Mission 2 (Part 2)

Key To Another Life


I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to the right only to find Sora stunned.

“Jungkook…?” She started to tear up.



I slowly leaned back on my chair and then faced Sora. I stood up and towered over her.

“Talk to my girlfriend like that again and I will be the one behind your death.”
She stared at me for a little longer and then slapped me across the face with a lot of force. I was
forced to one side while she breathed heavily.

I looked back at her, but then saw Grace walk up to her and slap her really hard across the face.
Sora fell to the ground while I stood at the back of Grace, watching her as she crouched down.
She grabbed Sora’s neck and then held it tight. Sora was scratching Grace’s arm because of what
was happening, but Grace did not budge.

“Do that to my boyfriend again and you will die under my strength. Got it?”
Sora shook her head weakly and looked as if she was going to faint any minute. Wait. If she
kills Sora then I don’t know what my master would think of this. She will ruin the plan! I grabbed onto
Grace’s shoulders and pulled her up.

“Enough. She is not worth the time. Let’s go.”
Grace nodded. I intertwined my fingers with hers. I looked back at Sora and chuckled.

“Don’t even think about saying or calling out my name. We are through. Understand?”
She stood up with her hand gently coming in contact with her red cheek.


“What did I say?”
Well that made her shut up. I smiled at Grace and we both walked out of the café, leaving Sora
with the unpaid food and others staring directly at her. While Grace was admiringthe nice cool
weather, I looked back into the café at Sora, only to feel a little sorry. I shouldn’t befeeling this way.
I shook it off, but the thought was then replaced with a flash.

I was in a room that was as white as the first snow of the winter month. I took a step and my heart
throbbed. I clenched onto my chest and groaned. Shoot. Not this again. I took a step again only
to have the same thing happen once more. I tried to run away from this mess, but was forced to
the ground because of all the life threatening pains shooting through me. There I was, laying on
my backside and sweating continuously. The pain felt familiar. It felt like something that occurred
before in my lifetime. I realized then that this was the feeling of… emptiness. Something had been

lost on the way and has made me empty inside. All of a sudden, something appeared in front of me.
It was a letter. I reached up to grab it.

The letter read, “You are missing the key to your life. Find it and you will cure your pain. You are the
lock on the door, but you are missing the most important part of the picture. To unlock the door, a
key is needed, but you haven’t figured out where it is hiding. Find it before it is too late to even try.
Evil magic is taking over. Be careful, Jungkook. Good luck.” I put the letter down and groaned as
I felt more pains of emptiness fill me. What does this all mean? Missing key to my life? I am the lock
of the door? What door?

Back to the present
“Jungkook? What happened?”
Grace looked at me with a worried expression and I looked back at her with an I’m-ok face. I wrapped
my arms around her waist and kept her in a tight embrace.

“I’m ok, babe… just suddenly spaced out. That’s all.”
She used her right arm to gently pat me on the back like a mother patting her child to a peaceful slumber.

“That’s good. I don’t want anything happening to you.”
I nodded and then broke the hug, held her hand in mine. We slowly strolled down the path while
being followed by the gentle gusts of wind.

Sora’s POV

I looked at the couple as they strolled out of the café with happy expressions and keeping each other close.
I was still on the cold floor of the café, alone with food that was not even touched and cameras clicking away
from the nearby spectators. I felt betrayed, not only by my first love, but my friend. I didn’t know whether
she was my friend or not anymore. I felt hurt and lonely. I picked myself up from the floor and gently took my
wallet out of the deep pocket of my coat.

“Dammit… after paying for this meal I will be broke.”
I had just enough to pay for the food. I would have eaten my serving, but I felt so crappy that I lost my big appetite.
I dragged myself to the counter to pay for the food and I got stares from every step I took. There were disgusted
looks and well as people looking like they had sympathy for me from what happened before. Thanks and no thanks.
I put my wallet into my mini shoulder bag and walked out of the room of stares into the afternoon sky, with its
beautiful white clouds and crisp air.

I was walking down the long path, gently clutching my cheek. It felt numb and must have been a bright red.
Good job, Grace. I stumbled a bit while I was walking because of how exhausted I was from before. I arrived
home just minutes after and rushed up the stairs and into my room, making the door come into a loud bang
with the wall. I leaned against the side of my bed that hid me from the door and started to tear up. Why did
Jungkook threaten me like that? What has gotten into him? I couldn’t help, but cry a lot more after that
thought. What was with the sudden hate and why has it happened? I scratched my head with frustration and
then held my head on the top of my knees. I wrapped my arms around my legs and then caused a puddle to
start forming on my bare knees. I raised my head and unintentionally started to feel a rush of anger fill me.
I clenched my hands and my knuckles started to whiten.

