Lights! Camera! ... Action!

In Real Life

POV — Tiffany

I came out of the dressing room all ready. I was feeling nervous to death, but my nervousness was completely mixed with my excitement. I had been looking for this moments for days, I had to make everything perfect. I got to the set and Taeyeon was already there, she smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back at her and slightly bowed my head. Martin was the second who noticed me.

Martin gave me the instructions and I shot the scenes with Trish and Miranda. They would play Katheryn and Lorraine: Leah's and Ella's mothers, respectively. They were both very sweet. Trish was unbelievably lively and upbeat, despite the fact she was 52. She was almost a dork. They were both very pretty ladies, too. Miranda was a calm and quiet woman, but she was very, very warm and friendly. Maybe the four of us could get along well and become friends. Everything went smoothly, although we had to take 3 to 5 takes because Trish kept babbling and forgetting her lines in the middle of the scene. But she made fun of herself and apologized, saying she didn't get enough sleep the night before. After I was finished with the scenes with them, Martin led me to the other set where I would film my first scene with Taeyeon. It was the outside set, and everything was perfectly arranged like a typical Californian backyard, Taeyeon was sitting on the bench where Leah was supposed to be.

"So, Tiffany," Martin turned to me, "The scene will start with you opening the backyard door and running into it before seeing Taeyeon. I want full emotion in this scene, you know how we can get you fake tears but do you think you can cry for real?"

Yeah. I could. I didn't want to... But I could.

"Sure," I nodded. "I can do it. Trust me."

"Great." he smiled. "I'm very excited to see this. So I'll just leave you here and I'll talk to Taeyeon for a minute, because I want to ask her the same. Good luck my dear!"

I nodded again and stood still. I sighed. I had filmed drama scenes before. Those dramatic scenes full of tears, shouting and sadness. I didn't like them very much, though I knew some of them were undeniably important to the stories. But I didn't like them because, as the perfectionist I am, I always wanted everything to seem and feel real and deep, and therefore I would always bring back memories that made me cry, and then after I was already crying I would replace those previous memories with other thoughts as if I was in my character's place. 

And I would always think of my mother.

"OK, EVERYONE, IS EVERYTHING READY?" Martin's yelling pulled me away from my thoughts, keeping me from crying there and then, although I did know that I couldn't fully let those thoughts go at that stage of the game.

I looked up and Martin was heading to his director chair.

"OK! LET'S GO, GUYS. LIGHTS! CAMERA!" don't say action, don't say action, don't say- "ACTION!"

I opened the door in a rush immediately after hearing Martin's shout. I stepped on the fake backyard and saw Taeyeon. I was getting nervous. I thought of my mother once again, and the tears were ready to pour out of my eyes when I less expected. "Leah!" I shouted, after stepping forward a couple of times more and stopping in my tracks. One lonely tear escaped from my eyes and Taeyeon looked up, standing up. She had this deadpanned look on her face—I wondered how did she do that so well. She took a deep breath and held her breath for a second before exhaling and saying her line. "Ella..."

"CUT!" Martin shouted. I kept looking at Taeyeon for a few more seconds before looking away and wiping my face, forcing myself to stop crying. I looked at where Martin was, wondering if there was anything wrong. He kept staring at this little screen and then nodded. "Mhm, that's it. It's good, girls, it's very good. Keep in this pace, let's move to the next scene," he said as he continued his speech with another 'lights, camera, action!' shout.

In a few seconds, all the thoughts came back to my head and I tried to concentrate in that moment and in that moment only. The nice setting, the story, my character, Taeyeon a few feet from me. I looked at her again as tears started to fall once more, and ran to her. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. I thought Martin would shout 'CUT!' again, but he did nothing.

I could feel Taeyeon lifting her face a little. She tighted her grip around me as she brought her lips near my ear and whispered, "Why did you go away?" Her shaky voice made me feel like crying even more. She let go of the hug and looked at me, holding my arms. She shook them lightly, not enough to even disturb me. "Huh? Tell me, Ella, why did you go away? Do you even know how it was for me to live without my best friend?" she said, raising her voice, and I could see her red eyes and wet cheeks. I cried even harder. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't want to leave you! Do you even know how it was for me to grow up in a different country without my best friend? Huh?" I responded. Taeyeon kept staring at me before lowering her face. I took a deep breath and wiped my face, holding hers and lifting it up as the script told me to. "Let me look at you, Leah... Gosh, you're such a woman now," I said as I smiled, before biting my lip and easily letting the tears fall once more. Taeyeon hugged me again. "Promise you won't leave this time. Promise me!" she muttered near my ear once again. I hugged her back and placed one of my hands on her head, gently her hair. "I won't, I promise," I said.

Taeyeon's hug was really warm. Warmer than the hot weather of the end of the summer. I was about to smile when I heard Martin shout, "CUT!" once again.

"That was great. GREAT!" he said as he got up. Me and Taeyeon let go of each other and I immediately wiped my face, hoping it wasn't too bad... Or too red. "I really liked, girls. I noticed there were a few changes in your lines but it was awesome either way... I don't think we need to shoot it again," he said, looking pretty much satisfied, "but, however, let's do it just once more to make sure we're not missing out on anything, yeah?"

