Chapter Five


"Then that would mean you want to be alone with me. Okay now, boyfriend, where should we go first?"


"Did you hear that, Gyeom?" A figure asks his friend, who is crouching beside him.

"Loud and clear, Bam. Loud and clear." His friend answer with a sweet smile. 

"THen, let's go! We have to catch them." 


With that, the two friends get up from their crouching position and walk away from the plush booth (they had been hiding there for the past 30 minutes).





Mark and Jackson walk with their hands intertwine and Jackson's cheek still dusted with pink. They still have no ride in mind so they are strolling in the park and maybe they will find something interesting to ride while doing so. 

It has been seven minutes of walking and Mark suddenly stops in his track. His action makes Jackson stops and turns to look at him. It seems like Mark's soul has left him as he is not blinking at all. JAckson is staring at Mark when he speaks.


"Jackson, tell me. Is that the claw vending machine?" He asks, pointing to a machine not too far from them.


Jackson squints his eyes to see it and he nods his head as it is the claw vending machine.


"Yeap, it is." He answers.

"With Winnie the Pooh in it?" Mark asks again.


Jackson squints his eyes again, because damn Mark and his perfect eyesight. He nods again when he sees that there are Poohs in it.


"Yeah. Those are Winnie the Pooh right there."


When he ends his sentence, Mark blts to the machine immediately and he reaches it in a second, which makes Jackson surprised. He saunters to Mark and the machine, with his gaze solely on Mark and his perfect face.


Mark's excited face is exciting to look at because he just looks like a kid wanting a candy. Without he realizes, he smiles at his boyfriend's antics. He also doesn't realize that he just thought of Mark as his boyfriend, but it doesn't really matter since Mark called him that too. 


He is caught off guard when Mark suddenly look at him with the widest grin he has ever seen. 


"Jackson, can you win this for me? I really really reallyyyy want one. Please?" Mark was almost pleading and he doesn't realize that he is pouting making puppy eyes to Jackson. 


Should I say that Jackson is dying inside? With the ball of cuteness in front of him, how could he not die?

Jackson fakes a couh to hide his excitement and nods his head.


"Of course. I'll win it for you."


Without wasting any time, he stands before the machine and grabs the controller in his hand. He controls the claw and he is determined to win a Winnie for Mark because a happy Mark means a happy date. With that determination in mind, he tries his best to get the plush toy with the claw. His tongue pokes out without he realizing it, because let's face it, that is his concentrating face. When he is sure that the claw is right above the head of a Winnie, he pushes the button and bites his lower lip as the claw moves down. 


He decides that he can not see the sad face of Mark's if he doesn't succed so he shuts his eyes. He hears a clink sound and he hopes for the best when he opens his eyes. He sees Mark crouching down and taking something from the hole. He is processing what happens when Mark squeals and hugs him with a Pooh in his hand. 


"Jackson, you did it! Oh my god, I love you so much." And Jackson is still processing it when Mark pecks his cheek after he says those words to him. 


Jackson smiles. It makes him delighted that a plush toy can make Mark happy. Then, it suddenly dawns on him that Mark just said the L word. 


Oh god, why can't he control his heart? Why is it beating so fast? Mark is probably saying that because he is too happy. Yeah, that must be it. The strange thing is, that should be making him relieved, but why does it make him... What's the word? Sad? Disappointed? Yeah, that's what he is feeling. 


Jackson hugs Mark and pats his back awkwardly. 


"Yeah, I did it." 


Mark's face is between the crook of Jackson's neck and he swears he can hear Mark saying "can we stay like this forever." 


What are you doing to me, Mark Tuan? I love you but can you please stop playing with my heart?



Their hug is interrupted when a cough is heard. They reluctantly break apart and look at the perpetrator. Mark secretly glares at the two boys in front of them becausehe is enjoying the hug dammit.


"I'm sorry to bother you. I'm BamBam and this is Yugyeom." The boy, BamBam points to his friend beside him. "We're from JYP High and we are doing a project together on the topic about love." 


JYP High? So, they're juniors? Wait, love? L oVe?


"And we have to know that. Why?" Mark asks.

"You see, we don't want to make a project about love where a boy and a girl are in love with each other because everyone can love whoever they want to and we want to show that it's okay. We want to prove that love is a beautiful thing and everyone should enjoy it with the one they love, be it with a guy or a girl. So, will two of you help us?


Do these two boys think he and Mark are dating? 


"Of course we'll help you." Mark has answered before Jackson can say what is on his mind. "Right, baby?" 


The last word works like a spell when Jackson nods his head as a sign of approval.


"Sure. Why not?"


His sentence makes the two boys in front do a victory dance and it somehow impresses them.


"Can we take a picture of two of you first?" Yugyeom asks, talking for the first time since they meet.


Mark nods excitedly and immediately holds Jackson's hand with his right one and his left hand holding the plush toy that Jackson has won for him when Yugyeom gets ready to take the picture. But he feels like it 's not enough? So, he quickly places a kiss on Jackson's cheek when Yugyeom presses the shutter of the camera. Perfect timing, he thinks.


"Okay, now that we have a picture, can you two fill this out?" Finishing his sentence, Bambam hands them two pieces of form and heart-shaped pink cards. 


Mark take them and hands one two Jackson who is still surprised by the kiss and it's not Jackson if he 's not blushing. He calls Jackson's name for a few times before he finally snaps out of his daze state.


"Huh? What?"

"Thay asked us to fill this out." Mark has said, handing a piece of form and the card to him.

"Oh, okay," 


They take the pens from BamBam and moves to the claw machine to use it as a table for them to write on. 



Reading and answering the questions only make them realize one thing.






Author's note: Longest chapter yet! I'm sorry for leaving this story for a long time! Forgive this awful author. 


Sometimes,  i wonder if you guys actually read the author's notes. 


Anyways, thank you for reading and i hope you like it! 


Lots of love!



P.s. I'll edit this later.


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Chapter 10: saduiadi im screaming why diD IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO READ THIS??????
i really love this bc it shows us mark's thoughts(? i want to put another word but my mind can't think properly rn lmao) when you showed us mostly jackson's
and who would thought that mark, this adorable lil , get nervous as well? idk maybe it's just me, i wasn't expecting that.
my favorite part was when mark was boosting his confidence and was like, "you can do this bro". for whatever reason i found that quite cute XD
DWang1122 #2
Chapter 10: Wow! This is really good and portraying Jackson as shy person is very interesting!! Kudos!!
markie_jark #3
Chapter 9: I really love this cute squishy Jackson and manly mark...I really love it...
NiSandara #4
and mark being like 'but mrs wang, sharing is caring.' nice one that one
waah i can't believe there's only one chapter left... i feel kind of sad D:
tymark #6
Chapter 9: Dork mark is cute
tymark #7
Chapter 8: Say yes jacksonnnnnnnnnnn
(though i was ready to fight mark on the last chapter ahahahaha)
i can't with the cutenessssssss i'm literally crying wae ; AAA ;
i knew there was something going on when jaebum and jinyoung were ignoring jackson. those twoo > 3 <
jurangirl0604 #9
Chapter 7: Why mark was being such a meanine ;_;
i knew he want Jackson to do something
but playing with other's feeling like this is no good
katcollins02 #10
Chapter 7: You can't end there!! Please write more!! I love this story sooooo much but u really want t on know what happenes!