
Key To Another Life

Previous chapter:
"KOOKIE~ Nice to see you!"

I turned to my right and saw a tall figure in the distance and it had long hair.

I was startled...


Sora stared down at the figure that was now making its way towards us. She looked shocked, but angry at the stranger's sudden remark. I stood there shocked and my jaw dropped (literally… well… no, not literally). Sora wanted to walk away and leave me alone, but I didn’t let her do that. I grabbed her by the arm and kept her behind my back, Sora peeking through the gap of the side of my body and long arm.

The figure strutted towards me with its arms crossed. I couldn’t believe anything that was happening nor did my brain allow me to process what was happening. It walked up to me, still having the look of a mysterious silhouette. It pulled Sora away from my grip and brutally threw her to the ground. What the hell bro?! I tried to help Sora up from the ground, but it wrapped its arms around my neck and then breathed into my ear. Ok…?

“I told you that you would see me soon, didn’t I?” She my cheek creepily and then I heard her chuckle softly.

“I will cause you no harm…, but only if you listen to me. Yeah?”

I shook under her touch as she trailed her stick-like finger from my forehead, down the bridge of my nose and to the tip of my chin. I pushed her finger off my face and helped Sora up.

“Are you ok?” She looked down at her arm which was now soaked with blood from the effect of her hitting the ground. She nodded her head and tried to make a piece sign, but whimpered as her arm fell back to the side of her body. She winced in pain and then looked at the stranger with the facial expression of death. I did the same, but with more feelings rushing through me in all directions.

“You know what you did was not right, right?!” The girl stood there, still as a statue and suddenly went down onto her knees.

“I’m sorry… for everything.” Sora walked up to her and panicked. She then whipped her head in my direction.

“What the heck, Jungkook? It was just a push, resulting in a scratch on my arm. Look at what you have made this girl do!” She picked her up and then her face appeared.

“You… I KNOW YOU!” I yelled, covering my ears with my shaking hands. My ears rung with the sound of police cars and danger sirens travelling through my ear drums. I heard Sora gasp as she sat the girl down and ran to me.

“Jungkook! What happened?!” I looked up at her and she was crying, having a really worried expression on her face. I cupped her left cheek in my hand. I smiled and then kissed her on the nose.

“I’m ok, Sora. Don’t worry about me and seek some help for your arm.” I took her arm and then the undamaged spot gently.

“Poor thing. Come on, let’s get you patched up.” I rose up from my position and then held Sora as I walked up to the other girl.

“I forgive you and I hope to repay you for my rude manners.” I bowed and Sora followed. I walked off into the distance, followed by the luminosity of the full moon. Little did I know that something else happened while I was disappearing into the night.

“Oh, trust me, Jungkook. You ‘will’ pay.” She chuckled and then disappeared

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At my house

I placed Sora onto the comfiest chair in my house and then cleaned her arm. She winced as the disinfectant reached her fresh flesh. I felt so bad doing this, but I guess it was better than seeing her arm rot and be covered in scars and pus.

I finished the last round of the bandage and secured it around her arm.

“It should heal soon. I hope so.” She kissed me on the cheek.

“It ‘will’ heal, Jungkook. Thank you~ How are you feeling?” I nodded with a happy expression and hugged her.

“I feel fine. I am more worried about you then myself, dear.”

“Don’t say that. You are the most special person I have at the moment, Jungkook.” I pushed her back and the shook my head.

“Kookie, remember? Not Jungkook.” She pouted.

“I like Jungkook though. Remember you said that I shouldn’t call you Jungkook? I will be murdered by ‘your’ girls.” I laughed and patted her head.

“I remember, but I am going to treasure you and protect you. Trust me.” I leaned my forehead in and touched hers. She laughed, turning red and I smiled at her cute reaction.



“You should get some rest. You have been through too much lately.”

“I’m fine. You should rest instead.” She leaned back and sat lazily in the chair.

“My parents are going to kill me if they find out that I have stayed out this late. I’m sleepy.” I stood up and stretched.

“Go to sleep then. I will call your parents and tell them what happened.” I picked up her phone and was about to press ‘Home~’ when she grabbed her phone back.

“Don’t bother. They won’t really care that much.” I nodded and then went to my wardrobe to grab a white t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

“Here. Take a shower and then change into this. I don’t think anyone would want to sleep in their uniform. I know I wouldn’t.” She gently grabbed the clothes out of my grip and then made her way to the bathroom, making the lock ‘click’. The room was now silent. What should I do now? I walked over to my bag to grab my phone and then flopped, back first onto my bed. I texted V hyung.

