Completely Changed

Their Fragile Hearts (Their Powers Sequel)

Since then, the twins have been pestering me in showing who she is. They don’t have a single clue what happened years ago. They don’t even know her name. We avoid saying her name. It was for the better. Even MiYeon tries to cover up my mate’s trails.

One day, I decided to walk around the city of Seoul. I can’t be trapped in the vicinity of the abandoned building and the forest after all. Xiumin accompanied me, along with Siyeon who rarely separates herself from her father. She had this black dress MiYeon bought for her on her birthday and her hair was tied up in a ponytail, credits to Kyungsoo.

“Uncle, Uncle, why is it called Seoul?” Siyeon asked while looking around the streets. Xiumin and I tried our best to protect her from bumping into anyone. Seoul is after all a busy place. Xiumin shrugged. “Molla, Siyeonie. But I’m sure Uncle Luhan knows,” Xiumin suddenly smiled at me. He knows I never resist on answering Siyeon’s or Minwoo’s questions.

Siyeon’s eyes sparkled at me and repeated the question. “Uncle is smart after all! He has telekinesis!” She even cheered. Xiumin gestured Siyeon to quiet down her voice. “Don’t say that at a place like this, Siyeonie. It’s dangerous,” he said in a gentle tone. Siyeon then turned her head at me and I knew she wanted an answer to her question.

“You see, there are many reasons to it. Seoul could mean capital city since seo and ul when combined gets that result. Some believed the origin of the name came from seultari which means new walls or castle since Seoul used to be a walled city,” I explained. Siyeon gleamed when she heard the answer to her question. “Xie xie, uncle!” She suddenly said. “Learning Mandarin, I see,” Xiumin petted Siyeon.

“I picked it up from Uncle Tao and Lay! They always talk to Mandarin!” She cheered, looking fairly proud of herself. Even if Siyeon looks like her mother, she acts completely different from her. Siyeon is a cute little innocent wolf, unlike MiYeon who was a witch in disguise. Siyeon was always curious and wanted to know about the world while her brother only wanted to experience it all.

Siyeon was the brains and Minwoo was the brawns. But we still have no clue what power the twins may get.

“Aish! There you are!” We turned around and saw Chen holding Minwoo in his arms. “What?” Xiumin blinked innocently. “Luhan-hyung, didn’t I tell you to go to Minwoo’s meeting with his teacher? I am far too busy and MiYeon is too violent!” Chen exclaimed. “You wanted to have offspring and there you go, the responsibility that comes with it,” I told him as I crossed my arms.

“But hyung!” Chen whined. “Only once, hyung. Juseyo~” he tried acting cute. Minwoo, on the other hand, was laughing at what his father was doing. “Appa looks like a whiney camel!” Minwoo said. Siyeon agreed. “Appa, stop being ugly!” She told him. Chen pouted at his daughter. “Look at your uncle Luhan, he doesn’t want to take your oppa to his seonsaengnim,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “Alright,” I huffed. “But only once. You can’t rely on me forever when it comes to your children, Jongdae,” I told him. Chen slightly frowned when he heard his real name. “As long as you call me Chen,” his smile returned.

After a few minutes, it was all arranged. Chen will be the one accompanying Xiumin and Siyeon and I get stuck with Minwoo and his human school. It was Chen’s decision to send him to school since he wanted Minwoo to at least have basic education, something we all have in our pack.

We soon arrived at a two floor building covering a wide space. There was a playground at the side and there were children running here and there and it’s giving me a headache. Minwoo pulled me towards the inside of the school and into his classroom, chatting what usually happens in school.

Then he told me to open the door to a particular room and there…

I took a deep breath when I saw her again. She was smiling with other humans. It was a sight I rarely saw. I wasn't sure why but I knew it was her. It was that woman who almost killed us. But her aura was completely different. Her long jet black hair tied up in a ponytail and her pale white cheeks covered by some pink blush on. She seemed happy with her life and her acquaintances. She seemed like she has forgotten all about her savage side... her savage past.

She seemed to forget all about her pack.

