Flying High

First Fiction

Finally on the plane, Jungkook and Jackie stopped at their assigned seats. "Do you want the window seat?" He asked her politely.
"Yeah, sure." Jackie smiled brightly, she handed Jungkook her bag, who placed it in the overhead locker.
Jungkook quickly sat down next to her and rested his head against hers. Jackie nuzzled into his neck while putting on her seatbelt. Jungkook followed her actions and put his on too. Leaning into each other closer, they almost instantly drifted off to sleep.
Jungkook, who hadn't yet fallen asleep, was playing gently with Jackie's hair. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. He smiled softly to himself for a moment before he entwined his fingers with hers. He kissed the back of her hand before closing his eyes and falling asleep with her.


A short girl pushed passed Becky in the isle and grabbed onto Yoongi's arm. "Oppa, can I sit next to you now?" She smiled up at him like a child.
Yoongi returned the smile and nodded. He noticed Becky looking at him, and heavily sat in his seat. Avoiding eye contact with his younger girlfriend, he remembered spending time teaching Becky basketball, these memories made him smile. However, his feelings were up in the air and he couldn't think straight. He decided on closing his eyes and attempting sleep.


Hoseok knew Becky had a thing for Yoongi, he wasn't sure how strong it was, but it still upset him. He'd been her friend for years; he'd looked after her when she was ill, cheered her up when she was feeling down, even had sleepovers with her. They were so comfortable with each other and yet he could feel her slowly slipping away from him. The very thought of him losing her hurt. He was almost tempted to sit next to Taehyung instead, but she looked so upset today; he felt responsible, he needed to stay with her.

After seeing Yoongi and his new girlfriend, Becky moved towards the seats further back. She didn't want to see them, she was glad that Yoongi had found someone, and was happy, but seeing them hurt too much. Beside her, Hoseok sat looking at her.

"Why didn't you tell him you like him sooner?" He asked quietly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Becky's voice shook.
"Becky, come on, I know you like hi-"
"Hoseok, please!" Becky looked at him briefly, she looked as if she was about to panic. "There are worse things to worry about right now."
Hoseok followed her gaze, she was looking at the ground out of the window. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot." He placed a hand on her leg. "This is your first time on a plane. Wait, do you want some sleeping pills?"
"No, I'd rather be awake just incase something happens." Her broken words barely audible as she gripped onto the dark haired boy's hand.


During the entire coach journey, Jin and Hyosang had been talking and laughing. Surprisingly they had a lot in common. They liked the same music, neither one was a big fan of dancing and they agreed on becoming a duet. Jin would sing while Hyosang would rap, 'the perfect combination' as Hyosang called it.

Jin put their bags in the overhead locker and let Hyosang sit by the window. Jin looked down at his new friend; he was gazing out of the window, his round eyes shining in the sun. Jin shook his head, he felt confused and he couldn't explain why. How could he feel so close to someone he had met an hour ago? It didn't make sense. The taller boy pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he sat down in his seat.

"Are you excited?" Hyosang looked up at Jin, a smile playing on his lips.
"Of course! I've never been to Hawaii before." Jin smiled back. Hyosang turned his attention to the world outside of the plane again.
Unconciously, Jin stared at Hyosang for a moment, admiring his side profile. He tried to recall the last person he'd seen that was on Hyosang's level of perfection but he couldn't think of anyone. Wait... Perfection? What?! Hyosang was a guy and Jin was a guy!
'I'm not gay!' Jin mentally yelled at himself. Suddenly Hyosang pulled Jin away from his thoughts.
"It sounds wonderful, doesn't it?" Hyosang spoke softly.
Jin smiled to himself, "Wonderful, absolutely wonderful."

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