Jungkook: Hyung. Are you there?
V hyung: No…

This hyung seriously is not human.

Jungkook: Hi, V hyung
V hyung: Hi, Jungkookie~
Jungkook: How is it going?
V hyung: Ok^^ I am watching a horror movie with the rest of the gang. Man, J-hope is crying so hard that he already used half a tissue box and hit his leg multiple times.
Jungkook: Haha~ How is everyone?
V hyung: They are all fine as ever. Jin is scolding everyone at the moment for not cleaning the dorm.
Jungkook: That is Jin hyung for you.
V hyung: Rap Mon hyung is watching the movie quietly, Suga hyung is playing on his phone, J-hope is crying, Jimin is checking out his muscles and boasting about them and I am just being my handsome self and  texting you at the same time.
Jungkook: I wish I was there right now, but something came up.
V hyung: What?
Jungkook: Sora injured herself so I took her to my home and took care of her wound.
V hyung: Are you going to take her home?
Jungkook: She is staying at my place for the night.
V hyung: Hey, Jungkook?
Jungkook: Yes?
V hyung: Don’t take things too far with Sora tonight. Arasso?
V hyung: I don’t know, but teenagers and their hormones these days… Geez.

I slapped my forehead and was startled to hear the bathroom door open.

Jungkook: I gotta go, hyung. Talk to you soon.
V hyung: Ok, our maknae. Remember.
Jungkook: Remember what?
V hyung: Don’t take things too far with Sora.
V hyung: Ok, I will only trust you this time. BYE~
Jungkook: Bye

I quickly locked my phone and looked up at Sora. The clothes hung off her body, but I guess it was better than a stiff uniform.

“Are you feeling better?” She sat next to me and nodded.

“I’m fine. You?” I nodded with a firm expression.

“I am a man, Sora. I am always strong.” She laughed and then leaned her head on my shoulder.

“Are you tired?” She whimpered and then yawned.


“Go to sleep then. My bed is right here and you’re sitting on it so feel free to rest.” She stretched and then sat still. I motioned her to sit on my lap. She then lazily stood up and slumped down onto my lap. I circled my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder. I breathed in her sweet scent. Don’t take me the wrong way, but she smelled really nice.

“You smell like peaches.” She took her uninjured hand and playfully slapped my head.

“What the heck, Jungkook.” I breathed in her scent once more.

“You do and I like it~”

“ert… haha~” I tightened my grip and breathed loudly. I was not expecting such things to happen today. That girl and her creepy ways. I know that I wasn’t supposed to see her yet, but still… her appearance scared the living daylights out of me. Sora pushed my chin off her shoulder and then turned to face me.

“Jungkook? Who was that girl that we saw earlier? Another ex of yours, sister or… girlfriend?” I stared into her eyes, forcing my brain to think of something that sounded believable instead of “Oh! She is the girl that has no face (but does now) and who stalks me in my imagination~ Awesome right?” I had to improvise as I spoke with a lie-free expression.

“Oh! She is my… ummm… friend?” Spectacular job, Jungkook~ Five stars and five extra. Yippee… geez. She looked at me with suspicion and all I gave her was an unsure smile.

“Close friend or a closer friend than a close friend?” I shook my head.

“Please rephrase that, Sora.” She sighed.

“Close friend?”

“Yeah? Continue.”

“Or… girlfriend?” Hearing the word ‘girlfriend’ makes me shiver, especially thinking if that girl is even close to me.

‘Girlfriend? Really? You are my one and only, Sora.” I quickly pecked her on the lips and she backed away a little.

“Jungkook! Ok, I believe you…, BUT only this time.”

“What the heck, sunshine? Scared that I will abandon you for that girl? Maybe I should~” She looked at me with an angry expression and jumped off my lap. She kicked me off the bed and wrapped herself tautly in the blanket until it looked like she was rolled to make kimbap. She then became quiet. I stood up and fixed my hair.

“Sora, I was only kidding. My baby is jealous, ey?”


I crouched down at the side she was facing and looked at her. She stared at me and then turned to the other side. I jumped over the bed and then did the same thing. She continued to turn left and right while I kept doing the same thing, not stopping even for a second. Minutes later, my stamina was dropping rapidly and I stood there holding my knees for support and trying to catch my breath.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Sleeping and you should too, Jungkook.”

“Ok~” I unrolled her from the blanket and then made the bed again.

