Chapter 38


“Could my life,” Haerin takes a deep breath and shouts at the top of her lungs.  “GET ANY ING BETTER?!”

“Whoo, girl, break the windows,” Kai cheers as he sits down by her feet, chewing his gum.  

“Go jump off of a cliff, Kim Jongin,” Haerin flings her jacket at his face and pulls down her hair, letting it tumble down her back and flutter wildly in the wind to reflect her vexation. She paces back and forth, pulling out every single curse word she knew while Kai watches her, knowing that anything he says won’t be able to help her feel any better.  He sets her jacket on his face as he lies down with his hands behind his head.  

“Let it all out,” He chuckles.

“Only two days ago did my boyfriend meet his first love after years passed and decided to break up with me,” Haerin starts, making explaining gestures with her hands as she speaks to herself.  “And the next day, I have a great day with the oh-so-nice Kim Jongin- thank you, Jongin,” At the mention of his name, Jongin lifts a thumb up at her, which goes by completely unnoticed by the girl that’s going berserk.  “And you’d think things are going to get much brighter and happier and full of sunshine and butterflies for me in the future but, ooooh noooo!” She wails.  “ing Nara decides to ing ruin my life further by ing transferring into the ing school I go to,” She finally decides to sit beside Kai.  “I don’t even know why I’m so damned sensitive, am I having my PMS?” Haerin checks her watch for the date and then rips her jacket away from Kai’s face, making his eyes squint at the sudden light.  “Do you think she’s doing it on purpose? To make my life a living hell?”

He cracks an eye open at her and shrugs.  “Who knows,” And then he hisses in pain when Haerin slaps his stomach in frustration.  “I don’t know!”

“I don’t hate her, she’s not the main issue here,” Haerin frowns at herself.  “I mean, she kind of is; she’s the one who caused me and Kyungsoo to break up, after all, but, you know, that isn’t exactly it, you get me?”

Kai shakes his head and she makes a face at him in response.

“It’s just, ugh,” She lies down beside him.  “I have to spend every single day at school having the fact that I just got dumped by my boyfriend because he’s still stuck on his first love - who’s not even nice! - rubbed on my face.  It’s going to get really vexing,”

She really did wonder if her life could get any worse.  It was too much of a roller coaster ride; she thinks she’s going to throw up any time soon.  One day, she was devastated with her breakup.  The next, she was exhilarated and hopeful with Kai’s company.  And in the blink of an eye, she tumbles downhill again the moment she sees Nara introducing herself in front of the class, just this morning, as a member of her class.  That wasn’t all.  She had to be the one who had to show her what’s where and which is which.  What kind of messed up fate is that? And Nara didn’t even pay attention to what she was saying! She could have at least faked it, but heck, she was busy checking her nails and flirting with every single guy they passed.  She had thought that Nara might at least be nice, despite her - ahem, sleeping around - but, why did she have to be so annoying? To all of Haerin’s depression and stress; it’s like a cherry on top.

Haerin groans.  “Whatever,” She shuts her eyes.  “Whatever.  It’s gonna pass, it totally is.  It’s going to pass, so calm the hell down, Son Haerin.  It’s not her fault that Kyungsoo’s so in love with her.  It really isn’t her fault.  You do not hate her.  You’re just being sensitive.  Now cut it out, and be nice, because people treat you the way you treat them.  She’ll be nice if you’re nice,”

Kai turns his head to look at the girl lying down beside him and laughs quietly.  

“What are you laughing at?” She snaps.

“It’s funny, seeing you get all worked up about the most random things and then calm yourself down,”

Haerin groans in frustration.  “I know, it’s not her fault.  I’m just being sensitive, as I said.  I’ll be nice.  I promise to only flip my in front of you, from now on and in the coming future,”

“I didn’t ask for that!” Kai whines.  “I’m going to die soon,” He mutters loud enough for Haerin to hear.

“Yeah, you should start applying for insurance, just in case I decide to throw something at you,” Laughing, Kai nudges Haerin’s foot playfully.  “Hey, instead of laughing at me, can’t you possibly do something that would cheer me up? Isn’t it kind of your job?” She nudges back.


The younger boy sits up and looks up to the sky in thought.  He faces Haerin when an idea pops into his head.  “You can sing a song,”

Haerin gives him a what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about look.  “I said you do something, not I do something to cheer me up by myself,”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” Kai laughs lightheartedly and continues.  “I meant, you can sing a song, and then I’ll dance to it to cheer you up,” He grins.  “We don’t have our phones or iPod’s with us right now, so you’re the closest to music I can get,”

“You can dance?” Haerin sits up as well and tilts her head in interest.

