Safe On Land

First Fiction

The warm air hit them all as left the aircraft.
Taehyung was still shaking slightly and was gripping onto Jimin's shoulders.
Yoongi and his girlfriend walked quietly.
Jin and Hyosang were still talking and laughing. You'd think they would have run out of things to talk about, but they'd prove you wrong by starting up a completely new conversation moments after the previous one.
Namjoon was now walking with his friend, Jiho. When looking at the class president, you wouldn't expect him to be friends with a miscrient like Jiho, but they had known each other for years. On the coach ride to the airport Jiho had sat on his own, drawing in his note book. He was quite the artist, he even achieved the nickname of 'Scribble'. But he had agreed to sit with Namjoon on the plane.
Becky was clinging onto Hoseok as if her life depended on it. Hoseok had noticed how pale she had become and was afraid that she may throw up.
Jackie was almost literally dragging Jungkook off of the plane. He held onto her hand tightly, occassionally pulling her back towards him. It was obvious Jackie was excited to be in Hawaii, she'd been there before, but this time she got to be there with Jungkook. And Jungkook was definitely going to make this a trip to remember. He had his camera ready and was going to take as many pictures as possible.

A coach was waiting for them outside of the airpot to take them to their hotel. Hardly anyone was sleeping now, but they were a lot quieter than before, that is besides Jin and Hyosang of course. The coach pulled up to a tall building, it looked like a five star hotel.

"There's no way we're staying here." Jimin said in disbelief.
Taehyung was awestruck by the sheer size of the building.
"Remember that swear jar in the commonroom? Well we earned enough money to stay here for the week, all thanks to Yoongi-hyung." Namjoon smiled over at Yoongi as he got up from his seat.

Jiho got up from his seat at the back of the coach and moved down the isle quickly. He kept his head down, but stopped suddenly when he came face to face with Jackie. She looked up at him wide eyed and froze. Jiho stared at her for a moment before continuing to get off the coach. He needed some fresh air, he hated travelling and being with large amounts of people made it worse.

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