Chapter 1

My Bodyguards: Made In Flower



Damn it! It's already seven but I'm still here, in my house. Ugh! Blame the Korean drama I watch last night. How come I forgot today is Monday?

Rushing out of my house, I pulled my bodyguard along, who was waiting outside for me, towards the parking lot. I instantly entered the car, followed by my bodyguard, and buckled the seatbelt in rush.

"Faster! I'm already late!!!" I commanded my bodyguard, who's also my driver. Well, multi-tasking.

He looked hesitated as he started the engine. "But... it would be dangerous to-"

"I DON'T CARE! It's already 7.30 now! Damn! I'm screwed!! JUST... FREAKING FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTION!!!"

"Y-yes, Miss."

And he drove down the road.


Arriving at my workplace 5 minutes later (that's fast, I had to admit I'm impressed), I entered the shop through the back door and everyone in the kitchen was looking at me, who was panting very hard.

"Boss, you're late today." Lizzy who was carrying a tray full of cookies, become the first one to greet me.

I let out a heavy breath before saying. "Guys, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for today. I overslept."

"Hoho~ it's reversed now. The boss is apologizing to her workers. What happened, huh? Is the world coming to its end?" Seulgi who just entered the kitchen, joked.

I pouted unknowingly. I feel so bad right now. I am the owner a.k.a the manager of this bakery shop, yet I am the one who came late today.

"Hey, don't be like this. I know what you're thinking right now. You feel bad for us, isn't it? It's okay, this is the first time you're late, right?" Kyungsoo came and pat my head.

I swatted his hands away. "Don't treat me like a puppy."

He chuckled. "Your mood is back now?"

"No, I still feel bad. I'm not giving you guys a good impression of me." I walked towards the small changing room in the kitchen and wore the apron and uniform. After that, I went towards the kitchen with a still guilty expression.

"Boss, what is this dark cloud? Smile! Coming late to work is just a small matter. You even forgive Jongin who always come late. Where else can we get a boss as kind as this?" Lizzy tried to cheer me up.

"Well, Jongin is different case. His house is far from here."


All heads turned towards the back door that was widely open.

"Ah ha! Speaking of the devil." Lizzy raised an eyebrow towards the guy who just slammed the door open.

He just grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I'm late."

"Again." Seulgi corrected.

I smiled. "No, it's okay. I'm late as well."

"Eh?" He raised his eyebrows upon my words before changing into his work uniform. "The boss is coming late for the first time." He shouted from inside the changing room.

"I know." I said. I took a tray of cupcakes and went to the front. As I was setting the cupcakes into the display counter, another worker greeted me.

"Yah, I heard from Kyungsoo that you're late today. What happened, huh?"

I looked up to see Sehun grinning playfully at me. I flashed him a smile. "I overslept."

He was about to open his mouth when someone whacked his head from behind. "Ack!" He rubbed his head, whining. He frowned slightly as he turned around and saw the culprit's face. "What is that for?"

Kyungsoo snickered at him. "First, that's for using the word 'yah' with Jaein. You know that's informal. Second, Jaein and I are older than you. I'm your hyung, Jaein is your noona. So don't be rude."

The younger guy instantly rolled his eyes. "Here comes our babbling mom." Hearing that, Kyungsoo threatened to hit him again. Sehun quickly raised his hands and surrendered. "Okay, okay. I'm kidding. Just, don't hit me again!"

I shook my head at those two. "Continue with your bickering. I'm going to open the shop. It's nine already." I walked towards the shop door and flipped the 'CLOSE' sign to 'OPEN'.

I swifted away to the kitchen, leaving the boys carried out their duty at the counter. As I walked past Jongin in the kitchen, the lad smiled at me before going towards the two boys. Not long after that, I heard the bell chimed. And the boys greeted the first customer of the day.

"Welcome to Epsilon Patisserie!"

I peeked through the small window at the kitchen and watched how the boys diligently worked. Jongin and Kyungsoo were at the display counter, while Sehun managing the cashier counter.

"Have a nice day!"

The boys smiled at the customer. I can see that the customer left with a happy heart. Automatically, I smiled at that. Pastry had been my interest since middle school. And having a bakery shop had always been my dream.

