


Sungmin released a soft moan as Kyuhyun's hand ran through his black locks, gently pulling and drawing him close. Their labored breaths echoing in the silence of the room.


They were currently laying down on Kyuhyun's bed. They had been kissing for half an hour already, pulling, tugging, . If they were tired, they crearly weren't showing it. After Kyuhyun's sugar coated confession, Sungmin found himself pushing the younger to bed and kissing the daylights out of him, not making any effort in restraining himself from releasing short whimpers. At first the kisses were shy and cautioned, like they were afraid of scaring each other, but after Sungmin felt Kyuhyun's hand slipping to his sides, he threw caution to the wind and pushed his tongue inside the latter's mouth.


Totally worth it.


Panting, Kyuhyun finally broke the kiss, much to Sungmin's disappointment. He brushed Sungmin's bangs off his eyes, and stared at the elder's dark brown orbs. Letting himself get lost at the dark shade of brown that reflected the dim light of the room.


Sungmin draped his arm around Kyuhyun's neck, pulling him even closer as he slowly the latter's neck.


Needless to say, he didn't return to his room that night.








Kyuhyun woke up with warm sunrays creeping through the curtains, the golden light flooding the room.


However, the warmth he was feeling at that moment wasn't provided by those sunrays.




The black haired man was currently snuggled on Kyuhyun's chest, a string of drool tainting his pale face. Breathing was even, indicating he was still fast asleep.


Kyuhyun ran his fingers lightly through Sungmin's jet black hair, as he tickled Sungmin's sides, urging the latter out of his slumber.


"Kyu stop" Sungmin chuckled lightly, slapping Kyuhyun's cheek playfully.


Well that was a pleasant thing to wake up to.


Kyuhyun stopped his ministrations, allowing Sungmin to breathe and stretch himself off his sleep. Slowly, Sungmin darted his eyes to Kyuhyun, who was sporting a shy smile on his face.


"Did I pass out?" Sungmin mumbled quietly, rubbing his eyes


"You did" Kyuhyun chuckled, running his hands through the elder's black locks.


"good lord" Sungmin sighed, his eyes fluttering shut "how did that happen?"






Kyuhyun kept his face straight, his gaze never leaving Sungmin's pale face.


"It certainly didn't look like you were unconfortable last night" Kyuhyun chuckled.


"I certainly wasn't." Sungmin replied, reaching for Kyuhyun's hand, rubbing circles around the knuckles. "I didn't expect things to happen this way, not that I'm not glad they did, but it was so sudden"


Kyuhyun smirked and released his hand from Sungmin's grasp, allowing himself to hug the latter's waist. "i don't care about how things happened, I'm just happy I can finally call you mine." 




Sungmin gaped "okay that was something I wasn't expecting" when did Kyuhyun turn so...cheesy?


"You act so oblivious"  Kyuhyun whispered, brushing Sungmin's bangs off his face, as he embraced the latter's tighter.


"You can't really blame me for being confused"


"I'll be as straight as possible" Kyuhyun said, tapping Sungmin's nose, earning a high pitched chuckle from said man "You're cute. No. Scratch that. You're adorable. And we've been together for a long time and I was restraining myself from jumping you because I didn't want to freak you out and lose your friendship and I definetly didn't see any signs of you being interested in me, specially after the Sunny incident-"


"It was a one time thing!"


"- that made me even more insecure. But after seeing the look at your face when I fell from the roof I... I thought... You couldn't fake that terrified look... It must've meant.. Something? And I just decided to throw caution to the wind. And here I am."


"Here we are"


Kyuhyun meddled Sungmin out of his grasp, carefully as ever. "So this means we are dating... Or.... Something?" Kyuhyun said, blushing creeping on his cheeks.


"We made out once and you're thinking that we're dating" Sungmin snorted, trying to hold back his grin.


Kyuhyun's face immeadiatly fell, he looked everywhere but  Sungmin, as he tried to come out with a phrase that didn't sound too awkward.


"It's n-not like t-that I-"


Sungmin leaned forward, and closed the gap between them, sealing their lips together once again. His plump lips molding perfectly with Kyuhyun's, that were moving shyly against his. He clutched Kyuhyun's sleeves, pushing him closer, feeling him agaisnt him. They broke the kiss, panting, but with grins stamped on their faces.


"Stupid" Sungmin murmured, holding back his chuckle "Yes I am more than willing to be your boyfriend."  He finished, giving a light peck on Kyuhyun's cheek.





