet nervously answered.
"Hello, girls," Martin said, waving to the webcam.
"Hey," we answered.
"Listen, girls... I, uh..." the man made a brief pause, massaging his temples with both of his hands before wringing them together in front of his face, "I don't think there's a way to drop the news lightly nor to sugarcoat anything, so, um... Let's just get right down to brass tacks, all right?"
"What happened to the movie?" Taeyeon asked in a serious tone, veering my attention to herself. "Has its premiere been delayed? Or maybe it's just some homophobic douchebag that deems the film inappropriate or something?"
"Taeyeon, it- Taeyeon, Tiffany," Martin began, then paused once again. "The editorial crew lost half of the movie's footage."
A dreadful silence fell upon us. I couldn't believe my ears.
"Lost data? In Hollywood?!" I scoffed, shaking my head in denial. "Impossible."
"I know, I know." Martin sighed defeatedly once again, running his hand through his hair. "This is really ed up, pardon my French. I don't know exactly how that happened, it looks like the film editor messed up during the editing process and accidentally deleted a massive part of the film's footage, I just... I just got the news yesterday morning. After the bomb was dropped... The producer quit. I took his position, though. I don't know how in the world I'm going to do this, but it seems I'm both the producer and the director now. And since then I've been talking to everyone involved in the movie, to all the important people, trying to fix this and that, trying to find a way to clean up this mess and to fix everything. I don't even know who did this, precisely. The movie is just gone, it's just... It's all screwed up, girls. I'm so sorry."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know whether I was feeling outraged and extremely offended due to these people's blatant irresponsibility and indifference towards our hard work, plain sad knowing that it had all been lost or terrified because I didn't know what would come next.
"I... I don't..." I tried to speak, but my words were caught in my throat. I was downright baffled. "What now?"
I watched Martin open his mouth to speak on the computer screen, but before he could say a word, I heard a different voice.
"You mean all of the efforts we had put into this movie for months were just downgrade​d and that our work was carelessly handled leading to its basically being thrown away?!" Taeyeon hissed, her teeth gritted.
"I know how it sounds like, but there's a way we can fix this, Taeyeon. I just--" Martin responded, but was interrupted once again.
"FIX THIS, MARTIN?" Taeyeon raised her voice. "How can we fix a movie that is missing half of its story? Of its footage? What in the bloody hell?!"
"Taeyeon, please," I muttered, touching her arm. 
"Honestly, Tiffany?" she turned to me. "Are you really that calm? A whole movie has been wasted and you're all chill? Are you high or something?"
"Just let him speak!" I exclaimed, struggling to contain the annoyance I felt forming inside of me as I witnessed the scene Taeyeon was making in front of Mr. Cox. She kept staring at me, her eyes burning with rage, until Martin's voice drew our attention back to the laptop's screen.
"There is a way to fix this, in fact," he said, nodding. "We re-shoot it." He looked directly at the camera, as if he were trying to look us in the eyes. "It is for sure going to delay its original premiere schedule, we'll need at least four to six months to shoot it entirely once again, especially when there's going to be a new script and--"
"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupted him, raising one of my hands. "New script?"
He nodded once again. "Once I contacted the writer... She said a new script was going to be written. The center of the story will remain Ella and Leah's relationship, though. That's all I know for now. The new script should be handed in a week, I think."
I took a few seconds to digest everything. A new script would mean new lines to memorize, a new story to adapt to and God knows what other changes. And I was terrified of those changes. The story was already great, why would they want to modify it?
"Martin, this--"
"This is going to screw up all of our plans for the entire year, Mr. Cox," Taeyeon cut me in, still speaking angrily as if she were about to jump on the device's neck, if it had any. "Tiffany and I have both received new scrips, new proposals. Projects we've been studying and considering. I myself have been considering two already. I was ready to make next year a very, very busy and productive one, and I was looking forward to it."
"I know, Taeyeon, I know. That's why I'm here now with the both of you. Girls, listen," the man said gently as he adjusted himself on his seat, clasping his hands together once more, "this movie is yours, and yours only, okay? I want you, Tiffany, as my Ella, and you, Taeyeon, as my Leah. If that doesn't happen, I will cancel the movie, the whole production will stop, and we're all just going to move on. But I must say that would be a shame. Never have I produced or directed any film that would ensue the commotion this one did when it was announced, especially after your names were linked to it. Broken or not, refilmed or not, many people look forward to this movie, girls. And believe me, these people will wait for it."
