Chapter 9 - What Do Dreams Depict?

A Complicated Regard

Taehyung walked down the school hallway in search of a particular red haired boy. The corridors were swarming with new students from different schools. ‘Clueless freshmen’ was the term Yoongi hyung used to label them.

The said orange haired boy continued his endless scanning, with every step becoming a little more frantic and desperate. He couldn’t find the desired person anywhere.

About ten minutes passed and he was almost drowning in the murmurings and noises of the surrounding students. This was turning out to be a nightmare. He had never felt so constricted and claustrophobic in his life. And to top it off, everything was so hot and crowded and…

“Taehyung?” an all too familiar voice called out from the back. It was soft and a little husky. The voice seemed light and curious though laced with honey sweet anxiety.

The orange haired male turned and saw what he thought was magnificence. His dark brown eyes met the lighter shaded orbs of his dongsaeng and he let out a sigh of relief.

“Jungkook-ah,” he heaved a sigh. “I thought I had lost you.” His eyes then wavered, inspecting the bunny toothed male In front of him. Jungkook was wearing the same blue blazer and black trousers that Taehyung as wearing. His slim dark colored neck tie hung perfectly down his chest and the uniform hugged the younger’s body snugly.

Jungkook chuckled softly. “What were you talking about? I was right beside you,” he replied and pocketed his hands. Taehyung was a little surprised. “Really?” Because he wasn’t there when he first began to search for him.

Jungkook nodded and stride up to the elder slowly. “Really,” he replied and stood right in front of the well defined and structured deep voice late teenager.

Staring deep into each other’s eyes, the two remained silent for a while, not caring about the sea of students swarming around them. “So,” Jungkook said with a warm and anticipating smile. Taehyung returned a similar smile. “So,” he extended the word a little longer.

“I’m finally in the same school as you,” Jungkook said in a light tone. Taehyung laughed. “I noticed,” he replied and quickly added, “You look really good in the uniform.”

Jungkook scoffed in amusement. “I cheat the Grim Reaper and come back from the dead to be together with you and that’s all you have to say? ‘I look good in the uniform’?” he asked.

Taehyung bit his lower lip nervously. But he still had a teasing smile on those pink lips of his. Jungkook continued to complain about the greeting. “Seriously the worst way to greet your lover ever… I wonder why I even fell for you in…”

“I love you,” Taehyung interrupted. That definitely stopped Jungkook’s ranting. “And you don’t know how happy I am to see you here.”

Jungkook chuckled. “That’s more like it,” he said and pulled the elder in for a hug, at the same time taking in the pleasingly addictive scent of the orange haired boy.

“Thank you for fighting, Kookie-ah,” Taehyung whispered and cuddled even deeper into the hug. “Thank you for choosing to stay with me.”

“I’d do it in a heartbeat, Taehyung hyung,” he whispered back.



Taehyung awoke with a heavy heart. Lately, he’s been feeling nothing but incomplete and slightly lonely all the time.

 “A dream,” he whispered and felt the slow pace of his heart. That was what it was. That whole scene of Jungkook being in the same school as him, wearing the same uniform as him, being his lover, hugging him- that was all just a dream. He then sat up and looked down; below his bed where a certain ghost was supposed to be sleeping. But the place was empty.


“A Dream is the mind’s way of creating an alternate universe in attempt to escape a reality filled with unhappiness and pain”

Taehyung recalled the paragraph from his literature text.


“Jungkook?” he called out suddenly, more out of habit. “Where are you?”


A sudden cold chill ran down his spine. But this chill was familiar and the irony was that the cold chill made him feel warm to the core.

“Sorry. I was waiting for the sun to rise. Did you want something?” Jungkook said curiously. His wide eyes looked at Taehyung inquiringly, waiting for an answer. Taehyung shook his head and his heart calmed down even by a little. “No. You were gone so I was just concerned,” the older replied childishly.

Jungkook didn’t smile. He simply nodded absently and sat down on the edge of the bed, beside Taehyung.

Taehyung wished he felt his bed dip even a little when Jungkook tried to sit on his bed. But he didn’t. All he felt was the cold that was radiating endlessly from the ghost’s body. However, that was all that he needed currently. He was satisfied with it because despite the ironical setting, he felt warm.

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung apologized softly, turning towards the cold wall, away from the ghost. “Why do you keep apologizing, hyung? It was my fault for appearing at the wrong time,” Jungkook said turning towards the ball of blanket on the bed. It was just amazing how their wavelengths just clicked and they magically knew what the other was talking about at any time of the day.

