22: Talent Competition

Boys vs Girls. Battle of the Century.

Regular - Korean | Bold - English Italicized - Chinese | Underlined - Japanese

Narrator's POV

"you're seriously not joining Ai?" Mark asked as he was walking her from gym.

"nah" she shook her head

"wae?" he said "it could be fun. GOT7's joining"

"I'd rather just watch you guys and the unnies, it's not like I'm gonna win" Kari shrugged

"aye, don't think like that" Mark said "maybe you could"

"I'm not gonna join, Tuan. Besides, the competition is tomorrow" she said "kaja, you said you needed to be at the practice room"

"you wanna watch us practice?" he asked

"why not, we have no volleyball today" she said "jamkamman, can I take Noya? He'll probably want to go out."

"yeah, we can stop by your house first" Mark said. The two of them took the bus and arrived at the girl's house. As usual, they were happily greeted by Noya. "hello Noya"

"I'm gonna get his leash and things, then we can go" Kari smiled going up the stairs. After a few minutes or so, the girl came back downstairs with Noya's things.

"you didn't have to change" he chuckled

"shut up" she blushed taking Noya from him

"does he need a leash?" Mark asked

"not really. He knows to follow me and to stay by me, but I bring a leash just in case I'm not paying attention to him" Kari said "kaja"

"Ai-ya" Mark said as they rode the bus "who do you think will win?"

"hmm..keulsae. Either 15&, Jiyeon unnie, Soyoon unnie, or you?" she answered

"out of those choices, who do you want to win?" he asked

"Jiyeon unnie or 15&" Kari said

"heol, I'm hurt" Mark said

"yah, you and the boys are already trainees, Soyoon unnie's going to Milan, so I hope it's the other two choices that can win this" she said

"but we need the money too" Mark said

"just try hard" Kari said kissing his cheek "you guys will do well"

The two waited a couple more minutes before arriving at their destination, walking the rest of the way to JYP Entertainment "you're going to see some uncles Noya, be nice"

"how come whenever you talk to Noya in Japanese, it mostly seems like you're scolding him" Mark asked

"because Noya's a bad boy" Kari said lightly pulling on his tail

"yah, won't he bite you?" Mark asked

"aniyo, not ever that it'll hurt" she said "Noya doesn't like new people, so he's really agressive towards them. It took Noya a year to get used to my youngest siblings"

"annyeonghaseyo noona~" Bambam shouted as Mark and Kari arrived. Noya barked making him jump up

"Noya, you remember them" Kari said letting him down. The dog explored the practice room before stopping at Jackson and lightly scratching his thigh.

"yah, what took you guys so long?" JB asked

"we stopped by to get Noya" Mark said stretching his arms

"koinu, come here" Kari whistled, the dog immediately running towards her. Hopping into Kari's lap as she sat against the mirrors "boys, go practice. I wanna watch"

"we're going to do some stunts" Mark said as he placed his phone by her

"don't mess up" she cooed pinching his cheek. The girl watched as they did a remake of 2PM's 10 Points Out of 10. She clapped impressed as they finished the song "is this what you guys are doing tomorrow?"

"deh noona" Yugyeom nodded "what do you think?"

"impressive. I liked it, chincha" she smiled

"do you have any words for us?" Youngjae asked

"why would I have anything to say?" she laughed

"because you're a good dancer" Jr said

"but you guys did good, you don't need anything from me" Kari said and got a call on her phone "jamkamma...yeobosayo?"

"ane!" Daiki shouted in the phone

"Daiki?"  Kari asked "why are you calling? what's wrong?"

"there's an earthquake going on right now" he said scared

"bwoh?" Kari stood up in surprise, hearing the loud noises in the backround "w-where are you?!"

"Inami-chan, Aki-chan, Arichi-chan, and Daichi-chan are with me. We're at my school gym!" he said urgently

"kuso! Stand..stand underneath the archway of the doors!" she ordered "protect Arichi and Daichi okay?!"

"a-ane, we're doing that right now" he whimpered "the reason why I called you is because of mama and papa"

"mama and papa...? w-what happened to them? where are they?" Kari asked, her hands trembling. She heard him and the girls scream in the background as something collapsed "Daiki! Daiki you okay?! What happened?!"

"the basketball backboard just fell" Daiki's voice wavered "papa called me, mama's trapped in the house by one of the pillars. She-she's alive, but definitely going to the hospital when this is done"

"m-mama is?" Kari asked "Daiki...I don't know what to say. Protect-"

"Aki!" Inami screamed pulling the girl away from the fallen metal

"what's happening to Aki? Daiki, what's going on?" Kari said, tense again.

