Daily struggles

Best entertainment!


Oh my god... Today is such a hard day... Lara's childhood friend Laura came for a visit (finally!) and they went shopping with Hyosung and Block B, I've just let them go with the duo because they were annoying today. And I still don't U-kwon, I still remember his prank from a week ago. Because Lara wasn't here, A-jax' Sungmin decided to help, but he was not doing well at all actually.

Sungmin came out of training room 3, I ran to him and I sighed: "We already checked on F.cuz, remember..." Sungmin looked surprised: "O-oh I am sorry, which groups still needs a checkup?" "SHINee..." I smiled at him, the poor guy did his best. He started walking... in the wrong direction. "No Sungmin!" The tall guy turned around and gave me a surprised look. "They are at the other side, in training room 10." "I am sorry CEO-nim..." "Hey it's ok." I smiled. God why do I have to work with him, I prefer working with Seungjin. Why you say? Well Seungjin is a very good friend, I prefer Hyuk and Gongchan but... those 2 are just too playful and clingy, Seungjin can at least be a bit serious when I ask him to be. What a nice guy... I was daydreaming, yes, and I was daydreaming about Seungjin, anything wrong with that? I am still a bit of a fangirl, but I just want no one to notice.

"Unnie? Are you dreaming about Hyuk again?", Josje. First time I've ever seen her here without Leo. "Uh... Yes..." I snapped out from my trance. "I feel you... I dream about Leo the whole time, but now he's busy training... N forced me to leave." I laughed, good job N. "Hey maybe you can help me with something then..." She looked at me with a surprised face: "What unnie?"

Josje was laughing very hard, too hard. I wanted to have revenge on Chen and decided to use his and U-kwon's own prank against him. While I was waiting in the office, Josje called Chen to come over. I hope she won't laugh so he doesn't notice it's a prank. The bucket full of green water (No red, but green, yes) was ready on top of the door. Someone was coming, I was smirking. Soon... "CEO-ni- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" I laughed, untill I noticed that the one who was drenched was NOT Chen. Oooooohh crap.

Park Sung Min. Him again.

He was paralyzed in the door opening, I was paralyzed too. Then I heard a voice singing: "CEO-nim~~~~" Chen. Definitely Chen. "Why di-" He was stopped, probably must've seen Sungmin. That punk just bursted into laughter! Well maybe I had to expect it, it's so typically Chen. Then I 'woke up' again and I ran to Sungmin, who was shivering. That poor guy had so much struggles today. "Oh my god! Oh oppa I am so so sorry!" Chen was laughing even harder. "This was meant for Chen!" I explained in panic. Chen abrubtly stopped laughing  and glared at me. Meanwhile Josje came running, probably because she heard Chen laughing. "Was it a fail?" She pulled a puppy face but then she noticed Sungmin. Yes it was a fail, an EPIC fail. I just thought it couldn't get worse when I heard some other people coming.

A-jax... They've heard Sungmin's SOS. "WHO DID THIS!!" Hyeongkon was like super angry, like a lion, I was scared. I got even more scared when I saw Seungjin glancing at me. The baby tiger was not a baby anymore, I could tell from his angry face that he wasn't able to forgive the culprit for some time. ... I don't want to lose Seungjin, he's such a good friend. "Uh... oh..." I stuttered but inside i was sad and panicking. You can say I was going crazy. It just got so much worse than before. "I did it..." Josje said, glancing at me, she must've noticed Seungjin's angry face and she knew what I thought about him. I looked at her with a surprised look, Sungmin knew what her plan was and walked away silently: "I am going to take a shower..." He murmured and looked at Josje with a face full of condolence. Oh god... What did I do... Seungjin was now saying bad things to Josje, I started to cry. "What is it?" Seungyeop whispered while putting an arm on my shoulder. "I-I did it... By accident..." Seungyeop looked surprised. "Please don't be angry..." I continued sobbing. "No... It was actually pretty funny..." He smirked and went to Seungjin. "Calm down Seungjin, let's just leave her..." He acted. When he glanced at me one last time I whispered: "Thank you Seungyeop..."