Taehyung nodded weakly but his mind whirred with sentences he knew he could never say aloud. I’m sorry for letting you see that. I’m sorry for being alive. I’m sorry for being a coward.

Meanwhile, Jungkook had thoughts of his own too. I’m sorry for being a nuisance. I’m sorry for being such a coward. But most of all, I’m sorry for being dead.







The stars were brighter than usual that night. A perfect night for a date with the perfect guy, Namjoon smiled into his thoughts and turned to his right where Jin sat, looking up at the starlit sky.

“And there,” Jin said, “lies the Proxima Centauri. One of the nearest stars to earth. It’s actually a red dwarf but it appears so bright because of its distance. If my memory serves right, it’s about 4 light years away. Did you know that ‘Proxima’ in Latin means…”

Jin turned to his silent date and noticed that he was staring. “Sorry,” he smiled, “I’m boring you, aren’t I?”

“No,” Namjoon joked. “Continue to bore me, please.”

Jin covered his mouth like a princess should when they laughed and hid his blush behind his perfectly slim fingers; not that he needed to because the night was dark and Namjoon couldn’t see his boyfriend  blushing.

“You’re so cute,” Namjoon blurted out but regretted nothing. After all, it was the absolute truth.

Jin blushed harder. “Stop being silly. I’m a guy. Guys aren’t supposed to be cute,” he said, still covering parts of his face with his hand.

Namjoon chuckled at the adorable display. He knew that even though his vision wasn’t very good at the moment, his boyfriend was blushing terribly.

“Jin hyung,” he said in a more serious tone. His hand reached Jin’s and he slowly peeled it off of Jin’s pretty face. He leaned in and gave the elder a slow and satisfying kiss, one that involved no desperation; just plain sugar dusted sweetness and honey layered contentedness.

Jin closed his eyes as a reflex and smiled into the sweet kiss. “I think I’m in love with you,” Namjoon said cheesily. Jin now let out a soft laugh. “That was my intention from the start, you know? To make you fall in love with me,” Jin answered, his cheekiness increasing by the second.



Namjoon gasped in suddenly, waking his from his deep slumber. His hair was messy and the white shirt he was wearing was pulled up near his stomach revealing the squirming worm he was when he slept. His half wakened brain, however recalled the full details of the delightful dream he had just encountered.


“I so need to take him out on a star gazing date,” Namjoon reminded himself and yawned lazily. It was only two in the morning. He still had a few hours before going to school and seeing his boyfriend.








Yoongi didn’t remember sleeping with someone the previous night. But when he woke up, he felt empty and cold because the bed beside him was vacant. Judging from the creases of the bed sheets he figured that someone slept beside him in his bed. He then noticed that he was wearing just a light colored v-neck shirt and a pair of black boxers. Oh, I actually slept with the person, he thought and pushed away the covers.

The room was totally different from his. But he didn’t feel that sense of unfamiliarity from it and being it seemed to just fit.

“Did he leave already?” he asked himself and sat up. He rubbed his eyes lazily and stretched, accompanying his exercise with a loud yawn.

“Yoongi hyung?” he heard a small voice from what seemed like the kitchen. “Are you awake? Come help me with breakfast,” the voice said. And it was freaky because Yoongi thought he recognized the voice. And it didn’t belong to any of his ex lovers.

 Yoongi slipped on a pair of loose jeans over his boxers and made his way to the kitchen.

The door creaked and Yoongi peeked at the person who was humming a tune which sounded melodiously heavenly. Accompanied by the sizzling of frying eggs, the voice seemed so welcoming; so home-ly.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” the person preparing breakfast said. And it shocked Yoongi to find out that it was none other than Jimin. “Jimin?” Yoongi called out in confusion. What the hell was he doing here?

Jimin was wearing a white shirt that was a size too big for him. He, like Yoongi, wore only boxers from waist down but the t-shirt covered most of it making it look like he was wearing a skirt. His perfectly toned legs were provoking Yoongi so much that Yoongi only gaped at them with an open mouth before inspecting the rest of his body.

His lips, Yoongi noticed, looked swollen and well, kissed. And at the base of his neck, the shirt being a little loose, revealed what seemed to be a lover’s mark. Did I do that? Yoongi thought and walked up to the table.

“Are you just gonna stare and not help, Min Yoongi?” Jimin snapped at the gaping male.

Yup, the way his name was said was definitely unmistakable. This was really truthfully and honestly Park Jimin right in front of him.