I nodded and so did Taeyeon. I took a glance at her and her face looked  very calm. I was still recomposing myself. How did she do that, anyway? She looked at me and gave me this smirk before winking weakly. I giggled a little and shook my head slightly, going back to my first spot.

We shot the scene once more and everything went smoothly. There were no mistakes and we definitely didn't forget any of our lines. Maybe it was even better than the first shot, since we were better accustomed to it now.

After we were done with that part, we started to shoot the scenes where Ella and Leah talk about their lives. They were simple, comfortable scenes, and I wasn't as nervous as before. Maybe it was because they weren't emotional. In these scenes, Leah would tell Ella that she graduated in Photography and had her own studio now, and Ella would tell Leah that she graduated in Psychology. And then, we were done with shooting that day's scenes by 5PM. I wasn't expecting to be done so soon, I believed it was because it was just the first day. When we finished the last scene, I had to answer a phone call from Sunny. She said she and her family lost the flight because her little niece got ill, so she probably wouldn't make it to tomorrow and wouldn't be with me again. I said it was okay, although I didn't like to be without my manager and friend at work. But I felt bad, because she apologized so many times. 

After ending the call with Sunny, I didn't see Taeyeon anymore. I thought she was changing, but when I got to the changing room, she wasn't there. I changed and grabbed my things, ready to leave. I was making my way out of the studio when I saw Martin. I called his name and waved. He waved back and smiled at me before telling me I should be in the studio tomorrow at the same time. I chuckled and made an 'OK' sign with my fingers.

I wanted to say goodbye to Taeyeon, but I didn't see her anymore. Maybe she was tired and had already gone home. I smiled weakly and made my way to my parked car. I entered it and drove home calmly, thanking the heavens that there wasn't much traffic today, miraculously. I got home and took another shower. The evening was getting chilly and I had nothing to do, so I decided to go straight to bed and watch some TV. I was lazily lying on my bed, already getting bored, when I heard the message alert ringing from my phone. I grabbed and unlocked it. It was a message from Taeyeon.

'I left to get some pastries from Aunt Mary, but you were already gone when I came back. I'm sorry, I should've told you. Good job today! Thank you :)' said the message. I whined on my own when I read that. Aunt Mary's pastries? Now I want Aunt Mary's pastries. But I didn't want to make Taeyeon feel guilty, so I just replied with a 'Don't worry, it's okay. Thank YOU. ^^'




POV — Taeyeon

I hurried to the changing room as soon as I and Tiffany were done for the day. I thanked the heavens that Tiffany had to answer a phone call, so she wouldn't notice the abrupt way I was leaving the studio. I didn't even bother going to the changing room, I just grabbed my belongings and left the studio, I would give the outfit back tomorrow. I just needed to get out of there. I reached my car and sighed as I got in, placing my hands on the steering wheel. I breathed in and out a few times, not recognizing my own behavior. I turned the engine on and I was home sooner than I expected to be. 

I got home and headed straight to the bathroom, I decided to take a bubble bath to see if I could relax a little. Maybe what I was feeling in that moment was all due my first day of work in a different project, I had never done anything like that movie before, anyway. I took my clothes off in a rush and entered the bathtub, sighing heavily as I adjusted my body in the warm water and rested my head on the bathtub's edge.

I heard my cell phone ringing a few moments later. 

"Hello?" I said, almost like a tired groan, not even bothering to open my closed eyes to see who was calling me.

"Where the HECK are you?" I heard the voice say. Nice.

I forgot Sooyoung was going to drop by the studio.

"Home. Bathing. I'm though, do you want me to send a picture?"

"You spoiled midget! I thought I had told you I was going to meet you up at the studio?"

"I... I had to leave. Sorry, I completely forgot it." Indeed, I completely forgot it. I just wanted to get out of there.

"Did anything happen?"

"No, not really," I said before sighing and mentally slapping my own face for that. "It's just..."

"Come on, Taeyeon. Spit it out, or I'll personally go to your home right now spit on you. Don't you play games, I'm PMSing."


I was okay. I was excited, actually. I was really willing to put my whole heart into this movie, I couldn't help but see it as a huge opportunity to grow professionally. I loved the kind of movies I've always done, but I always had this little yearn for doing something different. Especially because I would be able to challenge myself as an actress. And now, it would be the first scene I would ever shoot for this movie, my first scene with Tiffany. 

I couldn't say I was nervous... But I could say I was completely... Taken aback. Astonished. 

When I saw Tiffany running to me with those visibly teary and red eyes and soaked cheeks, I felt as if my heart was breaking into a million pieces. If I weren't deeply concentrated on being Leah at that moment, I would catch myself wondering whether those painful tears that were coming out of Tiffany's eyes were real or she was just a even more mesmerizing actress than I already thought she was. And feeling like that, somehow, helped me get even more into my character. That was... That was what struck me. Tiffany was making me fall into the story, into my character, it was like we had this strange connection. No one had ever done that before.

