Chapter 2

My Bodyguards: Made In Flower


"You work under a bodyguard agency? I can't believe you! Hahahahahahahahah!!!"

"Why? I don't see anything funny with that!"

As I clutched onto my stomach, I tapped the driver's seat in front of me. "Jongdae oppa, tell me you agree with me. Right?"

Jongdae who was driving towards my apartment, broke into a huge grin. "To be honest, when he first entered the agency, I thought he's applying for an office boy."

With that, I laughed again, and earned a glare from Baekhyun. "Yah! What office boy? Talking about yourself, you're no better than me either. When I first saw you, I thought you're a cleaner."

And I laughed again, this time together with Baekhyun. Jongdae glanced at us through the back-view mirror unsatisfiedly. "What? A cleaner?! Yah! Byun Baekhyun! Be reasonable!"

Gaining back my senses, I sat up straight and wiped the tears I got from laughing so hard. "Ah~ you two are funny. Jongdae oppa, you've been guarding me for almost one month, I didn't know you're this funny? You got quite sense of humor."

Baekhyun seemed surprised to hear that. "Don't tell me he never makes a joke with you before. He trolled me many times, you know?"

"Oh, really?" I shook my head amusedly. "No, he didn't. I thought he's a serious person before. He even called me 'miss'. He never tried to talk to me all this while. I mean, some kind of leisure talk. There's none!"

Baekhyun's mouth curved into a mischievous smile. "Jongdae-yah, this is interesting! I'm going to tell the boys at the agency later!"


Baekhyun and I laughed till our heart content upon his scream. But, this one guy was watching and hearing our conversation silently. When we laughed, he just laughed along.

I perked my heads in between the driver's seat and passenger's seat in front. "Luhan-ah, why are you not saying anything?"

He leaned towards the window, taken aback by my sudden appearance. He blinked a few times before answering. "Err... I don't know what to talk about."

"You're so quiet, Luhan." I tilted my head.

Suddenly, I received a whacked from Baekhyun. I winced in pain and leaned back at my seat as I rubbed my head. "Why are you hitting my precious head?!"

"Because... you're being rude to Luhan hyung."

"What? Why? I'm not being rude?!" Eh? Wait! "What did you call him just now?"

"Luhan hyung." Jongdae answered from in front.

My jaws dropped. "Lies! Are you trying to troll me now, Jongdae oppa?"

"No, we're not!" Both of them replied.

"Luhan is older than us which means he's older than you too." Baekhyun blurted out.


"But, he looks so young?"

I heard Jongdae chuckled. "No, Jaein-ah, he's 24."

"Holy cow! God must have created him well to give him such a baby face at age like that."

Upon my comment, the car was filled with laughter from the three boys. Three flower boys.


Entering my house, I helped the boys with their luggage. To be honest, I was quite shocked when my father said that the boys are living in the same house as me. Well, since I'm a lady and they're all boys, who wouldn't be surprised? But then, my father puts his trust on them so why wouldn't I? Besides, Baekhyun is here too. So, no worries.

"Okay. So, I'll take the room at the living room. Jongdae, your room near the kitchen. And Luhan hyung will take the room upstairs, the one near Jaein's. With this, every corner is protected."

My mouth formed an 'oh' shape upon Baekhyun's plan. "Ohoo~ I'm impressed. The fact that those words came out from your own mouth made me question myself if this is a dream or reality."

"Well, this is what we call professional." He put a smug look on his face. Okay. I regret complimenting him.

I shook my head in absurd. "Not even a second, and your nature is back. Tsk tsk tsk. Here." I handed or... more like throwing his luggage at him.

"Ack! Yah! Jung Jaein!" He hissed. "Seriously, I'm impressed with your level of sincerity in helping the guest."

"Ohoo~ being sarcastic, huh? Oppa, open your eyes widely. We're in front of your room already. And, you're not a guest. Want me to remind you that you're my bodyguard?"

"Ohoo~ being snobbish, huh?"

"Ohoo~ mocking me, huh?"

"O hoy! You two, stop that already. If you continue on, we're gonna spend all night standing here." Jongdae voiced out impatiently.

