

"Sungmin-ah, Sungmin-ah!" Kyuhyun knocked at Sungmin's window "Wake up we're going to be late" he shouted loud enough for Sungmin to hear inside the house.

It was already monday again, meaning they would need to go back to school.

Or 'Hell' as Sungmin liked to call it.

"Sungmin-ah! I'm going to break this window, I'm not kidding!!" Kyuhyun knocked harshly. He was seriously starting to lose his patience, after all there was never one single day that Sungmin wasn't late.

Inside the room Sungmin was still in bed, refusing to get up

"I dont wannaaa" Sungmin shouted as he rolled to the other side of the bed, pulling the covers over his head. Voice muffed by the window's glass.

"Brat" Kyuhyun scoffed mentally as he forced the window open with precision. He was used to it after all, since  Sungmin was a lazy who refused to get up every single day he forced himself to buy a book called "How to be a burglar" to learn how to break into windows.

Yes he was that commited into waking up Sungmin every single day.

He entered Sungmin's room while mentally scolding Sungmin for his lack of tidying skills, seeing how there were clothes and an empty bag of chips (wich was stolen from Kyuhyun's room) laying on the floor, and several notebooks spread open on the couch were beeing used as a bed by Sungmin's cat, Sen.

Kyuhyun grabbed a pillow from the floor and started walking on the direction of the Sungmin's bed "Min, you really need to clean up this mess" he started collecting Sungmin's clothes from the floor and placing them inside the closet "One day Sen will get lost in this sea of dirty clothes I swear" he made an ugly face as he saw a pile of dirty boxers on top of sungmin's pink guitar.


Sungmin just curled himself into a ball and stayed still, ignoring Kyuhyun's complaints. It was fun teasing Kyuhyun after all, the latter would get so worked up when Sungmin acted stubborn, it was fun to watch.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep here" Sungmin's  voice was thick from sleepyness

"Yah Just get up already!!!" Kyuhyun hit the latters face with a pillow multiple times, successfully making Sungmin fall from the bed.

"Stop it!! Godammit Kyu" He screeched while trying to take ths pillow of Kyuhyun's hands, unsuccesfuly.

He kept hitting Sungmins head until the latter kicked his with precision.

  "Come on I was just trying to be a good friend waking you up, ouch" kyuhyun yelped in pain while moving away from Sungmin's bed. It was still a mistery to him why the hell Sungmin could be that inpatient in the morning.

"Yeah right" Sungmin got up laughing and pressed a short kiss on kyuhyun's forehead, who quickly turned to the side hiding his blush. Kyuhyun swore inside his head.

"Could you stop doing that? " He rubbed his forehead as if he was trying to clean it from sungmin's saliva.

"That what?" Sungmin grinned sheeply, trying to tease Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was so awkward while dealing with open displays of affection that was even amusing to watch the younger struggle with himself while trying to form words that made sense.

"That... you know what" Kyuhyun stammered trying to distract himself picking the dirty clothes from the floor.

"So innocent Kyu" he snorted " now turn around while I change" He finally stood up to grab some clean clothes.

"I already saw your fat multiple times at the school shower, its nothing I havent seen before" he replied snarkly


"SUNGMIN WHAT IS THAT YELLING ABOUT" he heard a deep voice coming from downstairs .


Oh crap.

"Kyuhyun hide" he whispered


"HIDE. NOW" he said hurridly while running back to bed.

Kyuhyun quickly manuered himself inside sungmin's large closet just in time an older looking, three times less easy going Sungmin barged inside the room.

"What was that all about Lee Sungmin? " sungmin's father said, his tone serious.

"Nothing father, I was on the phone" Sungmin faked a sleepy voice.

"With whom?"

"Someone from school dad please just let me change in peace" he stood up from his bed, and walked to the closet trying to protect it in case his father came too close to where Kyuhyun was hiding.

His father started pacing around the room staring at his window "I told you I dont want you around that lanky boy until you improve your grades" he peeked outside the curtains, squinting his eyes a bit.