Now, I have all of that. I achieved everything I wished for. With my own effort, I managed to own a bakery shop. Even though it's just a small shop with five workers excluding me, I'm still satisfied with it as long as my customers are happy with our services.

Taking a last look at the boys, I went back to my work and started baking. This is how my routine goes.


"You've worked hard today!"

Walking out of the shop, I inhaled the evening air and stretched lazily. Kyungsoo who was the last one to go out, locked the shop and the back door. Even though I'm the owner of the shop, but I entrusted the shop's key to Kyungsoo. Weird, huh? Well, he's always the earliest one among all of us to come to work. So, I might as well put my trust on him.

Just then, a black audi arrived. This guy is never late. He's already here by 6 P.M. sharp. Seulgi grinned widely upon seeing my bodyguard came out of the car. "Hi, Mr. Bodyguard! You look handsome today!"

My bodyguard smiled at her. "Thanks."

Just by hearing his voice, Seulgi and Lizzy already squealed. I shook my head in absurd at those two. "Okay guys, I'll be going now." Sliding into the passenger's seat, I bid goodbye to them.

"Bye!" Five of them waved and I waved back.

As the car drove by, my bodyguard suddenly spoke up. "I'm going to move into your apartment from today." I widened my eyes as I turned to him.

"WHAT?!" I was taken aback. And I guess, I just literally shouted at him because he jolted a bit.

Clearing his throat, he repeated again. "I'm going to move into your apartment."

"WHY??!!" I fully turned my body to face him. And, I screamed again. That's just unintentional. But, what's with this sudden and shocking news?

"Erm, read the newspaper."

Upon his instruction, I quickly grabbed the newspaper on the dashboard. It's today's newspaper. It doesn't take long for me to react. Seeing the front page of the newspaper made me fully shocked.


I fished out my phone from inside my bag and dialed my father's number with my eyes still glued to the newspaper. After a few beep, my father's voice greeted me.

"Dad! Is everything okay? Where are you now?"

"So, I guess you knew already. I'm at our mansion. Together with your moms. Everything is okay. The police just told me that nothing has been stolen. By the way, have you finished with your work?"

"Yes, I'm going there right now." I said as I took a look at my bodyguard and gave him a signal to drive towards our family's mansion. He nodded, understanding.

"Okay. I apparently want you here. I need to discuss something with you."

I don't know why but somehow, I had a bad feeling about this.

"You're... not going to ask me to move out again, are you?" I narrowed my eyes, remembering the day when he asked me to live with them but ended up hiring a bodyguard for me upon my plea. I actually feel glad for that. But, now what?

"No, my daughter. I know you won't agree with that. So, I was thinking of something else."

"Don't tell me you're going to hire more bodyguards for me." And I heard him sighed. I knew it! "You can't be serious!"

"What? I didn't say anything! I didn't confirm anything!"

"What I said is true, right? You're going to hire more bodyguards for me, right??"


"Dad, Jongdae is already more than enough for me! Now, you're bringing more life controller?!"

"Jung Jaein! Mind your manner! Jongdae is older than you. You should've known better. And he's not any robot that you can address as a life controller. He's your bodyguard!"

There goes my father's strict self. I sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay."

"I'll tell you more when you got here."

And he ended the line. I turned slowly towards Jongdae with an apologetic face. "Sorry."

As we stopped at the red light, he turned to me with a confused expression. "Huh?"

"I'm sorry for being rude and addressing you informally." Oh, this remind of Sehun.

I inhaled deeply before blurting everything out. "I'm sorry for shouting at you just now. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm sorry for treating you badly. I'm sorry for everything. I'm so sorry... Jongdae oppa."

He flashed me a genuine smile before focusing on the road again as the lamp has turned green. "No, it's okay. I'm used to this already."


I bit my tongue as I shut my eyes tightly. I must've been so rude to him since these past three weeks. "I'm a bad girl, sorry." I looked outside the window. I heard him chuckled at that. What? What so funny?

"No, you're not. You misunderstand. When I said I'm used to this, I don't mean it the bad way. I mean, that's just normal, miss. Everyone has that kind of trait. Even I can be rude at times."

