

Jackson walked to his locker and a chuckle left his lips when he saw the familiar sticky note stuck on its door. 'He did it again even when I told him to stop.' He thought. 


He kind of liked it though. And he was glad that the sticky notes always appeared everyday without fail even when he told the culprit to stop doing it. "It was embarrassing", he had argued. He would always get a kiss in return, and he liked the how the kiss felt.


Also, telling the other to stop posting post-it notes on his locker might be his subtle way of asking for a kiss. He knew the other had realised it by now, but he didn't hear any complaints from the culprit (it's safe to say that the culprit liked it too).


When he reached his locker, his hand immediately took the note and a smile found its way on his face as he read the content of the note.


You're a perfect criminal. You stole my heart and I don't even mind.


He rolled his eyes, yet the smile on his face grew wider. 


Without a warning, a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist. The warmth only belong to one person and that person is his boyfriend.


"Hi Mark." He greeted.


His greeting was responded with a kiss on his cheek. No matter how many times he was back hugged, he always blushed. 


"Hi babe." Mark greeted back.


"Stop hugging me. Everyone is looking at us." He said.


Mark looked around for a moment and rested his chin on Jackson's shoulder.


"I've been hugging you for the past month. They should be used to it by now." 


Mark's eyes landed to the note in Jackson's hand. 


"Oh. You got another one today?" 


"You should stop pretending like it's not you who put this on my locker everyday." Jackson rolled his eyes when he heard Mark gasp.


"I would never lie to you." He defended himself, although the smile on his face said otherwise.


"Winnie the Pooh at the corner of the note says it all though." Jackson challenged.


He only heard Mark's chuckle after that and he took it as a sign of giving up.


Mark let go of Jackson and faced his boyfriend.


"So, the date? After school?"


Jackson nodded. "Yea, after school. But, I still don't-" His words were interrupted by Mark's finger on his lips.


"Nope. We agreed on this."


He took Jackson's hand and laced their fingers. "Now, let's go to class."





Jackson walked out of the school building and he saw that Mark was already waiting for him. He was leaning against the gate with his bag slung on his shoulder. He looked like he was modelling and Jackson almost drooled at the sight of his boyfriend.


When Mark saw his boyfriend, his face lit up almost immediately. He sauntered to Jackson and pecked him on the lips. Jackson froze in his steps. His cheeks started to warm up.


Mark chuckled and grabbed his boyfriend's hand. He kissed Jackson's cheek to bring him back to reality. Jackson blinked slowly and smiled shyly.


"Let's go." Mark said, eagerness was evident in his voice. He dragged his boyfriend out of the school gate.


Without any word, Jackson followed. His heart was beating like crazy.


Along the way, only Mark talked. Jackson chose to be quiet as he was very nervous. Mark understood though. He was fine with doing all the talking. He just hoped that he could ease Jackson's nervousness.


After walking for about seven minutes and a half, they arrived at their destination. The hair salon.


They had planned to go to the hair salon to get Jackson's hair dyed. Well, Mark planned it and Jackson just followed along, saying "maybe I should change my hair color. It's been black for as long as I can remember."


Now here they were, in front of the infamous hair salon in town. Jackson gripped Mark's hand tighter. He was so scared. This was his first time dying his hair. 


'What if it doesn't make me look good?' 

'What if the hairdresser mess up and put a different color?'


A lot of other 'what if's were playing in his head, but Mark squeezed his hand, assuring that everything will be okay with a charming smile on his face.


With a deep inhale, they walked in. They had decided on a color earlier so they didn't have to stay for long. Jackson sat down on the chair on front of the big mirror and watched everything that the hairdresser did to his hair. 


He was horrified, to be honest. But with Mark being there beside him along the process, his fear subsided. 


After one long hour, it finally finished. It was all a bit hazy. What Jackson knew for sure was, bleaching his hair hurt like hell.


Jackson looked at his own reflection in the mirror. 'Hmm not bad' he was actually very satisfied with the way he look. His now blonde hair was styled in a side parting hair style.He looked good. 


Mark was still gaping beside him. He clicked his finger in front of his face and almost instantly, Mark was snapped out of his admiration state.


"Wow. you look.. Gorgeous." He exclaimed.


"Thank you." 


"I think there's something wrong with my eyes." Mark suddenly said.




"I can't seem to look away." Mark finished.


Still with his cheesy lines. And that's how Jackson liked his boyfriend.


Mark took Jackson's hand in his. After paying and saying thanks to the hairdresser, they dashed out of the salon. 


("Ahh young love. So cute. Both of them.")


When they were out, Mark suddenly faced Jackson.








After spending their time together for almost 3 hours, they finally went home. Mark walked Jackson home with their hands still entertwined.


Once they reached Jackson's house, his mother was already waiting.


"Oh, come in Mark." She invited.


And that was how Mark stayed for dinner.



Before they were called for dinner, they sat in front of the television watching a romance movie. When a scene where a couple was playing around in the snow appeared on the screen, Mark stared at Jackson and sighed dreamily.


"Baby, wouldn't it be great of we can do that too?"


Before Jackson could answer, his mother's voice interrupted him.


"Who are you calling 'baby', Mark? Jackson is my baby." 


"But, Mrs. Wang, sharing is caring." Mark had said.


Jackson watched the scene in front of him with love filled eyes. His boyfriend is such a dork. A cheesy dork. A cheesy dork that his mother approved of.


And he couldn't ask for more.




Happy early Valentine's Day!

Love you guys~ 


One special chapter to go and I'll mark this complete. Thanks for reading!


Love, bae-less


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Chapter 10: saduiadi im screaming why diD IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO READ THIS??????
i really love this bc it shows us mark's thoughts(? i want to put another word but my mind can't think properly rn lmao) when you showed us mostly jackson's
and who would thought that mark, this adorable lil , get nervous as well? idk maybe it's just me, i wasn't expecting that.
my favorite part was when mark was boosting his confidence and was like, "you can do this bro". for whatever reason i found that quite cute XD
DWang1122 #2
Chapter 10: Wow! This is really good and portraying Jackson as shy person is very interesting!! Kudos!!
markie_jark #3
Chapter 9: I really love this cute squishy Jackson and manly mark...I really love it...
NiSandara #4
and mark being like 'but mrs wang, sharing is caring.' nice one that one
waah i can't believe there's only one chapter left... i feel kind of sad D:
tymark #6
Chapter 9: Dork mark is cute
tymark #7
Chapter 8: Say yes jacksonnnnnnnnnnn
(though i was ready to fight mark on the last chapter ahahahaha)
i can't with the cutenessssssss i'm literally crying wae ; AAA ;
i knew there was something going on when jaebum and jinyoung were ignoring jackson. those twoo > 3 <
jurangirl0604 #9
Chapter 7: Why mark was being such a meanine ;_;
i knew he want Jackson to do something
but playing with other's feeling like this is no good
katcollins02 #10
Chapter 7: You can't end there!! Please write more!! I love this story sooooo much but u really want t on know what happenes!