Meet The Kims - Part II

In Real Life

POV — Taeyeon

"Oh, Tippany?" my mother entered the living room, smiling. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Tiffany responded and smiled, sleepily. "I took a quick bath and decided to rest a little, but I accidentally fell asleep. I couldn't help it, you know... Jet lag. That's why I look a little... Dead?" she chuckled. Apparently, she was already fully awake now, but still didn't seem to had noticed me and my sister. "I had never been on a plane for so many hours."

"I see. Well, if you need anything--" my mother stopped talking when she looked at me and Hayeon on the couch. Then, her eyes would change positions quickly a few times, from me to Hayeon, from Hayeon to Tiffany, and then finally they laid on me once again. "Oh my... Taengoo..."

Tiffany had this confused look on her face until her eyes followed my mother's gaze and saw me and Hayeon. She pointed at the latter and smiled.

"Is this Hayeon?" she said as she approached us, her smiling growing wider.

I wanted to do something to help or at least just to make sure Hayeon wouldn't completely go crazy out of blue, but I couldn't even say I thing. My sister didn't move, and I briefly wondered if she was even breathing.

Tiffany squatted in front of Hayeon and smiled once again, flashing my sister that bright and open smile of hers that was so popular and loved. She placed her hands on Hayeon's legs and looked right at her face.

"Hello, Hayeon," she said as she adjusted herself in front of the young girl. "I heard you like me a lot."

There was a moment of silence in the room before we all witnessed Hayeon throwing her arms around Tiffany's neck, hugging her tightly.

"I LOVE YOU!" she exclaimed. 

I had to laugh.

Tiffany chuckled and gladly returned the hug. "It's great to meet you too."

"Wait, wait," Hayeon said as she withdrew herself a little and looked at Tiffany, holding her face. "Oh my God, it is really you... It's really you! Taeyeon unnie did tell me she had brought me a present! This is the best present ever!" she hugged her again, smiling almost as brightly as the now eye-smiling Tiffany.

"Aw, Taeyeon..." Tiffany began, looking at me and hugging Hayeon back once again. "Your sister is the sweetest creature alive. That was the widest smile someone ever gave me," she chuckled.

I heard a sniff.


"What?" she muttered, still clinging onto Tiffany.

"Are you crying?"

When Tiffany heard that last word, her face instantly turned to Hayeon.

"Why are you crying?" she said as she wiped away my sister's tears, her lips forming a slight pout. "I thought you were happy to see me. I'm happy to see you, Taeyeon to me so much about you."

"I am. I'm crying because I'm happy," Hayeon said. She then took a deep breath and looked around the living room, my mom was still standing there muffling her giggles. When she looked back at Tiffany and I, we were both smiling at her.

"Omo, this is so weird." She hid her face in her hands.

Tiffany giggled and got up, sitting herself comfortably by Hayeon's side. The latter was now sitting in between her beloved idol and I.

"What's weird?" Tiffany asked.

Hayeon looked up at Tiffany. "T-this. I mean... Wow. You and Taeyeon unnie see each other as normal people because you met as professionals and worked together, I see unnie as a normal person too because she is my sister after all, but you've been my hero for years and I have always seen you as an unreachable being yet you're... Here. This is weird because it doesn't feel real," she finished, frowning.

Tiffany and I laughed out loud. 

"Are you disappointed, though? Did you imagine meeting me to be better or more special than this?" Tiffany asked.

"No!" Hayeon readily said. "Not whatsoever. This is perfect, it's beyond anything I have ever imagined. I mean, which fan girl wouldn't like to have her idol in her home?" she said, shyly. I chuckled. "And besides, you are as beautiful as I thought you would be in person. Even your voice is perfect! You're all perfect!"

Tiffany chuckled and slid one of her hands through Hayeon's hair. "Thank you. You're beautiful too, Hayeon. And in fact," she said, looking at Hayeon and then at me, "you two are very similar."

"You think I look like unnie?" Hayeon said, smiling brightly. "Thank you!"

"Is that a compliment for you?" I asked.

Hayeon took a moment before she looked at me to respond. "If I say it is, will you bring Tiffany next Christmas?"

"If I say I will bring Tiffany, will you say you took that as a compliment?" I retorted, holding in my laugh.

"Gee, unnie!" Hayeon groaned. "Why are you like that?"

I smirked. "I'll take that as a yes."





POV — Tiffany

The afternoon passed by in a blink of an eye, and it had been long since I had had such a pleasant day. 

It was lovely meeting Hayeon and talking to her. Taeyeon had talked of her to me as if she were a little devil. And she might be, but she was just the sweetest of the girls to me. At one point of the day, she took me and Taeyeon to her room because she wanted to show me all the posters she had of me. I have to admit that entering a room full of huge pictures of me was a bit awkward at first, but upon seeing how much that young girl appreciated and cherished me, I soon relaxed and gladly went through everything she wanted to show me.