“I will find out, Jungkook.  No matter what happens to me during the process, you are the only person that I
love so I will do anything to get you back. Jungkook… I love you.”

Jungkook’s POV

We arrived at Grace’s house. I kissed her lightly on the lips and told her to go inside since it was literally
Antarctica weather. She nodded at then quickly walked into her house, closing the door, leaving me
in the dark. Thank goodness that’s over. I felt like crap as I walked home. Damn that Sora girl can really
slap because it felt like my cheek had detached itself from my face. I walked home with my hands in the
pockets of my coat and half my face buried in my scarf. I felt a figure run right past me. My eyes opened
up to the size of golf balls because of how startled I was.

“Who’s there?”
I looked left to right swiftly asking the same question continuously without hesitation.

“Calm down, boy. It’s me.”

I flinched as soon as I felt a pair of arms cross over my chest and a head rest in the crook of my
neck, light breathing coming in contact with the skin.

“Missed me?” I sighed in relief when I heard a female voice echo through me ear.

“Yes. I nearly finished my mission. Proud?”
She chuckled and then kissed me on the cheek.

“Of course I am, darling. You don’t know how happy I am that you are helping me.”
I gently made her let go of me and then I faced her, using my left arm to pull her close to me.
She had her hands on my chest and looked at me deeply in the eyes.

“Why are you so pretty? You are literally lighting up the area around your body, not to mention a walking masterpiece.”
She shrugged and then slightly smiled.

“I am not that pretty, Jungkook. You on the other hand are one handsome teenager. No wonder every girl
is chasing after you.”
I smiled widely and then I tilted my head slowly to one side, going closer and closer to Kristine’s face.
Just when my lips were about tocome in contact with hers, she turned her head to the side and sighed.
I paused and then backed away a little.

“What’s wrong? Oh no… please do not tell me that I had bad breath.”
She laughed a little and then became serious again.

“It’s not that. According to my rules, I am not allowed to be really close to someone not my ‘kind’.”
What did she mean by her ‘kind’? She is human so… what other kind can she be? She is Korean so that takes one problem away.

“What do you mean your ‘kind’? We are all humans, master.”
She gently pushed me away leaving me standing still and clueless about what she said.

“There is too much to explain. Long story short, we can’t come in I guess… contact that has to do with relationships.”
I nodded.

“Whatever you say. I will do whatever I am told if it keeps you safe.”

“Thank you again, Jungkook. Well it is getting late so see you tomorrow and remember to make that stupid Sora girl go after you.”
I saluted her and she smiled.

“I will.”
She gave one last angelic smile and walked off into the darkening path ahead. I made my way
home opposite to Kristine’s direction. I needed a good night sleep.

After hours of blanket kicking

I stood up quickly from the minute I woke up and then rushed to the bathroom stumbling the
whole way to do everything that was needed. Ichanged into my uniform, packed my books
into my empty school bag, made my way downstairs to grab some breakfast, said ‘bye’ to
my mum, remembering to dodge her kiss on the cheek, put on my pair of black Converses
and then ran to school with a slice of toast hanging from my mouth. Whew!

As I was running (not to sound strange or anything) it suddenly felt a bit breezy ‘down’ there.
I halted to a stop and looked down only to realise that my zipper wasn’t done. Crap! If any person
saw that it would have been so embarrassing. I pulled up the zipper putting myself in an awkward
position when I heard two girls from my school laughing out loud and then taking their phones
out, ready to take a photo. Great. Without hesitation, when they just said cheese, I posed with a
manly expression and they sighed, admiring my pose.

“Thanks girls for the photo shoot, but I have to run. See ya!”
They yelled out ‘Bye, handsome!’ and when I heard them, I smirked.

After dropping the piece of toast and about 10 minutes of running I arrived at the school gates.
I greeted the teachers politely and then made my way into the school building. I was walking
to my locker when I saw my six hyungs all relaxing in an empty classroom. I waved at them
and made my way into the classroom. They all greeted me with fist bumps, stupid nicknames
and pushes, making me laugh.

“How are you doing, Rap Mon hyung?”
He slightly nodded and then leaned back in his chair with his hands in his pockets.

