Chapter 12

We meet again

Yifan jumped from roof to roof to the Exo headquarters. He was running with full speed not stopping for anything. When the school came into view he jumped down from the roof and started running from there. He then sensed three familiar aura's. Yifan looked up to see the maknaes running towards the school. The boy smirked and ran faster to catch up with them but slowed down when he notice the shift in Tao's aura. Before it was pure white which presented innocence but now there is something else combining with it but he couldn't figure it out. He then realised what it was but shook his head to focus on getting to the school. Once they all made it into the school Yifan went to Kris straight away. He needed to speak to the leader and tell him his discovery. Kris was usually in his private room so he headed there. Once he got there he saw Chanyeol with a worried expression. He ignored the fire user and spoke to kris.

"Kris, I'm back." He started.

"I thought Big Bang got rid of you?" Kris groaned.

"And you should know that we need to be together for me to disappear. right? Anyway I found something interesting and also a new discovery about Tao." Yifan explained.

Chanyeol instantly looked up and was now interested in the conversation. He was worried ever since Tao left with the troublemakers. Even Chen was worried but his mother wanted him to come home so Chanyeol thought it was lucky that he wasn't here.

"What did you find?" Kris asked.

"Vixx attacked the maknaes not too long ago." He started his explanation.

"WHAT?! WE GOTTA HEL-" Chanyeol was then cut off instantly.

"Easy, hothead. They're safe. They are in the lounge safe and sound."

Kris and Chanyeol sighed in relief then motioned for Yifan to continue.

"The fight was stopped short by someone we know very well. The Dragon 4 are alive." He explained.

"What? That's impossible...They died in that explosion. They're dead." Chanyeol stated with a serious face.

Yifan looked at the two boys with a serious look and sighed. He knew they weren't going to believe him. It was true that every gang saw the Dragon 4 die in a serious explosion. It was during the first gang war, the Dragon 4 attacked them so suddenly, they killed many precious friends but thanks to the Chanyeol and Kibum they trapped in the building and made it destroy them. Kibum's illusion ability was the most useful technique since it tricked the Dragon 4 into believing they were gathered in one spot then Chanyeol finished it with his ultimate technique. Since Yifan was a part of Kris he could see all the memories of the Dragon 4. He was impressed by their act but he thought they were stupid for not checking if they were really dead.

"I'm telling the truth. Mengyao was the one who stopped the fight. It confirms they are alive and now he's recruiting all of the dark gangs. He wants to kill Tao."

"But Tao doesn't have powers, he's just..." Chanyeol trailed off after he remembered the conversation they had earlier about Tao also having powers but it has not yet awaken. He got from his seat and walked towards the window and took a deep breath. He was too confused about everything. So many things were happening to fast. Yifan looked at the phoenix and sighed, then continued to speak, "They are having a meeting tonight at the forbidden lake. We should inform Big Bang, they have way more experience on infiltrating a warehouse. Besides they also have a teleporter." Kris nodded and went to inform Big bang about their discovery. Meanwhile Yifan asked Chanyeol a question that made the boy confused, "Hey, did Tao ever have siblings?" Chanyeol looked at him with a confused expression then answered, "No, he was always a only child, why?"

"Nevermind about it. Just wanted to ask." Yifan got up from his seat and left the confused Chanyeol. When he was out of sight he then whispered, "If Tao didn't have siblings then why did his aura feel like Mengyao's?"


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luv3rsub #1
Chapter 15: WAIT I DON'T GET IT is he dead or not????
Chapter 15: Seriously!??? He's dead?? But, why....??
SilverSapphire34523 #3
Chapter 15: Wat now if he's dead? How's is he alive? Maybe he's being controlled by a bad guy
Chapter 15: Wha!? I mean how???? Can't wait for the next chapter~~
SilverSapphire34523 #5
Chapter 14: I want more!
Chapter 14: Holy SHIZZ- I am scared less right now tbh
colorful_pandas #7
Chapter 13: Please update soon!!<33 I really love this story <3
oddalls #8
Such an interesting concept! <3
Chapter 13: Please update soon. Also it would be awesome if in the end Tao saved everyone's