The problems of the anime squad

Best entertainment!



Today was a day of for some groups so we decided to out and visit a city and Sien and I accompanied them. Josje and Yan Yeng Ma stayed at the entertainment to keep an eye on the other groups. In the morning almost all the groups gathered around the bus, only Kevin and Ajax's Sungmin weren't there yet. The members from B.A.P were tired of waiting and entered the bus. "Shotgun for the back seats." Eli yelled and the U-kiss members also entered the bus. 

After waiting for a while Kevin and Sungmin finally arrived exhausted. 

"S-Sorry." Kevin said totally out of breathe and bowed. "I overslept." He continued and apologized once again. Sungmin didn't mind the fact he was too late and just entered the bus. That kid. I heard Sien as she hysterically entered the bus and lectured Sungmin.  I face-palmed and followed Sien. 
As we all sat down, the bus rode towards the city.

It took us an hour. Most of the people just slept, Zelo read a manga, Kevin and Eli played idiotic games and Jaejoong listened to music and sang along, which irritated me since I sat next to him and tried to sleep, and even if JaeJoong wouldn't sing, I probably couldn't sleep since Kevin yelled too much and Zelo's manly screams while fanboying aren't any better.

After an hour we finally arrived and I walked next to Kevin, talking about our current obsession: Bleach. Donghae and Eunhyuk were talking to Yoochun and Yunho. And JaeJoong was singing a duet with Junsu. The BAP members were in front of us and taking a lot of pictures. The others were busy bullying Sien or something like that. 

We continued to walk normally until Zelo started to scream, and once again it was very manly, and flail in front of a shop. "What's happening?" I heard Changmin ask the other members but they shook their heads. 
"URMAHGUWD." Zelo squeeled out and almost hit Jongup while flailing his arms. "Lara, SeungJin. Look Look. THEY HAVE MINI DEATH NOTE DOLLS." BAP's maknae screamed out and once Seungjin and I heard 'death note' we ran towards the shop. 
The three of us were leaning against the window. 

"OMG. They have the death note live action."

"I-is that Sailor moon in the back."

"Sweet mother of god, Kon doll."

The three of us kept fangirling until Kevin tapped my shoulder and pointed at a door. "You can also enter the shop, you know." 
We turned around, mostly embarrassed since we forgot that that's actually a shop. Just as we wanted to enter the shop someone stopped us. 

"What do you think you're doing. We agreed on doing everything together today." Zelo pouted cutely but even that didn't work. The poor maknae went towards his other members, acting like his word fell apart just to make Sien feel bad- which didn't work either. Next up was Seungjin, he tried to act all cute and innocent around Sien. 

"Can we please go in. please?" Sien nodded her head once again. Sometimes I wonder whether she has a heart or not, I mean making two maknae sad and cry in a corner is very mean. Kevin, who still stood behind me, coughed a few times to get my attention. I turned my head and he pointed at something inside the shop. There was the entire collection of the Mirai Nikki anime, Sien her favorite one. Kevin and I both smirked, looked like we both had the same idea. 

"Ohh, Isn't that Mirai Nikki." Kevin suddenly said, way too loud so everyone could hear it. I shook my head. "Yes, the entire anime collection." Just like planned, we caught Sien her attention. "Oh and what is that? 50% off." Seungjin, who obviously understood our plan, joined us. 
Sien really liked Mirai Nikki, and even for her this was a once in a life time opportunity. 

Without caring about the rest, Sien took her wallet and entered the shop. Kevin and I high-fived and also entered the shop followed by Zelo and Seungjin. Yoochun, who obviously didn't realize what was going on, continued talking to Donghae. 

Once we entered the shop I felt like I entered heaven. On the left side there were all kind of anime goodies: little dolls, posters, T-shirts, just everything you can think of. On the right side was the best part, a huge wall full with manga and anime. They had almost everything, from One Piece and Bleach to Black Butler and even Ao haru ride. And right in front of us was a smaller part with kpop cd's, posters and more. 

"Pinch me." Zelo stood beside me and his eyes were huge. Seungjin was running from left to right, collecting all kind of stuff he wanted to buy. And Kevin, honestly, I don't know where he was, he probably dissapeared between the dolls. Sien was busy picking up all the stuff Seungjin threw away or simply dropped. 