Sungmin just returned after his shower and went to work again, but he was still a bit dizzy from the bucket hitting his head. I felt sad, really sad. I didn't want to see anyone of A-jax or Chen or Josje for a while, I so hate consequences... Now I was quietly singing Relient K's song and shed a tear. Yan yeng ma came to me: "Is there something wrong?" "No unnie..." "You sure?" She tilted her head. "Well..." Just as I wanted to explain what happened, we both heard some weird noise coming from behind us. We both turned around and what I saw was terrible...

"OH MY GOD!!!" Yan yeng ma and I both screamed. Sungmin was lying on the ground. "He's unconcious!!" Yan yeng Ma squealed, "CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!" I was just paralyzed, was it because of me? Yan yeng ma started to shake my shoulders. "Hey Sien!! Call the ambulance!!!" I decided to call ,I was shivering. Yan yeng ma was trying to wake up Sungmin, but she just couldn't. Then Sungjong bursted out of his training room. "CEO-NIM DID YOU SEE WOOHYUN??? HE WAS-" and then he saw Sungmin unconcious and my teary eyes. "Oh my god..." "What is it Sungjong?" I asked. "I didn't see Woohyun anywhere! He was staring and wandering around all day and now he's gone!" "Don't worry." A voice behind us. Su woong. "He went to look for Lara since he missed her so much." I sighed from relief, Sungjong and the others from infinite too, but then everyone concentrated on Sungmin again.

After 10 minutes, we heard a siren, Sungmin still wasn't awake. In all this stress, we forgot to tell the other A-jax members, but now, with hearing the siren, everyone came to take a look. Everyone was in shock. "What happened?" Hyeongkon asked Yan yeng ma. "I don't know..." she answered. "I know..." Su woong said, "He hit his head while he was distracted by Yan yeng ma." Yan yeng ma was really surprised and started crying. I hated myself, because I felt a bit relieved, at least it was not my fault, UGH I HATE MYSELF. I noticed Seungjin crying and I wanted to cry too but I had to hide my tears. Something in my head said: go and cheer up seungjin. And I walked towards the sobbing cutie. It just happened automatically, I didn't know how to stop my legs. "A-are you ok Seungjin?" I asked, he looked in my eyes, when I saw his face, my heart broke, I don't know why... "No..."

Some time and a long and serious talk later, we were in the hospital, me and Seungjin. Standing next to Sungmin in his bed, sleeping. He was okay, but he really needed rest so for the next 2 weeks, he had to stay home, so that means in Busan. That poor guy had all kinds of bad luck today, what a terrible day, for him, for me, for Seungjin, for A-jax, probably for everyone except the punks who went shopping. "Hey..." Seungjin laid his hand on my shoulder, I snapped out of my deep thoughts. "It was you who did the green water thing huh..." Ohohohoh. "I am not angry... Seungyeop told me everything..." A-jax' maknae gave me a shy hug and I sighed. That punk of a Seungyeop... I started to cry. Oh crap. "It's ok... It's ok..." seungjin said with a soft voice while rubbing my back. I smiled and decided to hold on to the warm body of Ham Seung Jin for a bit longer. It made me feel so much better...



Lara's POV


Not knowing what's happening at our entertainment: Hyosung, Block b and my best friend Laura and I went shopping. This morning Laura visited out entertainment and we decided to do something, at first we wanted to get coffee but U kwon interfered and started nagging. He wanted to get to know Laura even though he already met her a few times.