“What the heck, Jungkook?” I laughed and then presented her with a  neatly made bed.

“The proper way to sleep.” She hurried claimed a spot on the bed and then tucked herself in. I laughed and calmly tucked myself into bed.

“Good night, sweetheart~”

“Good night, ditcher~” I hugged her from behind and captured her waist in my arms. She rested her hands on mine and then snuggled closely to my chest. After a while we both fell into a peaceful sleep.


Next morning

*skips to part where they are walking to school

I held her hand in mine and she skipped along the path as we made our way to school.

“Someone’s happy this morning.”

“Of course! Isn’t everyone happy to attend school?” I shook my head.

“No… because I am not happy to go to school.” She looked at me and then hummed a song.

“Everyone ‘is’ different alright.”

“You are one of a kind, Sora. My beautiful goddess that is one of a kind.”

“Cheesy freak.” I laughed

“You are too I am afraid, Sora.”

After minutes of weird names and playfully hitting each other we reached the school gates.

“I need to go to the toilet so I will see you later.” I kissed her forehead.

“Ok, bye.” I walked to the boys’ toilet with my hands in my pockets.

When I reached the toilet, I was surprised to see, none other than Jimin hyung cleaning the floor with  speed.

“What are you doing, hyung?” He stopped and looked around until he saw me standing there with my brows knitted.

“Oh, hi Jungkookie~. Got detention.”

“Why?” He pulled up his sleeves and tensed his muscles.

“For talking about these babies for too long during class comprehension.” I laughed.

“Not surprised. You go, I will do the rest.”

“Really?! Ok, see ya later~” He shoved the mop into my hands and then ran out the toilet, jumping with joy and I could still hear him talk about his muscles.

“Great… why did I ever agree to do this? Whatever.” Tonnes of sweat and hard work led to a stop.

“DONE!” I put the mop away and then washed my hands. As I came up to look at myself in the mirror, I saw someone staring right at me. I turned around and stopped breathing.

“Hi, Jungkook.”

“H-h-hi.” You guessed it (I think). It was the girl again.

“I have come because you said that you would pay me back for your rude manners. Now is the time.”

“W-w-what is it that you want?”

“You to suffer of course.”

“WHAT? What do you mean by that?!” She walked up to me and then circled her finger on my forehead several times. I suddenly felt like my body was under command. She smiled and then walked out.

“I never want to see that girl again. Freak.” I walked out of the toilet and made my way to class.

I sat down in my seat and payed close attention to the teacher.

“Today you guys will be working on a ‘Make A Difference’ project and you will be partnered up with the person that you are sitting next to.” The teacher explained. I sat there not moving. The teacher walked up to me and crossed her arms.

“Jungkook? What are you doing?”

“Working on the ‘Make A Difference’ project.”

“By yourself? You are working with this lovely girl, Sora.”

I stood and then slammed both of my hands onto the table.

“Who am I working with?!” I looked at the teacher. She pointed to the girl sitting next to me.

“Sora.” I turned my head and then looked at the girl from head to toe.

“Who is this girl?” Everyone in the room gasped.


I just stood there looking at the unknown person.



A/N: SORRY X10000000000 FOR NOT UPDATING!  I have been busy and blank for the past few months. I hope that all you lovely people forgive me. So, so far Jungkook has ended the chapter with not knowing who Sora is. OH MY GOD *0* It will probably be a while before I update again, but please do not hate me!

Please upvote, subscribe and comment on my story^^ It would be very much appreciated. I hope to hear from you guys and what you think of the story so far. Thank you for your time~

  • bluerose123


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natasha_oline #1
seems like a good story
kookiejeons #2
Chapter 2: woo ukhay good!! kookie kookie <3
sinunis #3
Chapter 10: kinda confused, but it's okay! i still love hehe ^^
sinunis #4
Chapter 4: oh my god oh my god se cute oh my god i love how she called him. oh my god flutter flutter flutter!!
sinunis #5
Chapter 1: awesome!! i like like like!! ^^
HunTy1204 #6
Chapter 10: Its a confusing story yet awesome
Chapter 9: I'm so confused...
Please update! You can't just leave me with a cliffhanger :( I wanna know who he sees! Is it the ex? Is it the faceless girl??
Chapter 5: I feel like the story has escalated a little too quickly so I am deciding to delete the recent chapter. I have already lost one subscriber....:( I promise that there would be more new chapters coming soon. I already have something planned out so please be patient and wait for it~
Chapter 4: D'awwwwwwww she called him Kookie very cute much love ok <3