
Kyuhyun cursed at the sun rays that were creeping through the curtains. 
Kyuhyun's  deep voice lulled them to sleep the previous night; Kyuhyun didn't have the courage to wake Sungmin up to take the elder to his bedroom, so they both ended sleeping on the couch.
They were both resting on the couch; Sungmin's head was nestled in the crook of Kyuhyun's neck, breathing evenly, indicating that he was still fast asleep. Kyuhyun was currently staring at the wall, lost in his own thoughts while caressing Sungmin's back.
Sungmin's panicked outbreak the previous day was terrifying. The elder seemed like he was about to collapse... Kyuhyun never felt the need to comfort someone so much.
He just wished he could brush Sungmin's fears away, keep him in his arms and never let him go.
He embraced Sungmin tighter, like the elder was about to disappear from his arms.
Sungmin shifted in his arms, hands seeking Kyuhyun's. He seemed so small, clad in his pink one piece dress, hugging
Kyuhyun like a koala.
"Kyuhyun-ah" Sungmin whispered, voice thick from sleepiness.
"Morning, Min" Kyuhyun said while running his hands through Sungmin's hair. "Did you sleep well?"
"I feel like I was hit by a truck.. I'm so numb" Sungmin tried stretching himself and ended up almost falling off the couch, but Kyuhyun was there to catch him before the fall.
"Hey, don't move around too much, the couch isn't that big." Kyuhyun chuckled. "You scared me last night, Min. Are you feeling better?" Kyuhyun asked while arranging Sungmin back on his lap, still running his hands through Sungmin's raven black hair.
"I'm fine...  just numb. That thunder scared the out of me," Sungmin's voice was reduced to a whisper.
Kyuhyun sighed and lowered his head to kiss Sungmin's forehead. "You scared the out of me, Min. Are you sure you're fine?" 
Sungmin buried his head even more into Kyuhyun's chest, refusing to look at his best friend's eyes. "I'm fine. As long as you're here."
Kyuhyun chuckled, looking lovingly at the elder clad in his arms. "You know I'd never leave you, Min." 
 "Jesus, when did you get so cheesy, Kyu?"
"When did you get this clingy?"
"Y-yah! I like cuddling with you, you're warm!"
Kyuhyun laughed softly. Sungmin was a clingy person, with his close friends, that is. He never missed an opportunity to cling to Kyuhyun's lanky body.
And Kyuhyun enjoyed every bit of it.
"Hey Koala bear, you need to eat something. You slept without eating anything." Kyuhyun said while trying to get up, Sungmin stubbornly maintaining his hands around Kyuhyun's neck.
"Carry me. I'm sleepy," Sungmin whispered, voice still husky from sleep.
Kyuhyun sighed, carrying Sungmin's sleepy form in his arms, before placing the elder carefully in one of the chairs situated next to the kitchen table. 
"Now be nice while I try to cook something edible for you to eat, and- Hey! No drooling on the table!"
"The table is mine. I can drool on it if I want to."
They spent the rest of their weekend being lazy and eating on the living room couch, with Kyuhyun occasionally stealing kisses from Sungmin's cheeks. The younger wasn't sure why he had the urge to do such thing. Sungmin's beauty was drawing him in, making him addicted to the elder's smooth and pale skin, slowly stealing his sanity.
Monday was drawing closer, meaning they'd have to part ways...again.
Kyuhyun swiftly snuck out of Sungmin's house through the window once they heard the loud noise of Sungmin's father's car being parked in their garage.
With a brief whisper of goodbye and a rushed hug, Kyuhyun was gone .
And Sungmin found himself wondering why the bed seemed larger.
Why his house seemed one thousand times lonelier even though it was filled with the presence of his parents.
Why his room seemed so cold.
Sungmin threw himself on the bed, tossing from side to side."Get a ing grip, Lee Sungmin," he cursed lowly as he pulled his hair.
He missed the burning touches of Kyuhyun on his face, the younger's lingering gaze, the short pecks on his forehead, his sweet embrace.
"He's your best friend, he's your best friend, he's your best friend," he chanted mentally, pushing the images of Kyuhyun's face out of his mind. "Keep it in your ing pants until you're sure your feelings aren't purely platonic," Sungmin thought, frowning deeply.
After changing to his standard sleep wear (his one piece pink dress) he propped himself on his bed. When he was on the verge of falling asleep, his phone buzzed, indicating a new message.
"Mom is talking loudly on the phone with noona, can't sleep, amuse me"
Really, Cho?
Sungmin couldn't refrain himself from smiling cheekily, as he typed his reply quickly.
"Just dig your head under the pillows to block the noise, Kyu"
"Don't you think I already tried that? That woman can't tone the down"
"Just plug your earphones in"
"Min I can't sleep with those things on my ears"
"Then I don't know what the heck you should do, Kyu"
"Come cuddle with me, I can't sleep without you"
Sungmin tossed his phone under the bed and cursed. Goddammit, keeping his crush to himself was already bad enough, Kyuhyun being that cuddly and clingy wasn't of any help.
He sighed to himself "I'll just pretend I fell asleep and won't reply-"
His thoughts were interrupted buy a knock on his window.
"What the-"
knock knock knock
 The knocking was becoming louder and louder. He finally got up and opened the curtains, revealing a grinning Kyuhyun sitting by his windowsill. He stared at the younger for a good 20 seconds until Kyuhyun said something that was supposed to mean "Aren't you going to let me in?" (At least that was what Sungmin understood from reading the younger's lips) Sungmin quickly opened the window, letting Kyuhyun in, being careful to be extremely quiet. After Kyuhyun was settled inside his room, he rushed to lock the door while glaring holes into Kyuhyun's face. "Are you out of your mind!? My father is here, Kyu!"
Kyuhyun carelessly threw himself over Sungmin's bed, kicking off his shoes. "He's not going to hear anything, I'm just here to sleep." He reached for Sungmin's wrist, attempting to pull the elder down.
"You're such a kid, what about your mom?"
"She thinks I'm asleep, now come here, you're my pillow."
"Did you just call me fat!?"
"Chubby, not fat," he grinned, pinching Sungmin's tummy fat.
"I hate you," Sungmin said as he buried his face on the pillow. "Now sleep. We have class tomorrow." 
"You're terrible at keeping this crush to yourself, you know," Ryeowook whispered to Sungmin.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Wook," Sungmin replied, ignoring the other's claims completely.
They were currently sitting at the bottom table of the school library, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Books were lying forgotten over the table, as Sungmin only paid attention to his handphone.
"You can't stop texting him for one second, Sungmin," Ryeowook snorted.
Sungmin rolled his eyes. "I'm dealing with something important, okay?" 
Ryeowook was quick and stole Sungmin's phone before the elder could even stop him. He held the device securely away from Sungmin, who was desperately trying to get his cellphone back.