“Sorry,” Yoongi apologized amidst the confusion and took the plates that Jimin handed him. He set up the table even though he had no idea what was going on and finally sat down on a chair. Jimin’s humming continued again along with the final sizzling of frying eggs and bacon strips. And it was making Yoongi a little weak in the knees coz damn, it sounded both y and cute.


“So,” Jimin said and poured out a glass of orange juice. “Last night was amazing, didn’t you think so?” he had that adorable eye smile making Yoongi feel a little guilty as he had no recollection of ‘last night’. But his mouth seemed to have a brain of its own as it spoke with a guilty tone. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Jimin replied as he put down the glass in front of Yoongi, “No. You didn’t. You were really gentle.” A surge of relief passed through Yoongi’s body. He then felt the younger bend down and kiss his right cheek. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it, ‘kay sweetie?”

Gosh, why did the word ‘sweetie’ sound a thousand times ier coming from Jimin’s puffy and totally kissable lips?

Yoongi turned and tried to give Jimin a quick kiss on the lips. But what intended to be a quick peck turned out to be a little longer and more satisfying that the elder had imagined.

“You are so in love with me aren’t you?” Jimin smiled after moving back just a little. And like a love struck teenager who had just had her first kiss from the boy of her dreams, Yoongi nodded miserably, if not a little pathetically.

The younger just giggled, teasing the elder even more. “I love you too, hyung,” he whispered back, letting their foreheads touch.





Yoongi shot awake from his bed and positioned himself for a shoot out from the police or something. But realizing that it was just his stupid alarm clock, he groaned and fell back on his bed after switching off the alarm.

Did I just dream of Park Jimin kissing me? His mind however raced like a bullet even though his body was on its way back to dreamland. He wanted to deny it but the dream was a little too fresh and vivid in his mind to even try to be forgotten or ignored.

“Damn it!” he groaned into his pillow and tossed and turned in his bed. Because he thinks he is starting to like the boy he dreamt of, the boy next door – Park Jimin.





Hoseok wasn’t one to linger on his dreams. Because dreams are the creations of our sub conscious minds based on baseless imaginations, he knew. But the particular dream that he dreamt of last night gave him a cold feeling; scared him, and honestly, frightened him.

The black haired ball of cheers looked into the mirror after splashing his face with cold water. The water dripped down slowly from his face but Hoseok didn’t wipe it off. Instead, he continued to stare into his own eyes in the mirror.


“Hyung, I’m not in love with you.”

Taehyung’s voice went on and on in his head like an audio on loop. And for a second there, Hoseok almost believed that Taehyung was right there beside him, really saying it with that guilty but somewhat contented look on his face.

He shook his head and clutched the edges of the white cold sink. “It’s just a dream,” he consoled himself and took a deep breath. It was just a dream. It had to be.






“Jungkook,” Taehyung called out as he tried to make the perfect neck tie. Jungkook stopped staring out from the window and his gaze fell on the orange haired boy who was busy trying to put on his uniform. “What is it hyung?” he asked softly with a smile on his lips.

Taehyung smiled back. He wouldn’t bother denying anymore that the ghost’s smile made him feel tingly and warm. “Nothing,” he replied and went back to struggling with that piece of dark blue cloth.

“Here let me,” he heard Jungkook say and before Taehyung could say anything, Jungkook held out his hand to hold the two ends of the tie only to result in his semi transparent fingers passing through the cloth as if it were nothing. A moment of awkward and somewhat sad silence followed.


Jungkook didn’t look up to face Taehyung. He just stood there, in front of the taller lad, staring at his now motionless hands held up before Taehyung’s chest. His lips were parted open in sudden realization and Taehyung noticed that they were trembling a little.


“Jungkook,” Taehyung called out almost in a whisper. “Don’t worry about it,” he said and caught the shorter boy’s cold hands. Even then, Jungkook refused to look up.

Then Taehyung smiled after which he pulled Jungkook into a warm bear hug.


Immediately, Jungkook’s clothes changed into Taehyung’s school uniform. And Taehyung had to admit that he looked damn near perfect.

“What do you say you come with me to school today?” he asked and hid the pain that was caused due to the ‘mistake’ a few seconds ago. Jungkook finally looked up. His eyes regained that gleam that Taehyung had noticed from the start and the trembling lips vanished into a small smile.

“Can I really?” the red haired asked anxiously, apparently forgetting the incident a few seconds back.


Taehyung nodded sweetly. “But you have to stay with me at all times.” Jungkook returned the nod.




The orange haired high schooler strode down the stairs with the now excited ghost beside him. “Wait outside, I’ll just be a second,” he said and Jungkook immediately disappeared after a bright grin. Taehyung chuckled a little and walked into the kitchen where his mom was talking to Aejin.