I grinned sheepishly as I apologized to him. Leaving Baekhyun, I led Jongdae to the kitchen and then, helped Luhan with his luggage upstairs. Arriving in front of his room, I gave him his room key. "There you go."

"Thank you. And also for carrying the luggage." He smiled at me.

"No problem. I was just trying to be nice. And, that's kind of... a way of expressing my sorry for... you know, being rude just now."

"No, don't be. That's just a small matter."

"So, can I still call you Luhan?"

He blinked at me.

"Okay, Luhan-sshi. I'll call you Luhan-sshi." I said before going into my room, leaving him dumbfounded.

"That boy... why does he like blinking his eyes so much? Hmm... this is so gonna be awkward." I muttered alone in my room. I'm okay with Baekhyun and Jongdae. They're funny and that makes me comfortable. But Luhan... I don't know. To call him 'oppa' is awkward enough for me already.


The next day, I woke up to my routine and it's Baekhyun's turn to drive me to work. While Jongdae and Luhan rode another car, following us from behind.

I don't understand that. "Seriously though, why ride separate cars when we can sit in a car together?" I blurted out.

Baekhyun was humming to a song before answering. "Because... I asked so." He grinned goofily.

"Eww! You're so cocky!"

"But you still love me."

"That's what makes me confused."


"How can I love a guy like you? You're not even anyone's ideal type."

"EXCUSE ME?!" He snapped. "You're the one who said that I'm handsome!"

"Oh really? I must've been drunk at that time."

He hissed at me. "I can't believe you. You're still the same like before."

"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment." He scoffed after hearing that.


"Hi, guys!" As soon as we arrived at my shop, I greeted those inside the kitchen, which is Kyungsoo and Lizzy. They waved back.

Noticing someone missing, I asked Lizzy. "Where's Seulgi? Doesn't she usually comes to work with you?"

"Oh, Seulgi went to buy bubble tea with Sehun."

I raised an eyebrow upon hearing that. "I thought she didn't drink bubble tea?"

"Well, they sort of betting yesterday on our way home. And Seulgi lose, so she had to treat Sehun bubble tea today as the punishment." Kyungsoo answered for me which made me to shake my head.

"I know how much Sehun loves bubble tea but, ordering it early in the morning, this seven a.m.? I can't believe him."

Kyungsoo grinned. "Me either. I'm surprised he didn't get a stomach ache because of ordering bubble tea during early morning and late night. Never even once!"

I widened my eyes. "Late night? HE ORDERED THAT ICY DRINK AT NIGHT?!"

"Hard to believe, huh? But that's Oh Sehun."

I shook my head in disbelief. After changing into my uniform, I started to work.

"Oh yeah, I heard that someone broke into your father's house last night. How was it?" asked Lizzy.

I smiled at her concern. "It's settled already. No one's getting hurt and nothing gets stolen. Everything is okay."

"Boss, you better be careful. It's grateful enough that no one discover your shop yet."

"I know. That's why my father-"


My words were unfinished when the kitchen door opened. I thought it was Sehun and Seulgi but no. Lizzy cast me a questioning look upon that guy's view.

"Luhan, what are you doing here?" There I go again. I don't know why but I'm just feeling used to call him Luhan. Not Luhan-sshi, not Luhan oppa. Just his name, Luhan.

Before he can even answer my question, my two other bodyguards entered. "Yah! Jung Jaein, told you he's older than you."

I rolled my eyes at Baekhyun's forever 'he's-older-than-you' nags. "Whatever. Now, answer me. Who allows you all to enter my shop without my permission?"

"Well, we're your bodyguards." Jongdae answered in a matter-of-fact tone. That made Kyungsoo and Lizzy to widen their eyes.

I let out a sigh. "Guys, my new bodyguards, Luhan and Baekhyun." With that, both of them bowed and smiled.

"Wow! That one is..." Lizzy came closer to me and whispered. "...a real pretty flower boy."

Knowing that she meant Luhan, I smirked. "I know, right?"

Baekhyun then cleared his throat before spoke up. "As for your question, Jaein, Luhan hyung is going to guard you inside the shop. Jongdae and I will wait outside."

I snorted. "Oppa, is that necessary?"

