Cooling Down

First Fiction

After the sun had set, the gentle wind had turned cold. The large group of friends began walking back to the hotel, some quicker than others.
Taehyung and Jimin raced up the steps of the hotel and headed to their room. Jimin struggled to open the door, his hands, frozen and his fingers, numb. Eventually, they hurried into their shared room, both shivering from the cold. The taller boy ran to his bed and scrambled to get under the covers.

"Hyung, I thought Hawaii was supposed to be warm." Taehyung's whines were muffled by the bed sheets.
"It is warm, Tae. It's just the wind is cold, that's all." Jimin wrapped a blanket around his shoulders as he sat on the end of his friend's bed. "It's getting late, I think I'm gonna go to sleep. What about you?"
"Yeah, me too." Taehyung nodded. The brown haired boy's eyes began to close slowly.
"You're not going to change?" Jimin asked, but Taehyung had already fallen asleep.

The shorter boy got up and turned off the light, before shuffling over to his bed. A small smile formed on the boy's face as he, too, fell asleep.

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