“Not bad. School is ok. Everyone in this room thinks that too, right?”
V hyung, Jimin hyung and J-hope hyung all stood up at the same time.

They all said that in unison. Rap Mon hyung then made an I-agree expression. Suga hyung then
yawned and put his feet up onto the desk in front of him.

“Man, all I need is a bed and I am satisfied.”
Gosh, he sleeps way too much. Did I ever mention that he once slept for twenty hours straight?
He sure can sleep. Jin hyung came walking up to me and started to pat my back.

“How is our maknae going? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Do you want me to cook you something right now?”
I smiled and then shook my head.

“I’m fine, hyung. I already had breakfast so I am all good.”
He nodded and then went back to his spot. Namjoon hyung then sat up properly
and called my name out, causing me to shake a little inside. Rap Monhyung was
intimidating at times.

“Jungkook. Did you hear from Sora?”
Why would I want to hear from that girl?

“No, hyung. What’s up?”
He looked at everyone else and they all had serious expressions. Then they had their
attention towards me. I laughed nervously.


“She sounded angry when she mentioned your name. She asked us what was up with you.”
I rubbed the back of my neck and slightly smiled.

“Nothing is up. Unless you are talking about the sun that had risen this morning. Did you see how beautiful it w-”
I was cut off by Jin hyung when he said my name, sounding a bit angry.

“Jungkook. Stop trying to avoid this. Sora also asked if you were going through something that disturbed you. She told us the whole story.”

“What story? What did she say?”
Taehyung hyung wasn’t acting like his usual self today. He was very serious as he
looked at everyone and then gazed at me.

“She told us that you threatened to hurt her if she justmentioned your name and the same exact thing came from that ‘so-called’ girlfriend of yours. What has gotten into you, Jungkook? You loved her with all your heart, but now… you are treating her like dirt.”
I am seriously going to give that Sora a lesson for all the drama she has caused.

“I must have been angry then. I didn’t mean to and are you talking about Grace? She ‘is’ my girlfriend and I love her very much. I only used Sora since she was close to Grace and then… ta-dah! I have now got Grace.”
They all sighed and then Jimin hyung punched his fist onto the top of the busted table and then yelled at me.

“JUNGKOOK! YOU LITTLE- I will not curse because of Jin hyung being here, but you have to watch yourself. You can either explain to Sora about everything you told us and don’t bother her again or you will get a good beating from me.”

“When Jimin says something this serious, he is not joking around, Jungkook. You know that.”
Suga hyung saidwith a sigh. Hoseok hyung stood up from his spot and then stood in a corner and then
his eyes darted towards mine.

“You have changed, Jungkook. This time, not bad meaning good, but bad meaning bad, which is not acceptable in this group.”
What have I done wrong? Yes, I may have been a little harsh to Sora, but if I tell the hyungsabout the
mission with my Master then I will be in deep trouble. Trouble that will not only be coming from the
hyungs, but also from Kristine.

“Does it look like I am scared? Please, Jimin hyung can’t even harm a fly.”
Jimin hyung gave me the death stare and slowly made his way towards me. I have to say that I was
a little intimidated considering that outline of his arm muscles could be seen through his blazer.

“Excuse me? Can you repeat what you said before?”

“You can’t harm a fly?” His fist came in rough contact with my face and I was forced to the floor.

He went on top of me and was about to start punch me when suddenly there were yells echoing in
the background telling him to stop. If it wasn’t for J-hope hyung pulling Jimin up to his feet,
I would have been beaten to a bloody pulp. I stood up and then chuckled softly, but loud enough
for them to hear, wiping my the blood off my lip.

“Long story short, I don’t want anything to do with Sora so I hope you guys can understand that.”
Rap Mon hyung sighed and then nodded.

“Ok, but whatever you do you to explain everything that you mentioned to Sora because she seems very worried and the obvious dark circles under her eyes tells anyone that she is not resting very well. She will probably cry, which is awful, but it is better to be honest than to lie.”
I nodded and then made my way to the door.

“I will and sorry Jimin hyung. I will try to make it up to Sora. Bye, guys.”
I waved back at them as they waved at me. I kept my smile plastered on my face until I closed
the door. I immediately went back to a expressionless face. Now to make it up to Sora and get
her to want me back? I hope I can do that without getting emotionally close with me. While I
was walking to my locker a petite figure was walking towards me which made me grin. It was
Sora and she was just in time. There was 15 minutes left, giving me just enough time to get
everything done all at once. I halted to a stop right in front of her and she flinched a little, before
cautiously lifting her head to look at me.

