Coach Trip

First Fiction

"AHHHH!!!! I'm so excited! This is gonna be the best!" Taehyung screamed as he approached the school coach.
"Tae, calm down you'll scare the pretty girls." Hoseok winked at one of the girls from his math class. He had alway been a massive flirt, Taehyung just put up with it.

Jimin and Yoongi walked towards the two taller boys, pulling their large suitcases behind them. The four of them stood in a circle with their bags in the centre of them. Panting, Yoongi leaned up against the wall beside him.

"Awh, Yoongi-hyung's all tuckered out and we haven't even left the school yet." Hoseok cooed the tired boy, patting his head.
Yoongi swatted his hand away and tried to catch his breath, before moving to lean against Jimin instead. "Why did my eomma make me pack so much? She made me bring books that I'm probably not gonna have time to read." He whined.
"If you want, you can put them in my bag, hyung?" Jungkook spoke from behind Jimin, startling the shorter boy.
Taehyung looked around, but Becky wasn't in sight. "Where's your sister?"
"She went to get Jackie at about 7:30, but I haven't heard from her since." Jungkook said as he looked at his favourite red watch. Jackie had given it to him for Christmas and he hadn't gone a day without wearing it.
"Well they better hurry up, it looks like we're leaving soon." Taehyung sounded almost worried.

Students began taking their seats on the coach, but the five boys kept waiting for their female companions. In the corner of his eye, Jimin spotted Becky and Jackie running towards them, dragging their suitcases behind them. Hoseok and Jungkook ran in their direction to assist them with their bags.

"You took your time, noona!" Jungkook said as he helped Jackie put her case in the bag compartment of the coach.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were timing me." Becky snapped at her younger brother.
Jungkook simply rolled his eyes and turned to Jackie, "so do you wanna sit with me on the way there?"
"Even on the plane?" Jackie smiled up at him.
The tall boy nodded as they both got on the coach.

Yoongi had paired up with his best friend, Namjoon. Namjoon was the top student, and was even running for class president, just like he did every year. As they moved down the isle, they both spotted their friend sitting alone. Jin, Jackie's older brother, had his earplugs in and his eyes closed. They decided to sit in the seats next to him. Namjoon wasn't sure if he was sleeping, but Jin looked so blissful that he didn't want to disturb him.

Jimin and Taehyung practically threw their bags into the luggage compartment of the coach before running to get a seat. Taehyung got the window seat; he loved playing childish games like 'I Spy' so Jimin always had the isle seat, not that it bothered him. Jimin took out his phone and earplugs from his pocket, simultaniously, Taehyung pulled his tangled up earplugs and a dual headphone connector from his bag. The pair always shared music on long travels, one would use his phone for music while the other's was turned off. They had similar music tastes so they never skipped any songs.
Some by SoYou and JunggiGo started playing on Taehyungs phone. The pair began lipsyncing the duet together while nodding their heads in time to the beat.

Becky found a seat in the middle of the bus, too tired to go any further back, she slumped down in the window seat and began getting her headphones out of her backpack. Hoseok sat next down next to her quietly, staring at her. As if she could feel his gaze, Becky glanced up at him, only to stare back out of the window. He had noticed a change in her recently; she didn't come out when everyone was meeting up, she didn't sit with them at lunch anymore and she barely said a word to anyone. Hoseok was getting worried. He was about to ask her if there was something on her mind when he heard Jungkook laugh loudly from behind him. Two seats back, Jungkook and Jackie sat giggling and smiling like they always did. They had gotten so close recently and it really warmed Hoseok's heart to see his friends so happy.


Jin sat quietly, a soft ballad playing through his earplugs, he felt like he could fall asleep any minute. That was until someone tapped his shoulder. Looking up slowly, he saw a boy with short black hair and round eyes staring at him.

He removed his headphones quickly, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jin asked the unfamiliar boy.
"Is someone sitting here?" He asked politely.
Jin shook his head and motioned for the boy to sit next to him. The boy sat next to him almost silently, Jin felt awkward, he always did around new people.In an attempt to be less awkward Jin spoke quietly to the boy.
"I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"
The boy's head flew up to look at him, "Oh, I've been at the school for a while now, but I haven't seen you around either. I'm Hyosang, by the way." He smiled and held his hand out.
"I'm Seokjin, but everyone calls me Jin." Returning the smile, he shook Hyosang's hand.
There was an awkward silence for a moment but it didn't feel uncomfortable. After a while the two boys began chatting as if they had been friends for years. Jin was still awkward but he felt comfortable around Hyosang.

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