“Taetae,” his mom said when he walked in. “You’re early today.”

“Omo, did you wake up on the wrong side of bed?” Aejin teased and Taehyung just rolled his eyes out of habit. “Oh. Taehyung,” his mom interrupted. “Did you hear of that accident?”

Taehyung stopped stuffing the toast into his mouth and let out a muffled “Whot ackshident?”

Aejin tsked at the lack of manners her brother had and announced. “Apparently a bus lost its brakes and crashed into another vehicle. Many died. And so many were injured.”

“When did this occur?” Taehyung asked, his curiosity piquing now. “A few months back,” Aejin replied. All the enthusiasm dropped down in a flash.

“And I thought it was fresh news,” Taehyung said in an unimpressed tone, on his way out of the kitchen. Aejin shouted back, “You’re a douche, Taehyung. I was just informing you of social affairs!” Taehyung shouted back an “I don’t care” and shut the door behind him.



“You ready?” he asked the ghost who was patiently waiting in front of his porch.

Jungkoook nodded.



Another Update... ^_^

I apologize if there's any mistakes. My proof reader doesn't even come online anymore... T^T (Not that she was of any help from the start)

Anyway, feel free to comment and upvote (maybe)... Also, I really need inspiration on where this story will lead to. Feel free to give pointers.


Oh, before I forget. I'm working on a new fic so this one's update will take some time. Thus, advance apologies if this one's slow updates are getting on your nerves... kekeke

(Also, BTS jap PV of Boy In Luv killed me, I tell you)

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oh my lo... I... wow. This got featured. And I found out only today ^_^" This is late but thank you guys so much for everything...


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Chapter 21: love how the story turned out. love how you wrote the story. love the ending, love the characters, basically LOVE EVERYTHING♡♡
thank you for writing such a nice story for us, author-nim.
♡♡ V KOOK ♡♡
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #2
Chapter 22: :,) I love this fanfic so much faaaaaaaaaaam <3
Chapter 22: I'M CRYING WATERFALLS OF TEARS. The ending broke my heart but mended it at the same time. I want to hug the day out of you for making such ending, but also punch something very hard. It's crazy!
I find this story exceptionally beautiful. Every chapter made me go insane and I enjoyed every second of it. This is seriously great story, I'm glad I was able to experience such journey with Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Sangwon. Thank you. Thank you do much TT
Chapter 21: Oh look. I'm choking on my misery. How unusual of me to get such a reaction after reading any chapter of yours mentioning taekook! How nice! Haha
I feel emotional fatigue right now. This story has such an effect on me.
And I love it so much.
Chapter 20: Aww, what a lovely chapter! It almost made me forget about taekook's tragedy ^_^ Hoseok and Yano are like two small kids haha And it's very cute! Maybe if they were to fall for each other earlier, it would save Hoseok from being heartbroken. But maybe Hoseok had to experience it? Fate planned for Hoseok such road? Who knows~
Chapter 19: And I love them! So so much *_* Yoonmin was my first ship in BTS - I'm the longest with them and so I have the biggest sentiment for them. And I want only happiness for them. So: thank you. Thank you so so much for the fluff T^T
Chapter 18: Is this the same story? Jin and Namjoon's relationship seems to be happening in a super different world. And yet, they're just next to Taehyung and Jungkook's tragedy. Woah. The realisation made me speechless...
Chapter 17: I should have prepared some tissues in advance... What this fanfiction is doing with meh ;; But now, I'm full of hope. Everything can happen now. Jungkook can either die, or get healed. I hope that everything will be alright will him in the end. I hope that since 16 chapters tho XD And I won't stop!
Chapter 16: Namjoon makes my heart melt. He's just so obliviously adorable it's amazing. But I'm glad he asked Jin out. They look like such a perfect couple, don't they? <3
Thank you. Thank you author for letting Jimin act impulsive. Thank you Jimin for admitting your feelings. Thank you Yoongi for not pushing Chimchim away. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all TT
It's so good that Hoseok is feeling much better. It's mostly Yano's work, and God bless him for being the best friend of Hobi ever!
And please forgive me skipping vkook, but they still make me want to sob. :(((
Chapter 15: The happiness wasn't enough T^T I am crying and sobbing so much right now
I'M DYINGGGG Kookie died in a bus accident? And Tae was almost a part of it? My heart broke so much when Kookie noticed Tae, and then went into the bus. And few minutes later, he died. My, my hearteu is, oh my Gosh.
Now, I'm back with being scared of reading next chapters T^T