

It was spring.

To state the obvious, streets, cars, buildings, and most important, windowsills, were covered in pastel colored petals.

In a quite quiet neighbourhood in the outskirts of seoul, two houses stood out from the others, the reason?

They shared a windowsill.

Both houses were built in such a way that the second floor had large square shaped windowsills that were so close to each other that one could easily jump from one side to another.

Again, to state the obvious, that was what happened often between the two dwellers from said houses.

Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun knew each other since their early years of age. They went to the same school, they went to the same kindergarten, and now 10 years later they're going to the same highschool.

Being the bestfriends they were, they often skipped from a windowsill to another and sneaked in each other's rooms to talk, curse on teachers, or just to eat junk food while chatting nonsense.

The relationship between those two was blossoming as slowly as the spring flowers on the roof.

Slowly, and beautifully.

"Kyu? Are you ok?" Sungmin snapped his fingers at kyuhyun face, dragging him out of his reverie. He tilted his head a little while staring at Kyuhyun.

"What?" he blinked "Of course I am" Kyuhyun answered quickly with a blank face while standing up from the couch.

"Oh, great I thought you were dozing off me again" Sungmin chuckled as he stole another chip from kyuhyun's bag that was laying on the ground

"Yah Stop getting my food you meanie" Kyuhyun snarled and stole the bag of chips back.

"Im too lazy to go all the way back to my room, cant you be a little more patient with me here?" Sungmin huffed

Kyuhyun's room was small, but not cramped. There was a bed next to the window wich he used to peak into Sungmin's room every now and then to check how the older was doing. A mahogany table with a few books and a laptop laying on top of , and a framed photo of him and sungmin on the year before's spring break, courtesy of sungmin who was eager to display his face somewhere in Kyuhyun's room.

Simple, small, but it fit two teenage boys, and that's what mattered.

"Ok meanie, but next time bring your own food, I'm too tired of feeding you whenever you sneak in" Kyuhyun patted Sungmin's head making the latter slap his hand playfully.

"Can't you just admit you love having me here" Sungmin grinned jokingly, making him even more irritaded.

Kyuhyun walked towards his table leaving Sungmin laying on the ground still muching his chips happily "Just let me do my work in peace, Min" he scoffed half heartedly as Sungmin got up and plunged himself on Kyuhyun's bed.

"Cant you just leave this to another hour? I came here to cuddle and watch movies, not to watch you do this calculus " Sungmin said as he clinged to his dongsaeng's back.

"Let me go Min" Kyuhyun tried to resist, brushing Sungmin's hands away. It did not work since the latter only clutched harder at Kyuhyun's sides

"Pleeeease" Sungmin whined as he showed the latter his shining eyes "Come on you've been studying non stop for 2h already, just quit and come cuddle with me"

Seeing how resistant Kyuhyun was, he decided to pull out his secret trick.

"You know.... Victoria's is really nice don't you agree? I saw you staring at it yesterday" Sungmin poked kyuhyun's cheek

"I WAS NOT" Kyuhyun squatted sungmin's finger away, looking scandalized, completely ignoring his books.

Sungmin started to poke Kyuhyun's belly until they both fell on the room's floor giggling like kids

"Now you will watch something with me and quit being an assh-" Before Sungmin could finish his sentence Kyuhyun quickly silenced him with a finger

"Alright, Alright" Kyuhyun lifted himself out of floor chair dragging Sungmin by the hand towards the bed "what do you wanna watch?"

'Carrie' maybe? I don't know, I'm kinda curious to watch it but at the same time scared of how the movie will turn out to be" Sungmin mumbled

"Im ok with it as long as you dont scream loud enough for my parents to hear" Kyuhyun chuckled as he passed a blanket to Sungmin.

Sungmin opened his mouth to defend himself, but no words came out. But in the end he just nodded slowly.

Its not like Kyuhyun's family wasn't supportive of their friendship, it was quite the opposite actually. Kyuhyun barely had any friends, so having such a caring friend like Sungmin only brought happiness to their parents.  But having a 17 year old screeching like a girl over a horror movie at 1am wasnt a very happy reason to wake up to.

