




School went smoothly, with Ryeowook occasionaly making fun of Kyuhyun's nerdy behavior. After all, the tall boy was furiously copying notes for Sungmin.

Since the black haired boy was fast asleep and drooling over his notebook.


After class, Kyuhyun hurridly woke Sungmin up, scolding the short man mentally for drenching his notebook with drool. Despite not beeing the most patient person on earth he couldn't bring himself to vociferate his anger at Sungmin.

The elder was too cute to deserve any sort of insults.

He just wiped the notebook clean and followed an eager Sungmin outside the class. Full atention on Sungmin's adorable skipping through the empty hallways of the school.

With heavy steps through the long sidewalk, the two highschool students walked side by side, keeping themselves close from each other, gaze focused on the path ahead. The city was beautifuly showered by the flower petals, creating a romantic atmosphere, the fresh spring wind made Sungmin's raven black hair fall pretilly over his pale face. Kyuhyun's heart fluttered at the sight.. He chose to just ignore it, it probably wasn't anything important.


They kept their slow pace until Sungmin broke the awkward silence. He fiddled with his fingers, unsure of how to phrase his words . Sensing Sungmin's awkardness (which he found adorable, not that he would admit that), Kyuhyun spoke out.

"What it is, Min" Kyuhyun smiled tenderly, amused at his friend's adorable pout.

"Kyu, Just a heads up, I'm staying over the weekend, ok?" Sungmin grinned.

Sungmin chuckled awkwardly, expecting Kyuhyun's reaction.

Kyuhyun Immeadiatly tensed, he didn't intend beeing fried by Sungmin's angry dad, oh hell no.

"Min, as much as I like spending time with you, I don't really like the idea of having my balls cut off by your father once he realises you spent the night with me" Kyuhyun sneered.

Sungmin's face quickly brightened up "HA! That's where you're mistaken! Mom and dad are away in Busan for the weekend, which means you will have to endure me and my so-called 'fat-' in your room for 2 days! Or my room, you choose!" he still didn't wear off that grin from his face, excitement clear in his words.

Kyuhyun instead of retorting just smiled shyly. "Well.. Dad is still in Japan and mom will come home late today...  and I doubt Ahra noona will pay me a visit in the middle of her finals week, so yeah, why not?".

"We sneak into each other's rooms almost everyday, why are we treating this like such a big deal?" Sungmin asked, looking up at the taller man, with an amused smile on his lips.

Kyuhyun snorted at Sungmin's obliviousness "Hmmm, maybe because for the last six months we have been acting like ing James Bond in order to get your father's wrath upon me controled?"

Sungmin's smile finally dropped.

He didn't want Kyuhyun to feel that way, it wasn't his fault. He adored Kyuhyun... They were friends since forever... He should be able to read Kyuhyun by now, wasn't he? Sungmin mentally scolded himself for being so insensitive. Even though he was Kyuhyun's best friend, the younger was always a closed person, he shouldn't expect the Kyuhyun to voice out what was going inside his head.

Sungmin pulled himself together and reached for Kyuhyun's hand, squeezing it reassuringly, trying to come up with a coherent sentence. "Kyuhyun-ah.. I'm sorry my father has made this that bad to you, It's not your fault I-"

Kyuhyun sighed, a small smile in his lips,as he squeezed Sungmin's hand back. "Min, stop apologizing. It's not like I dislike acting like a ninja" he laughed shortly "if it is what it takes to me to see your pretty face up close everyday outside school, I'll glady continue to do that."

Sungmin couldn't stop his blush, Kyuhyun was getting awfully affective lately, if he didn't quit this soon he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from locking the taller man inside his room and kissing the soul out of him.

So, in the end he decided to just ignore what Kyuhyun said and averted the subject.

"Kyu, hurry up, I want to order pizza for lunch!."

Sungmin held Kyuhyun hand tight, while they fastened their pace towards Kyuhyun's house.







Kyuhyun munched happily on his grease soaked pizza, trying to stare discretely at Sungmin, who made a fool of himself when he spilled the entire bottle of ketchup on the floor. His eyes couldn't leave Sungmin's m shaped lips who were currently muttering angry curses at the poor ketchup bottle.

Sungmin suddently glared at Kyuhyun, an angry frown at his face "YAH, ! Stop staring at me, I know I'm irresistible but let me eat in peace" he snorted.

Kyuhyun just chuckled and resumed his eating.

They were currently eating (more like, trying to eat) pizza on Kyuhyun's room, sitting on the floor since they didn't want to make a mess on the table or risking staining Kyuhyun's sheets.

"Kyu, we need to go out more, I'm afraid you'll get insane with so much studying" Sungmin broke the silence, glacing at the huge pile of books over the large mahogany desk.

Kyuhyun just kept munching on his pizza "I need to pass this year, Min, or else Ahra noona will shave my head or something"

Sungmin stood up to get something to drink while still glaring holes at Kyuhyun's head, looking annoyed "But still! You can still get good grades without studying your soul out Kyu.."