Taeyeon and I remained quiet. Taeyeon kept a straight, slightly angered face, and folded her arms, while I, on the other hand, nodded politely, gesturing Mr. Cox to continue.
"I know this affects and halts your plans. It harms my plans too. But I definitely am not willing to give up on this. I know this film's potential, I feel it. And I've seen you two on set, I've watched your scenes repeatedly and you've got to believe me when I say that what you two have on screen together is something many actors yearn for, something even the most talented ones can't fake or act. This story is not going to be properly told if it's not told by the two of you. Together. And not only I am passionate about this, you know. Everyone in the crew... Everyone loved working with us the first time, and they are willing to do it again. So I'm here asking, almost begging you two to tag along."
I looked at Taeyeon and stuck with my silence for a couple of minutes.
He was right. Taeyeon was right too. Taking four to six months of the upcoming year to re-shoot an entire movie, especially with a script we hadn't even taken the smallest look at yet, would damage a lot of other plans we had. Both of us would have to refuse some offers, put on ice interesting upcoming projects, and I myself would have to give up on auditioning for roles I had been yearning to get.
But I thought, wasn't it all worth it the first time?
Why wouldn't it be worth it now?
And what if it were even better than the first time?
"Fine," I agreed, nodding and looking back at the laptop's screen. "When do you need us?"
"'Fine?!'" Taeyeon exclaimed, startling me a little. I looked at her and beckoned her to stay quiet, mouthing a 'we'll talk later.'
"Oh, thank heavens!" Martin cried out, relieved. "As soon as possible. I need to meet with you personally, just like we did months ago. If you could come back before new years... It would be great. I'm sorry for this but oh, boy... I'm so thankful you two agreed on this."
"It's okay," I said softly, smiling lopsidedly. "We just, uh... We need some time to talk, all right? We'll be there before new years, don't worry. Oh, and Merry Christmas, Martin."
"Merry Christmas, girls."
And with that, the call was finished. I closed the laptop.
"Are you completely out of your mind, Tiffany?!" Taeyeon almost shouted at me, getting up from the bed.
"Why are you talking to me like that?"  I asked, frowning, finding it hard to recognize Taeyeon's behavior.
"'WE' are going to be there? I don't remember agreeing on this. This is insane, this is just... This is bull."
"So... You don't want to do it?" I asked, slightly taken aback.
"I didn't say that."
I folded my arms, shaking my head in disbelief. "I don't think you even have to, Taeyeon."
"It's not that I don't WANT to do it! It's just that I think this is unconceivably unfair to us! We'll have to give up on other projects, interesting projects... And it's just... It is awful to feel as if your work had been belittled, that's all. I'm pissed off, okay? I'm not sure I want to do this, I'm not sure I'm even mentally and emotionally capable of doing this."
I stared at Taeyeon for a moment. I couldn't believe those words were coming out of so coldly and nonchalantly.
"I thought we were in this together," I muttered.
"We are." Taeyeon made a small pause. "That's why I think you should give up on this too."
"So you are officially neglecting the movie?"
"I didn't say I--"
"Taeyeon, don't you realize how plain childish you're being?" I got up too. "You heard Martin, didn't you? You heard him when he said a lot of people are counting on this project, counting on me and on YOU, miss," I pointed a finger at her face, "to bring this story to life, you heard him when he said he'll just drop everything if we don't go for it! More than that, you know how our fans are expecting this, Taeyeon, you know it! You know how many freaking people want this. Are you really willing to let everyone down because a godforsaken accident happened? We've poured so much of our hearts into this the first time, why can't we do it again? Because you don't want to give up on new projects, so you'd rather back up? Are you even serious here, Taeyeon?! HOW SELFISH IS THAT?" I inquired, raising my voice slightly. "Is that what you always do? You back up and relinquish when facing the very first obstacle that comes your way?"
Taeyeon frowned angrily. "I'VE GIVEN YOU MY REASONS, ALL RIGHT?" She shouted, making me take a small step back in shock. "And, mind you, they seem pretty valid for me. It's not like I'm freaking obliged to do this! What if I'm being a little selfish, huh? Do you blame me for wanting to do something else? For wanting to try different things? And if you really want to do this so much, why don't you just go by yourself?!"
Taeyeon's words striked me like a thousand knives, and I wondered how could such a great day like the one we had had crumble so quickly and come to that. I was angered by Taeyeon's childishness, but deeply hurt by what she had just said. 