And despite the age difference, Taeyeon and I actually had a good conversation with Hayeon. She revealed herself to be a very mature girl, for her age at least. She briefly talked about the Korean culture to me and made me and Taeyeon a few questions about our new movie, casually mentioning how homouality was seen in Korea when we touched the topic. "Some people still frown upon it, the disapproval usually comes from the older generations," she said, "but people are slowly opening their minds about it. Things are changing, and it's more common than most people think. I don't think it's a big deal, neither do my friends. We think it's normal. Mom and dad didn't care when they knew about your movie either. I think they're okay with it, they are nice people."

Hayeon's words lingered in my mind for a while after they were said. It made me a little worried, what if Taeyeon didn't want to tell her parents about us right away because of that? Of course, I would understand. I would feel uneasy too. I just didn't want Taeyeon to feel bad about it, but throughout the day, I didn't have the opportunity to talk to her about that.

It was 9pm now, and we were all sitting at the dining table, including Taeyeon's father, who had just arrived from work. We were feasting on a delicious spaghetti Ms. Kim had wonderfully prepared. 

"You know, Tippany, Taengoo enjoys homemade Korean food when she comes visit us... But I didn't know if you liked it, so I chose to make a simpler dish. Is it good? I'm not that used to cooking foreign food," the woman humbly said, chuckling.

"It's great," I smiled. "Truly great, thank you. I love spaghetti. And I would love to try Korean food someday."

"You should make us kimbap, mom," Taeyeon butted in. "Tiffany likes sushi, she should like kimbap too."

"Why, I shall make kimbap for dinner tomorrow, then," Ms. Kim nodded and smiled. 

Everyone grew quiet for a few minutes and proceeded to eat peacefully. I took a look at every single person sitting on a table, and thought about how much the Kims were similar in their manners. Hayeon was eating politely, that wild young teenager persona of hers was gone; Ms. Kim was also enjoying the meal, casually looking at the others from time to time to make sure everyone was eating well. Mr. Kim remained quiet throughout the whole dinner time. He was indeed a nice and warm man as Taeyeon had told me, but he didn't talk a lot. Still, he had that loving father look, and I strongly believe anyone who saw him could point that out. 

The last one I looked at was Taeyeon. When she sensed my gaze, she looked back at me. I smiled shyly.

"So, Tippany," I heard Ms. Kim call me, "do you like Christmas? Our kids have always loved Christmas," she smiled. "When Taengoo was a child, back in America, she would always ask for us to decorate the house as much as we could and make a huge meal for dinner. Hayeon grew up to that, too. Here in Korea things are a bit different, but we try to keep those traditions because the girls like them so much."

I smiled weakly. "I like it, but it's been a while since I've last celebrated it."

"Why is that so?" the woman frowned.

"I just..." I took a moment to think of what to say. I didn't want to open up about my family issues with them, especially on the dining table. "I've lost the habit. I don't see the premise of celebrating Christmas alone. That is, I'm... Often busy with work on Christmas day, sometimes I really don't even have time to think about it," I tried to smile. "But it's okay, it's just a holiday anyway."

I noticed Hayeon's confused stare.

"Oh, no, child," Ms. Kim responded, "Christmas is not just a holiday. It's a time to spend with your family or your loved one. Or even just with people who care about you. You see, let's put it like this: if Taeyeon brought you here with her, it's because she likes you a lot. If one of our girls likes someone, we instantly like that person too."

Mr. Kim was nodding proudly as the woman spoke.

"So don't make yourself spend a lonely Christmas ever again," she finished, smiling warmly at me before looking at Taeyeon. "Make sure to bring her to us next year if she plans on spending Christmas eve alone, understood?"

Taeyeon chuckled, nodding. "Gladly. But what makes you so sure we will still be in touch by the next Christmas?"

"Why, Taengoo. I have a good feeling about you and Tippany. You never told us about any friend, let alone brought one here. You don't bring people to your parents' house unless you want them to stay in your life, it doesn't matter if they're friends or a lover," the woman said, matter-of-factly. 

I found myself at a loss of words, and so overwhelmed with feelings that I had to use all my psychological and emotional strength to keep myself from tearing up. My family had never bothered to try to reunite for Christmas since we stopped talking and contacting. They never worried about me spending Christmas on my own nor about making sure I was okay. I was used to being always by myself and to not having anyone worry about me. Ever. But then Taeyeon came into my life and made me feel all the things I thought I would never experience again. She gave me attention and affection, she took care of me, she made me feel loved and important. And now she had taken me to meet her family, a beautiful family that I felt blessed to meet and to be among. 

"Thank you, Ms. Kim," I responded and smiled brightly, finally collecting my thoughts and gathering words. "Really."

We spent a few more minutes talking. When everyone had finished their food, Taeyeon and I followed Ms. Kim to the kitchen. While she let Taeyeon help her put away a few things, she didn't let me help her do the dishes as I suggested. Instead, she told Taeyeon to lead me to my room, as she noticed I had yawned a few times. I was indeed tired, still not devoid of jet-leg. 

When Taeyeon and I reached the room I was sleeping in, I kissed her cheek gently before planting a chaste kiss on her lips. I whispered a good night before I turned the knob and opened the door, quickly getting in. Quickly, because otherwise, I wouldn't let go of her. But my whole plan went down the drain when I turned to close the door and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and soft lips caressing my own.