Since Block b has nothing to do now It's okay to invite U kwon I guess. The three of us were about to leave the entertainment when we heard someone screaming. We turned our head to see Jaehyo flailing with his arms, asking us to wait. Behind him were Zico and Kyung. Totally out of breath the three of them wanted to join us, since they were free as well. I looked at Laura, to see whether she liked the idea of them joining us or not, and her cheeks turned red by seeing Jaehyo. I think that's a yes.I smiled by seeing her face, she tried to cover her red cheeks. 

We went to the parking and suddenly there stopped a van in front of us.  The door opened up and inside was B-Bomb. "Get in losers, we're going shopping." He said with a lot of sass. I could hear Laura face-palm, and I was just about to do the same thing. I looked at B-Bomb, but he just smiled like an idiot. "Where's P.O?" Jaehyo asked and then the other door opened up. 

"Surprise!" The youngest member jelled happily but everyone just stood there and glared at him. This time Jaehyo and Zico face-palmed. The only one who seemed amused about this was Kyung. He entered the van and started laughing with P.O. Zico sat besides Kyung and in the back were Jaehyo and U-kwon and Laura. I sat next to B-bomb in the front. 

Once we finally arrived at the shopping center, we all got out the car and B-Bomb drove away to find a place to park the van. We were waiting for Taeil at the entrance, he came later due some recordings. We entered the shopping center, we were talking and laughing until we realized we lost one member. 

"Where's Zico?" Kyung asked as he noticed that his wife was missing. Everyone went looking for the Block B leader. 

"Guys." B-Bomb yelled in an annoyed tone. "Found him." 

We all gathered next to B-Bomb and one by on we all face-palmed when we saw Zico fanboying in front of a Hello Kitty shop. He was flailing and making not so very manly sounds. Even passengers looked weird at him. One little boy even said Zico has some problems, which might be true. 

"Euhm, Zico." Laura started as she confronted him. Zico turned his head slowly and looked surprised by seeing us. 

"I-I wasn't ... It's not like." He stuttered. "I broke up with her long ago, I'm totally over her." He snapped his fingers, flipped his hair and walked away.

Laura covered her eyes. "Please don't tell me that really happened." Jaehyo drew her closer and patted her head. "I'm sorry for your loss." He joked. 

Oh god, I regret inviting them. I wonder what's going on at the company now, I bet nothing fun since I'm not around. 

We were having lunch at a park nearby the shopping center, Laura and Jaehyo went back to get more food since P.O almost ate everything himself.

While they were walking towards the shop some girls walked by. "Isn't that Block B's Jaehyo." The first girl said and poked her friend who was walking next to her. 
"Omg, it's truly him." The second girl said. "But who's that girl next to him?" She added and looked at Laura with a mean stare. "She probably thinks she's cool now she's walking next to him." The first girl said in a mean way. 

"Walking next to someone as handsome like Jaehyo only reflects her ulgy looks." Laura, who heard everything, lost her confidence and started to walk faster. She stopped walking when she realized she lost Jaehyo. Laura turned around and saw Jaehyo walk toward those two girls. 

"Euhm excuse me." He started and the two girls looked at each other in surprise not much later they started to act innocent and cute and Jaehyo turned his eyes, he was clearly annoyed. 

"What can we do for you?" both of them asked in an irritating cute way. "Well now that you're asking. Please apologize to my friend over there." He said as he pointed towards Laura. The three girls were confused. "The things you said were very mean, you know. If you don't think she's pretty or anything then keep that for yourself. You end up hurting people like that." 

The two girls were even more confused then before and slowly walked into Laura's direction. Once they were close to her they stopped and looked at the ground. "W-we're very sorry." They said and ran away afterwards. Jaehyo also walked towards Laura and put his hand on her shoulder. 

"I hate fake people." Jaehyo said frustrated and Laura looked up, worried. "I'm glad you're not like that." He said afterwards with a huge smile. 

When both of them returned with a lot of food B-Bomb got up and stared to question them. "What took you so long, you two lovebirds?" Laura blushed and looked away to hide her face.