"Yes. And you are not going to go against my decision."

"Why?" I protested with crossed arms.

"Because I say so." And he put up that smug look again before walking out.

I rolled my eyes instantly. "Now, I'm going to doubt if people still can't detect where my shop is or not."  Lizzy just pat my back understandingly.

The door opened again, this time revealing Sehun and Seulgi. "Who's that?" Seulgi be the first one to ask.

"Who?" I feigned ignorance even though it's clear that she's asking about Baekhyun outside.

"The one with your bodyguard outside."

"He's a moron." I simply answered.

"Eh?" She creased her forehead.

Kyungsoo chuckled. "Our boss' new bodyguard."

"And... this?" Sehun pointed towards Luhan who was leaning at the wall, watching us working. Ugh! He's making us uneasy!

"." I answered emotionlessly. I actually smirked evilly in my mind. Because I had a new plan. And that plan is, making Luhan annoyed at me and then quit. Yasss! And there'll be lesser bodyguard. And I'll get rid of them one by one. Which include Baekhyun, my cousin. Hohoho~ Sorry not sorry but I'm sick of being control.

"Yah! That's rude!" Kyungsoo scolded me. I just shrugged.

But man, is this Luhan guy really doesn’t have feelings or what? He doesn't seem to have any effect on what I just said about him.

"Don't tell me he's also your new bodyguard." Seulgi gasped dramatically. Eish! That girl! Endless drama. You can be my mother's friend.

"Yes, he is. Now, our boss got three bodyguards in total." Lizzy replied instead of me.


Again, I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time. "There she goes again."

Luhan just smiled at Seulgi and it seems like Sehun is trying to get closer with him. I knead the dough in anger as I tried to think of something to make my bakery shop stay undercover without the reporter's knowing.

If ever the public knows about my shop, I'm dead! Everyone would be hunting me down. Since my identity as a part of royal family already revealed, I need to be extra careful. Luckily, my workers didn't make a fuss about that. I'm glad they treat me just like a normal person.

But this problem came. The presence of my bodyguard really didn't help at all. Ugh! I must do something!


6 PM. End of work. I bowed and thanked everyone for their hard work today as I waved them goodbye. It seems like Seulgi can't peel her eyes off Baekhyun and Luhan. But that's not long until Sehun pulled her away. Pssh... those two. Why don't you just become a couple?

I entered the car with Baekhyun inside. It's clear that I'm still mad at him because I didn't even say a single word nor looking at him. I heard he sighed. "Jaein-ah, are you mad at me?"

I crossed my arms and stared outside the window, pretending to not hear anything. He sighed again before drove away.

Arriving at the apartment, I quickly entered my home without even bother to talk to any of those three.



Baekhyun and Jongdae just finished shower when they went into the kitchen and realised that there are no food for dinner. Baekhyun let out a heavy sigh. "Argh! What the heck is this?! Yah! Jung Jaein! Even if you're that mad, don't let us starve!"

Jongdae nudged him immediately. "Yah! Because of your rudeness, she treats us like this. And now, you're pouring gas into the fire."

"Why me? What've I done?"

Jongdae instantly rolled his eyes. "You and your plan, is making her fuming with anger. You're her cousin, right? You must know very well how she dislikes being control."

"I'm not controlling. I'm protecting!"

"What is this noise?" A voice interrupted. Jongdae and Baekhyun turned towards Luhan who just came downstairs.

"Jaein didn't left us any food." Baekhyun answered.

The older guy sighed. "I knew this is coming. Well, I'll just order outside food for us. But... what about Jaein? Has she eaten yet?"

Luhan's concern made Baekhyun to scoff. "Who cares about her? She let us starve. Why don't we pay her back?"

"You're so bad!" Jongdae hit him.

"Eeesh... Jongdae-yah, come to think of it. She's not going to punish us together with herself, right? I know she had eaten just now in her shop." And with that, Baekhyun swifted away to the living room to watch the television.


After 20 minutes of waiting, their order arrived. Jongdae, Baekhyun and Luhan were enjoying their dinner in front of the tv when Jaein climbed down the stairs after two hours of spending her time alone in her room. Jongdae and Luhan turned their head towards her. But, the other one seems to not care about her presence.