"Aki almost got hit" he said "ane, I don't think I can talk much longer"

"okay..just be careful Daiki. T-Take care of the girls and Daichi. Call me if you can once the earthquake is done. Whatever you do, stay under the archway! oh?!" Kari said

"hai ane" Daiki said "j-just in case I don't see you again. Aieru wa Akari ane. Aki says it too"

"don't talk like that" Kari said sharply "it's like you're sure you're going to die. You're not going to die. None of you are going to die!"

"ane, but if we do...I love you" Daiki said

Kari sighed and choked out the words "I love you too"

As he was saying something else, the line cut. Kari pressed her hands to her temple and went on the phone again "yeobosayo? deh I'd like a ticket to Japan."

"chesunghaeyo, but all flights to and from Japan are cancelled for the time being due to the earthquake" the operator said

"when will they reopen?" Kari asked

"we don't know yet, miss" he said

"when they do, please give me a call" she said

"deh, I will. Have a nice day" the operator said before hanging. Kari cursed and knelt down

"are you okay?" Mark asked cautiously as he crouched in front of her. The girl shook her head and heaved a sigh

"my family's being affected by the earthquake right now" Kari whispered "my umma is trapped under one of the pillars in our house"

"oh God" Mark said pulling her into a hug. He patted her back as the she started to cry into his chest. "they'll be okay..."


Mark stayed with Kari that night, comforting her as she endlessly cried. It took him a lot of convincing for her to get up and eat, and even a bigger amount to get ready for the talent competition.

"Mark..I really don't wanna go" Kari said

"I know, but some air is good for you right now oh? Can you at least go for me?" he asked

"fine" she muttered. Mark grabbed her hand and led her out the house and to the venue for the competition. She was spotted by JSK not even 5 minutes after her arrival

"maknae-ah! we heard about your family" JJ said touching the girl's arm

"did you hear back from them?" Suzy asked and Kari shook her head

"not since Daiki called me" Kari said and they sandwiched her in a hug

"they'll be okay" Suzy said softly "toushi"

"deh unnie" Kari nodded and forced a smile "you guys too, hwaiting"

All the performers were soon called backstage and Kari stood in the crowd with some of her volleyball teammates. Most of the time, the girl was zoned out, only paying attention to Suzy, JJ, 15&, and GOT7.






"we all had a lot of impressive talents to showcase today" a man said "it was a difficult choice to decide our winner, but we have it. One act of these many students are going to win a cash prize and a definite debut"

He held a small yellow envelope and opened it, taking out a slip of paper

"and our winner is..." he said pausing a bit "Hwang. Ji. Yeon. Congratulations JJ!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the girl in red before erupting in applause

"bwoh?! How'd she beat me?!" a girl cried out in protest

"JJ showcased an incredible voice power and stage presence. She is immediately accepted into JYP Entertainment" the man said "come on up here JJ"

She hesitantly walked towards the center, receiving the huge check, and photo ops with the aparent CEO of JYP Entertainment, Park Jinyoung himself - not Jr, but...yeah I think you get it.


"how did I win oh my God" JJ said as they gathered at Kari's house for an after party.

"is there a video of you singing noona? I wanna watch" Jungkook said drinking his coke.

"I took a video" Kari said handing him her phone

"well now you're rich, noona" Yugyeom said "What are you gonna do with the check?"

"put it into my bank" JJ said

"ooh, mature" Jackson teased

"wahh!" V said, his mouth agape as JJ hit the high notes

"Jiyeon noona daebak" Jimin said

"yah, it's like you haven't heard a girl sing before" JJ blushed

"where's Seokjin oppa?" Kari asked as she crawled into Mark's arms

"having a date with Soji unnie" Suzy said looking at a picture on her phone with Jr

"jamkamman, I'm not fully caught up yet" Suga said "what's up with Ari and Mark? Same with Suzy and Jr?"

"we're dating, baka" Kari said simply

"I know much to that extent, you told us. I meant, how'd you guys react to it?" Suga asked

"I think it was easier for us to accept it after those two helped me and Jirongie" Suzy said holding hands with the boy

"so you guys are together again?" Rap Monster asked

"yeah, but we're not as committed as before. Soyoon and I talked about it after prom. We decided not to do long distance when she leaves and we'll focus on our careers" Jr said "but if after the two years and we don't have a dating ban at JYP, and if we still love each other, we'll get back together again"

"seems complicated" J-Hope said "well, all luck to you"

"hyung" Jungkook said to Mark "you better take care of Ari ane, if not you'll get it"

"aww look at him trying to act all thug" Jimin said hugging the maknae

"aww kiyeowa" Jamie laughed

"I'm serious" Jungkook frowned

"I won't hurt her Jungkook-ah" Mark said a bit amused

"are you sure? Make sure that you don't betray her again like a few years ago" the younger boy grumbled

"Kookie-chan" Kari said "I've forgiven him, you should too"

"point is" Suga said and narrowed his eyes at Mark "you make Ari cry and I will beat you"

"I won't" Mark said again, more serious under Suga's intimidating stare

"aigoo you two, it's like I have two bodyguards" Kari said taking her phone back "Kookie's the cute one, Yoongi's the mean one"

"I'm not mean" Suga protested

"you look mean" she shrugged and he stared at her

"she's not wrong, hyung" J-Hope said

"hey guys, what do you think I should do?" JJ spoke up

"what do you mean unnie?" Yerin asked

"should I join JYP or not?" JJ said "I've never really thought of being an idol you know?"