"Minwoo-yah," she looked at my nephew who was at my side a second ago. The young wolf rushed to her and hugged her legs. "Seonsaengnim! Seonsaengnim!" He cheered with glee in his eyes. She chuckled. It was such a rare sight to see her like this. She could never do this when she was part of the pack. She detested our activities. She loved being human. And now, I guess that old man fulfilled her wishes. But how can't her powers lose control? It was impossible for that kind of power to be sealed just like that.

"And who are you with? Usually you don't bring your parents or anyone in your family aside from your sister," she asked as she looked down. Minwoo suddenly pointed at me. "Uncle is with me! Umma forced him to come with me since umma and appa are out for today!" He said. "Is that so?" She then turned to me and it seemed like I was really a stranger to her. I approached them and offered my hand.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Han," I told her. If she knows me, of course she'll know my pack calls me Luhan. Aside from that, Han was really my given name. It's a shame not to use what my parents gave me. "I'm Lee Sujin but call me Jin only, Mr. Han," she said with a smile. I was honestly disgusted with the behavior she's showing me. My suspicions were confirmed. I was really a stranger to her.

"Jin... erm... Why did you call Minwoo out?" I asked. "Ah, please sit down. It's about how Minwoo plays with the children," she gestured to the chair where her students usually sit down on. I wanted to complain but it wasn't the right place, aside from that, she has a human mind now. She'll report me to the police and it's likely, the police have connections with the hunters.

"Minwoo displays this kind of abnormal amount of strength a gradeschooler shouldn't have," she described every incident that happened. "I wanted to talk to his mother over the phone but I guess you know Mrs. Kim doesn't have a phone so I wanted to talk to her personally but I guess she was busy," she smiled sheepishly and nervously played with her fingers. "So I guess you should tell Mrs. Kim about his behavior in school. It really worries me when he unintentionally hurts his classmates," she added.

She really doesn't have a clue what kind of person MiYeon was. If I told that woman about what Minwoo is doing, she'll likely encourage him and tell him to hurt those humans more. It was wiser to tell Chen about this and not MiYeon. I never liked that woman. She likes going against me and the alphas. Oh, I forgot to share, Suho sort of stepped down on being the alpha since he knows it might cause some conflict between him and Kris. Right now, Kris is our main alpha.

“And that’s all I have to say, Mr. Han. It was a pleasure to talk to you,” she then offered her hand. She smiled oh-so gently at me that I felt disgusted. Where was the old Sujin? The girl I used to play with was gone. “Uncle?” Minwoo looked up to me. I shook my head as I escaped my daze.

“It was a pleasure meeting you too, Ms. Jin.”

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Chapter 31: This is so intense i love it!
Please please update soon please dont abandon this story authornim huhu ㅠ_ㅠ
I finally found a good fic to read but it hasnt been updated for long please come backㅠ_ㅠ
fiya97 #2
Chapter 30: An update... Thank you authornim..,,, I wonder why lay want to meet sujin..... Taehyung still has this mysterious aura around him..... Love this update authornim....
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 30: Ooooooooh interesting.
fiya97 #4
Chapter 29: Yeah... Another chapter for me.... Taehyung was really mysterious.... I am so excited to find out who he really is...... Author nim fighting.... Nice story.... Waiting for your update soon....
fiya97 #5
Chapter 28: This story are becoming more interesting.......
Who is taehyung for sujin..... I wonder what their relationship is..... Hoping to read more soon.....
Chapter 18: woah there XD napagiwanan na pala ako, ngayon ko lang 'to nabasa... my gosh the character development ha, so much emotions na sila ahhh heheheh
Chapter 10: YEAH!!!! another chapter, wait 2 go!! You were killing me with the wait! XD
oh000, I like this, you have great ideas in that mind of your authornim! controlling her....very nice! can't wait to c how that works out! :D
Chapter 9: woah flashback~ mr. han and mrs. kim tho... ang tanda na nila XD and who is this father? I must know, cabbage!
Chapter 8: Siyeon has her powers now! C: Kick their butts!
Chapter 7: maybe not action wise, but just how everything played out really nicely. You make my so into it!
thanks author, you are truly awesome!! XD