"So he kissed you!"


"Shut up Ryeowook"


"Okay, you kissed him!"


"SHUT UP RYEOWOOK" Sungmin snarled, throwing an empty soda can at Ryeowook's head, who was currently trying to force Sungmin to spill.


And failing miserably.


Ryeowook cursed, shooting glares at Sungmin's back. "I'm trying to be a nice friend. I just want to listen you go all pre-teenage girl over Kyuhyun"


Sungmin just snorted and mumbled "Not happening" his eyes not leaving the paper he was working on.


"What got you this way? It's not like you did something with him you can't tell me"  Ryeowook smirked "or did you?"


Sungmin turned around his chair, frowning at Ryeowook "Of course we didn't"


"I’m not convinced"


"Not my problem" Sungmin replied, focusing once again in his paper.


Ryeowook smirked, an idea suddently popping on his mind.


"I bet you looked quite interesting with your face flushed lying under Kyuhyun"


Sungmin dropped his pen, clearly tensing up "Ryeowook, cut the bull"


"Your mouth hanging open as he trailed kisses over your jaw-"


"we just made out. that's it. End of story. Nothing much." Sungmin said, clearly not happy by spilling it to Ryeowook.


The shorter man jumped off bed and attacked Sungmin, who was trying not to fall from his chair "OH MY GOD WHO STARTED IT!? TELL ME" Ryeowook screeched clutching Sungmin's sleeves "TELL ME TELL-"




Sungmin shouted, finally losing his patience. He detached himself from Ryeowook, maneuvering himself on the bed. "Sit"


Ryeowook sat carefully beside Sungmin, making sure to be as quiet as possible.


Sungmin sighed, averting his eyes from Ryeowook's piercing gaze "I went to his room, to clear things up, I guess, and one thing lead to another-"


"details Sungmin, details"


Sungmin flicked Ryeowook's forehead, frowning deeply "He confessed, told me I should've been scared of coming out to him, then he leaned forward and kissed me" he shook his head lightly "he ended up sleeping next to me and now here we are"


"Sooo you're dating him"


"Basically, yes."






Please don't kill me?

It's been a while and I'm so so sorry for taking so long to post this. My life is a mess, my laptop broke, I'm constantly feeling like a piece of and I really didn't feel like writing something fluffy when I felt like murdering someone. well.

The semester's ending so my life now is utter chaos, so I'm guessing the next chapter will be up around early december. 

Also, unbetaed because literally everyone i know is extremely busy at the moment. 

I hope you guys will enjoy this. I feel so sorry for letting you all down constantly.. I promise I will try to improve and post longer chapters. I guess I just need a break from all my schedules...


love you all.

- vit


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I really really love this story!*_* <3
elmokyu #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating...
Are well, abt Sungmin, as long as he is happy..
Fic is Fic, real is real..
I guess for those who don't support Sungmin, not just because of Kyu, maybe also because everything was in a rush, they met in Dec 2013, move in to stay together in early 2014, plan their wedding since May 2014, and got married in Dec 2014. A whole lifetime decision in a matter of 12 months. It was too sudden for fans to absorb everything.
But, as I said, as long as he is happy...
haeeyaah #4
Chapter 8: Wow nice update soon
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating. I know i love sungminnie and kyu. So whatever happens,they are still the real couple for me...and i love your fic, and i will be waiting for the next chapter too
RayhanAdni #6


Chapter 8: OMFG

And finally they are together urrrrrr and i'm gonna kill Sungmin's dad myself ò.ó andddd awwwwwww they are so cuteeeeee they are so cuteeeeeeee! Kyuboo leave Minnieboo alone for now I'm sure he will give it to you but just be patient but I can see why you wanna get in Ming's pants u.u// (can Ming wake me up the same way? Ugh not fair Kyuboo is so lucky)
Kyuboo is a drama queen and Ahra noona is the besttttt LMAO
And I love you Vittttt ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: I missed this story. Hahahhaha I wonder how hard Min hit Kyu xD he's just a teenager who has his own needs xD poor kyu,double nose bleed ㅋㅋㅋ
allcloud #9
Chapter 8: I'm glad you updated. ^^
Gyaaaa #10
Chapter 8: I looove your author note... ^3^

This is a cute chapter, KyuMin was sweet and all but not too mushy and make me cringe... >_<

Thanks for the update.. ^^