"you should join noona" Bambam smiled "you can see us then, maybe we can even train together"

"does that mean I'll see him more too?" JJ asked pointing to Jackson

"come on, and I thought we were friends now" Jackson whined

"titles" JJ shivered "I don't hate you Jackson, you're not bad. But it's this rivalry thing we have you know?

"you should still join, unnie" Kari said glancing at her phone every few minutes or so "who knows? You could actually really like it. You said you have a passion in singing, maybe you can compose too"

"she's right" Suzy said "besides, you already have a definite debut, unlike them who don't even know"

"wow, I feel the support" Jr said poking her side, making the girl jump up

"yah! You know I'm ticklish" Suzy whined

"unnie, I think Noya's hungry" Jamie said as she eyed the whimpering dog

"but Noya just ate. His bowl was clean when we got here, isanghae" Kari said standing up "koinu, are you okay?"

"he's not even looking at you, ane" V said "that's a first"

Noya ignored his owner and went to the dog pillow, laying down and scratching his nose

"he looks like he's crying" JJ observed

"do you know what's happening right now in Japan, Noya?" Kari sat down cross-legged in front of his pillow

"ane, do you think he understands you? he's a dog" Rap Mon said

"I know he's a dog and that's the reason why I know he understands me" Kari said

"does that make any sense?" Yerin asked

"to unnie, it does" Jamie whispered

"Noya, do you know?" Kari said again petting his head. The group looked at her like she was crazy, explaining how the dog wouldn't talk to her. Instead, the dog climbed into her lap and nuzzled his head against her arm, whimpering quietly. He lightly knawed at her fingers "see, he knows"

"how does that-"

"he just knows" Kari said sharply cutting off Youngjae. Suddenly, her phone rang "Mark, can you get that?"

"here" he said handing her the phone

"yeobosayo?" she answered

"deh Ms. Fuyuta, the earthquake stopped approximately 4 hours ago. There is no expectations of aftershocks, and the flights are resumed." the operator stated

"when is the earliest flight to Japan?" Kari asked

"8 pm tonight, would you like me to book you in?" he asked

"yes please" Kari said immediately "kamsahamnida."

"are you leaving?" Mark asked

"I need to" Kari nodded and tried to dial Daiki's number, no connection. She looked at the time, 5 pm. Noya barked and nudged her hand. "You'll come with me, Noya. We need to see sobo*"

"Kari-ah, wait" Suzy said

"unnie, I need to go" Kari said standing up, getting Noya's travel cage. "my family needs me and I need them"

"how long are you going to be gone?" Mark asked grabbing her hand

"I don't know" she mumbled hurrying up the stairs.

*sobo - grandmother - equivalent to halmeoni

A/N School is so close omg

Why is summer ending?

K-pop slays me.
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Chapter 31: Sequel please
mizukki #2
Chapter 31: Its so sweeet.
But i still dont get how danbi and kari are friends when she hurt her during the whole showdown with mark
Chapter 31: finished reading this story in a span of 24 hours because it's just so good.
great job authornim ^^
I hope you write more mark and oc stories ♡
Chapter 31: I totally love it! But the part is the one I love the most!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
taemint66 #5
Chapter 31: Could you make a sequel for this fanfic??
sweetypiee #6
Chapter 24: OMG HAHAHAHAHHA. The photo about the shipping of BAP cracked me upXD
hollysmith #7
Chapter 31: Omgg author-nim, this is an AMAZING story!! Absolutely loved it, have you thought of a sequal??
Ohsnapitzthechaser #8
Chapter 31: crying bc this story has reached it's end. TYSM for writing this author-nim~ I enjoyed every single bit of it.
lyaa99 #9
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: just finish reading your stories.i gotta admit, you nail it girl!!!it's the best story markxoc i ever read!!!gosh,i hope you will make a sequal though if you're not to busy...i really love it!!!good job author-nim!!!*two thumbs up* (excuse me for my broken english and rambling)
14 streak #10
Chapter 31: This is the best markxoc story i have ever read!
Jjang! It would be awesome if there is a story about their newlywed hehe