I felt tears b in my eyes, and I struggled not to let them fall. I looked down for a moment and briefly nodded.
"Fine. You're right," I said, looking up and meeting Taeyeon's eyes once again. "You know what, Taeyeon?" I started, crossing my arms and taking a few steps towards her, "Just like Martin, I don't want to give up on this. I do think the movie has a great potential. Especially now that it's going to have a new script, who knows the improvements that can be made. I want to do this, I really, really do. I want to do this for the people who are looking forward to it, I want to do this for Martin, and I want to do this for me as an actress. I just..." my voice cracked, and I bit my lower lip in a failed attempt to hold back the tears that were quickly streaming down my cheeks, "I just didn't want to do this without you. Hell, I never thought I would have to."
I stood there, face to face in front of Taeyeon, but the latter didn't say a word. She would just look at me, albeit avoiding my eyes. I merely nodded sadly.
"But since you insist," I muttered before quickly making my way to the door.
"Tiffany, wait, I--"
"Can I just say one last thing, Taeyeon?" I said, turning my head and facing her again as my right hand held the door open, "This might sound silly to you, but... I've lost so many people. And I've been left alone many, many times. You know that, don't you? I've told you about that. I've told you about how not even my family stuck by my side when I needed. Everyone in my life so far, except for Sunny, has abandoned me in a way or another. Family, friends. Everyone. And I'm not saying I lost you, but... I just never thought you'd abandon me too. Which you are doing now. I just never thought that would hapen."
"Tiffany, really, just let me--" I heard Taeyeon say behind my back as she approached in quick steps, but I closed the door abruptly and rushed down the stairs before she could reach me. As I ran to the room Ms. Kim had provided me, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. 
It was already past 1a.m., and my eyes were sore and swollen from all the crying. 
Taeyeon hadn't come after me. Hitherto, I hadn't heard a single knock on the door. She didn't stop me when I was leaving her room, and she hadn't come check on me since then. That was just another stab in the heart for me.
I was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. My luggage was placed on the bed that I was lying on and clothes were scattered all over the room. I had just booked a ticked to a last-minute flight back to Los Angeles that would take off at noon, and I was trying to get started with my packing. Unfortunately, I was too disheartened to even do that properly. So I just laid there, still, and told myself I would just throw everything in my suitcase in the morning. Who cares?
My rushing thoughts were interrupted by a couple of knocks in the door. My heart pounded a bit in excitement because, for a moment, I was hopeful it was Taeyeon, and that she was going to tell me she was sorry and she is coming with me. But I, sadly, didn't hear velvet-like voice cooing my name, asking me to let her in, so I soon assumed it wasn't her. I was disappointed once again, but also embarrassed for making a fool of myself by getting my hopes up when, deep inside, I knew that nothing could really change Taeyeon's mind once she decided to throw one of her temper tantrums.
The knob turned, but I had locked the door, which halted the person's entrance. I sighed heavily and got up. On my way, I wiped my cheeks once to make sure no tear was left there, afraid to find Ms. Kim behind the door. I didn't want to burden her with something as silly and plain stupid as what was happening. I reached the door and unlocked it, opening it carefully.
"Oh, unnie?! What are you doing here? I thought you were with Taeyeon unnie in her room," Hayeon said, politely entering the room as she carried a pillow and eyed me.
"Hayeon... Why are you up this late?" I tried to put a smile on.
"My window broke and it's unbearably cold in my room, so I thought this one would be empty and decided to come sleep here. Wait," Hayeon looked around the room, gazing carefully at my clothes and at the open pink suitcase on the bed, "you're leaving?!" she asked, looking back at me, blanching for a moment.
"I... Yeah. I have to."
"But why? Is Taeyeon unnie going with you? Why isn't she here helping you pack?"
"No, Hayeon..." I sighed and closed the door, making my way to the bed and sitting on it. "I'm going alone. Taeyeon doesn't want to come with me."
She stared at me, befuddled.
"I'm sorry?!"
I patted the empty spot beside me as I looked at the young girl, and the latter nodded before placing herself by my side. "There's been some... Issues regarding our movie. Turns out that we have to re-shoot it, but Taeyeon doesn't want to. So she... She told me I should go alone. I've already booked my ticket, I'm leaving by the morning and my flight takes off at noon. I won't leave without talking to your parents first, of course."
Hayeon's face grew even paler in shock. Her eyes expressed confusion and sadness, and I felt awful to have to share such news with her. I knew it would shatter the dream she was probably living in, having her sister and me with her. 