"There was a little problem but everything is solved now, right Laura?" Jaehyo said and Laura simply nodded and ran towards me. 

We sat on the grass in the park, surrounded by trees and bushes. And the ten of us ate our food. Kyung and Zico were arguing about the most stupid things, just like a newly wed couple. Hyosung and B bomb were both complaining about their diets. Taeil was complaining about his height to P.O, and I was talking with U kwon.

Jaehyo was calmly drinking and Laura sat next to him. Both too shy to say something; sometimes Jaehyo would open his mouth like he wanted to say something but closed it quickly afterwards. U kwon, who noticed Jaehyo's behavior, started to laugh and the other members of Block B joined him. 

After that, we went to the parking and went home. Laura sat next to me and took her phone, she started to type something and then I received a notification on kakaotalk. 

Honeypop (That's how I named Laura on kakaotalk): Well that was embarrassing u v u''
Nesquick (That's how she named me on Kakaotalk): You two were just too adorable fufufufu~ = v = 
Honeypop: N-No orz 
Nesquick: He is totally into you, confess to him or something like that Honeypop: Yes, I'll confess when you stop being such a coward and start to talk to Woohyun without stuttering or blushing ^_^
Nesquick: Our conversation stops here, have a nice day baby~ :* 
Honeypop: Come on, don't be such a ~ u v u 
Nesquick: Tsk, I ain't a . Anyway, it's totally obvious that he likes you. I mean, I never saw Jaehyo being shy around a girl. NEVER.
Nesquick invited KittyKwon.
KittyKwon: It's true, even I never saw him like that, and I know him for a long time by now ... Maybe even too long OTL
​Honeypop: Whatever //flips hair u v u
Honeypop left the groupchat.
Nesquick: That went pretty well = v = 








And here's a little ... something that happened while Sien and I were writing this chapter OTL










//gasp// O-Okay

 Su woong: Come on Nammie u can do it

*Woohyun enters room* H-Hello Lara... It seems that I-I have to Pu-punish you... *blushes*

Seungjin: eeeeeeewwww that's dirty

Seungyeop: ur thoughts are dirty

Me: I'm with seungyeop for this one

Seungjin: Siiieeeen! Waaaeeee!

And here we go again XD

Wh-Whats going on~? W-Woohyun~?  //blushes// 

OTL, I tried, I really did but I just couldn't write anything. I'm so sorry LOL I even forgot Taeil for a while. 

Taeil is too small, Maxie can just walk over him and don't notice it XD

Woohyun: S-so... What do u w-want for pu-punishment?

Seungyeop: Woohyun... This is not how u punish someone...

me: I am team Seungyeop again

*High fives Seungyeop*

Seungjin: u damn betrayer

me: and ur a *sticks tongue out*


me: Seungyeop did

Seungyeop: ehh me?

me: ur a too, I was being sarcastic u

*leaves room* BYE ES

Seungjin: ehh... is she drunk...

Seungyeop: I think so...

//Takes Woohyun's hand and leaves the room without anyone noticing.//

We should just post this

How you talk to yourself, yea LOL~ ^_^

We need to find a way... Our readers are waiting U-know

We cuse me, I'm busy with school~ 

//Whispers to Laura// I hope you liked this little JaeRa moment, I'm sorry it took so long and I'm also sorry It Luv u baby~ 


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Chapter 7: AZSDFGHJKLM omfg I love it bae. Thanks Honey <3
Chapter 4: idk what to write

because I don't know words that are beautiful enough to describe your story~~ //cheesy wink wenk wonk
Chapter 3: Yayyy animeee \(^~^)/ aww the anime squad is adorable haha~ I wished I could have gone to that shop too~ ;p
Chapter 2: Omg it's awesome (and funny xD)but it's sometimes a bit confusing with all the names xD
Keep on writing~

I CAN'T WAIT UPDATE SOON kekekekkek I have to say that XDDD

I'm Kaat ^^ I'm in UMCK