Zelo and I were still wondering whether this was heaven or just a beautiful dream as Donghae walked in. He looked around and shook his head as he saw Kevin hugging some dolls. "Guys, don't wanna ruin this euhm .... moment for you but we're hungry." Sien turned her head as she recognized Donghae's voice. "Then  eat something." She said and focused back on Seungjin.
"Then what about the: 
We agreed on doing everything together today, part." Donghae re-quoted Sien her words and laughed. 

Sien simply waved away Donghae's request but if there's one thing she should've remembered then it's to not mess with Donghae when he's hungry. He lifted Sien up and walked her out of the store. "I'll buy you a souvenir." Seungjin yelled which clearly annoyed her.

Fifteen minutes later Kevin bought a mini doll, Zelo bought the Bleach movie,I bought some manga and Seungjin the rest of the entire store. 
Like, six mini dolls, half of the Black Butler manga, a cup and a T-shirt and same gloves. And even Sien had the opportunity to buy the Mirai Nikki anime. We all entered the shop happily and went out for dinner with the rest of the people. 

Sien's POV

When I got carried out of the shop by Donghae, a mini doll caught my eye. There was an anime I loved very much but it was not well-known, Suisei No Gargantia. While I was lifted in the air I saw a figurine of the main character, Amy. I was looking at it with big eyes untill the door closed in front of my nose. The only one who knew about that anime was Seungjin but he didn't like it that much himself. For me, it was like utopia. Living on a giant rusty fleet, on a pearl blue ocean, that seemed very nice.

When everyone got their stuff, and me my beloved Mirai Nikki series, we left for dinner. Donghae... When he was hungry, he wanted food and nothing else. And he always wanted it directly. Han geng always had to laugh at him because of that, and now it was just the same. "Whahahahaha Donghae why do you do that to our CEO-nim!" Han geng laughed. "Hyung I am hungry and you know what happens when I'm hungry." Donghae must've been really REALLY hungry, then he always got pissed. It only made Han geng and the rest of Super Junior M laugh even harder.

Zelo was still squealing and fanboying about his Bleach movie, he was like a little kid who just got his dream present. Yongguk patted his shoulder and smiled. A-jax was laughing at Seungjin who had a difficult time carrying his stuff. Why don't they just help their maknae? Such stupid idiots. Super Junior M and DBSK were teasing hungry and pissed Donghae and Lara decide to join them. Then Kevin pulled her to the other U-kiss members to brag about their teamwork to get me in the shop. I couldn't help but smile, I was happy that they got me in there, this was awesome. Mirai nikki is awesome! Anime is awesome!

One hour later, when we finally found a place where we could eat all together, Zelo and Seungjin were still squealing. Yoochun was complaining at the fact that he didn't go inside, he liked to watch some anime from time to time too, but sometimes he is just so out of the world. We always had to explain things twice to him and that really annoyed Yunho sometimes, he already talked to me about it, but he hides it to Yoochun.

So now we were sitting at a giant table, I was sitting between Changmin and Yunho (and I felt good about that, they are really nice). Everyone was talking at the same time untill Seungjin started to yell to me from the other side of the table: "SIEN!! SIEN!!" He was waving at me and hit Zhou Mi in the face by accident. Seungjin, no, everyone was really surprised and the whole table was silent. Seungjin blushed a bit and started to apologise and bow to Zhou Mi. "It's ok Seungjin..." Zhou Mi mumbled while he was rubbing his forehead. Maknaes Kyuhyun, Henry and Seungyeop were laughing and laughing. "Aish now my stomach hurts!" Kyuhyun shouted while still laughing. Now the whole table was laughing and Seungjin and Zhou Mi were blushing. When everyone was almost done laughing, I yelled at Seungjin: "WHAT DID YOU WANT TO SAY SEUNGJINNIE~" It seemed like the maknae was getting something out of his bag of the anime shop. Then I noticed that both Zelo and Lara were glancing at me, and then at the other side of the table, I saw Kevin glancing at me too. Seungjin must've planned something in the anime shop, that punk... I whispered to Changmin: "Do you perhaps know what he's up to oppa?" He shook his head, Yunho did the same. Then Seungjin finally got something out of it, it was a little box with a ribbon, it looked like a present. Then Seungjin made intentions to throw it to me. I screamed: "DON'T THROW IT DON'T THROW IT!!!" But the box was already flying through the air. I flinched, everyone looked at me, but I didn't hear it falling. "Here CEO-nim..." And the package was right in front of my nose, Yunho had caught it for me. "Thank you oppa..." I mumbled, eyes on the package. Lara and Zelo were stomping each other and smiling, Seungjin was blushing a bit and I felt that my cheeks became hot too because everyone was watching. So embarrassing!! I decided to open the present...