"I want to honor noona and be the first one in class" Kyuhyun directed his gaze to Sungmin's annoyed pouty face "different from a certain black haired midget who-"

Sungmin slapped Kyuhyun's head, hard. "I AM NOT A MIDGET" he exclaimed, looking escandalized.

Kyuhyun just poked his tongue out playfully "I never said that you were a midget~" he laughed even harder at Sungmin's furious glare.

Suddently Sungmin snapped, grabbed the taller's wrist, and pinned Kyuhyun under him.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" Sungmin screamed while Kyuhyun tried to free himself from Sungmin's tight grip.

"MIN LET ME GO" Kyuhyun couldn't hold back his laughter, Sungmin was adorable even when furious.

Kyuhyun surprisingly was able to flip them around, straddling Sungmin.

"What are you going to do now bunny?" Kyuhyun whispered, his nose nearly touching Sungmin's.

Sungmin's eyes were wide, staring back at Kyuhyun's dark orbs. Kyuhyun was never this touchy. He was about to let his mouth slip and say something really stupid when Kyuhyun suddently tickled him, making him a giggling mess.

"Kyuhyun, get off!!!" Sungmin just couldn't be angry at Kyuhyun, whenever the taller made fun of him, he managed to make him laugh five seconds later.

Kyuhyun ceased his torture and rolled to Sungmin's side, laying on the floor, staring at Sungmin's face gleefuly."You're so pretty" He whispered while brushing Sungmin's bangs of his face.

Sungmin turned his head to the other side, he didn't want his blush to get noticed and give Kyuhyun yet another reason to .

"Kyuhyun-ah... You can only call a girl 'pretty', you know that". Sungmin sighed, still refusing to face Kyuhyun. As much as he should feel offended, he didn't. He refused to admit to himself that his heart fluttered at every glance and every compliment he got from his best friend.

Kyuhyun just chuckled and stared at the roof. "Whenever I try to flatter you, you ignore it, tsk, Let's just go to your room already, Mom is probably getting here soon and I'm tired of you making a mess that I'll have to clean later."

Kyuhyun stood up and started collecting the empty pizza boxes and throwing them into the trash.

"You know, when we grow up we should buy houses next to each other.. I don't think I can live without seeing your scarred face everyday" sungmin said while stretching up.

Kyuhyun pouted and shook his head. "Excuse me, I've been using a really expensive acne scrub and I can already notice the difference ok? And also, I don't think I can handle living away from your fat "

"Yeah yeah right. Should we get shared roofs as well?" Sungmin replied smugly while opening the window that lead to his room.

"I don't want my future children to get into trouble with your kids Min."

Sungmin just glared, one foot already outisde the room "You're sounding like my father, Kyu".

"Like I possibly could be as grumpy as him" Kyuhyun laughed.

"Give me your goddamn hand you moron" Sungmin chuckled, obviously not really meaning his bitter words . Kyuhyun gave Sungmin his hand quickly, holding tight while Sungmin lead them outside the window.







"You know there wasn't anyone home, we could've just used the front door, Min"  Kyuhyun said, while setting himself confortably on Sungmin's bed.

"What if your mom decided to arrive right when we were leaving? I adore your mom Kyu but I cant let her slip her tongue and accidentaly tell my father that you spent the night."

"Well that's true, we can't have that" Kyuhyun pulled the pink conforted up looking back at Sungmin who was currently picking up some clothes from his drawer "Kyu I'm taking a shower, be a nice guest and wait for me" and then he locked himself inside the bathroom.

"Won't your mom be worried when she comes home and find out you're missing?" Sungmin shouted from inside the bathroom.

"I texted her saying that I was going to spend the night a friend's house" Kyuhyun shouted loud enough for Sungmin to hear inside the bathroom.  "What are we going to do though? It's only 6pm I dont intend to sleep now" Kyuhyun rolled over Sungmin's bed, bored out of his mind.

Right when he thought of breaking into Sungmin's closet to seek for the elder's old diares to amuse himself, Sungmin emerged from the bathroom, pitch black hair dripping wet from the shower, a white towel covering his lower body, his torso fully exposed.

The sight made Kyuhyun's heart skip a beat, and made him wonder why the hell he couldn't stop staring at his best friend's toned abs.

He knew Sungmin worked out and was pretty dedicated to the martial arts club, but he never noticed how the results actually payed off.

Sungmin was far from the chubby ball of happiness he made friends with 12 years ago, not that Sungmin wasn't a ball of sunshine anymore, it's just that he looked ten times more fierce than he did before.

And heck, that was attractive.

"Kyuhyun-ah are you even listening to me?" Sungmin's annoyed voice finally brought Kyuhyun back to earth.