"Wook, give it back!!!" Sungmin whispered desperately as he tried to reach for Ryeowook, failing miserably since Ryeowook scooted away from him, trying to unlock the phone screen.
"Ryeowook, please give it back," Sungmin whined, still flailing his arms around.
"Oh my god!" Ryeowook chuckled loudly, his high pitched voice echoing inside the large library.
"RYEOWOOK!" Sungmin pleaded.
"YOU HAVE HIS FACE AS YOUR LOCKSCREEN!" Ryeowook screeched loudly, earning disgusted glares from other students who were currently trying to study. He waved dismissively. He was too amused by Sungmin's lockscreen to care about stupid nerds who couldn't handle his melodic voice.
Yeah, right.
"TONE YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Sungmin whispered angrily. "And give my phone back!" he added quickly, his face sporting a deep red blush.
Ryeowook finally gave up and placed Sungmin's cellphone onto the table, trying to control his laughter. "Oh my god, Hyung, you're head over heels over Kyuhyun!" Ryeowook said. 
Sungmin quickly clamped his hands over Ryeowook's mouth "No, I'm not. Now stop making a scene." He removed his hands, tucking his phone safely inside his bag.
"Then, why the hell you have a photo of him sleeping as your lockscreen?"
"He's cute, okay?" Sungmin fiddled with his fingers. "Now shut up, you're making me waste my precious saliva with all this nonsense .
Ryeowook chuckled lowly "Whatever you feel more confortable with, hyung."
"Hmm," Sungmin hummed
"Hyung," Ryeowook whispered, with a tone way lower than the tone he was using before. The sudden change of atmosphere startled Sungmin, who quickly looked up from his notebook. "You should try telling him how you feel. He's your closest friend, isn't he...? He won't shove you away for good if he doesn't feel the same way," Ryeowook continued, moving his shoulders slightly.
Sungmin sighed, bringing his gaze back down to his notes. "You say like it's the easiest thing to do"
"If you don't do it, you'll regret once Kyuhyun finally moves on and starts dating someone because you couldn't make a move, Hyung," Ryeowook said while rolling his eyes.
"Ryeowook, he can't 'move on' from someone he doesn't even have romantic feelings for in the first place," Sungmin said, voice barely audible.
"Hyung it's not like that, he-" Ryeowook tried to reason his words, but they were unheard by Sungmin, who started gathering his belongings. The older male picked up his bag and stood up hurriedly. "I'm leaving," he whispered.
"Sungmin-ah-" Ryeowook pleaded.
"Forget it, Wook."
Sungmin rushed towards the door, fresh tears pooling in his eyes.
Why did the truth hurt so much?
"Min you're not answering"
"Min I'm bored"
"Lee Sungmin answer your ing phone, I haven't seen you for the entire weekend"
"Are you ok? Where are you? Are you out of town?"
"Stop ignoring me. Did I do something wrong? I promise to never break into your room like that again, I didn't want to scare you"
"Scratch that, you're leaving me worried, I'm breaking into your room"
Sungmin threw his phone away, not giving a single about the possibility of cracking the screen. He didn't know what caused his emotional outbreak earlier. He had come to terms with his crush on Kyuhyun. He knew his crush was completely one-sided, and he was not willing to wait for his more-than-awkward best friend to demonstrate any sort of romantic interest in him.
Then why was he clad in his one piece pink dress, scooping ice cream while watching Desperate Housewives?
'Oh my god I'm such a girl' Sungmin thought.
The curtains were fully shut, successfully hiding Sungmin's figure. It was his attempt to engage the "Forget crush - maintain friendship" plan, which consisted in avoiding Kyuhyun anywhere besides school. 
And it had been two days since he put the plan in action.
It was bad enough to be in almost all the same classes as Kyuhyun. Having his best friend inside his room, being over-attached to him would only cause him to tackle the younger to the ground and shove his tongue down the other's throat.
Sungmin's phone buzzed again, indicating yet another message from Kyuhyun
"Not again goddamit," Sungmin sighed
As much as he tried to ignore the messages, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Sungmin reached for his phone that was laying carelessly on the floor, and read the messages one by one.
'Min, are you home? Your curtains are closed'
'I knocked on your window earlier, it seemed like you weren't home since you didn't open it for me'
'Sungmin I'm worried, please talk to me'
'Lee Sungmin I'm going to kill you, where the are you?"
"Hiding from you," Sungmin mumbled, while scooping another spoonful of ice cream.
Just when he was about to leave his room, Sungmin heard a loud thud followed by a screechy scream. 
 Sungmin heard a shout coming from outside, voice muffled by the glass window. He quickly crossed the room, opening the window hurriedly, only to find a debauched Kyuhyun struggling not to fall 5 meters down.
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" he shouted down at Kyuhyun, quickly maneuvering himself out of the window to reach for the younger's hand.
"Oh, NOW you open your window up for me, great Sungmin, GREAT!" Kyuhyun shouted back, glaring at Sungmin.
"Shut the up and grab my hand, you ."
"Since you don't need me, I don't need you either. Just leave me here."
"I'm not leaving you alone to fall 10 meters down, you moron."
"Actually, it's 5 meters," Kyuhyun pointed out, face surprisingly blank for someone who was on the verge of having an accident.
'I'm done with this imbecile'  Sungmin thought. He quickly grabbed Kyuhyun's hand with the strength he didn't knew he possessed, and pulled Kyuhyun up, freeing the younger from danger.
The shorted man kicked Kyuhyun's ribs with force, forcing the younger to enter his room, and quickly closed the window with a loud thud.
Kyuhyun forced himself to sit, while rubbing his sore ribs, his eyes dark with anger "No, what has gotten into YOU?" he retorted angrily, glaring holes into Sungmin's face.
"Look Kyuhyun, I-"
"No, YOU let me finish" Kyuhyun spat out, not breaking eye contact. "I spent the last two days looking for you since you ing disappeared. Ryeowook told me you left school sobbing your eyes out for god knows why and I was only looking for you to try to comfort you. You ignored me completely and left me going insane thinking something terrible had happened to you or your family. I looked for you every-ing-where and nearly lost my mind when your window wasn't opening. I ing fell because I lost balance while trying to force your window open." He finished, breathing unevenly, nostrils flaring, not finding strength to speak another word.
"Kyuhyun-ah It's not like that-" Sungmin whispered, only to be interrupted by Kyuhyun, who stood up and made his way to towards the door. 
"You know what, I don't even want to hear it. Talk to me when you quit treating me like I don't mean to you, Sungmin." Kyuhyun left, shutting the door with a loud bang.
 Sungmin stared blankly at the door, his mouth gaping open.         



