Activities Day

First Fiction

The sun shone through the window, it's rays aimed at Taehyung's face. The bright light awoke him from his sleep causing a loud groan to escape his lips.

"Go away, sun!"

Still in his pajamas, Jimin walked into the room; his tooth brush hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Get up and get dressed, we're leaving soon." Jimin tried to stop himself from drooling as he spoke.
"Leaving? Where are we going?" The taller boy mumbled.
"I don't know, Mr. Lee said we're going on an adventure day or something like that."
Taehyung sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. His brown hair was a mess, strands stood up on end and the fluffy mess clung to his sweaty brow.

The boys both hurried to get ready and joined their classmates in the lobby. The small crowd was a sea of mixed emotions; some were excited for the day ahead, some were not excited at all and others, like Taehyung, were still too tired to function properly.


The teacher led the group towards the beach; a sports activites guide awaiting their arrival. He stood tall with his head held high, a well toned body and curly blonde hair. The sheer sight of him made most of the girls in the group swoon.
Becky was stood as far back as she could, she was never an athletic person. She hated most sports, only liking a select few. Her arms crossed over her chest, she sighed as she watched the guide demonstrate the correct way to surf.

Knowing how much his small friend feared open water, Hoseok joined Becky at the back of the group. Once the guide had finished his demonstration, the dark haired boy turned to her.

"You have two options." Becky looked up at him in confusion. "Option one: you come into the sea and let me help you on the surf board. Option two: you stay here, sitting on the sand and I will sit with you."
"Hoseok, no, you can't sit out on this! You love the sea, go swim or whatever they're doing. I'll be fine here." Becky sat down on the sand.
The tall boy sat down next to her, "nope, we're going to do this together. If you're in the sea, I will be in the sea. If you're gonna sit here all day, I'm gonna sit here all day too."
Sighing, Becky brought her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees.

"Are you two not going to join in?" A voice spooke from behind them.
The pair looked up, over their shoulders, to see Mr. Lee.
"No, sir." Hoseok said politely.
"But Hoseok, I thought you loved water?"
The dark haired boy got up and stood next to his teacher, "I do, sir. But, you see, Becky doesn't feel well. I thought I should stay with her until she feels better."
Mr. Lee nodded and walked to where the other teachers were sat.

Hoseok sat down next to Becky again, stretching his legs out on the warm sand. He looked over at his friend, she was staring at her feet as they dug into the sand. The boy reached an arm around her slender shoulders and pulled her into him.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?" Becky smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I know you like him, Becky." He said as he watched Yoongi in the ocean.
"It doesn't matter now."
"It does, because it's upsetting you. You matter, Becky. I hate seeing you upset." He spoke softly, "there are other guys out there, you know? Ones that could treat you right."
Becky looked up at him, "Hobi, what are you implying?"
"Nothing, I was just-"
"Do you like me?"
Hoseok was stunned. He hesitated for a moment, "what? Becky, you're my best friend."
The short girl looked down at the sand, a part of her was hoping he was going to say yes. "But, if I could marry anyone in the world, it would be you." His voiced trailed off.
Becky sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around Hoseok. A small smile broke out on his face as he held her tightly.

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