"Are you trying to get rid of me just like that?"

I chuckled.

"Actually, I wanted you to stay and sleep with me tonight," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around her neck, "but I know I'll simply have to deal with the fact I'll be sleeping alone."

Taeyeon didn't respond, but I noticed a guilty look in her eyes.

I didn't understand that.

"Now go, your mother is waiting for you to help her. I'll change and brush my teeth and then I'll go to sleep, I'm really tired," I assured her, caressing her shoulders with both of my hands.

But she just kept staring at me. 

"Taeyeon..." I chuckled, "Will you?"

She smiled shyly. "Sorry. I stared, didn't I?"

"I like your stares, but you need to go," I said, brushing my lips against hers. "Now, before we kiss each other. You know kisses always get in our way of doing things."

"Let me at least put you to sleep?"

"I'm 25."

"I don't care."

I smiled, kissing her lips a few times as I lightly pressed my body against hers before I let go. "Fine. But let me go so I can change and brush my teeth."


When I came out of the bathroom, comfortable and warm enough in a new pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, I found Taeyeon sitting on the bed, distractedly doing something on her phone. I smiled a little, approaching the bed and soon quietly lying on it. I let one of my hands slide through Taeyeon's back and caress it in order to gain her attention back.

"Hey," she cooed, turning to me. "So, did you have a good day?"

"Wonderful day. Your family is lovely."

She smiled at me and leaned in, taking my lips in hers for a kiss that, I believed, the both of us longed for throughout the whole day. If I had to choose the best moment of any day, besides any moment that I would spend with Taeyeon, I would probably choose one of the many moments in which we share a kiss. 

I let my lips slide against hers slowly enough for the both of us to taste each other fully. I tangled my fingers in her hair as I pulled her closer while she adjusted her body more comfortably on the bed as to touch me more properly. Soon she was on top of me again, kissing me boldly as she interposed some delicate biting on my lower lip with passionate kissing. 

Reluctantly, I pressed my lips against hers one last time, letting the kiss linger there as I gently pushed her away.

"You need to go. By now your mother must be wondering why the heck you're taking so long to come back."

Taeyeon pouted childishly. 

"For crying out loud, Taeyeon," I chuckled.

"Fine," she finally gave in. "I'll go now, but don't you complain if I sneak out of my room and get into bed with you here in the middle of the night."

"How old are you? Fourteen?"

She smirked at me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, then whispered in my ear, "Secrets usually make things more exciting." Taeyeon then kissed my forehead and got up, wishing me a good night as she caressed my cheek with one of her hands before making her way out of the room. I grinned to myself and closed my eyes, letting myself feel my body go numb and fall asleep quickier than I though I ever could.


POV — Taeyeon

"You're back," my mom said as I entered the living room. Hayeon and my father were sitting on the sofa watching TV. "I have already finished everything. Why did you take so long?"

I noticed Hayeon's attention turn to me as my mother made me that question.

"Tiffany wasn't completely familiar with the bathroom. I had to help her out with a few things."

My mother simply nodded in response.

"So..." I started as I sat on the other sofa, facing my parents and my sister, "Does everyone in this family like Tiffany?"

"Absolutely!" mom answered, smiling. "She's a lovely woman. So nice and polite."

"Did I scare her out, though?" Hayeon asked, worriedly. "You know how much I like her, don't you, unnie? I'm afraid I might have crept her out with my fan girl-ness."

I chuckled, "You didn't. She already adores you." I looked at my father. "... What about you, dad?"

"Oh, yes," he nodded. "She's good, she's a nice girl. It's good for you to be around people like her. Hollywood stars always look so crazy and rebellious, but Tippany doesn't even get close to acting that way."

I took a deep breath and smiled apprehensively. I could already feel my hands sweat, and my heart started to pound as I tried to gather the right words and the guts to tell my parents what I had been meaning to tell them from the minute I arrived that day.

"Great. I have something to tell you."































A/N: I know you all love cliffhangers, so I took advantage of my tiredness and stopped right at the part that... Exactly, right at the part you wouldn't want me to stop. :D ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~This chapter is a bit shorter than the previous one, but regardless I hope you find it well written and that its content overall pleases you. Don't forget to comment! and share your opinions with me, feel free to expose what you imagine that will happen in the next chapter too. Is a surprise waiting for you? ;)~

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Chapter 30: Reread the story because i miss taeny and you. Where are you? I'm still waiting for the update...
aerolcaroline #2
Chapter 30: Comeback? Author? :(
Grimmer #3
Chapter 30: I love this story so muchh! I hope you won’t abandon this masterpiece authorssi :(
arainuno #4
I can’t move on
Gaejihyo815 #5
Chapter 30: It’s such a good story, really hope we can have an ending to it !
Chapter 30: I love this story so much
selenaia #7
awee i want to read this badly but im afraid it will leave me hanging. i hope the author is doing good, and hopefully will update soon
It's been years but I'm still waiting for this story's update :(
The story's too good. I hope you're doing well, authornim.
Chapter 30: Updateeee pleaseeee
LKLsoccer #10
Chapter 30: Am I the only one who wants to watch this movie? Cause it looks REALLY good