Sungmin's family wasn't as equally receptive as Kyuhyun's family was. They knew about Sungmin's sneaking inside Kyuhyun's home every now and then, and that was quite probably the reason they were so strict about the curfew they forced sungmin to follow,over the excuse that "The reason he was doing so bad at physics was because he lost too much time being with Kyuhyun. They didnt oppose to their friendship, but they didnt glorify it the way Kyuhyun parents did.

To state the obvious,again, that was one of the million of reasons Sungmin liked to be with Kyuhyun so much.

 Sungmin snuggled closer to Kyuhyun, pushing his head on Kyuhyun's neck

"Kyuhyun-ah..." he whispered

"Hmm?" Kyuhyun grunted, eyes glued on the TV screen.

"Thank you" it was barely a whisper, loud enough only for Kyuhyun to hear.

"For what?" he looked at Sungmin confused.

Sungmin shrugged and hid his face on Kyuhyun's neck "For being here for me"

Kyuhyun was supposed to be taken aback from such a weird question out of sudden.

But he knew how Sungmin really was.

Sungmin seemed like he was a really an easy going bubbly person, but behind all the happiness and bright smiles he was constantly showing, insecurity and shame hid in a dark corner of his personality.

Sungmin liked Kyuhyun too much, too much that all the pressure his family was pushing on him was causing him to become more and more secluded.

Kyuhyun was his closest friend, and he wasn't leaving him for anything.

But he knew that it wasn't just plain friendship anymore.

To be more direct, Sungmin was in love.

To be even more direct, Sungmin was in love with his best friend.

Sungmin was in love with Kyuhyun.

And he refused to admit it to himself more than to admit it to Kyuhyun.

"Min, are they treating you bad again?" Kyuhyun put a hand in the small of Sungmin's back, bringing him back to earth.

Sungmin shook his head and forced himself to look back at the screen "It's nothing really"

Kyuhyun suddently turned off the tv, before Sungmin could retort he whispered "Do you want to spend the night?"

He could only hear Sungmin's soft reply "Please"

Sungmin's crush had started to develop a few months prior, he didn't knew exactly when he started seeing his best friend with a different look.

Kyuhyun was handsome

Kyuhyun was caring

Kyuhyun was sweet

Kyuhyun was a lanky y nerd

Kyuhyun was....perfection

Eventually they fell asleep confortably on Kyuhyun's bed, snoring loudly, breathing in sync.

Kyuhyun's image never leaving Sungmin's head.

What he didnt knew was that his face wasnt leaving Kyuhyun's mind either.



hello there! I'm really sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.

Please tell me what you think!

Special thanks to Clara and Rahma for beta reading and giving me feedback <3


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I really really love this story!*_* <3
elmokyu #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating...
Are well, abt Sungmin, as long as he is happy..
Fic is Fic, real is real..
I guess for those who don't support Sungmin, not just because of Kyu, maybe also because everything was in a rush, they met in Dec 2013, move in to stay together in early 2014, plan their wedding since May 2014, and got married in Dec 2014. A whole lifetime decision in a matter of 12 months. It was too sudden for fans to absorb everything.
But, as I said, as long as he is happy...
haeeyaah #4
Chapter 8: Wow nice update soon
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating. I know i love sungminnie and kyu. So whatever happens,they are still the real couple for me...and i love your fic, and i will be waiting for the next chapter too
RayhanAdni #6


Chapter 8: OMFG

And finally they are together urrrrrr and i'm gonna kill Sungmin's dad myself ò.ó andddd awwwwwww they are so cuteeeeee they are so cuteeeeeeee! Kyuboo leave Minnieboo alone for now I'm sure he will give it to you but just be patient but I can see why you wanna get in Ming's pants u.u// (can Ming wake me up the same way? Ugh not fair Kyuboo is so lucky)
Kyuboo is a drama queen and Ahra noona is the besttttt LMAO
And I love you Vittttt ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: I missed this story. Hahahhaha I wonder how hard Min hit Kyu xD he's just a teenager who has his own needs xD poor kyu,double nose bleed ㅋㅋㅋ
allcloud #9
Chapter 8: I'm glad you updated. ^^
Gyaaaa #10
Chapter 8: I looove your author note... ^3^

This is a cute chapter, KyuMin was sweet and all but not too mushy and make me cringe... >_<

Thanks for the update.. ^^