Hearing that, I felt glad somehow. "Really?"

"It's human's nature. No need to be worry."

My lips curved upwards. "Thank you."

"For what?" He creased his forehead.

"For such wise words?"

"Oh. Okay."


As soon as we arrived at my family's mansion, I rushed inside and greeted by my two worried moms. Yes, I have two moms. My dad married two. My mom is the second wife. And for your information, this is not a Cinderella's story where the stepmom is evil and blablabla. No. We're all getting along quite well. But, there's one problem.

I'm the only daughter and child in this family!

"Jaein-ah, are you okay?" My mom, err... my actual mom, Jung Eunji, approached me.

"Why...... not? I should be the one to ask you guys that." I eyed her and my stepmom, Jung Farah.

Talking about my stepmom, there she goes. "Jaein-ah, we're worried about you."

"We're afraid if someone breaks into your house too." Real mom said.

"Or maybe attack you at your workplace." Stepmom.

"You're always sticking with your bodyguard, right?"

"Don't stay away from him."

"We're worried about your safety."

"You have to take care of yourself well."

Rolling my eyes, I raised both of my hands. "Mom, mom, mom!" Oh, that's three moms.

"I mean... my two beloved mothers, I'm just doing fine. My house is in a good condition and so does my shop. There's no injury and yes, my bodyguard takes a good care of me. Just, stop asking me. Dad's house is the one that has been broken in. I got nothing to do with this. I'm... FREAKINGLY FINE!"

Both of them gasped. Oh, you two suit each other. Drama queens.

"Hell, seriously! Why worried about me? I should've been worried about you two because both of you are in the house! But, I guess, since you two are like this, there's no reason for me to be worried anymore."

They gasped even louder.

Slapping my forehead, I shook my head in absurd. Is God being nice or is God testing me by sending me two moms? No one knows.

With a sigh, I went away towards my father's office on the second floor. Knocking the door, I heard dad's voice telling me to come in. As I stepped inside, the back view of a black-suited guy made me to roll my eyes immediately.

"This, is my new bodyguard?" I pointed lazily. Upon hearing my voice, the guy turned towards me and gave a smile. I was surprised at the view of the guy, this is a total flower boy!

"So, my daughter is sure smart enough to guess everything correct, right?"

I narrowed my eyes at my father. "That's not guessing, that's called typical."

"Whatever it is, I introduced you to Luhan."

With that, he bowed. "I'm Luhan. I came from China."

Oh. China.

But, this is a trouble. He's just... too pretty for a guy. Dad, are you sure he's not a female?

"I disagree."

"What? Why?" My father was totally shocked at my objection.

I crossed my brows. "Are you sure he can take care of me well? He looks so fragile, gosh! And with that flower-boy look, it will only bring trouble if he attracts more girls... or boys." I muttered the last sentence.

"But, that's the last choice we have. And, don't be deceived by his looks. He actually has a really amazing record."

"Amazing, my ."

"Well well well, the same stubborn girl as before." Hearing the familiar voice, I turned behind and yes, this is a real surprise to me.

Tell me I'm not dreaming! It can't be... "Byun Baekhyun?" I turned towards my dad with my jaws dropped.

As if knowing what I was thinking, my dad nodded. "He's also your bodyguard. I was actually thinking, why don't I let one of our relatives to take care of my daughter too? Coincidentally, he works under the same agency as Luhan and Jongdae. So, in total, you got three bodyguards."

I broke into a wide smile and attacked my cousin with a bear hug. Err... I actually jumped onto him. "OH MY GOD! YOU !! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE MY BODYGUARD!!!"

Stumbled backwards, he hissed. "Yah! Is this how you greet me? Tsk tsk tsk..."

I turned towards my dad happily and said. "I agree."

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Chapter 9: I love how the members popping out one by one. Who's next? :3
Chapter 5: Aww Luhan ish jellyshhh
Chapter 4: Omg it's Kris
Chapter 2: Cliffhanger! I'm loving this story. Can't wait for more :D
Chapter 2: plz update soon!! will be waiting :D
AceSyazana #6
Chapter 1: Update pls