A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to post... I was really busy these past few weeks so I had no time to even think about writing...

I hope you guys enjoy!

special thanks to Andi, Rahma, Yuki and Clara for beta reading and giving me feedback <3 love you guys!


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I really really love this story!*_* <3
elmokyu #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating...
Are well, abt Sungmin, as long as he is happy..
Fic is Fic, real is real..
I guess for those who don't support Sungmin, not just because of Kyu, maybe also because everything was in a rush, they met in Dec 2013, move in to stay together in early 2014, plan their wedding since May 2014, and got married in Dec 2014. A whole lifetime decision in a matter of 12 months. It was too sudden for fans to absorb everything.
But, as I said, as long as he is happy...
haeeyaah #4
Chapter 8: Wow nice update soon
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating. I know i love sungminnie and kyu. So whatever happens,they are still the real couple for me...and i love your fic, and i will be waiting for the next chapter too
RayhanAdni #6


Chapter 8: OMFG

And finally they are together urrrrrr and i'm gonna kill Sungmin's dad myself ò.ó andddd awwwwwww they are so cuteeeeee they are so cuteeeeeeee! Kyuboo leave Minnieboo alone for now I'm sure he will give it to you but just be patient but I can see why you wanna get in Ming's pants u.u// (can Ming wake me up the same way? Ugh not fair Kyuboo is so lucky)
Kyuboo is a drama queen and Ahra noona is the besttttt LMAO
And I love you Vittttt ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: I missed this story. Hahahhaha I wonder how hard Min hit Kyu xD he's just a teenager who has his own needs xD poor kyu,double nose bleed ㅋㅋㅋ
allcloud #9
Chapter 8: I'm glad you updated. ^^
Gyaaaa #10
Chapter 8: I looove your author note... ^3^

This is a cute chapter, KyuMin was sweet and all but not too mushy and make me cringe... >_<

Thanks for the update.. ^^