"Unnie... Don't... Don't go, please? Maybe Taeyeon unnie didn't mean that! Maybe she said that in the heat of the moment, maybe she wants to go with you! Isn't she supposed to be in the movie too? How are you going to do this without her?" 
I looked at the girl as I smiled and chortled sadly. I looked down as I shook my head. "I don't know." I made a pause, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to. But I think your sister has made up her mind, Hayeon. You know how she can be, you know it even better than I do." I looked up at Hayeon again and the latter was furrowing her eyebrows, frowning in annoyance and frustration.
"I don't want you to go! You're still my idol! I don't want my idol to leave my house!" she protested, childishly, as she folded her arms. I found it quite amusing, and couldn't contain a small chuckle.
"If it depends on me, this won't change a thing between your sister and me. I mean, aside from the fact that we won't be work colleagues anymore. We'll see each other again, Hayeon. You don't need to be so sad."
"But you are sad, aren't you?"
I smiled a bit and averted the young girl's gaze. "I'll be fine."
"You are sad. Taeyeon unnie is so darn doomed, I swear to God," I heard Hayeon mutter under her breath. 
I chuckled once again. "Don't meddle, Hayeon. She'll take out on you."
"Oh, no, I won't. I won't meddle. This is between the two of you. I'm just... Torching something of hers. I'll find something she holds dear in the house and threaten to set it on fire if she doesn't get her together," the girl said, shrugging. 
I couldn't hold in my laughter when Hayeon said that so nonchalantly.
"What?" Hayeon laughed along. "Seriously, though. Taeyeon unnie does need a wake up call sometimes. Don't be afraid to give her one if you ever need to. I mean, I am the one who's going through that age when you want to rage at everything and everyone and your hormones are all over the place making you go crazy, yet I can behave and use my common sense better than her in certain situations! She's just off limits, so I have to use something shocking against her. If that means setting her room on fire, that's fine by me. I would be grounded for the rest of my life, but unnie would get the message."
I smiled at the young girl. "Everything will be fine, believe me. Just don't set the room on fire, okay?" Hayeon nodded. "I'm already feeling better. Thank you, Hayeon. But you should go to sleep now, it's late. You can take the room, I'll put away my stuff and I can perfectly sleep on the couch."
"What are you, crazy?!" Hayeon remarked. I was surprised to hear her talking to me like that, but I found her actions amusing once again. "Guests, especially the ones from Hollywood that I really like, don't just come to our place and sleep on the couch. You can keep your room, I'll sleep on the couch. I'll just grab some blankets back in my room."
"Hayeon, you really don't need to do that. I doubt I'll even sleep tonight. Just stay here, I don't mind."
The girl shook her head. "I'm taking care of you for Taeyeon unnie. If she founds out I let you sleep on a couch, she'll grill my . I'll be fine," she said as she grabbed her pillow and made her way to the door, stopping in front of it as her free hand turned the knob and her eyes found me. "Will you?"
I smiled and nodded. "Aye, aye, captain!"
She chuckled energetically and waved at me, wishing me a good night. As the door closed behind her back, my smile slowly faded away, and my body collapsed against the bed again. 
Will I?




















A/N: It hurt to write this.......... >< But I think a little drama is necessary, right? Haha... They'll make up, eventually. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. I'm eager to write the next chapter, so please motivate me so it can be out soon~~~ :) Please don't forget to comment! Your comments are really important and your opinions always matter, so be vocal about them, please~~!! 

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Chapter 30: Reread the story because i miss taeny and you. Where are you? I'm still waiting for the update...
aerolcaroline #2
Chapter 30: Comeback? Author? :(
Grimmer #3
Chapter 30: I love this story so muchh! I hope you won’t abandon this masterpiece authorssi :(
arainuno #4
I can’t move on
Gaejihyo815 #5
Chapter 30: It’s such a good story, really hope we can have an ending to it !
Chapter 30: I love this story so much
selenaia #7
awee i want to read this badly but im afraid it will leave me hanging. i hope the author is doing good, and hopefully will update soon
It's been years but I'm still waiting for this story's update :(
The story's too good. I hope you're doing well, authornim.
Chapter 30: Updateeee pleaseeee
LKLsoccer #10
Chapter 30: Am I the only one who wants to watch this movie? Cause it looks REALLY good