Chapter Seven


It's Monday. 


Don't you hate it?


Well, no matter how much you hate it, Jackson hates it more.


Why, you ask?


Firstly, it's Monday.


Second, Mark is still not talking to him.


Third, Mark is still ignoring him.


Fourth, Mark is still acting like they don't know each other.


The list can go on and on but that's enough for now.


Jackson has thought that after their date, everything would be perfect for him. His life would finally be perfect with Mark.


But, life is a game and it doesn't want Jackson to win yet. It is also not a game over. Jackson just have to get up and try again.


The question is, will he get up and forget Mark or will he get up and go back to pursuing Mark?


Tough choice, huh? Maybe Jackson needs some time to ponder over it. 


He's not really in a good mood in the morning today. He has somehow, managed to get his favourite sneakers dirty when he avoided the puddle on his way to school. 


He hopes that the first face that greets him when he's inside the school building is Mark smiling to him. But, of course. Life is cruel and it hates Jackson. The first face Jackson sees is no other than his annoying best friend. 


How can someone be so happy and glowing on Monday will forever be a mystery for Jackson.


"Good morning, my Jacks!" Jaebum exclaims.


Oh god. Make it stop. Jackson doesn't want to deal with so much sunshine this early. Well, actually he won't mind if the sunshine comes in the form of Mark Tuan.


Nonetheless, he weakly smiles and mutters out a reply.




"Eyyyy, why so glum my dear friend?" Jaebum pinches his cheeks in an attempt to sound like a mother cooing over her son's cuteness. Jackson cringes inwardly at his best friend (how did he befriend him in the first place?). 


"Maybe because you're the first person I see in the morning." He says in a flat tone.


"Awwwww.. Look. My Jackie is back." Jaebum pats Jackson's head (more like Jackson's snapback) with his voice sweeter than sugar.


What the hell is happening? What's wrong with Jaebum today? Has he gone nuts? Or worse, is Jaebum dying but he doesn't want Jackson to be worried? Oh no.


Without thinking, Jackson puts his hands on Jaebum's shoulder. He sees how Jaebum's eyes widen for a while. 


"Dude, you know you can tell me if you have a problem, right? I may not show it, but I love you. Well, not more than I love Mark but you're my best friend so tell me anything, okay?" Jackson says, looking straight into his best friend's eyes.


 It is silent for a moment before Jaebum bursts into a fit of laughter.


Jackson looks at his friend like he has grown a pair of antlers. He has found his answer. Jaebum is not dying (thank God) , but he has gone crazy. He is not sure what to do with the fact though. Should he call the hospital or what? He's never encountered a crazy person in real life before. His friend's mental health is his main priority so maybe he should call the hospital?


He is about to take his phone out when Jaebum pats his shoulder. He looks up in surprise and sees Jaebum's smile. A real smile. He doesn't know that he would be so happy so see that smile.


"Jacks, before you call the hospital, I'm not crazy. I'm just being nice, okay?" How does he know Jackson wants to call the hospital? And why is he being nice? Is he sure he's not crazy? So many questions are running in Jackson's mind right now but he chooses to ignore them.


"Okay, I guess. As long as my best friend is not crazy, then I'm good." Jackson replies.


"Awwwww~ Jackie, you just admitted that I'm your best friend." And again, Jackson's cheeks are pinched. He is absolutely worried about his best friend's mental health now.


Thankfully, before he can say anything, Jinyoung comes with a confused face. Jackson mouthed a 'help' to Jinyoung, which is replied with a light chuckle. 


"What's wrong with my boyfriend?" Jinyoung asks. 


"I don't know, but can you please get him away from me?" His voice pleading.


Hearing Jackson's plead, Jinyoung chuckles. He pulls Jaebum's hands and laces their fingers together.


Jackson sighs in relief. He cannot be more thankful to Jinyoung. Why is Jaebum acting so weird today though?


"Hey Jackson, we're gonna go to the cafe after school. Wanna come?" Jinyoung asks when Jackson is about to say thank you.


"And what? Be a third wheel?" Jackson replies with a question.


"We promise we won't be cheesy with each other. Right, babe?" Jaebum has answered him and directs the question to Jinyoung. Jinyoung nods and looks at Jackson with puppy eyes.


Damn Jinyoung and his cuteness, which Jackson cannot resist.


Weakly, he nods. "Fine. I'll go."


Both of them smile knowingly at each other. Jaebum looks at his watch and sighs.


"Look at the time. Class gonna start soon. Let's go." Jaebum exclaims.


"You two go first. I'm gonna take my book first." Jackson says. Talking with the two really makes him forget things.


The two nod and go to their respective classes, leaving Jackson alone.


As he is walking, Jackson's mind drifts off to their conversation earlier. Come to think of it, when he asked whether he's going to be the third wheel, they only say that they will pipe down their cheesiness. That means, it's only the three of them this evening. Without Mark. Why? 


Even after he has taken his books from his locker, he can't make the curiosity go away. Isn't Mark Jinyoung's best friend? 


Shaking his head, he decides. It's not important. Maybe Mark is busy.


He's going to be late to class if he doesn't quicken his pace.


And that's when he realises. Mark is there. At his(Mark) locker. Talking to a girl. And he's laughing. 


Jackson knows that girl. Jimin, their school's singer.


Jackson pays them no mind and continue walking to his class. 


When he walks pass them, he hears something that he wishes he can erase from his mind.


"Date me?" Mark's voice is as smooth as silk.


Jimin's giggle can be heard. 


Jackson feels his world crumble.


Then, it clicks. Maybe this is why they want me to come with them to the cafe. The know about this. And they don't even bother to tell him.


He sighs. Another reason to hate this particular Monday.



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Chapter 10: saduiadi im screaming why diD IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO READ THIS??????
i really love this bc it shows us mark's thoughts(? i want to put another word but my mind can't think properly rn lmao) when you showed us mostly jackson's
and who would thought that mark, this adorable lil , get nervous as well? idk maybe it's just me, i wasn't expecting that.
my favorite part was when mark was boosting his confidence and was like, "you can do this bro". for whatever reason i found that quite cute XD
DWang1122 #2
Chapter 10: Wow! This is really good and portraying Jackson as shy person is very interesting!! Kudos!!
markie_jark #3
Chapter 9: I really love this cute squishy Jackson and manly mark...I really love it...
NiSandara #4
and mark being like 'but mrs wang, sharing is caring.' nice one that one
waah i can't believe there's only one chapter left... i feel kind of sad D:
tymark #6
Chapter 9: Dork mark is cute
tymark #7
Chapter 8: Say yes jacksonnnnnnnnnnn
(though i was ready to fight mark on the last chapter ahahahaha)
i can't with the cutenessssssss i'm literally crying wae ; AAA ;
i knew there was something going on when jaebum and jinyoung were ignoring jackson. those twoo > 3 <
jurangirl0604 #9
Chapter 7: Why mark was being such a meanine ;_;
i knew he want Jackson to do something
but playing with other's feeling like this is no good
katcollins02 #10
Chapter 7: You can't end there!! Please write more!! I love this story sooooo much but u really want t on know what happenes!