Jaein greeted the boys with no longer anger written on her face. Somehow, her expression fell down as she saw the boys were having their delicious meal. The truth is, nobody knows that Jaein haven't eaten yet since the morning. She didn't even eat lunch that afternoon because she was too angry. And not to mention about dinner. In short, she just had breakfast for the day.

Enduring her hunger, she approached the boys cheerily and announced. "Guys, after you finished your dinner, let's have a meeting."

The three heads turned towards her with a question mark written on their head. She just smiled at them, adding to their curiosity.

Not long after that, the boys and Jaein sat around the table upon Jaein's command. She put a piece of paper on the table and showed it to the boys. The three guys scanned the paper with their eyebrows furrowed.

"Okay, so this is your schedule." Jaein started off. "Monday and Tuesday, Baekhyun will drive me to work. On Wednesday and Thursday, it's Jongdae's turn. And Friday and Saturday, Luhan will take turn. As for Sunday, since it's off day... I will be the one to drive."

Baekhyun opposed immediately. "No, you can't!"

Expecting her cousin's reaction, Jaein sighed. "Oppa, I said it's off day. I thought my father already told you that you guys also have a break day."

"Well, plot twist. Your father just changed it that day. We're guarding you 24/7." Jongdae answered which made Jaein's eyes widened.

"My father said that?!" He nodded. "MY GOD! He should at least give you guys one day off! I'm not letting him to torture you all by working without rest."

She was about to dial her father's number when Baekhyun spoke up. "You didn't have to. We don't feel like we're being torture."

Luhan agreed with him. "We enjoy our work anyway. It's not like this is our first time working like this."

Jaein's jaws dropped. 'I'm impressed.' She thought. "Okay... then, back to your schedule. Well, since Sunday is off day, usually I would be at home so I'll tell you guys if I'm going anywhere. Okay?"

The three guys nodded.

"Okay. That's settled, and now, for your appearance." She clasped both of her hands on the table and stared at the three with a serious look. "I need to fix your appearance."

"Why?" Baekhyun asked.

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with our appearance?"

"You dressed like a bodyguard."

Jongdae scoffed at her oblivious statement. "Because we are bodyguards."

Jaein snapped her fingers. "Exactly. That's the problem. You know what happened if people saw black-suited guy guarding someone or some place?"

The guys shook their head.

"They would've thought that the black-suited men a.k.a bodyguards are protecting someone important. Which is me. And soon, people would know about my shop and reporters would start to flood at my shop. I don't want that to happen."

She heaved a breath before continuing. "So, what I'm saying is, you guys should stop wearing those black-suit and glasses."

"But... that's our dress code." Baekhyun protested.

"I know. But, no one knows about me yet. I mean, they just know my name, not my face. So, starting from tomorrow, wear something casual. No formal. Alright?"

The three guys slowly nodded. "Alright."

Jaein smiled satisfiedly. "Great! So, we're done! Meeting is over. You can go to your bed." With that, three of them dispersed and went towards their bedroom.

When they were out of sight, Jaein furrowed her eyebrows and kept her eyes shut as she felt her stomach started to hurt. She endured it from just now when discussing with the boys. She surely can't let them to see her in that condition.



With every ounce of strength left, I finally made it to my bedroom. I threw myself on the bed as I clutched hardly onto my stomach. Ugh! They don't even bother to left me any food nor asking me whether I've eaten or not! Damn everyone! I feel like dying!

I tossed on the bed as I tried to endure the pain. Soon, I was drawn to sleep.


The next day, I woke up in pain. I thought the sleep would hush the pain away but nope. It's getting worse! Just then, I feel queasy. I rushed towards the bathroom in my room and slammed the door open. Not able to take it any longer, I vomit everything in the sink. In an instant, I know what's happening to me.

God! It's back again!

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Chapter 9: I love how the members popping out one by one. Who's next? :3
Chapter 5: Aww Luhan ish jellyshhh
Chapter 4: Omg it's Kris
Chapter 2: Cliffhanger! I'm loving this story. Can't wait for more :D
Chapter 2: plz update soon!! will be waiting :D
AceSyazana #6
Chapter 1: Update pls