
First Fiction

Jungkook stared out of the classroom window, sighing quietly "two more weeks and we'll be free."

"Summer break is gonna be awesome!" Jimin exclaimed. "We can go to the amusement park and the beach... Oh maybe we can even take your sister and her friend out to dinner or something?"

"Why would we take my sister?"

Before Jimin could continue the teacher hushed her students and began the class.


"Hey Jackie!" Becky yelled from across the cafeteria.

Jackie carried her lunch tray towards the table but stopped momentarily when she noticed her crush, Jungkook, sat opposite her friend. Jungkook turned slightly and looked up at her, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hey Jackie, come and sit next to me." He patted the seat next to him.

Feeling herself blush, Jackie hastily sat next to the younger boy. "Oh, where's Jimin? Is he not eating lunch?"

"No, he's playing basketball with Yoongi-hyung. He said he'll catch up with us later." Jungkook paused for a moment before looking up at the two girls. "So what are your plans for the summer? Me and Jimin were gonna go to the beach, do you wanna come along?"

"M'kay." Becky mumbled with a mouth full of food.

"Sounds great!"

Jungkook flashed a big smile at Jackie. The three quickly finished their food before heading out to the basketball court.


"Damn! He's looking good today..." Becky all but drooled over the boys playing basketball.

"Ew. You're not talking about Jimin are you?" Jungkook scrunched up his nose.

"EW! Why would I?! That's just weird! I was talking about Yoongi."

Jackie giggled as Jungkook rolled his eyes at his noona. The girls sat down on a bench as they watched the boys play. Yoongi kept missing shots and Jimin was winning, something that rarely happened.

"Do you think something is wrong with Yoongi today?" Jackie asked the tall boy next to her.

Focusing on Yoongi for a moment, Jungkook nodded. "He's not focused, you see how he keeps tripping over his own feet?" He leaned in close to Jackie as he pointed at the eldest boy. "I'll go see what's up."

He raced towards the court and stopped the game. "Hey guys!" Jungkook waved.

Jimin - distracted by Jungkook's interruption - threw the ball, which incidentally hit Yoongi in the back of his head.


"Hyung! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Jimin knew Yoongi was aggravated today but he hadn't asked why, and knowing Yoongi had trouble with expressing himself stopped him from prying.

Yoongi walked away from the boys, rubbing the back of his head. Jungkook jogged after him, "hyung, is something wrong? You seem distracted today."

"It's nothing, Jungkook." Yoongi glanced over his shoulder at the two girls giggling on the bench, and lowered his head. Jungkook could tell something was on his friends mind and suspected it had something to do with one of the girls.

"Has Jackie upset you, hyung?"

"Why would Jackie upset me?"

"Has Becky upset you then?"

"What? No, she could never upset me." He looked over at her, but looked away quickly. He didn't know what was happening to him, but recently he was seeing things in a different light, especially Becky.

Jackie and Becky skipped onto the court and began throwing balls into the hoop. Hearing Jimin laugh made the two boys turn around. Jungkook laughed while Yoongi shook his head.

"Jackie-noona! Let me show you how to do it properly!" He yelled as he ran towards her, standing directly behind her. Jackie blushed at the sudden skinship as Jungkook guided her hands. The tall boy threw the ball to demonstrate. After Jackie imitated him, he placed his hands on her waist and manoeuvred her body to help her balance better. Jackie giggle quietly as the pair of them blushed.

Yoongi slowly walked closer to Becky. "Your footwork is all wrong." He said bluntly.

Becky didn't look at him as she continued throwing the ball. After a minute of watching her, Yoongi stepped in to take the ball away.

"If you're gonna play basketball you've gotta do it properly. The way your stood is completely wrong; its a miracle you've scored any points at all." Yoongi demonstrated the correct stance and throw, while Jungkook and Jackie also followed his instructions.

"And then you shoot." At that moment all four of them threw the balls upwards, they bounced off each other loudly. Jackie's ball luckily fell through the hoop. Without realising, Jackie excitedly hugged Jungkook, shocking the young boy. As she was about to embarrassingly pull away, the tall boy pulled her closer to him and held her tightly, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Let go of my brother, Jackie! You don't know where he's been!" Becky shouted from across the court.

Jungkook and Jackie pulled apart slightly, his arms still around her waist, and giggled shyly at her remark.


Lunch ended quicker than expected and Jackie found herself over excited for summer break. She was looking forward to playing more basketball with Jungkook.

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