Chapter 7: Goodbye Summer


Shadow’s POV 

The next hours are spent on catching up with each other, just like in the old days. When Krystal and Kyungsoo were kids, they used to meet up everyday after school to discuss everything that had happened to them that day and retell interesting stories. Kyungsoo and I are resuming the old tradition. Well, since I already know everything that happened to Kyungsoo since I’m his shadow, Kyungsoo prompted me to use the time to tell him about what I’ve discovered about myself, my interests, my hobbies and all that.

I have to admit, it was hard to find out what my hobbies were because I had to follow Kyungsoo everywhere since I was his shadow. But I’ve tried everything he’s tried, so I have a rough idea of what I like and what I don’t like.

I know that I still love running, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop liking it. I like apples, even though I can still feel my face bloating after eating them, which means Krystal’s allergies to apples probably didn’t fade away over time. I also love mango and avocado, but I hate cucumber.  I find French fascinating, the smoothness of the words as they roll off the person’s tongue, I want to learn it someday. And I really love music.

“Can you still sing?” Kyungsoo asks after I finish telling him the lost list of my likes and dislikes.

“I can try,” I say hesitantly. I haven’t sung in so long.

Kyungsoo positions himself so that he is more comfortable and looks at me expectantly. I open my mouth and the melody flows from it.

I remember when we were yelled at for talking in the halls
I don’t know why it was so fun even when we were being punished
After that day (yeah yeah) we always (yeah yeah)
Stuck together like the Astro twins, you were me and I was you

You cried so much on the day before graduation
You held it in firmly since you’re a guy
Just like that hot summer when we couldn’t say what we wanted, goodbye

The friend label is a label that I got to hate
The feelings I’ve hidden still remain as a painful secret memory
The photos that can’t define our relationship is a heartbreaking story
I’m sorry, summer, now goodbye, yeah

What do I say, we didn’t have to play no games
I should’ve took that chance, I should’ve asked for you to stay
And it gets me down the unsaid words that still remain
The story ended without even starting

Your song on the last day of the school festival, the flickering summer sea
Our feelings that were precious because we were together
Like the deepening night sky, goodbye

( Goodbye Summer by f(x) )

After I finish, I look up and Kyungsoo is already fast asleep. I smile, I didn’t know this song could ever act as a lullaby. After a lot of effort and grunting, I finally manage to drag him onto his bed. I brush his hair out of his eyes and whisper, “Good night”, before exiting his room. But before I turn away, I catch a glimpse of a small smile gracing his features.

Kyungsoo’s POV 

“Today I will be dividing you into groups for your Science project,” the teacher at the front says. It’s the same one who fell asleep when Luna and I were in detention. Ever since then, I have to say that I lost a bit of respect for that teacher for not doing her job properly. I always believe in giving your all when doing something.

She goes over a few groups, earning some cheers and a few groans from the class. When she says my name, I instinctively sit up straighter and listen carefully.

“Kyungsoo, Sehun, and Luna,” she says. I smile at both of my project partners from where I’m sitting. They look pretty happy with the group pairing too.

After class, the two approach me and ask if I would like to work on the project after school.

“Sur-” I start to say, but then pause. I remember that Krystal changes back to her normal shadow form a little while after school. I can’t let Sehun and Luna see her. They would freak out. When I first saw her, I freaked out.

“Uh….actually, I think it’s a better idea if we split up the work and just work on it by ourselves,” I say.

Sehun and Luna look sceptical, but reluctantly agree when they see that I won’t comply.

“Okay then, see you tomorrow,” I say, smiling at them and waving goodbye. Luna waves back and leaves but Sehun just stays right where he is. I shrug and start walking and so does he.

I look at him. “Why are you following me?” I ask, confused but receive a raised eyebrow as a response.

“The science test is tomorrow, remember?” he says. I nod and gesture for him to go on. “I always help you study before science tests,” he says.

“Oh,” I mouth. How could I have forgotten about my weak spot? Science. And more importantly, what am I going to tell Sehun so that he won’t follow me home?

“Uh…’s ok,” I start. “You don’t need to help me this time. It’s faster if you study by yourself and uh, besides, I think I actually understand this unit for once.”

Sehun looks at me with doubt. “You sure?” I nod vigorously. “Yep, positive.” Sehun smiles and pats me on the head even though he’s younger than me. “Okay son, do well on the test,” he says, walking off.

“Yah! I’m your hyung!” I yell at him but I only get a chuckle as a response. “Aish, this maknae,” I shake my head and walk back home.

Shadow’s POV 

Kyungsoo stares at his science textbook intently, reading over every single sentence carefully.

“Argh, this is so frustrating,” he says, ruffling his hair and putting his head in his hands.

“Need help?” I ask, and I realize that I have just changed back into my Krystal form again.

Kyungsoo looks up at me. “What was your science average back in the day?” he asks.

I think for a while. “98?”

His expression looks hopeful. “Do you understand this unit?” he says, pointing to the space unit in his textbook. “After all, you sit through the classes with me too, right?”

I nod twice, answering both questions.

He grins and pumps his fists in the air. “Yes! There is hope for me! Could you help me?”

I laugh and sit on the floor next to him. “Sure. Which part do you need help with?”

“Uh….could we start from the beginning of the unit?” he asks and I laugh. “Sure, why not?” I say.

At one part, we are going through how the Aurora Borealis a.k.a. the Northern Lights is formed. As I’m in the middle of explaining about charged particles and atoms and molecules, my thoughts get lost in the picture of the Northern Lights in the textbook. It’s just so beautiful, the waves of colourful purple, blue and green lights illuminating the night sky.

I snap out of it when I see a hand waving in front of my face. “Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asks. I nod. “Yea, I’m fine.”

“You were staring at that picture without making a sound for a long time,” he says with an almost worried look on his face.

“Sorry, it’s just….it’s so pretty,” I say lamely. I turn to Kyungsoo and see him trying to supress a laugh.

I hit him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t laugh at me,” I say, but it’s hard to say this when I’m on the verge of laughing myself.

“I’m not, I’m not,” he says, waving his hands in front of him. But just at that moment, he bursts out laughing and I do too.

As I gasp for air between the laughter, I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. And I don’t think studying has ever been this much fun. 


Hiiii, sorry for the late update :P I didn't really know what to write for this chapter. But it's up now. :) And btw, have you seen f(x)'s new comeback song, it is epic :D Click the pic to watch the music vid if u haven't. 

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Interesting plot so far!
ChiqJuveniles #2
Chapter 2: Wait, luna can see kyungsoo? '-' i'm still confused ._. . Kyungsoo is a shadow right? @_@
imgabriel7 #3
Make another kyungstal fic XD
sooju_ #5
dosoojung #6
Chapter 23: LAST ONE
elle87 #7
Chapter 23: Last one?! Where else am I going to get my dose of Kyungstal?!
And they just found each other.. =(
Thanks for the update though!
new reader and i read it in one shot!! it is soooo nice! :D
Chapter 22: I'll keep supporting you author-nim. And I'll be waiting for your next update
dosoojung #10
Chapter 21: Holy cheesecake
OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF/fans self/
Whats next omg
And merry christmas to you/thows confetti/