Evil prank team on the road!

Best entertainment!

Sien’s POV

It was an enjoyable day, nice weather outside, not that much of work to do and the idols weren’t in a bad mood. I wave Hyun woo goodbye as he leaves, he has a commercial shooting today. Many idols were training, and for one time, I let P.O sleep, because I am in a very good mood. Oh… Very good! I started singing Block B’s Very good, silently because Block B’s maknae was lying there so cutely and peacefully. B1A4 and Block B were just taking a break together, we were chatting happily. But then I noticed something, U-kwon… Where is that guy… And then another suspicious thing… Chen was sneaking around. I bet that they were planning a prank again, that evil prank duo… They will NOT catch me in their trap… Then I felt an arm being put around my shoulder, it was my best friend Gongchan. “Sien… You were daydreaming again, didn’t you…” he smiled and winked. “Y-yeah…” B1A4’s maknae started to laugh. After having a great time with Block B and B1A4, they went to their training rooms again.

I woke P.O up, he was having a bad dream. Poor guy… “Are you okay Ji hoon-oppa?” I asked. P.O was breathing very fast. “Jaehyo… dead…” he started to calm down for a bit but he was still scared. Oh I loved those two, they act like they hate each other but they can’t live without each other. (I ship them by the way) “It’s okay oppa your Jaehyo is still alive…” I conforted P.O. Then the low-voiced maknae became his old self: “He’s NOT mine.” He pouted. Aaawww that is so cute… “Now go back to your training maknae, go!” I laughed. We were walking together towards room 5, but then we heard a scream… Jaehyo… And then more screams… The rest of Block B. We ran to room 5 and entered the room, they were all drenched. B-bomb screamed in despair: “KIM YU KWON!!!” From far away we heard 2 boys laughing, the evil prank duo, U-kwon and Chen. “Go to your dorm and change.” I said to the drenched boys, “Be sure to be here back again in 2 hours.” P.O cheered “YAY NOW I CAN SLEEP MORE!” “As long as you don’t get a nightmare again…” I winked. “Sssshhhhh” P.O wanted me to shut up.

As the boys left, I went to check on B1A4, as I opened the door of room 7, I felt something weird… And before I noticed it I was drenched with water too! “KIM YU KWON AND KIM JONG DAE COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!” I screamed. The water was really cold, but there was something else to it. It had… a weird color… it was… red… B1A4 was really surprised and Gongchan immediately ran to me. “OH GOD SIEN MY GIRL WHAT HAPPENED!!!” The cute maknae was panicking. “Calm down Channie oppa it’s just colored water… I hope so…” I smiled as I comforted my Channie. Sandeul and Jinyoung were laughing at me, but CNU was worried: “CEO-nim you can’t walk around like this…” My Channie got an amazing idea: “I have spare clothes with me, my girl can wear it!” “Excuse me Gongchan hyung but she is MY girl.” A familiar voice, it couldn’t be someone else but Hyuk. I turned around and saw his worried face. “Sanghyuk-oppa, honey, he’s just my best friend he always calls me like that you know…” “I know that and I don’t care but what happened to you…” My boyfriend was really worried. “The evil prank duo… once again…” I mumbled. “I want to look for them but I have to leave now... I'm sorry baby..." Hyuk said as he walked away.

Lara's POV:

Let's see, VIXX just finished their photoshoot for their comeback. Infinite is also done practicing. U-kiss arrived safly in Japan. I entered block b's dorm, clothes were everywhere, empty bottles of coke were spread all over the room. How are they able to live like that? Where are these monkey? 

I dialed U-kwon's number. "Hello Princes."

"Yo, where are you guys?" 

"Practice room 7, if you're fast enough you might see something really amusing." He said and ended the call.

I don't trust this, I don't trust this at all. I ran towards room 7. On my way there I encountered Xiumin. 

"Minseok, where's Jongdae?" I asked worried, deep inside something told me U-kwon and Chen were planning something. Minseok shook his head, he didn't know it either. This is not good. Not good at all. 

I walked towards room 7 when I suddenly heard a scream. "W-was that Sien just now?" I ran as fast as I could towards the practice room, once I arrived I saw U-kwon and Jongdae laughing hysterically while leaving the room secretly. I suddenly noticed Sien surrounded by B1A4. She was drenched by some kind of red liquid. 

"Lara, Seriously that friend of yours..." Sien spoke and walked my direction, Gongchan followed her. "I'll kill him one day, along with Jongdae." 

I had a hard time holding in my laughter. Her cloths soaking wet. Her head was totally red, I didn't know whether it was the weird liquid or her furious face. Either way it was a pricless view. 

"OOh come on Sien." I tried to calm her. "They're just two immature little boys entertaining themselves." 