She threw herself in my arms and I instinctively wrapped them around her. I suddenly liked hugging her. I knew she was warm, but I never thought she was this warm. I squeezed her a little. I don't know why in the living hell I did that, but, who cares? I mean... Leah. Leah would do that. Wouldn't she?

End of flashback

"Hello? HELLO? TAEYEON!" I heard Sooyoung's voice coming out of my phone, jolting me out of my musing.

"Sooyoung, for the first time in my life, I don't know how I'm going to cope with a role," I blurted out.

"What? No. Seriously? I mean, you think you can't cope with a role? Now you got me worried, kid. What's happening?"


"What did she do?" Sooyoung's voice sounded really concearned, though I could hear a faint sound like a bag of chips being opened coming out of the phone.

"She did nothing wrong. She was actually... Amazing. She's amazing, Sooyoung, she's really great. It's just that... You know how emotional the whole story is, you read the script, you also know that I'm not whatsoever used to this kind of role and... When Tiffany and I were shooting our first scene, I felt something so weird. I felt so... I don't know how to put it into words, Soo," I sighed defeatedly. "I never felt so dialed-in in a role before like that. I, I really have no idea how to explain it to you."

"I can see that. You're babbling," Sooyoung said, and I could picture her holding in a giggle by the tone in her voice.

"I know. Sorry."

"Don't be. Maybe you're just nervous because you're not used to it, like you said?"

"Yeah, I supposed. I hope that's it, or else I'll probably be dead before we finish shooting the movie," I chuckled.

"You won't. Just focus, okay? I don't need to tell you how great you are, Taeng. Go for it, concentrate, Hollywood is waiting for you and you know that. And call me if you need anything, will ya?"

"I will," I smiled. "Thank you, Soo. Will you be there for me tomorrow morning?"

"8AM sharp. I'll pick you up."

"You'd better. Good night, Soo."

I finished the call and sighed. It would be better if I just let it go, I shouldn't make my mind busy with thoughts that haven't been anything but incoherent so far. I looked at my phone's screen and suddenly remembered Tiffany. I felt bad for leaving the studio the way I did, I should've been more polite. We had exchanged our phone numbers before, so I decided to text her. I sent her a message saying I left to buy some pastries to cover up for my childish and crazy behavior that she, heavens permit, didn't notice. I told her I went back to the studio but didn't find her there. She replied saying it was all okay, and I felt a little relieved for a moment. 













Important! Please read!

A/N: Hey everyone! Guess who's back? First, I want to apologize for leaving you for months, but I'm hoping you'll be understanding, we all know how tough things get when routine stands in our way, right? I've been very busy lately and that's why I haven't uploaded for such a long time. I'm sorry. I'll work hard to update the fic again in less than one month, I'll do my best, I promise.

Second, I wanted to say a few things about the story. Um... To begin with, I want to apologize if anything comes out as too fictional. I have no idea how long it takes to shoot a movie like Stupid Cupid, nor do I have the slightest idea of how things work precisely, so I'm just doing my best to describe it "properly." However, it's quite challenging to detailedly write the scenes the girls are shooting, and if I were to do so, the fic would be very long and boring. Therefore, I wanted to tell you that I'm going to speed things up. There'll be a passage of time of two or three months in the fic. I'm going to explainㅡright now, I think the important part has already been told/written. My thoughts and ideas right now are all focused on Taeyeon and Tiffany discovering their feelings for each other, and I need to write that as soon as possible in order to achieve the part of the story I want to. I'm telling you this because I want your honest opinion on this and also your comprehension. Though my ideas are a little messy at the moment, I'll do my best to write the next chapter in a good way, I promise that it will be longer than this one (that I know that's considerably shorter compared to the previous ones). I hope you're okay with that. But don't worry, I won't disappoint you. Great things ahead. (:

Third, I wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the comments. It made me really happy. I'm really tired and sleepy right now, yet your comments made me feel like writing, so I'm thankful. I tell you, the more you comment, the more I feel like writing and, possibly, the better my ideas get, so please continue commenting. Once again, my most sincere gratitude. It's wonderful to know this story is so cherished by the readers.

I think that's all. I'm sorry I made you read all this but if you are reading this last part now, THANK YOU for reading until here! It was really important. I hope you've had a nice time reading this chapter. Please look forward to the next one, surprises are just around the corner! ;)



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Chapter 30: Reread the story because i miss taeny and you. Where are you? I'm still waiting for the update...
aerolcaroline #2
Chapter 30: Comeback? Author? :(
Grimmer #3
Chapter 30: I love this story so muchh! I hope you won’t abandon this masterpiece authorssi :(
arainuno #4
I can’t move on
Gaejihyo815 #5
Chapter 30: It’s such a good story, really hope we can have an ending to it !
Chapter 30: I love this story so much
selenaia #7
awee i want to read this badly but im afraid it will leave me hanging. i hope the author is doing good, and hopefully will update soon
It's been years but I'm still waiting for this story's update :(
The story's too good. I hope you're doing well, authornim.
Chapter 30: Updateeee pleaseeee
LKLsoccer #10
Chapter 30: Am I the only one who wants to watch this movie? Cause it looks REALLY good