Love Is In The Air

First Fiction

Jungkook wandered along the beach slowly, his girlfriend holding onto his hand gently. He glanced down at her and noticed she was smiling to herself.

'I wonder what she's thinking about.' Jungkook thought. Whatever it was, he was happy to see her smile. He wondered if she was thinking about him; maybe remembering their first date and how nervous he had felt. Even though Jungkook was one of the best dancers in the dance team, he didn't feel like he deserved Jackie. She was so sweet to him, so kind. At times, he felt spoiled; she would smother him in kisses and cared for him in a way no one else had before. She was one of a kind and he prayed that she'd never change.

"What are you thinking about?" Jackie asked.
Jungkook was snapped out of his train of thought by her words. "Huh? Oh, nothing." He smiled. The tall boy stopped in front of her, he pulled her close to him and burried his face in her hair. "You're so beautiful." He whispered.
His overjoyed girlfriend pulled away slightly to look up at him. Her smiled warmed his heart, he didn't want to be shy around her anymore. 'If this is what love feels like I'm not letting this go.' Hesitating momentarily, he slowly leaned down and closed his eyes, Jackie followed his movements and closed her eyes too. Both of them could feel their hearts pounding in their chests. 'This is it, no turning back now!' Jungkook cautiously pressed his lips to hers. Just as he was about to pull back, Jackie deepened the kiss. The tall boy's arms s their way around her waist, while her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her hands brushing through Jungkook's soft black hair.
Finally coming up for air, their lips parted. Faces still inches away from each other, a large smile shone upon the girl's face. They stood like this for what seemed like an eternity, foreheads resting against each other's.
After a moment more, Jungkook leaned down to his girlfriend's ear. "I'm your's," he whispered softly, "always."

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