Sien seemed calmed down by my words. But once I looked up at her best friend his face was full of worries.

"She could get hurt, or even worse." He started

"Oh come on Gongchan, They'd never hurt Sien. Don't be such a party pooper and help her, she's soaking wet." I sneered at him and he just nodded. 

Now that that's handled I needed to make sure no one was injured or drenched just like Sien and Punish those two pranksters. I walked towards B1A4 who seemed to have forgotten about the whole incident. Sandeul turned to me and once again warned me about U-kwon and Chen. I just nodded and apologized for their immature behavior. 

"Are the four of you okay?" I asked worried and they all nodded. 

"I heard they also pranked some of the block b members. You should check on them." The leader said and I simply nodded and left the room.

"Why do I always have to carry all their burdens while they're the once causing all the problems, really now." I blabbered as I searched for the block b members. 

I once again dailed U-kwon's number but this time he's not picking up. That little brat and his other fellow are in deep once I find them.

Running through the mail hall I saw Hyosung and Jieun sitting on the ground. When I came closer they were gossiping and laughing.

"Hi there." I Greeted them and both of the girls got up. They bowed and greeted me back. At least there are some normal peole in this entertainment I thought.

"Lara, be honest now." Hyosung said with a dead seriously expression on her face. What could be wrong? I started to worry a bit. 

"What's wrong?" I asked worried, I don't often see her like this. Hyosung is my best friend for quite a long time now so I don't like seeing her like this.
She looked at me and her eyes were moist and she started to pout. 

"J-Jieun said I gained weight and she also said my hips aren't perfect anymore." Hyosung pouted. I thought I misheard her, but i didn't. Jieun stood behind Hyosung and nodded. They aren't serious, are they?

I take back my words, even both of them aren't any better then the rest. "Where did It went wrong." I whispered to myself." Hyosung and Jieun just stood there and looked questioned at me. 

"Hyo, I have no time for this. You're beautiful as always. Please excuse me now." I left both of them and continued my 'quest'. 
After searching the other block b members I came across them in the cafeteria. 

"Are you okay?" I asked half worried and half out of breath. The five remaining members all nodded. Then B-Bomb got up and walked towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me roughly. "Torture U-kwon, eliminate Chen! They ruined my hair, burn him with fire, make him suffer." B-Bomb said in a sadistic tone which scared me. I simply nodded and tried to loose from his grip.

And once again I went on a new mission. trying to find Ukwon and Chen and punish them, B-Bomb was really upset. Which was normal actually, he spend three hours at the hairdresser's this morning and now it ruined, I'd be upset too. Before I left the block b members asked me to punish them.
I wonder, Is bullying their members their way to express their love for them? Or do they just really enjoy each other's misfortune?

As I finally found them, Sien and gongchan also arrived. She didn't seem mad anymore but didn't forget about it. I cleared my throat and spoke. "As requested from the block b members, I shall now give the both of you your fairly earned punishment."

Both of them looked quite scared and at that moment B-Bomb arrived as well. He stood next to me and looked with a dead glare at U-kwon and Chen, which made both of the rebels laugh. B-Bomb any got madder and I guess he was close to exploding. 

Kill.them. I could hear him whisper and I simply rolled my eyes. 

"So as punishment-." Sien started and looked at me with a clueless expression. "-You will treat all the victims on a delicouse lunch." B-Bomb finished Sien her sentence and both, Sien and I, nodded in agreement. 

Both U-kwon and Chen laughed weakly and eventually agreed. But B-Bomb wasn't statisfied yet, he wanted to ruin them just like they ruined his hair.
"So you need to buy lunch for Sien, since you made her drenching wet, us -the block b members- Lara, since she always needs to carry your burdens, and lastly B1A4 and Hyuk, since they've witnessed this massacre."

So that evening: Block B, B1A4, the two CEO's and Hyuk enjoyed a delicious- and more importantly- and a free meal.


So moral of the story, never mess with B-Bomb after he went to the hairdresser's. He'll only be pissed off and try to ruin your life 


The HyoSung part was inspired by this wonderful gif.


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Chapter 7: AZSDFGHJKLM omfg I love it bae. Thanks Honey <3
Chapter 4: idk what to write

because I don't know words that are beautiful enough to describe your story~~ //cheesy wink wenk wonk
Chapter 3: Yayyy animeee \(^~^)/ aww the anime squad is adorable haha~ I wished I could have gone to that shop too~ ;p
Chapter 2: Omg it's awesome (and funny xD)but it's sometimes a bit confusing with all the names xD
Keep on writing~

I CAN'T WAIT UPDATE SOON kekekekkek I have to say that XDDD

I'm Kaat ^^ I'm in UMCK