I put my acting skills into action and lovingly caressed her cheek with my hand while keeping
my other free arm on her waist.

“Mmmmhmmmm… it’s me. Listen, I have to tell you some-”
I was cut off with Sora pushing me away.

“Let me talk first, Jungkook. I need to ask you something. Did you… ever love me at all?”

“About that, I-”
She put her finger to my lips gently and shook her head.

“I am not finished yet. After you threatened me I felt hurt, scared and I was unable to sleep without the thought of something bad occurring during my slumber. I saw that you were happy to be with Grace. She’s a nice girl, but why Jungkook? Am I just a favourite toy of yours that you abandoned when ‘boring’ started to kick in?”

“Sora. Please listen to me. I know that this is going to damage your feelings, but I am going to be honest.”
She looked down and nodded.

“Ok… I will listen to what you have to say with all my attention.”

“I… I… I… never loved you, Sora.”
She looked up at me and tears started to form a pool on her waterline.

“… What? So I guess that all I was to you was a toy.”
I wiped her tear off her cheek, but then she pushed my arm away.

“Grace… I liked her from the minute she stepped foot onto the school grounds. I’m sorry, Sora.”
She slapped me and then started crying.

“So… are you saying that you used me to get a girl that you truly ‘loved’?”
I looked back at her and firmly nodded.

“Well… no matter what happens I still love you, Jungkook?” What is she saying?

“I will try my best to live up to your standards, Jungkook. For the sake of my feelings.”
Yes, I got her trapped in my scheme. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

“You can try, but I am not sure about the outcome of your effort.” She cried a little more and
then made me let go of her. She gently wiped away her tears with the carefully folded tissue she

retrieved from your pocket.

“I will. I need back, Jungkook. I love you with all my heart.”
I gave a slight nod and waved goodbye.

“Bye, Sora.”
She waved back with minimum energy and gave a smile.

“Bye… Kookie.”
She whispered the last part, but I didn’t really give a crap.

As I turned a corner I leaned against the wall with both of my hands in my pockets and a smirk
appeared on my lips. I heard an incoming call from Kristine.


“Yes, Master?”

“Good job. I’m proud of you.”

“Master… thank you and… happy to help.”


Author’s note:

I am so sorry to all of you lovely people for not updating! I am not going to lie.
I became so lazy because of the holidays that kicked in and slept for more than
10 hours straight every day. Not was my laziness the only cause of not updating
on the story, but I got confused even when I didn’t get the first paragraph finished.
I promise to update a little more often, but I can’t guarantee that since school is
starting soon meaning that studying, homework and exams will get in the way.
I will try to work on the next chapter in between. I hope you guys will understand.

To all the awesome new readers: “Hi^^ I hope you guys like the story~.
Please subscribe, comment and upvote (if you want to of course). I hope to hear
from you lovely people soon ^-^ Thank you all for your support!”

To all my awesome subscribers: “I am once again sorry for not updating! I have
written an extra-long chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy it^^ Please comment
and upvote (if you want to of course) ~. Hope to hear from you lovely people soon^-^
Thank you all for your support!”

P.S: I am not sure if there are any errors so if there is please don’t hesitate to tell me.
Sorry T-T (one lazy author here!) Really sorry.


Bye bye guys*-*

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natasha_oline #1
seems like a good story
kookiejeons #2
Chapter 2: woo ukhay good!! kookie kookie <3
sinunis #3
Chapter 10: kinda confused, but it's okay! i still love hehe ^^
sinunis #4
Chapter 4: oh my god oh my god se cute oh my god i love how she called him. oh my god flutter flutter flutter!!
sinunis #5
Chapter 1: awesome!! i like like like!! ^^
HunTy1204 #6
Chapter 10: Its a confusing story yet awesome
Chapter 9: I'm so confused...
Please update! You can't just leave me with a cliffhanger :( I wanna know who he sees! Is it the ex? Is it the faceless girl??
Chapter 5: I feel like the story has escalated a little too quickly so I am deciding to delete the recent chapter. I have already lost one subscriber....:( I promise that there would be more new chapters coming soon. I already have something planned out so please be patient and wait for it~
Chapter 4: D'awwwwwwww she called him Kookie very cute much love ok <3