I started to squeal: "AMY!!! IT'S AMY!!!" I yelled. While I was fangirling I saw Sungmin and Eli facepalming. The rest of the anime squad was looking at me with a smile, especially Seungjin. I stood up and ran towards Seungjin and hugged him. While we were hugging I squealed: "THANK YOU SEUNGJIN~~~~~" Seungjin was just laughing. Then Park Sungmin said: "CEO-nim! What do your idols have to think about this? You already have a boyfriend." That damn Sungmin again... He was late and didn't care about it, and now this. What an idiot, like the rest of A-jax. "And it's of course you that had to say that..." I mumbled, blushing. Lara told Sungmin to shut up because he had made it awkward, normally he is the mood lifter, but today it seemed like he had a bad day.

I awkwardly walked back to my seat. Everyone started talking again, but Seungjin was constantly glancing at me. Changmin an yunho were comforting me and saying that it's ok. "You also hug Gongchan all the time too!" They laughed at me. "Good joke guys, good joke... You got me..." I pouted. They put their arms on my shoulders and smiled: "It's ok CEO-nim, we won't tell it to Hyuk."

We were silenced once again by a squeal. It was not Zelo, nor me, but Donghae. That could only mean one thing, the food had finally arrived.


As we entered the building, we were welcomed by F.cuz who were leaving. "Where did you all go to?" Jinon asked. "We went to the city." Lara said. "AND WE FOUND AN ANIME SHOP!!" Zelo added. Yejun, the maknae, started to pout: "I wanted to join too but Yan Yeng was really strict today..." "Yeah we had nothing to do but we had to stay in the agency, just like Boys republic so we secretly played games all the time..." Raehyun sighed. Meanwhile Boys republic came outside too. They all had a sad look on their face. "Guys... Yan yeng wants to give us a punishment..." Onejunn, the leader sighed. Everyone said "what" at the same time. F.cuz and Boys republic were all sighing. "I am scared..." Minsu pouted. "Guys guys guys..." I said,  "Next time I will take you with us." There began to appear a smile on their faces again. "And I won't allow you to get punished by Yan yeng, she is too strict actually." I smiled, and the guys started to cheer. "Yay! Thank you Sien!" Raehyun gave me his bright killer smile. The 2 groups looked quite hungry, so our evening ended with an icecream. All together, me, Lara, Boys republic, F.cuz, U-kiss, SJM, BAP, DBSK and A-jax. "Wow Kangin and the others don't know what they've missed!" Ryeowook squealed. Su woong was talking to Lara that Woohyun couldn't stop talking about her the entire day. Lara was just blushing very hard and looking at Su woong with big eyes, then Su woong started to laugh: "You really look like a tomato right now!" That day was awesome, but yeah... with such a fun group of young boys, that's just normal... I smiled, looking at my Amy figurine one more time. Then I saw something odd. I FREAKING SPILLED ICE CREAM ON IT!!! I was screaming like crazy, but Seungjin whiped it off easily. "Don't worry hun, it's ok." And he patted my shoulders and went to his groupmates again. They were all laughing. Then I realised, Did he just call me hun? What? I looked at him, Jaehyung gave him some money. Oh it was just a bet... I sighed from relief. Those punks... But they are all very nice, especially Seungjin. It's just that Jaehyung is addicted to bets, and he lost... Again...


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Chapter 7: AZSDFGHJKLM omfg I love it bae. Thanks Honey <3
Chapter 4: idk what to write

because I don't know words that are beautiful enough to describe your story~~ //cheesy wink wenk wonk
Chapter 3: Yayyy animeee \(^~^)/ aww the anime squad is adorable haha~ I wished I could have gone to that shop too~ ;p
Chapter 2: Omg it's awesome (and funny xD)but it's sometimes a bit confusing with all the names xD
Keep on writing~

I CAN'T WAIT UPDATE SOON kekekekkek I have to say that XDDD

I'm Kaat ^^ I'm in UMCK