"Are you seeing Kyuhyun here? No. So just let me get ready for school" Sungmin replied distractedly, feigning searching for clothes.

"Fine." he closed the curtains harshly "Im watching you Lee Sungmin" he paced back thowards the door, closing it with a loud bang.

When the door was finally closed Kyuhyun let a breath of relief when he heard Lee Chunhwa's harsh steps in the floor below.

Sungmin peeked outsite his room's door, after seeing that the bar was clean, quickly opened the closet, revealing an extremely anxious looking Kyuhyun.

"Crap Kyu, Im so sorry about that" Sungmin helped Kyuhyun to get outside the messy and cramped closet.

Kyuhyun breathed out a couple times before saying "It's ok Min, I shouldnt... I shouldnt be here in first place, I should probably go-"

"NO" sungmin whispered hurridly, gripping tightly at Kyuhyun's arm "no just-"  he shighed "wait for me ok" he looked down " Ignore my father he is really inconsiderable with...well everyone" he looked up at Kyuhyun's dark brown orbs "Ill change in a bit" Sungmin squeezed Kyuhyun's arm reassurely, ran to the bathroom and locked himself in.

Kyuhyun breathed out trying to calm himself, after locking the room's door he plopped down on the large bed and allowed himself to close his eyes for a while... It would be another long day.

He didn't mind waking Sungmin up everyday, he actually liked doing that a lot, it gave him the excuse to see the elder's chubby face for a few more hours before class. While Sungmin's parents were a bit of a trouble for him, he didn't mind hiding under the dirty bed or the small closet as long as he could see Sungmin's sleepy face every day.

Kyuhyun knew his feelings were getting deeper and deeper, and his relationship with the black haired cute man who happened to be his neighbour wasn't a mere friendship anymore.

But he wouldn't allow himself to destroy his most treasured friendship because he couldn't control his own stupid feelings.

As much as he wanted to just hug the older tightly and kiss the soul out of him, and god how he wanted it, he wouldnt.

He didnt want to hurt his closest friend.

He didnt want to make his closest friend's relationship with his family even worse.

He feared to end up alone.

And it hurt, so much.


oh hello there! So here's chapter two, let me know your thoughts on it!

thanks again to Clara and Rahma for beta reading it.

/rahma thank you for letting me know about the mistakes/

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I really really love this story!*_* <3
elmokyu #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating...
Are well, abt Sungmin, as long as he is happy..
Fic is Fic, real is real..
I guess for those who don't support Sungmin, not just because of Kyu, maybe also because everything was in a rush, they met in Dec 2013, move in to stay together in early 2014, plan their wedding since May 2014, and got married in Dec 2014. A whole lifetime decision in a matter of 12 months. It was too sudden for fans to absorb everything.
But, as I said, as long as he is happy...
haeeyaah #4
Chapter 8: Wow nice update soon
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating. I know i love sungminnie and kyu. So whatever happens,they are still the real couple for me...and i love your fic, and i will be waiting for the next chapter too
RayhanAdni #6


Chapter 8: OMFG

And finally they are together urrrrrr and i'm gonna kill Sungmin's dad myself ò.ó andddd awwwwwww they are so cuteeeeee they are so cuteeeeeeee! Kyuboo leave Minnieboo alone for now I'm sure he will give it to you but just be patient but I can see why you wanna get in Ming's pants u.u// (can Ming wake me up the same way? Ugh not fair Kyuboo is so lucky)
Kyuboo is a drama queen and Ahra noona is the besttttt LMAO
And I love you Vittttt ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: I missed this story. Hahahhaha I wonder how hard Min hit Kyu xD he's just a teenager who has his own needs xD poor kyu,double nose bleed ㅋㅋㅋ
allcloud #9
Chapter 8: I'm glad you updated. ^^
Gyaaaa #10
Chapter 8: I looove your author note... ^3^

This is a cute chapter, KyuMin was sweet and all but not too mushy and make me cringe... >_<

Thanks for the update.. ^^