Kai shrugs.  “I just can,” He scratches the back of his head.  “B-but I’m not that good, you know, I mean, I guess it’ll be good enough to cheer you up,”

“Oooh, someone’s full of surprises,” Haerin grins, dismissing his lack of confidence.  “I’m sure you’ll do fine.  I’m gonna sing Ne-Yo’s So Sick, just because it perfectly describes my feelings, do you know that song?”

Kai stands up and stretches, rolling his shoulders casually.  “I do,”

“Well, then here I go,”


As the words and the melody rolled off of Haerin’s lips, it was as if Kai rolled along with it.  His movements were so fluid, flawless, effortless.  He was so free and yet there was this restriction in his dancing that just kept him from being all over the place.  It was clean and polished.  Haerin immerses herself in Kai’s movements.  If Kyungsoo could enamour her through his voice, then Kai did so through his dancing.  She would find herself smiling every time he manages to make eye contact with her, amidst all the dance moves coursing through his limbs.  He would return the smile with a grin, as if he was the one being cheered up.  Kai laughs when she changes some of the lyrics to fit her own experience, but the laughter didn’t distract him from all his dancing.  It just made him look better; under the sun, dark hair shining, face transformed into an enraptured mask.  But that guilt keeps tugging at the back of her mind; how she would compare Kai’s moves with Kyungsoo’s voice, how she hoped that he would be singing along with her in no time, only to find out that he’s not even there.  She’s really getting tired of thinking of him, but he pops into her head every time she expects him not to.  As much as she doesn’t want to, it’s only normal for her to get depressed for a few days or so.  Three days tops, Haerin thinks to herself.  No more.  Tomorrow’s the last.


Kai finishes as she ends the song and she claps delightedly when he takes an exaggerated bow.  “Jongin-ah, look at me,” She grins when he sits beside her, his chest heaving after the exertion.  When he turns to look at her, Haerin holds his gaze.  “You were amazing.  It was mind blowing,” Haerin reaches out to push the hair away from his eyes, chuckling when he gives her a childlike grin, so obviously proud to have showed someone else his talents and was satisfied with getting praised.  “But I have a question,” She hugs her knees to her chest and rests her cheeks on top of them, so that her head was turned to look at Kai.

“Shoot away,” His grin comes out as a grimace as he pants.

“I don’t know how I noticed, but you keep on underestimating yourself.  Back at the shooting range, when you said you weren’t good at it, and then during Cheering Up Haerin Day about doing bad in cheering me up, and just now, before you started dancing in front of me,” Haerin states.  “Why’s that?”

Haerin didn’t miss the look of surprise he showed at her words before he quickly drops his back onto the floor with a grunt, lying down and covering his eyes with his arms.  “I’m not underestimating myself.  I’m really not that good,” He says lightly.

“You’re a bad liar,” Haerin tugs at the hem of his uniform shirt.

“Look who’s talking,”


“When you got drunk and I called you, you lied and told me you wanted to be left alone,” Kai chortles.  “In my opinion, you totally needed company,”

“Oh, shut up,” Haerin rolls her eyes.  “That was- that didn’t count! I was drunk!”

“Yeah, right,”

“I am a very good liar,”

“Uh-huh,” Kai gets up and flicks her forehead.  “Right,”

Rubbing the spot where he flicked her, Haerin takes his hand as he helps her up and walks down the stairs of the rooftop with him.  “I’m going to let that first question pass.  But in exchange, I have another one,”


“If I told you that the way you dance somehow reminds me of Kyungsoo, would you stop dancing in front of me?”


Kai’s answer didn’t miss even the slightest beat.  “Nah.  I’d dance all the time until you forget about him and think about only me,”









but next up

is a bit of Nara and Kyungsoo




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Chapter 57: Still hate the kevin dude. What is he even doing barging into someone's life like that. Poor kyungsoo.
Chapter 53: Soooo cute ,___, have to finish this story soon.
Chapter 56: NO NARA YOU DON'T HAVE TO COME TO THAT JERK! Ugh. Who is this kevin anw?!
You could have just told haerin or kyungsoo huhu
Chapter 55: tHESE FEELS hOLY
loves you down, aye -
winniebear #5
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 55: please update!!!im dying out of boredom.this is gotta help me!!!
Chapter 55: Jongin and haerin are still unofficial right? They are all so sweet! <3