"Of couse I am, Min" Kyuhyun replied awkwardly, while averting his gaze.

Sungmin sighed "As much as I am irresistible, there is no need to stare at me." he said pacing into his closet to look for clean clothes.

"Anyway, idiot, we can watch something on TV downstairs, and I bet there is still ice cream in the freezer"

Kyuhyun pushed himself out of Sungmin's comfy bed and shouted loud enough for Sungmin to hear inside the closed "Then hurry up, we don't have the entire night"

Sungmin brushed his wet bangs and replied beaming "Actually, we do! Not only the entire night but also two days!" 

Kyuhyun just scoffed and clutched at Sungmin's pink one piece dress, leading them outside the room, the two of them completely oblivious to the storm that was being formed outside.




After a 4h movie marathon, they were both exausted to the core. Sungmin was about to suggest them to go to bed when a loud thunder crashed.

And the lights went out.

And then another thunder, way louder than the first one.

Everything was pitch dark, both of them oblivous to their surroundings, rain pouding heavily on the windows of the living room.

"K-Kyu-ah" Sungmin whimpered trying to reach for Kyuhyun's embrace "Y-yah, what w-was that?"

"Pretty sure there is a storm coming, if it didn't start already... We should light some candles, let me just-"

"DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE" Sungmin suddently envolved Kyuhyun in a back breaking hug, not willing to let go in the least bit. Kyuhyun felt his shirt ... Wet?


"Y-Yah Sungmin it's just a storm calm down-" Kyuhyun was used to Sungmin's fear of storms but this was definetly... New.

Sungmin wasn't just scared as he usually was, he seemed utterly terrified, probably because not only there were thunders every ten seconds, but the lights also went out, that combined Sungmin's fear of darkness with his fear of storms.

And that made Sungmin sob like a five year old kid.

"DON'T YOU DARE MOVE CHO KYUHYUN" Sungmin managed to whisper between sobs.

Oh well.

Kyuhyun tried to calm Sungmin down rubbing soothing circles over his back "Min, calm down it's just thunder, it'll be over soon"

Sungmin started to tremble even harder, hands gripping tightly at Kyuhyun's shirt, his sobbing just getting harder. Kyuhyun whispered reassuring words into Sungmin's ears, trying to make him calm down, and he thought it was finally working until another loud thunder crashed, turning night into day for a split second. Sungmin screamed at the sudden loud sound.

Kyuhyun decided that that was enough, he couldn't bear to see his best friend so terrified anymore.

So he sang.

Only for Sungmin to hear.

His rich deep voice filling the living room. His hands never ceasing it's ministrations at Sungmin's back.

He poured all his emotions on the song, just a sappy ballad he heard on the radio the other day, but his deep voice made the song sound just plain heavenly.

After a good five minutes of singing, he managed to effectively stop Sungmin's sobs, until he noticed that the elder had fallen asleep.

Kyuhyun envolved Sungmin in a tight embrace and kissed the shorter's forehead.

And they both slept through the night, lost in their embrace.


so... any thoughts? ^^

This was really hard to write... I kept deleting and re writing stuff because I wasn't happy with how things were turning out T3T

Thanks again to my beta readers Clara and Rahma!

Also thanks to Yuki for all the tips <3

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I really really love this story!*_* <3
elmokyu #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating...
Are well, abt Sungmin, as long as he is happy..
Fic is Fic, real is real..
I guess for those who don't support Sungmin, not just because of Kyu, maybe also because everything was in a rush, they met in Dec 2013, move in to stay together in early 2014, plan their wedding since May 2014, and got married in Dec 2014. A whole lifetime decision in a matter of 12 months. It was too sudden for fans to absorb everything.
But, as I said, as long as he is happy...
haeeyaah #4
Chapter 8: Wow nice update soon
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating. I know i love sungminnie and kyu. So whatever happens,they are still the real couple for me...and i love your fic, and i will be waiting for the next chapter too
RayhanAdni #6


Chapter 8: OMFG

And finally they are together urrrrrr and i'm gonna kill Sungmin's dad myself ò.ó andddd awwwwwww they are so cuteeeeee they are so cuteeeeeeee! Kyuboo leave Minnieboo alone for now I'm sure he will give it to you but just be patient but I can see why you wanna get in Ming's pants u.u// (can Ming wake me up the same way? Ugh not fair Kyuboo is so lucky)
Kyuboo is a drama queen and Ahra noona is the besttttt LMAO
And I love you Vittttt ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: I missed this story. Hahahhaha I wonder how hard Min hit Kyu xD he's just a teenager who has his own needs xD poor kyu,double nose bleed ㅋㅋㅋ
allcloud #9
Chapter 8: I'm glad you updated. ^^
Gyaaaa #10
Chapter 8: I looove your author note... ^3^

This is a cute chapter, KyuMin was sweet and all but not too mushy and make me cringe... >_<

Thanks for the update.. ^^